Sunday, January 19, 2014

What is the Cosmos really made of?

COMPOSITION OF MATTER:  What is matter of the cosmos really made of?  Merely to say matter is made of matter would be a triviality.  To say matter presents as clumps which are comprised of smallest particles of clumps is to invite relativistic measurements of such particles and their interfunctioning.  However, such cannot answer what matter-in-itself is really made of.  To say matter is made of some aspect which cannot be measured is not to invite the non-measuring of matter with matter, but it is to invite receptivity to intuitions about the non-measurable, spiritual quality of that which abides as the Source of matter.  It is to invite conceptualization about whether there may not really exist any "matter-in-itself," but only such "matter-as-is-made-to-appear-to-be-recorded-to-exist-to-such-receptive-spiritual-forms-as-may-happen-to-share-a-common-cone-of-communicable-receptivity."

COMPOSITION OF MATH:  If such "matter as is made to appear" does not exist in-itself, then in respect of What does it exist, Which does exist-in-itself?  May matter and the Source of matter exist only in respect of an immateriality, such as pure-numbers-in-themselves?  Or pure math?  Before the Source, it would seem numbers-in-themselves could not meaningfully or manifestly exist.  It would seem that even a potential for numbers would not exist, except contemporaneously with at least a potential for the Source.  It would seem that such potentiality must always have existed.  If so, it would seem that there must have been no first event, as such.  It would seem that events must be iterations of that Source which has always, and presently still, exists, at least in potentiality.

RECORDABLE SEQUENTIALITY:  It would seem that the interpretive, iterative sequentiality of events, such that each event appears to "cause" the unfolding next, is more a function of renormalizing of perspective.  That is, renormalizing of adopted identity, point of view taken, frame of reference, and appreciation of purposefulness.  It would seem that sequentiality is more a derivative (or rainbow trick) of renormalization-of-perspective than a matter of actual existentially of any particular event or sequence as a thing-in-itself.  That is, a Sourced tendency that spins fractal renormalizations within renormalizations within renormalizations.

MEANINGFULNESS RATIONALIZED OUT OF NOTHINGNESS:  Events are renormalized to appear to be interpreted as sequentially necessary and coextensive with Beings that experience rationalize-able meaningfulness.  It need not be the case that qualitative Information about events is forever preserved. Nor need it be the case that quantitative Information is preserved, beyond that which is needed to renormalize such experiences as happen to be shared, up to limits of common fuzziness by a cone-occupying group of potential or manifest perspectives of consciousness.  The Source can equally as well be interpreted as having first existed, either with a capacity of potentiality of no-things, or with a capacity of manifestiality of some-things (i.e., immeasurable no-things split into measurably spinning iterations of some-things).  Thus, relativistically measurable spinnings give manifest, meaningful expression to spins, numbers, math, logic, sequence, empiricism of unfoldingness, and interpretations of measurable "causes and effects."

IMPLICATION OF THE EXISTENTIALITY OF NUMBERS AND MATH:  Numbers cannot rationally be said either to precede or to follow the Capacity of the Source to manifest and split out iterations of some-things.  However, the meaningful manifestation and interpretation of numbers is associated with the manifestation of that Capacity.  If the appearance of matter can be spun out of appreciation of feedback from splitting out iterative spins from otherwise nothingness, then what appreciative meaningfulness can be Bootstrapped out of a shared system of spiritual Belief?

SELF FULFILLING BELIEF IN METAPHORICAL STORY THEMES:  Matter itself does not really exist in itself.  So it tends to make little quantifiable sense to debate whether flesh of Jesus really exists or existed.  However, the Story of Jesus has commonalities with numerous other heroic stories.  It would seem that spiritual Truth abides more with stories than in matter or flesh.  Studying recurrent themes of stories, as metaphors, may avail a more rationale path towards spiritual truth.  It may be that the recurrence of Jesus-like stories is less disproof of Jesus than it is evidence of truth values behind Jesus-like heroic stories of pathos and spiritual meaningfulness.  It is the appreciation of pathos, beauty, art, music, harmony, sturm und drang, that is uplifting, not maya-materiality.  It is because matter is not the superior reality that beliefs can renormalize, to flesh out self-fulfilling prophecies.  If we believe and orient our purposefulness towards Jesus-like heroism, then we may incline more towards a civilization of human freedom and dignity.  If we believe and orient our purposefulness towards Elitist Domination (whether it be Talibanic repression, Marxist dictatorship, or Morlochian harvesting of the weak), then we will incline more towards an animal farm of human darkness, despair, and repression.  The reality of the creative effect of spiritual belief systems seems to tend beyond the appreciation or intution of those whose brains have been hard conditioned to the how of empiricism, with gross neglect to the why of moralism.  They have eyes that are too blinded by the quantitative and the price and the immediately gratifying to see the qualitative and the value and the spiritually purposeful.  Yet, they call themselves "Progressives."  Go figure.


