One would have to drill very deep to get to the bottom of the deception that besets us. Very little is as it is portrayed. Illegals think they are cared for by Ainos. The reality is that they are wanted so they can be used. Used, that is. in order to eliminate the baa baa middle class and establish perpetual sheepledom under elite Ainos. The dino dog and the rino man are working together. Their only difference is intermural, to control the divvying up at suppertime.
Illegals are often referred to as "takers." However, "useful pack mules" may be a better descriptive. Pretense is made to them of efforts to bestow citizenship and eventual voting rights. The idea is that their numbers would shift the balance of voting power to socialist programs for wealth redistribution. However, socialism is a farce. It pretends government owns basic industries, but all the while the government itself is owned or operated by elitist cronies. This is nothing but elitist-corporatism, or corporatist-socialism, if you prefer. It is neither fish nor fowl. It is not capitalism, nor is it socialism. Socialism exists only in fairyland.
The elitist technique is to lure illegals, say they have earned amnesty, contrive to count their votes, pretend to be looking out for their welfare, and fill their heads with cheap promises, all the while blaming strawmen (like Tea Party Conservers of Liberty) as the reason more is not done. But the reason "more" is never done is because elitists never intended that wealth be "fairly" redistributed. Certainly, they do not intend that real political influence be redistributed. In such a system, the "representative" in "representative republic" reduces to a farce put on for bleaters.
The elitist goal isto set this system of corporatized control and pillaging in concrete. If the goal were to really redistribute wealth, then the producing class would be encouraged to produce. It would not be so shackled, regulated, deceived, and cheated. Lofos would not be promised redistribution, while actually being used to perpetuate and accelerate the gap in wealth and political influnece. This is why billionaires fund both lying dinos and lying rinos! Yes, the gap is a threat to decency and representative republicanism. No, the gap is not being addressed by dinos, much less by rinos.
Mere law, by itself, cannot fix this. Lawyers, courts, law makers, rule makers, and rule enforcers are owned by the corporatist-cronydom. For much the same reason, mega churches cannot fix this. Nor can people in the grip of fundamentalist apologists for mega churches fix this. What can begin to fix this? First, each American must reclaim personal responsibility for his/her relationship with, and capacity to be guided by, the Reconciler. Each must say, "I'm an American, God bless it! Only then can other measures and laws begin to be effective.
Possibilities for consideration: Restore the family, and starve the government. Government needs to be kicked out of the traditional family. Close down the epartments of education, commerce, and energy. Stop gov funding of soft social sciences in colleges. Stop census data collections based on race. Stop affirmative action programs. Stop criminalizing adult home intoxication. Enforce borders. Require incarcerated rehabilitation of public, perpetually intoxicated addicts. Establish viable voter identification. Repeal the 17th Amendment. Provide for recall of Senators by state legislatures and recall of the President by Congress. Consolidate some of the small Eastern states, so small areas with big metroghettos have fewer senators.
Audit the banking system as a whole. Take control of the currency out of private hands. Critically examine the apologists for corporatist sell off of the nation's skills, resources, and industries, tax free to despots who launder money to buy pols for the cronydom. Charges need to be brought, and examples need to be made. Forfeitures need to be made against illegally gotten wealth. An immediate retainage needs to be taken against all funds transferred out of country. Eliminate taxes on domestic corporate profits and on on exported products. Do tax exports of money, and tax imports from despotic nations. The income tax needs then to be stopped and replaced by a progressive consumption tax. Count political contributions as "consumption." Use tax revenues to repair and maintain infrastructure and to address environmental and population concerns.
Goal: Return to more balanced representation of ordinary, decent Americans. Restore human freedom and dignity and defend the moral and territorial boundaries of the USA. Take power away from the International Cronydom.