Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Fall of America

Science and technology have so empowered those who are attracted to vile uses of power that nearly every institution of significant influence now has its strings pulled by an international, inter-respecting web of conniving wolves, soothing sheep to believe wolves know best. This will continue until a higher field of consciousness becomes more directly apprehended by every receptive, particular perspective. At that time, the strings of false consciousness will be cut, and the truth will set free every mind that is intuitive and receptive of God.

Until then, many will be tricked into submission to false elites, interpreters, interceders, and messengers. However, the only true modern messenger is the one who sends messages directly (intuitively) to the core of your experience of consciousness. Would be interceders -- who refuse to respect your essential freedom, dignity, empathy, and intuition, who assert superiority over your own essential core of consciousness -- are dupes or partners of those who drool to corral and collectivize you.

The true libertarian finds his worth and liberty not as if he were his own God, but as a limited but purposeful perspective of God. To the extent one lacks empathy for the field which completes him, one remains susceptible to purposeless circles. We will only continue to fail to set things along a path of rightness so long as we remain oblivious to the nature of our enemy and to the battle against submission of mind to the control of every interloping interceder.

If we are not to be easily herded and corralled, we must de-couple from those whose stock in trade is in false trust and grand lies. Because we are imperfect, good and evil are in all. The task is to divide the evil from the good, i.e., to learn from feedback in order to go forward to divide the bad experiences and information from the good. The task is to foster contextual applications and decent interpretations of sacred texts, so as to allow us to appreciate God as being worth appreciating. While it is not for us to judge God, it surely IS for us to judge interpretations and concepts about God. The alternative is to submit one’s free will to the manipulation and authority of wolves that, by nature, are corrupted by power. In short: have faith, verify good will, and limit immigrants carefully.


Anonymous said...

From A.T. --
Re: "So what's the kicker for these on-air personalities? Cash? What is it?"
It's Artificial Selection.
The people who own media leverage it to enhance overall profits and power. It does not matter whether the media make profits or power, so long as they grease profits and power elsewhere, as in Congress. Primarily, the on air personalities (Eloi) are not hired (by Morlochs) or trotted to center stage unless they intuit and sell out to the desired message. Secondarily, they are selected if they can attract young, callow, easily corrupted viewers. It's Brave New World meets The Time Machine inside Plato's Cave: We are programmed to think we want the only things that we will be offered.

Anonymous said...

I think it's more a Progressive problem than a Democrat problem. Progressives are both Republicans and Democrats. The agenda of ruling Progressives is to rule. Nearly every modern movement seems to be about flat management by topmost elites. This means that everyone who is not at the top level tends more and more to be treated as a cog, not worthy of individual respect except in terms of lip service and diversionary bread and circuses (periodic elections). Top managers provide illusionary honors, such as parking places for employees of the month. They don't have time or inclination to reward individual merit apart from superficial observations. Initiative, creativity, and energy go unrewarded. What allows you to keep your job or, rarely, to jump to the top are superficial motions (brownnosing). Progressives don't want to release the energy of a vibrant, creative America. They want a downsized, well regulated America, i.e., Americans of all colors and creeds on the Plantation. Progressives are the problem. John Galt would say to them, "Get out of my way!"

Anonymous said...

@NicholasK, "To be precise: nearly all Democrats are Progressives, while a handful of Republicans are progressive."

Well, follow the money. As soon as power switches to Republicans in the House, the monied interests of "Progressives" (billionaires seeking fiefdoms) will switch. (Maybe call this the Heisenberg principle of uncertain political economics, whereby the act of getting elected suddenly changes one's political values. IOW, the very act of electing changes that which is elected.)

IAE, the influence and temptation from political pull-trading will be overpowering. Against this, we will need all the help we can get to stiffen spines of ordinary middle class folk with decent, sustainable values. As things stand, there appears to be little in philosophy, theology, or civic values that are up to the task of stiffening the middle class to beat back the steady effeminate b.s. that is blared at our kids, students, and general populace by prevailing media. That needs to be attended to.

Until then, in these days, each will continue, so far as he is able, to do as he pleases, which may lead all semblance of America to fall. It's not just the values of Blacks that are putting them on the Plantation. The values of the entire middle class may, in short order, carry us all there. We need a way to stiffen the values of Conservers of Liberty so that they will Actually be applied.