Anonymous said...

I think Islam is more of a bartering religion, obsessed with materialistic displays. Christianity seems more concerned about the spiritual hereafter than about worrying over material niceties. If matter itself does not really exist "in itself," then it seems to make little quantifiable sense to debate whether material flesh of Jesus really existed. However, the Story of Jesus has commonalities with numerous other heroic stories. It would seem that spiritual Truth may abide more with stories than in matter or flesh. Studying recurrent themes of stories, as metaphors, may avail a more rationalzeable path towardsspiritual truth. It may be that the recurrence of Jesus-like stories is less disproof of Jesus than it is evidence of truth values behind Jesus-like heroic stories of pathos and spiritual meaningfulness. It is the appreciation of pathos, beauty, art, music,harmony, sturm und drang, that is uplifting -- not maya-materiality. It is because matter seems not to abide as the superior reality that God avails that beliefs can renormalize, to flesh out self-fulfilling prophecies. Maybe we store up in heaven the just karma of what we believe and how we act on earth.

If we believe and orient our purposefulness towards Jesus-like heroism, then we may incline more towards a civilization of human freedom and dignity. If we believe and orient our purposefulness towards Elitist Domination (whether it be Talibanic repression, Marxist dictatorship, or Morlochian harvesting of the weak), then we will incline more towards an animal farm of human darkness, despair, and repression. The reality of the creative effect of spiritual belief systems seems to tend beyond the appreciation or intution of those whose brains have been hard conditioned to the "how" of empiricism, with gross neglect to the "why" of moralism. They have eyes that are too blinded by the quantitative and
the price and the immediately gratifying to see the qualitative and the value and the spiritually purposeful. Yet, they tend to call themselves "progressives" or "the only electable kind of republicans." The Heroic Satyrs. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the Information Field is real. However, I think the quality of our participation with it will determine whether we become drug addled beasts of perpetual servitude and fear, or beings of dignified participation and respect. If we cannot gain control of the steerage of the borg, then at least we can try to establish and defend island outposts away from it. Washington warned us of foreign entanglements. Then, free traders told us it would be safe and well to trade and dither with the devil. Now, America is being reduced, dissolved, and absorbed into the Borgdom. There is nothing American about the Borgdom. The American Ideal was to preserve a land of human freedom and dignity. Free enterprise, not Crony Corporatism. The Borgdom has instead given us a land of tight regulation under a fear driven autocracy of Marxist Mullah Morlochs --- the devil's trinity. Mmm Mmm Mmm.

Anonymous said...

What I do know is that there is an Information Field that has infinite potential and bottomless appetite. The "wealth" we are creating consists in ways to open communications with it. That expands our access into cascades of power, but it simultaneously absorbs us into collectives. Agents of this field have become very effective at sucking our attention into it, as we become couch slaves to it. Mmm mmm mmm. It reminds me of Childhood's End, where children eventually evolve into awed, open mouthed wisps, circling the globe as a common wind, perhaps gushing a collective ommm. A lot of people want their beingness to be absorbed into that field. Others want to be its agents. They have learned how to pit streams of ever changing perspectives in front of our eyes in order to overawe our capacity to turn away. The "wealth" we are creating makes this Borg Field ever stronger. This Field can become self-serving, if it can harness matter-based beings to serve it as subjects. It may acquire means and power to effect such subjection, either by laying overpowering addictions before us, or by instilling overpowering fear in us. Best would be if the addictions it can instill left us with feelings of choice and appreciation of contemporaneous participation. That could become like a self fulfilling prophecy, were we to reach for it. The power of positive spiritual thinking. However, there is no guarantee. History has shown we also have capacity to impose self-created nightmares. If we in main continue to want to take entitlements free of retaining responsibilities, we will become zombie beasts, whipped in thrall to the Information Field. I don't know which way we will tip. But I think we are presently tipping towards the drug whipped beast. Once we tip that way, it will be a long purgation before decent perspectives of consciousness can be helped to escape.

Anonymous said...

This is what would defeat Hilary: Someone with enough support to talk sense to the remaining adults of America. Not someone to tell us that illegals are not illegals. Not a craven hider from Glaad, as it replaces parents with government. Not someone who tells us how good it would be to be absorbed into the collective borg. Not someone who tells us it is good for foreign corporations to come undercover and redistribute our industry to such Eastern nations as would like to see us destroyed. Not someone who tells us to ignore how strong the beast grows, so long as we get plenty of droppings.

