Saturday, December 21, 2013

Math as Science and Religion

META-SPECULATION: As to the Source itself (the Singularity), one cannot measure IT's rate of spin, because IT is immeasurable. It has no length, width, depth, mass, substance, energy, or axis in itself, as mortals would measure such constructs. Nevertheless, axis-less, immeasurable Source has meta-capacity to project meta axes around which to "meta-spin" its self-projections. The Mind of God thus projects Images.

PROJECTION FROM THE META TO THE MATH MEASURABLE: When God acquired meta-capacity to project spin, God contemporaneously and necessarily defined the rules of math. That meta-capacity gives rise to unfolding, relativistic measures. Some Character of the Source may image or project measurably-relativistic spinning, orbiting, revolving, and rolling among two or more aspects (the Duality) that gives rise to switch Digitality, i.e., numbers, i.e., positive-negative, on-off, dot-dash, yin-yang, plus-minus, zero-one. With capacity to represent all manner of patterns of zeros and ones, all manner of algorithmic functions can be computationally expressed and represented.
ANGULAR MOMENTUM:  A materially-represented thing or disc that spins about an axis could represent an infinity of possible interpretations of spins and relations in angular momentum versus angular speed, depending on choice of radial distance from its center. Under calculus, such a dimensionally-inhabiting disc would not represent a single expression of spinning, but a potential infinity of experiential interpretations of aspects of spin. Each radial expression of a spin in 3-D space would present two sides, like a coin. Depending on side observed or related to, one side would relate as spinning clockwise, the other as spinning counterclockwise. Thus, a digitally-experiential representation. If there were only 1 thing or point expressed, with no expression of 2-D or 3-D space, there would be no meaningful spin to measure. Meaningful measure would require at least an expression of 2-D space, in a sequence-preserving, information-recording time, which would require an expression of at least 2 things, i.e., a Digital Relationship.
FICTITIOUS APPEARANCES:  Suppose we could externally and objectively observe 2 points that lacked wave or field properties, interfunctioning in a way that limited them to 2-D space. From our aerial view, they may appear to us as tracking circle-like forms in relation to one another. From their "perspectives," they would appear only to vary in length of position from one another (perhaps sometimes even superpositioning to occupy the same point). There are problems with such a thought experiement. It does not seem that such points could observe or sense one another, as points. And it does not seem that there could be manifested, outside imagination of a superior "viewer," points lacking in wave or field properties. It seems inherently contradictory to imagine a manifesting point that lacks wave or field properties, or an axis in relation to such properties, in respect of which such point could spin. Upon granting wave and field properties to a manifested point, it would seem necessary that such point have an axis, that its wavelength could change, and that it could spin in the field space it occupies, even if there were only 1 iteration of itself. In that respect, even if there were only 1 such thing, which expressed both a point and a field, then such point may give expression to wobble, rotation, disturbance, revolution, orbit, and Vector of vibration or direction. (For a 2-D direction, it may give expression to a wave function, relating to wavelength, frequence, amplitude, and intensity.)
FICTITIOUS POINTS FOR ABSTRACT COMPUTING:  However, if the point is not made manifest with a field, but is only projectively imaged or imagined, then, for subjective computational purposes, it would take 2 such representations of images in order to conceptualize or compute any meaningful relationship. That is, a Dualistic Digitiality.
NECESSITY OF RENORMALIZING CURVATURE TO PARTICIPATION OF MORTAL PERSPECTIVES:  Suppose God had acquired only the capacity to make manifest and project 2-D shakes along directional waves, rather than 3-D spins in respect of fields. Could conscious mortals have been evolved in respect of such a world-projection? If so, how may the rules for the maths of such 2-D shakes be defined and limited? Would their maths have been limited to linearity and flatness? Absent points-with-field-properties, how may their maths renormalize to the world-space among different mortal perspectives?   Would not re-normalization among perspectives require an expression of Field Curvature, i.e., a 3-D space in time?   Such Curvature would abide more in the renormalizing function of controlling levels of algorithms than in any real substance.  If so, then, while 2-D points may be potentially conceptualized for computational purpoees, it does not seem that they could manifest a renormalized system inhabited by conscious perspectives, absent organization in respect of a 3-D space field.
MATH UNBOUND:  Is MATH limited to 3D space in time? If space is only a math-based construct of a Source's interpretive projection of particle-fields, then how many dimensions of math-based space may such a Source interpretively project? How may evolution among consciously dependend and appreciative mortal occupants of such spatial dimensions affect how God projects them? May the Source-Projector have capacity to meta-spin simultaneously among parallel universes and Constructs of space-time dimensions? May any mortals ever safely occupy (move back and forth among, bond and identity with) such parallel constructs?
META SPIN AS SOURCE FOR PROJECTING CONTINUOSITIES AND DISCRETES:  Source capacity to spin seems to implicate alternating and variable capacity to mix and flux, to effect manifestations of Continuosities fluxing and phasing back and forth with particular Discretes. Such a Source would have inherent capacity to give expression to infinity of possible relational constructs and representations.
