Too much concentration of wealth can lead to dissolution of the middle class that is essential to sustain a representative republic. However, the cure is not merely to disburse wealth, willy nilly, without consideration for market based worth or merit. The cure is to restore checks and balances for preserving a competitive marketplace. This is not done by cannibalizing the country, opening its borders to cheap labor, or inventing ways for top gamers to increase their hold over law makers. The problem with the Left is that it ignores root causes while throwing money about. The root cause of every ill is not simple poverty. The root cause is often a culture that empowers poverty over a striving middle class (aka acting white).
Too many, especially Leftists, tend often to resort to wish-fulfilling, contrivance-based hypotheses, based only on anecdotal, cherry-picked “evidence.” Many are disposed to pretend their rationalizations for favoring any one imagined group over any other (such as socialists or libertines over enterprisers or conservatives) are “reasonably” based in “objective,” empirical evidence. However, to “scientifically” decide whether one should favor any labeled group would necessitate rigorous scientific sampling of all categories of groups that exhaust the set whose particulars are being compared. What simplistic wealth-spreading Leftist ever makes that kind of effort? Failing scientific analysis, one may resort to mature reflection. However, to maturely judge necessitates good faith and widely-matured experience, applied against a consistent moral philosophy. Problem is, Youth tend to lack science, experience, and consistent philosophy. They tend to behave as leaves, blowing about and being blowed. Yet, in their frustration, Youth often have energy and zeal. Thus, they entertain themselves by taking dramatic stances. Hence, the plethora of Che T-shirts. What fun!
The consequence is that the nation has been turned into a foil for destruction, by unrelenting ridicule hurled by the most immature, callow, needy, corrupt, and incompetent, who have been duped to esteem themselves to know what is best and to adjudge most of their elders as something like useless eaters. Indeed, Obama’s “You didn’t build that” and “I am not the President of Black America” sound much like Nixon’s “I am not a crook.” How did we get Obama? Answer: We insanely opened the border-faucets to allow ourselves to be flooded with the most illegal, illiterate, ignorant, inexperienced, immoral, and incompetent.
Why do Leftist kids think so little of opening borders to give away booty and citizenship? Answer: Because they were given so much that they did not have to work for, so they have little appreciation of the cost, much less the value. Now, the electoral majority wants mainly to vote for a living — even as it tears down the structural and familial infrastructure that allowed the nation to be built. Ironically, the Left is really voting to put itself back onto the Plantation.
The key to moral responsibility consists in capacity to see oneself reflected in others. This kind of empathy projects a philosophy of merit, based on a work ethic. (Sorry -- collectivists, communists, cronies, and caliphs). However, apart from “I want,” there is no moral responsibility in the Left! After the crony communists and their fellow traveling crony corporatists of the Left finish cannibalizing the middle class, the system will fall, the Left will starve, and the talented among hard-working individuals will rise again — in some distant day. Until that day, a second election of Obama by a rainbow coalition of incompetents, felons, cronies and libertines will tip civilization into moral decline, past a point of no return. So, the nation that has perhaps done the most to advance human freedom and dignity is being hatefully attacked on all sides by the superficially blow-dried, well-coiffed, worst dregs of society.
Why, then, are the conservers and defenders of America the ones who are accepting the “hate” label? If we hate, how is it we have so lovingly reared so many Leftists? How about instead we take the Enough! label? For too long, working Americans provided free food, shelter, health care, education, transportation, and entertainment to its youth. Instead of growing up to express gratitude, the common response of such youth and their Peter Pan Profs and dope-addled fellows has been: "You still owe us more!" Now, they want to "progress" to be sponsored or paid for voting, drugging, drinking, sexing, ridiculing, and destroying. Who votes for the nation-destroying Left? It doesn't tend to be mature, responsible, family-oriented, patriotic workers. We have raised up generations of addicts of entitlement-mindedness, who are now all too fond to ridicule work (acting white), while claiming a majority by raising votes among the illegal and the dead. Enough!
Too much concentration of wealth can lead to dissolution of the middle class that is essential to sustain a representative republic. However, the cure is not merely to disburse wealth, willy nilly, without consideration for market based worth or merit. The cure is to restore checks and balances for preserving a competitive marketplace. This is not done by cannibalizing the country, opening its borders to cheap labor, or inventing ways for top gamers to increase their hold over law makers. The problem with the Left is that it ignores root causes while throwing money about. The root cause of every ill is not simple poverty. The root cause is often a culture that empowers poverty over a striving middle class (aka acting white).
