Monday, September 17, 2012

Rigged Game

No doubt, frequent failure to communicate between generations is frustrating on all sides. That frustration intensifies as agitators exploit the differences to serve corrupt interests. Today, I came across an article by a noted Lefty that mocks the Romney-Ryan ticket as being doomed because, according to its slant, it appeals only to middle-aged, straight, white guys. As if the economy Romney would encourage would not avail opportunity to every talented or energetic worker, regardless of whether he/she is straight/gay, blue/green, or young/old. The implication of such agitators is that these white guys don't want to share with anyone else (talk about yellow-bellied race baiting!), and they don't want to recognize shares to which every possible minority should be entitled. This is the zero sum, government as central teat model. It implies that white guys are pigging out. It udderly fails (pun intended) to recognize that most of the white guys don't want a government teat, and don't want a micro-managing, governmental regulator of entitlements, but do want to establish and preserve opportunity for everyone --- including minorities. Indeed, that system of opportunities is why most minority immigrants came here in the first place. They weren't attracted here to establish the same kind of collectivized hell from which many of them came. Moreover, as they become successful, mature, and raise families, it's doubtful many of them will continue to think government ought to make friendly with every kind of minority that organizes its little "community" to demand its very own special entitlements. The implication of agitator-dregs is that anyone who wants to hand opportunity down to the nation's posterity must be zero-sum selfish. This is the dirty little game that's afoot among Lefty economists. Unfortunately, there seem to be enough louts, dopers, whine artists, commies, felons, illegals, naifs, gullibles, and pick pockets to make the intended audience a majority. Indeed, the corrupt crony business bastards they are taught and paid to complain about are usually the financiers of these sick little OWS community adventurers. They own and operate the cave, projector, and heads held fast to the shadows on the wall. It's a rigged game, but Americans who "act white" can't seem to get the message through.  Those crony cockroaches own the race game! yet they have managed to twist it to make it look to their dupes like the game is being operated by the people who want nothing more than fair rules.  This is the meaning of The Scream!
The mass of Dims consists of fearfully aligned children, fearful of nature's god and God's nature. They huddle and cower against guided evolution. America was not made wealthy and powerful by centralized, redistributive collectivism. America prospered because of invisibly guided and freed initiative of individuals. America is exceptional because it was founded and pioneered by people who self selected for self reliance. To allow such people to be swamped and smothered by codependent children of incompetent and illegal immigrants is not to change America, but to destroy America. It is to reduce the world so it will have no exceptional leader, only fearful masses indentured to incompetent, central elitists, i.e., aristocrats, priests, imams, nomenklatura, and crony corporate rent seekers. The redistribution this will produce will redistribute all the power of the thinking middle class to central elitists, and it will trickle down only such cheap trinkets and tricks to the masses as are needed to ensure they stay in their place. Moreover, redistribution in the U.S. will not go to its people, but to much more impoverished people of the world. And that will ensure that no exceptional society of free thinkers will arise again, perhaps ever. It will ensure that most human brains are screwed to central regimentation. This is the de-humanizing madness for which incompetent Dims and their corrupt and ignorant leaders pine. And now they have swamped America to become the majority. It may well be that the thinking middle class simply did not wake up to the threat in time.


Anonymous said...

I am hoping that the voters who determine the wave will be looking less at each candidate's publiciy framed image of likeability ("I like Spike") than at considering where the candidate wants to take America. Does he want to reduce America to the nothing-special collective? Or does he want to preserve America as a place where responsible citizens exemplify a way to escape from the default position of the world for stomping on human dignity? Btw, how can a child ward of the state be expected to grow into a responsible citizen so long as the state smothers him with a sense of perpetual entitlement to state provided training wheels? How can a culture that celebrates perpetual childhood and that even gives its children voting rights ever convince its inhabitants that they must grow up?

Anonymous said...

Obama is saying he is a puppet. And he is suggesting that most other politicians are puppets also. There's much truth in that. Certainly, Obama is a puppet: a kind of running-jumping-Eddie-Izzard-executive-pied-piper-puppet, strings attached. In a representative republic, one would like to believe the string puller is a thinking middle class that shares assimilated civilizing values --- sort of like the Tea Party. And the Tea Party does have considerable current clout. However, how much weight and inertia from long established institutions confronts the Tea Party? How much tonnage of corrupt interests weighs down these institutions of media, academia, banking, hedge fund artists, divide and rule cynics, dual party contributors, international corporatists, statist-capitalists, and bought and sold politicians? Maybe it's dawning on Obama that there's not that much difference between criminal crony socialists owning governments versus criminal crony international corporatists owning governments. As he watches fronts for despotic regimes being sacrificed like dominoes, maybe he wants to get back under the safer shadow of criminal cronies. I hope Romney is good. He can't be as bad as Obama. The fact that the criminal media has been so united against him seems a good indicator.

Anonymous said...

The problem with "pleasure" is that it can be applied in a metaphysical sense to just about anything. Pain, killing, and mass suffering give some people pleasure. At that level of use, pursuits of pleasure, happiness, meaningfulness, etc. tend to merge in their meaning or lack of it. Scientists want to substitute testable benchmarks, perhaps based on measurable, neural feedback. Even they may learn that pleasure releases are related to start-points of pain. That is, if you want to birth maximal pleasure, you may find it helpful first to birth some pain. Moreover, habits can condition and change what is thought pleasurable. If scientists find "X" gives pleasure, they will soon find that a surfeit of X eventually leads to pain. If we only seek pleasure based on what scientists presently determine to be pleasurable, rather than on what we "should" learn to find pleasurable, then we allow ourselves to be wired and led by the flux of chaotic evolution instead of the design of responsibly guided evolution. And if we default to a fueher to tell us what we should collectively condition ourselves to find pleasurable, then we abandon individual responsibility. If there abides a meta standard for what we "should" seek to establish as "pleasurable," then it is needed that it be convincing to a responsible majority. That is what moral philosophers seek to lead us to, and that is what so far has not convinced or assimilated a responsible majority of free thinkers. Somehow, we need to assimilate the "better angels" (separate wheat from chaff) from among the various models and metaphors for thinking about secular and sectarian systems of morality. That will necessitate a mature blending of science and spirituality.