META COMPUTER WITH CAPACITY OF INFINITE MATH:  A meta-computer with the capacity of infinite math to process digital projections for representing patterns of zeros and ones would seem to have infinite capacity to represent relationships, organizations, and organisms. That is, capacity to represent informational patterns that can assume forms as algorithms, whereby algorithmic forms evolve in respect of feedback with their Source, to avail their transmitter-receivers to sense and react with one another. Form-ulas made flesh. In-form-ation emerging to be made qualitatively sensing. All derived from an immeasurable Source that has capacity to represent relational spins, and all maths, patterns, forms, organizations, organisms, continuosities, and discretes that can arise and feedback therewith. The Source is the Source of Creative Math, i.e., Active Math, i.e., math that facilitates: formulization; feedback; virtual borrowing; apprehension and appreciation of unfolding choices; reconciliation; synchronization; and conservation.
RECONCILING RENORMALIZATIONS OF PROJECTIONS:  Nothing that is measured and evidenced can be represented to the manifest except upon being reconciled and renormalized to the Source's ruling projections of math. Because math is availed only by the Source, math cannot be used to prove or disprove the Source Itself. Rather, the existentiality of the Source is experienced only appreciatively, empathetically, intuitively, directly -- in Faith. Not in the proof of measured science.
ETERNAL PRESENT:  The Source avails the Eternal Present. The Present, as we occupy it, is perpetually reconciled and renormalized so that we experience and interpret it as a mathematically sequential unfolding of relationships. We interpret those relationships as availing dimensions of space, time, matter, and energy, i.e., field renormalizations of points of view relating to situational contexts under unfolding apprehensions of layers and levels of awareness of purposefulness.
LEAP OF FAITH:  It seems not a hard Leap of Faith to intuit that such a Source, having mathematical capacity to give relational expression to infinity of measurable relationships, would also have capacity to apprehend a qualitative evolution of feedback, to identify and evaluate the qualitative experiences and apprehensions among the various points of view of such various organisms of which IT may give expression. Indeed, if an organism is aware of itself, and is aware that others like itself are aware of it, then such seems to suggest to the intuitive-faithful that, if their consciousness has causal effect, then the role of their consciousness as a causal factor must somehow be appreciated, evaluated, and factored by the Source.
QUANTITATIVES DERIVATIVE OF QUALITATIVES:  Hence, all that we measure is illusion -- not having reality as things-in-themselves. They are forms derivative of nothing more than math that is projected and experienced by an immeasurable Source that meta-interfunctions with its projections. Thus, the only "thing" we really measure is Math. And the reason we are able to measure relationships among projections in math is in respect of the immeasurable Source. Although immeasurable, the Source is not beyond empathetic, intuitive appreciation in good faith and good will.
IMMEASURABLE CLASS OF ONE DOES NOT MEASURE ITSELF:  The Source, as an encompassing class of 1, does not measure itself. It requires a digital 2 to avail capacity to form-ulize a relationship. Given access to infinity of patterns for expressing 0-1, every possible relationship can be mathematically formulized and algorithmically represented. However, the digitizing math, the 0-1 duality (i.e., the 2), is not by itself a source in itself. Rather, the digital duality is byproduct of a capacity of the Source to project math-based forms and images. The unfolding, imaginative projection from the Math Mind of the Source. The Source has capacity to represent spin, which implicates capacity to project and represent math-based relationships, which translates into capacity to represent and experience Qualitatives. Such Qualitatives may be immeasurable from the subjective perspective of the mortal experiencer, yet be correlatively and Quantitatively measurable and factor-able to the perspective of an observer of the experiencer. And to the Source-Projector-Reconciler.
SUBJECTIVE APPREHENSIONS OF QUALITIES OF SPIN VS. OBJECTIVE APPRECIATIONS OF QUANTITIES OF SPIN:  When one's (subjective) perspective is bound to a spin of organized focus (subjective consciousness of an organism), exterior (objective) spins upon which the focus is cast will appear to take on a substantive materiality (which may be derivative of spin projected by a Source which itself receded into immeasurable infinity).
WHAT IS SPINNING:  Ultimately, it's No-Thing in itself that is measurable that is spinning. Rather, what is spinning is the meta-spinning of an immeasurable Source-Thing, whose measure recedes into infinity in the number of ways towards which math-based digitality can be form-ulized. Perhaps the Source's capacity to avail maths based on projections of algorithmic patterns correlates with evolutionary unfolding of points of view that "do maths towards infinities."
SCIENCE OF MATH:  Analysis under Math avails means of measuring. All measuring science applies math. All technical science deals with how maths are made manifest to representation by a Source. Studying means and parameters for organizing projections (of such projections by the Source) of maths is itself an unfolding, correlative Science.  It seems not unreasonable to conceptualize a Science of Math, a Philosophy of Math, a Science of the Philosophy of Math, and a Philosophy of the Science of Math.
COMPUTER SCIENCE:  Computer Science deals with the possibilities of applying math-based algorithms to computational devices, and of devising algorithms that can be applied to such devices. And of how we, or conscious beings, can bond and identify with organizations and organisms of math algorithms, in order to exploit old dimensions of math-based experience and open up new ones.  Explaining our way towards Infinity and Eternity.