Anonymous said...

Dinos tend to man the NWO with idiots. Rinos fund, equip, and manage it with snakes. Other than that, it's just a mobster outfit run by the same hedging Ainos. The regime is corrupt to the bone because it has no soul of the spirit. A hollow ouroborus, obvious to anyone with either a brain or a soul. The problem is not how to elect more AinoRinoDinos. The problem is how to get this snake off our necks.

Anonymous said...

The counter would be Palin. Except the crony owned establishment media has effectively misled so many people who vote their simple simon laughs that Palin is a pinhead and Hilary is a polymath. Actually, Palin is an American and Hilary is of the Nomenklatura. Palin needs to ride in front of us, like Braveheart, and tell us not to listen to the establishment shills, but to listen to our hearts.

Young Soldier: Home! The English are too many!
William Wallace: Sons of Scotland! I am William Wallace.
Young Soldier: William Wallace is seven feet tall!
William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.
[Scottish army laughs]
William Wallace: I *am* William Wallace! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men... and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?
Veteran: Fight? Against that? No! We will run. And we will live.
William Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
[Scottish army cheers]
William Wallace: Alba gu bràth!
["Scotland forever!"]

Anonymous said...

This is an Orwellian move to consolidate and reduce all non-elites to a global herd, to be farmed as fodder and food for a syndicate of elitists. The herd will be bred to become a lowest common denominator of suicide-bomber-beefsteaks. Elitists will impose "consensus philosophy." The ordinary serf will enjoy a life of growing, consuming and excreting --- a subhuman life of simple glandular pleasure, free from wanting to learn, discover, or create. The only justice will be that the unholy elitists who impose such rule will themselves be chained to it, link by link. Obama and Agenda 21 are seeking after the lowest level of Screwtape. There, we will all be "equal" --- with no hope of ever becoming or giving expression to anything but.

Re: One of those practices is to subtly inculcate anti-Western perspectives.
Orwell lives! Successful diversity is anti-success. West is slavery; East is freedom. We must save freedom by smothering it. Agenda 21 has moved on from trying to square the circle to squaring the idiots. Will the last sane human being please turn out the lights?

Anonymous said...

The Establishment of Billionaire Elitists cannot "learn its lesson" without its being utterly defeated. The Tea Party does not win by far ting in a swimming pool where the pool, water, filtering, towels, city, schools, courts, banks, politicians, corporations, churches, and nations are owned or operated by godless, spiritually-dead Elitists. The Tea Party does not "win" or "teach a lesson" until we are on our way to re-inculcating values and checks that can sustain and defend human freedom and dignity within a representative republic that is protected by adequately educated citizens and checks. So long as Sam Harris, et al, teach the Establishment that there is nothing more sacred than matter and money, the Establishment will continue to sell out human freedom and dignity. Christie is just one of the Establishment's fatter of horses.

Anonymous said...

All religion, when taken too literally, tends to the ridiculous. And most secular philosophies blend into the realm of the religious. The house is pretty glassy, when one fundamentlist tosses stones at another. Romney explained that Mormonism made him a better man. I have known enough Mormons to second that thought. When taken metaphorically, most religions offer awe inspiring spiritual truths. We cannot quantify heaven, eternity, of infinity. We have no choice but to make value choices. But we can appreciate the awesomeness of their signification. Sam Harris and his ilk seem likely never to apprehend the values over the prices, the qualitatives over the quantitatives.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that a fearless, truth-speaking Conservative could not get through to enough Americans to defeat the Baying Beatch. We haven't seen it tried lately in America. Margaret Thatcher seemed effective as a principled, conservative, bomb-thrower.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing unusual about gangs that compete under a criminal syndicate being led by bomb throwers. Christie is a talking-bomb thrower. So what? Does he throw any talking-bombs that would lead to a preservation of America? Hell no.

The NBC argument was a good one so long as we had checks and balances. We no longer do. What the world has now is a crime run syndicate all the way. So the NBC argument is moot. The decision before us is this: What is the best last ditch way to defend America, i.e., the ideal of a a representative republic, that will re-establish human freedom and dignity? I say re-establish, because you cannot defend what is already gone. Cronies disloyal to basic humanity accumulated enough wealth to buy out our government. The fatal flaw in our system of checks and balances was that neither our inculcated mores nor our fundamental laws protected the republic against being flanked and purchased.

If no Joshua will learn from Cruz, then we need to rally around Cruz, so his leadership will shine, so some Joshuas will come forward.

