Monday, October 15, 2012

Good Candidate

A literate electorate should establish and preserve a republic. A republican form of government should provide a safety net, but not to such an extent as to disincentive able bodied adults from working. Government should not disincentive charities and churches frow working to incentive able bodied adults to work. Government should limit corporations and people from acquiring so much power that they acquire capacity to replace government with themselves. Government should limit crony trade and free trade to such an extent as to protect the integrity of the nation's republican system of governance and borders from being dissolved and replaced by international cronies. Which candidates, if any, are able and inclined to lead America under those principles?


Anonymous said...

In a republic that values the freedom of its citizens, it is no part of the job of an official to impose equality notwithstanding talent and initaitive. To vote for equality over freedom is to vote away the republic. The very idea of allowing voting is to respect the right of each voter to participate in determining his future, without being pegged by a regime to a small hole. To vote for a collectivist is to vote for a trickle down government, sham voting, and a sham republic. A literate electorate should establish and preserve a real republic. A republican form of government should provide a safety net, but not to such an extent as to disincentive able bodied adults from working. Government should not disincentive charities and churches frow working to incentive able bodied adults to work. Government should limit corporations and people from acquiring so much power that they acquire capacity to replace government with themselves. Government should limit crony trade and free trade to such an extent as to protect the integrity of the nation's republican system of governance and borders from being dissolved and replaced by international cronies. Which candidates, if any, are able and inclined to lead America under those principles?

Anonymous said...

There abide characters or aspects of the qualitatively experienceable non-quantitative. One cannot quantitatively measure the character of the non-quantitatively measurable. How then may one relate to the experienceable non-quantitative? Why, through direct conscious experience, i.e., intuitive empathy. How may one "measure" or interpret the "depth," direction, and quality of another person's belief, character, habit, inclination, and will? Well, by "getting to know" how the person tends to relate over time to similar situations and challenges, while always remaining wary that the personality may learn, grow, or change.

Anonymous said...

Obama and Big Sis are eerie, real life composites for the Handicapper General, a character from Vonnegut's short story, Harrison Bergeron, which was turned into a film. See http://en dot wikipedia dot org/wiki/2081_(film).