ALGORITHMIC RENORMALIZATION TO PURPOSEFUL FEEDBACK:  Numbers are abstract, shorthand representations of representations of projections.  Thus, it's not NUMBERS, per se, of which our measurable cosmos consists.  A better model for what our measurable cosmos consists of consists in a concept of projections of clockwise and counterclockwise SPINS, which interrelate as if they were bits of ones and zeros for defining algorithms for a Computer.  This Computer seems to have a property or Character of functioning in conservatory feedback, sort of like a Holistic Reconciling And Appreciatively Computing Person.  IT's projections are arranged in patterns, which compute, interfunction, and unfold in renormalizing obedience to such algorithmic patterns as define such pattrerns and as such patterns define.  These Algorithmic-Based Patterns in turn obey, respond to, help regulate, and feed back to other algorithms --- all of which arise in abstract and renormalizing respect of patterns of projections of a participating and immeasurable Reconciler.  In Bonding to Identify with a focus of participatory-organizing-algorithms, each Mortal Person takes on an unfolding Perspective or point of view in respect of an interpretation of a Contextual Situation.  Each Contextual Situation responds in Purposefully Appreciative Feedback with such interfunctioning of algorithms as define and limit each Person's unfolding situational Renormalization to his or her cone of interpretive experience.


Anonymous said...

A cronydom that entails, encourages, and rewards the buying and selling of politicians is hardly compatible with any secular or sensible idea of a "free market." Yet, it is those of the sign of the cronydom who own our politicians (and who have influenced the Pope?), who use our politicians, like teary eyed crocodalians, to urge that government should be more compassionate. Their religiously fevered desire is that the cronydom should oversee "compassionate redistribution."

