In a way, slavey is the freedom to be indifferent; the freedom not to care to make choices for oneself. If an absurdist-existentialist were seriously principled, why should he care to teach his comprehension of existential absurdity to anyone else? How much should he authentically care about how little he cares? If consciousness is a fundament of reality, and if consciousness has no choice but to choose to care, then does that not implicate a fundamental, forced, spiritual choice about the quality of faith that one should adopt or not adopt in order to guide, justify, or rationalize one's life in a meaningful, principled way? If consciousness is assumed to be demonstrably and merely impotent, acausal, absurd, epiphenomenal byproduct of that which is measurably Quantifiable as the Substance of Physics, then why does that which collapses fields into particles depend for its determination on local expressions of immeasurable qualities of Consciousness?
If indifferent physics is all that exists, then how can such physics consistently be considered as being accompanied with a "rule of survival of the niche-fittest to replicate," given that any judgment about the "fittest" is a mere after-the-fact-labeling for a result, rather than a describing of any physical, causal agent in itself? That is --- unless the singular big-bang source of all fields and particles of physics is considered to be "the real causal agent," having pre-packaged and pre-designed all that unfolds. In that case, however, "survival of the fittest" is not itself the mechanism, but only a description of an illusion that derives from the mechanism, i,e, the originating big bang. In that case, the randomness of quantum physics is also illusory, even though it's predetermination can only be inferred, on faith, and not proven.
TEST OF INTRINSIC MORAL WORTH VERSUS ENHANCEMENT OF MORAL WILL: It may be that this life is not a "test," but it does seem to be guided by an interfunctioning of purpose-driven consciousness. If so, whatever is guiding our physical unfoldment and evolution seems also, based on feedback process, to be guiding the evolution for how information and knowledge are organized for acquiring potentiality. Perhaps, that organization of knowledge continues to inure to the capacity of whatever forms are availed for perspectives of consciousness to continue to identify and bond with each succeeding hereafter.
So long as consciousness abides, the differentiality of our perspectives of IT may be more illusory than real, and the physics we presume to measure may be mere significations of feedback or afterglow of Something that is more qualitatively spiritual and less quantifiably measurable than we often apprehend. In other words, we may be the expressions of an Origin that melded the informationally Indifferent with the purposefully Caring. In that case, our humanity depends on our respect for, and preservation of, freedom to care.
If indifferent physics is all that exists, then how can such physics consistently be considered as being accompanied with a "rule of survival of the niche-fittest to replicate," given that any judgment about the "fittest" is a mere after-the-fact-labeling for a result, rather than a describing of any physical, causal agent in itself? That is --- unless the singular big-bang source of all fields and particles of physics is considered to be "the real causal agent," having pre-packaged and pre-designed all that unfolds. In that case, however, "survival of the fittest" is not itself the mechanism, but only a description of an illusion that derives from the mechanism, i,e, the originating big bang. In that case, the randomness of quantum physics is also illusory, even though it's predetermination can only be inferred, on faith, and not proven.
TEST OF INTRINSIC MORAL WORTH VERSUS ENHANCEMENT OF MORAL WILL: It may be that this life is not a "test," but it does seem to be guided by an interfunctioning of purpose-driven consciousness. If so, whatever is guiding our physical unfoldment and evolution seems also, based on feedback process, to be guiding the evolution for how information and knowledge are organized for acquiring potentiality. Perhaps, that organization of knowledge continues to inure to the capacity of whatever forms are availed for perspectives of consciousness to continue to identify and bond with each succeeding hereafter.
So long as consciousness abides, the differentiality of our perspectives of IT may be more illusory than real, and the physics we presume to measure may be mere significations of feedback or afterglow of Something that is more qualitatively spiritual and less quantifiably measurable than we often apprehend. In other words, we may be the expressions of an Origin that melded the informationally Indifferent with the purposefully Caring. In that case, our humanity depends on our respect for, and preservation of, freedom to care.