Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Masks of Neutrinos, East and West

POLAR ORIENTATIONS:  Although Individualists versus Collectivists will intersect along weaving and often confused paths, the goals of their adherents will tend to be fundamentally polar. One group (Western Civilization?) will seek to enhance an individually-examined life of conscious awarenss. The other group (Eastern Civilization?) will seek to enhance a mind-numbed (indoctrination with simplistic and literalistic religious or secular dogma), pleasured (gluttonous), or oblivious (mind drugged) life that is largely removed from awareness of self as a moral and responsible entity apart from the collective. Western Thinkers seek to facilitate rewards for individual initiative and merit. Eastern Feelers seek to redistribute spoils among then prevailing collectives (which may be based on shared race, shared superstitions, or professional courtesy among prevailing parasites and predators of convenience). The West respects an ethos or spirituality based on empathy (let the children come); the East forces an ethos based on hierarchical institutions of power (let no children survive who do not obey and come). It does not appear that these polar ways for organizing civilization can be peacefully intermixed any more so than matter and anti-matter. Simply put, Obama and his cohorts do not mean for the Western ethos to survive.
WORLDVIEW:  Regarding the proper or "best" mode of political organization, I suspect logic, math, empiricism, and reason cannot adduce a correct answer. This is because I suspect there abides no correct-answer-in-itself. Rather, I suspect the only meaningful "answer" depends in each situation on perspective, context, and purpose. In moral and poltitical terms, I suspect one derives answers based on how one frames issues that one deems important. If one deems it important to faciliate a culture that will broadly avail flourishing of adult Freedom of Individual expression and enterprise, one will tend to reason along a path. If one deems individual freedom to be less important than Survival of a social Collective, then one will tend to reason along a different path.
MERIT VS. FATE:  Ultimately, one's world view for favoring West or East may be colored by how one thinks about merit and causation. What does "causation" mean? Are causes of quantifiable interrelations determined by: (1) Strict Determination (a preset, predetermined, first cause or bubbled up big bang); (2) Random Determination (a preset, random generator that builds on feedback in order to evolve patterns out of chaos); and/or (3) Chosen Determination (participatory feedback among perspectives of conscious will, effecting choices in respect of apprehensions and appreciations of perspective, context, and purpose). Alternatively stated, does quantifiable Substance precede or follow Consciousness, or are fluxings of Substance and Consciousness somehow coterminously dependent and synchronous?
DOWNGRADING CONSCIOUSNESS TO THINGNESS:  I suspect West and East have come to a perilous clash that correlates with a worldwide downgrading in respect for individual perspectives of consciousness. West, in know-it-all scientific hubris, degrades the moral quality of consciousness to mere byproduct of substance. East, in disrespect to science, promotes know-it-all collectivist dogma as the only path to meaningfulness. Know-it-all Elites of both East and West demote the moral value of individual perspectives of consciousness. This does not bode well for individual human beings or civilized respect for freedom.
NEUTRINOS:  Masks for neutrinos are in the news. I wonder about the mask each neutrino deigns to adopt for each context of time and place. Does whatever relates to constitute Substance, as quantifiable signification, not take on signification until a perspective of Consciousness receives it (takes its measure?) as such? Or, does whatever quantifies significations, as Conscious receiver, not take on reception until Substance is relationally quantified? Must the answer abide --- either in quantifiable Substance or in qualifiable Consciousness, but not in both? I suspect no objectively provable answer abides in either, but that participatory meaningfulness abides in how we flux to relate to either or both.  Even so, Either-Or habits of logic tend to polarize us into West and East modes of thinking and being.
EVOLUTION:   "Purposefulness" is meant to relate to contextual orientations or attitudes of empathy or lack thereof. Purposefulness may be conscious-driven or gland-driven. Conscious driven purposefulness among individuals (West) participates in evolving patterns for enhancing pursuits of self fulfillment. Gland driven purposefulness subjugates individual minds (East) to forge packs for salaciously evolving patterns of parasitism for marking, deceiving, and feeding on groups of prey. Example: Bonding packs of predatory races for training slave races to accept the inferiority of their own bonds. Attitudes of racial hegemony are examples of group competition and evolution, as opposed to individually or culturally emphasized evolution.
HOLLOWING OF SOULS:  Thus, consciousness of Mind is trained to consider self as nothing more than gland of Brain. Quality of consciousness is considered entirely reducible to Quantity of substance. Tribes are selected and trained to polarize themselves as like aligned things and to tattoo their alignments by substituting predator-pack initiations for loyalty oaths. Thus, minds become things, become collectives, become nothing more than eating transformers of substance. Individual merit, responsibility, and purposefulness are reduced to signification of nothingness beyond the mindless collective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When pushed, people promote pocketbook protecting predation over principles (i.e., Nature's law of the jungle over Spirit's law of empathy). Greed to gratify is usually the basis for racism, misogny, bigotry, peacock religiosity, and dhimmitude. Principled people focus on what's needed to establish sustainable freedom and dignity for adults. However, most people have been shaped to remain as children, simply wanting whatever's in it for them. Most people (displaying their underdeveloped spiritual lobes?) behave as racists, calling other people racists. The game gets tiresome. It's like being imprisoned and surrounded by inmates who never grew up, though they are quick to espouse the "morality" of confiscating whatever you have in order to equally liberate it among themselves. What's so just about ensuring all these non-grown ups can vote? Next, we'll have community organizers organizing toddlers to demand that they get free stuff from the government, so they no longer need be supervised by their parents. I know. Let's turn the tables and play, "Who's the (child) racist now?"