The middle class needs to wake up! Our problem is not to make government more compassionate. Our problem is to get government out of the teeth of the cronydom. Watch Obama smile. My, what big teeth he has.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that all mortal, non-trivial truths tend to be metaphorical in a sense that they are like word made flesh. The Bible is a well considered part of the algorithm by which God has made for us a temporary world abode. As such, the Bible is a warts and all source for well thought out invitations to come and reason together in pursuit of wisdom. Conversely, the Koran does not seem to invite coming together to reason. Questioning the Koran seems often still to be rewarded with stonings. The Bible tends to be a good place to begin. Phil offered from it. The Bible does not preclude Progs from offering their own counter-reasoning. They did not do that. Instead, they shouted Phil down and tried to banish him from their Sodom. They are as un-open to reason and conversation as any Muslim. Problem is, while they are just as dumb, they are only half as muscular. Once Phil and his kind are no longer in Sodom to protect the right of Progs to express themselves, Progs will quickly fall to any muscular challenge.

Anonymous said...

The people who are most conditioned to be led around by their willies are the people who are easiest to bribe. Progs know their natural base. There's a reason they work hardest to attract their idiot base. Tell an idiot how smart he is, justify his basest desires, give him cheap bribes, and he will be your trained donkey forever. When cronies need more of the same, they just hire easily bribed agents to keep the borders open. Our economy is too much based on advertising that is directed to make debt slaves out of most people. The cheapest people to bribe tend to be debt slaves. Government produces ever more debt slaves by enticing students with loans for pursuing nonsense degrees, even as our institutions for teaching responsible mores are failing. Cronies took over our politicians, banks, media, and academia. Now they have come for our churches. The crony-gov alliance and its trained advertisers and propagandists know how to cover the earth with corruption most foul.

Anonymous said...

You won't have to make polygamy legal. You will simply make marriage meaningless, do what you want, ask the taxpayers to fund the clean up, and turn the children over to the State. Say hello to the Pied Piper for me.

Anonymous said...

A Khmer Rouge proclamation that "religion is in the service of the Party" sounds eerily akin to the Black Liberation Theology that America's head secular priest, Obama, was marinated in for 20 years. How long does it take to indoctrinate a Manchurian?

Anonymous said...

From Pol Pot's elite committee on advanced social progress --- the Sheeple Agenda: Sheeple people -- "without independence, privacy, or substantive rights." But hey, it's ok, because everyone will be able to screw everything until everyone's brain is melting out their ears. After Obamacare, we will get the ADA -- Affordable Dope Act. Even more fun, everyone will be encouraged to make fun all along the merry way of anyone who counsels: Hey, you're frying your brain." That cracks me up -- a sheeple vote for every crackling pot. The Collecting Fields --- killing human decency without gunfire.

Anonymous said...

Thus we get government allocation of health care. That is, nomenklatura acting as death panels. Hmmm. I wonder how politics will come to factor with the death panels? We already know our gov would never abuse us with the IRS or NSA. And it would not favor Dim dealers over Repub dealers in cash for clunkers, right? Or Gays over Straights, right? So, we can trust the death panels not to show political favoritism, right? Sarc. When the ration panels start deciding who gets admitted to the best hospitals, will some Ivy like selection committee confer in secret, or will it publish a list of favored factors? Maybe a government lottery, or a Hunger Games kind of competition.

Anonymous said...

I don't get riled about whether a person chooses to call himself a Christian or not. However, what are called Christian values have come by many people to be congruent with those values that support a decent society of human freedom and dignity. That is why those values need to be welcomed in the public square. And that is why those are the values that need to be heard most of all by the hands-over-ears, fecal-loving, doper-elitist-crony-commies. Enough.

Anonymous said...

Progs believe or act as if: only they have the keys to all objective answers to how everything should be ordered to be done in fine detail; their elites have special power to divine such answers based on historical determinism; it is the role of ordinary people to "eat their peas" and accept what is provided by "those who know best" (who are the new secular priests of government); no group that attempts in good faith and good will to be open to being guided by a spiritual Source that is higher than the State should be given credence or allowed to express its values in the public square; anyone who expresses values other than those deemed politically correct by the cronies of the statist regime is not to be allowed to appear on tv (at least, not without running a gauntlet of hosted ridicule).

Anonymous said...