Too many, especially Leftists, tend often to resort to wish-fulfilling, contrivance-based hypotheses, based only on anecdotal, cherry-picked “evidence.” Many are disposed to pretend their rationalizations for favoring any one imagined group over any other (such as socialists or libertines over enterprisers or conservatives) are “reasonably” based in “objective,” empirical evidence. However, to “scientifically” decide whether one should favor any labeled group would necessitate rigorous scientific sampling of all categories of groups that exhaust the set whose particulars are being compared. What simplistic wealth-spreading Leftist ever makes that kind of effort? Failing scientific analysis, one may resort to mature reflection. However, to maturely judge necessitates good faith and widely-matured experience, applied against a consistent moral philosophy. Problem is, Youth tend to lack science, experience, and consistent philosophy. They tend to behave as leaves, blowing about and being blowed. Yet, in their frustration, Youth often have energy and zeal. Thus, they entertain themselves by taking dramatic stances. Hence, the plethora of Che T-shirts. What fun!
The consequence is that the nation has been turned into a foil for destruction, by unrelenting ridicule hurled by the most immature, callow, needy, corrupt, and incompetent, who have been duped to esteem themselves to know what is best and to adjudge most of their elders as something like useless eaters. Indeed, Obama’s “You didn’t build that” and “I am not the President of Black America” sound much like Nixon’s “I am not a crook.” How did we get Obama? Answer: We insanely opened the border-faucets to allow ourselves to be flooded with the most illegal, illiterate, ignorant, inexperienced, immoral, and incompetent.
Why do Leftist kids think so little of opening borders to give away booty and citizenship? Answer: Because they were given so much that they did not have to work for, so they have little appreciation of the cost, much less the value. Now, the electoral majority wants mainly to vote for a living — even as it tears down the structural and familial infrastructure that allowed the nation to be built. Ironically, the Left is really voting to put itself back onto the Plantation.
The key to moral responsibility consists in capacity to see oneself reflected in others. This kind of empathy projects a philosophy of merit, based on a work ethic. (Sorry -- collectivists, communists, cronies, and caliphs). However, apart from “I want,” there is no moral responsibility in the Left! After the crony communists and their fellow traveling crony corporatists of the Left finish cannibalizing the middle class, the system will fall, the Left will starve, and the talented among hard-working individuals will rise again — in some distant day. Until that day, a second election of Obama by a rainbow coalition of incompetents, felons, cronies and libertines will tip civilization into moral decline, past a point of no return. So, the nation that has perhaps done the most to advance human freedom and dignity is being hatefully attacked on all sides by the superficially blow-dried, well-coiffed, worst dregs of society.
Why, then, are the conservers and defenders of America the ones who are accepting the “hate” label? If we hate, how is it we have so lovingly reared so many Leftists? How about instead we take the Enough! label? For too long, working Americans provided free food, shelter, health care, education, transportation, and entertainment to its youth. Instead of growing up to express gratitude, the common response of such youth and their Peter Pan Profs and dope-addled fellows has been: "You still owe us more!" Now, they want to "progress" to be sponsored or paid for voting, drugging, drinking, sexing, ridiculing, and destroying. Who votes for the nation-destroying Left? It doesn't tend to be mature, responsible, family-oriented, patriotic workers. We have raised up generations of addicts of entitlement-mindedness, who are now all too fond to ridicule work (acting white), while claiming a majority by raising votes among the illegal and the dead. Enough!
The Community Organizing Muslim in Chief has done a good job at communizing the country, perhaps the world. That is, he has further empowered crony overlords in making electorates permanently dumb and dependent.
Within a system of law, ownership is respectable. However, ownership means nothing without a legal system that protects it. That requires an effective system of checks and balances. Presently, checks and balances are out of whack. In a Republic, all who are represented have an interest in how the law and the legal system are manipulated. No citizen owns the law. No citizen or group of international cronies should be allowed to accumulate such influence and unregulated wealth as to own the law and its puppet makers. When the representation of the competent middle class is reduced to a silly shadow show, the reduction of the Republic is at hand. Humans tend to be able to hold in mind several self-annihilating, contradicting ideas at the same time, even though measurable reality could never allow their simultaneous presentation. It is a linearly, self-annihilating idea to say there are no limits on a moral right to achieve ownership. There ARE moral limits, including the following: No person may own another; no person may own the law; and no person may own lawmakers. It is obvious that the political influence of the thinking, competent middle class has been reduced. Just look at how every significant social institution is run, in: media, academia, banking, lobbying, and international governance. Do the people who say there are no limits on ownership or free trade tend to be the same people who service those who hamstring enforcement of the border, to keep the majority of the electorate easily fooled and manipulated?
