Is innate contemporaneous purposefulness for the Web of Consciousness driven primarily by need and will to express itself in significations that are substantively measurable in themselves, or is it driven by need and will to use significations to express perspectives to, and to be understood by, other perspectives? Is the primary drive one of will to Power over things, or is the primary drive one of will to give and take Empathy, companionship with, and security against, the powerful expressions of other perspectives? Is the primary drive one of expression in arts for manipulating things, or is it in arts for nourishing and defending self while motivating and soothing others?
Regardless of expressive goal, whether of Power or Empathy, accumulations will flux for leveraging knowledge, skill, technology, intelligence, and powers to persuade with carrots and sticks. Soon, many perspectives will acquire power and means for mutual or preemptive annihilation. Tensions will flux between pursuits of solitude and security versus pursuits of companionship and freedom, between tribal security and individual expression, between individualism versus collectivism, between privacy and reflection versus complete transparency, between Cooperative trust versus deceitful Competition.
Every avatar that is adopted as a perspective from which to signify is subject to reinforcement or interference from other such avatars. Every avatar that acquires skill for applying artificial intelligence to leverage its power to create defensive and offensive weapons of mass destruction is in potential competition with every other such avatar. Mistakes in signifying and interpreting intentions and purposes come quickly to be deadly. Temptations abound to engage in preemptive strikes. Simply put, two equal gods cannot abide in the same system.
The more power that is acquired by those who abide under a superior, the fewer in number they must be made and the more closely they must be watched. Freedom that avails increases in technological power must be reductively parceled out. Other needed servants must be rendered so inferior as to not likely pose threats. Thus consolidates the Borg of Oligarchy, aka, the New World Order. The Borg must reduce or limit the masses in terms of their power, privacy, liberty, and means of expression. The masses must be conditioned -- religiously and civilly -- to be satisfied not to eat of the tree of superiority. They must be diverted to alternative modes and parameters of expressive freedom. They must not be allowed to leverage technological advances or genetic therapies faster than the capacity of the governing regime to ensure its self protection. Ever so often, the masses must be bribed and soothed with new drugs, baubles, and entertainments.
Thus, Will to preemptive and totalitarian Power comes to be driven by need for solitary freedom of signification, by need for security against accumulations of power in others, and by need for recognition from others. Within every system of flux, it becomes unstable for two or more perspectives to have simultaneous power to eliminate others in a flash, before they can react. The only protection seems to be to instal a safe gap of dominance in a powerful and jealous One. All others must be conditioned to know, appreciate, and keep their proper, limited places. Their wills to power must be kept shackled within fluxing and sustainable limits. They must be entertained, vicariously, by pursuits of their sovereign.
What should be the nature of such sovereign? Should it be human or should it be formally organizational? It seems best that its organization be checked and balanced so as to be more trusted, reliable, sustainable, and survivable. How then should opportunities and access to enhancements in technologies, intelligence boosters, and genetic treatments be merited? By what accidents, random lottery generators, or marketplace contrivances should enhancements be seen justly, fairly, or deservedly to be parceled out? By what culture-preserving institutions should persons thus randomly-empowered be continuously educated and enlightened? It does not appear that an absolutist notion of free market-based allocations of merit can suffice. This is because meta-crony-markets soon arise for the buying and selling of inferior markets, thereby rendering them no longer free markets, but connived markets. Nor can it work to try to impose an absolutist notion of distributive equality in communal allocatons, based on forced work according to ability and forced distribution according to need. This is because bureaucrats are easily corrupted, and the kind of force required to stop such corruption would simply impose even worse meta-corruption. Somehow, checks and balances and spiritual enlightenment must be fluxed together, to meet changing drives between individuals and collectives, between free enterprise and cultural needs, between markets and regulations. By what system of spiritual and secular checks and balances may an enlightened civilization be established, preserved, and fluxed for the decent expression of human freedom and dignity?
The electoral majority that now controls our crony-bowing nation consists mainly of greasy palms and lubricated minds, wishing its government to make "fair" distribution of all material wants. Material wants have blinded the nation to the one assimilating guidance from the one worthwhile Guide. That guide is spiritually qualitative, not governmentally quantitative. That Guide instructs us as spiritually free agents to be charitably empathetic; it does not instruct us to gang up to impose secular force to take and redistribute all material goods. It does not replace God with government, nor individual responsibility with unearned entitlement. Self-worshipping, cannibal-gangs are always against the worldsoul. Having invited such gangsters to infest our republic, our republic is now turned to a path that can sustain neither body nor soul.
From A.T. --- Re: "Obama chose to associate with, study under, emulate, and work alongside the worst this nation has to offer."
This is what sell outs do when they adhere to no fixed star to guide them. Now they seem to be the majority in most institutions of social significance: Likely In media, academia, banking, business, law, diplomacy, science, charity, and clergy. Common decency is dead.
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