Progs thinking is an oxymoron. A six year old can't kiss a girl's hand, but he can stalk her in the bathroom? Wth? Anyone who has an opinion that is "on the wrong side of Prog history" is not allowed to work for a TV show? Meanwhile, Leo Podesta (who compares Tea Partiers to Jim Jones' Jonestown) is still the new face among WH kool-aid advisers. The world is in the grip of a lot of insane little flits -- noseeums and nothinkums. Especially at the WH. BHO's writing is on the wall: The future does not belong to those who don't have enough tolerance for Prog dickies. Wrong, Barry. I hope Barry gets visited by the spirit's of America's past, present, and future. I hope he learns from the foreshadowing of things that will be, if he does not reclaim decency and redirect Prog habits of bad thoughts. Alas, Leo Podesta is helping him forge more links and chains.

Anonymous said...

The pagan crony class has raised the Fed ring of statist power to the level of idolatry, with themselves as chief priests. They have consolidated their power base and been blinded by it. Now they have all but declared war on the middle class. They expect to prevail by enlisting lofo oz monkeys. They may have picked a fight with "the wrong marines." Most of new science, technology, and brainpower has come from the Western middle class. Because that class tends to value freedom over oppression, it prefers not to consolidate the power it knows it has. That is, until evil announces its arrival and lights the spark. Then it becomes the duty and honor of the decent, thinking, responsible, producing middle class to burn back evil and cork it back in its bottle. With respect for a reconciling God or mores, the middle class will rout this rampant, ridiculously elitist, hysterically gender confused, international evil, re-confine statist intrusiveness, and re-limit the Republic to its just purpose: to establish and defend an exemplar of human freedom and dignity. The middle class may be slow to anger, but it is not impervious to learning. Unlike Obama and his hard core base of lofos, who will never understand the fundamentals of what they did wrong: Phis off "Whitey" once too often.

Anonymous said...

The idea behind the "science of Fed run economics" seems to be that the economy needs to be continuously manipulated and stimulated in order to improve situations concerning jobs and industry. So the Fed keeps creating money. And the money keeps being hoarded. Which continues to increase the disproportionate political influence of cronies. So they can continue to do more of the same. So America can be brought further under their control, via multi national organizations. Which tends to reduce America's values to the lowest common denominator of other nations that we trade with, whose savages want to emigrate to the West. How does this meme help anyone, other than disloyal cronies and the people who actually want to be farmed by cronies? Is this what Tolkien meant by the corrupting influence of the ring of power?

Anonymous said...

It's been 44 years since I read The Future of an Illusion. In that time, I have come to consider that Freud would have done better to have thought a little more about just how far down the rabbit hole the illusion goes. Jung's idea about the Collective Unconscious has some resonance. The way the collective field renormalizes itself to every perspective seems, to me, astonishing. It's almost as if the watch were the watchmaker, as if beingness were an immeasurable, spinning, two-sided coin -- fluxing between Signifier and signified, Mathematician and math, Word made flesh.

Anonymous said...

No. Don't fund liberal programs. End welfare. Facilitate work. Fund programs that will sustain a liberty-defending, representative republic that is not owned by aristocrats who buy apologists. Put a progressive tax on all lobbying. IOW, pit progressive forces against progressives. The alternative is more of what we have been getting. It's long past time to get mad as hell at some of these treasonous, lying, republic killing Rinos who have essentially made a formal declaration of war against the middle class. You can't use schoolroom economics to cover over the depredations of crony corporatism, when the crony marketplace has become so much more influential than the non-crony marketplace. That just isn't scientific. It's priest like deception built on fairie tale telling. Sorry, but I've grown agnostic to that prattle.

Anonymous said...

It does not tax "money earned" to tax fiat money that has been siphoned through the Fed to cronies. It does not enhance the republic or the marketplace to allow wealth to be unchallenged, untaxed, and accumulated by crony corporatists and system-fixing oligarchs in order to buy the republic by bribing politicians in order to hold borders open to illegals whose votes can be cheaply bought. Incenting the production of international crony entanglements does not produce real wealth, nor does it comport with any defensible idea of economics, nor does it sustain the freedom and dignity of citizens of a republic. The middle class will be wiped out by its own stupidity if it does not wake up.