Too many people seem to model measurable Reality as if it were comprised of a topmost and bottommost stack of infinity, with turtles all the way up and all the way down. They seem to base most of their calculus on an assumed model that all of Reality is best analyzed by slicing ever smaller segments of that cherry-picked segment which is being analyzed. I doubt such an approach is adequate in itself. I suspect measurable Reality is more like a circle-jerking, phase-shifting system of frame-dragging turtles, rather than turtles all the way down. So I tend to be unimpressed with strictly hierarchical, absolutist, LINEAR concepts --- even under such labels as property, ownership, merit, and freedom. I suspect we are on the doorstep of a fundamental phase shift respecting interfaces between economics, artificial intelligence, and human spiritual dignity. Computerized A.I. will take much wind out of traditional apologies, contrivances, and self-deceits regarding merit and property. Civilization will be wreaked over by an unstoppable new deluge, in respect of which replacement philosophies will need to be rationalized. "I earned that" will come up against "I paid good money to buy those politicians." Decent, smart people will see a need to reconcile such concepts within a system of checks and balances that is adequate to the task. Other people will find it in their self interest to rationalize to the weaker minded that it is only just that the rich ought to be recognized as deserving to own the right to buy pieces of governance in order to regulate the poor. When cronies thus reduce government to a commodity, is that really consistent with merit and free trade? Is the problem of treating government as a commodity really solved by asking all who would regulate against cronyism to simply get out of the way?
Was Akin's pronouncement that pregnancy after rape is unlikely really that much less ludicrous than many other ideas in circulation, both among the Left and the Right, viz:
The idea that ownership of property can make sense without protecting foundations for a Republic against intrusions of international cronies and despots. The idea that international cronyism after deregulation is unlikely. The idea that "free trade" is advanced by opening borders to conspiratorial regimes. The idea that puppet-owned government can "force fairness" by regulations. The idea that a representative Republic can be assimilated out of a multi-culti "diverse salad mix" of tribes, gangs, and cronies. The idea that a "free Islamic Republic" can be free. The idea that the practice of Islam constitutes a "free exercise of religion." The idea that we can accommodate Islam if only we divert enough resources to TSA. The scientific religion that substantively associated significations rest on an ultimate substantive turtle. The idea that a pell mell rush to worldwide technological progress is the only purposefully worthwhile progress. The idea that civilization would be improved by substituting the State for the Family.
There are many, many pretended intellectuals who have become able to believe stuff that is contrary to all common sense only as a result of working very hard to be taken seriously while being quite silly. Akin is far, far from being alone. America fell off an axis of common sense long ago. Moses in the desert could not have been more lost while trying to lead a stiff-necked people out of bondage.
Regarding freedom: I wonder whether the more literalistically rigorous among us may tend to be more attracted to the notion of fairness as implicating equality more so than freedom? If one believes the notion of freedom has little meaning or value, either qualitatively or quantitatively, then one may prefer to default to the notion of equality, which in some respects can often be weighed. Maybe equality appeals more to the stuff-measuring mind.
What should one call market-based competition among despotic-directed nations (i.e., competition among collectives)? Apologies for the NWO seem to be in respect of an historically deterministic, progressively-evolutionary trend towards Hive Minds (aka, Crony Borgdoms). To compete with other nations that are socialistic despotisms, must we allow ourselves to be overrun to become more like them? Too much concentration of crony wealth seems to lead to dissolution of the middle class that is essential to sustain a representative republic. If there is an antidote, it seems to abide neither in opening our borders, nor in disbursing our wealth, willy nilly, without consideration for market-based worth or merit. If there is an antidote, it needs to be found by restoring a system of checks and balances that is adequate for preserving a competitive marketplace. I doubt this will be accomplished by allowing cronies to cannibalize the country, corrupt our borders, and invent ever new ways for top gamers to increase holds over law makers.
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