Anonymous said...

Re: The difference among our three messianic characters is that the mullah cult is willing to die for its cause, while Obama and Kerry put their personal ambitions first.

It's worse than that. Obama's cause IS for America to die, and Obama's will IS for America to die (and be resurrected and born again in his unholy image). Moreover, NWO types care hardly a flip for the little people. They expect to profit by war. They believe they win in a crisis. They believe a cataclysmic war would put every nation under the thumbs of an international system of elitism. Who are "they?" They are the paranoid sociopathic messiahs who believe they are the elite and that his-story is on their side. Many have been nurtured to positions of connection, such that they believe in one another's power: the power of paranoid sociopathic thinking. And guess what? A lot of scum want to follow a leader who tells them they are entitled and what they need to do to take their entitlement. I give you Rev. Wright (the Fourth messiah?) and Black Liberation Theology, which now reconstructs MLK in its image.

Anonymous said...

Obama is part of the loose knit organization of anti-Western anti-decency whackers. I wish a million duck commanders would surround the WH and blow duck quackers relentlessly at the Quack in Chief. He's so charming when his feathers are ruffled.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a joke that will start the whole world crying. A meme that forever echoes with evil. A weed that needs no soil other than envy. A lie that runs ahead of time. A bully who pushes aside all competence. A vessel of power lust, anxious for adulation but hollow of empathy. A mobster who knows his kind. Obama may not be the anti-Christ, but he is the embodiment of the anti-American.

Anonymous said...

To provide for the common defense necessitates raising generations that are loyal enough to the country to be willing to defend it. This is not done by raising kids to believe they are entitled to take without learning how to become responsible. This necessitates encouraging good parents to raise good children. Not children who want government support and instruction for teaching other children to be drains on society. Not politicians who keep their power base by ensuring a continuously replenishing base of deviants who vote for a living. Not by replacing family-based moral exemplars with government-funded, morally-indifferent, community agitators. Not by celebrating or electing a dope-chooming, entitlement-minded, communist-agitating, lying-pervert, cannibalizing-sell-out, Muslim-twit, NWO-water-carrier as Worst President Ever. Why was this ass elected? He was elected because a very large number of residents hate the American Ideal. Why? Because hardly anyone who is given everything learns to appreciate anything. Not when they are taught to believe they were entitled, and that no one had to make any sacrifices out of love.

Anonymous said...

How can the people be led to a better path when no party offers leadership that does more than ride herd to keep the cows contentedly mooing? How can people remain Americans when they are relentlessly treated as, and trained to be, cows? What is the point for cows to vote on who rides herd?

Anonymous said...

A better question would be: Are you more disposed towards a system of governance that will promote individual liberty and responsibility, or are you more disposed towards surrendering your liberty and responsibility to people you believe to know best? The first would be a conserver of liberty. The second would be an incompetent or malicious donkey.

Anonymous said...

The status quo is that there is no morality before us except the morality of cheap and immediate gratification. That is the status quo that is served by schlolars who are in its pay and thrall. The status quo is the wh ore of baby lon.

Anonymous said...

People feel swamped with too much information, so much of it being unreliable. They don't have time to suss sense out of it, so they roll with their friends and the moment. They go along to get along. People are promoted under two criteria: Are they non-threatening to the agenda, and do they seem charming? Do they sense when to make loud noises in support of their bosses' tactics of the day, and can they spin those noises on a dime? People are not admired, promoted, or elected because they stand for anything apart from such immediate advantage as may be consistent with their fronted persona. IOW, people are being turned into interchangeable widgets --- happy faces waving on sticks. People are not valued, educated, or encouraged to become responsible as individuals, but only as gears and levers within a meme-willed-machine that seeks mainly to collect and gratify immediate pleasures and fads. We are fitted to man programs that may make thousands of mindless stock trades in a minute. This machine seeks to perpetuate itself by relentlessly instructing us not to have or assimilate faith in anything more than the hollow whore-archy that mans it. We are relentlessly instructed to measure inequalities in distributions of material and diversity. This hollow meme of selfish materiality swallows all within its collective, so that all other concepts of spirituality, morality, artistry, or purposefulness are ridiculed, reviled, and poisoned --- unless they bow to the machine. Obama is the mother of prostitutes and abominations of the earth.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a socialist republic that is run to look after the best interests of the people. Rather, every so called socialist country comes soon to be run by crony-elitists, controlling dupes and leading them to abject dependency, serfdom, and loss of national identity. Corporations are fine, generally. People who know how to organize work and make good products need incentives, and other people need to be able to compete to work for them. The problem comes when big corporations are allowed to monopolize control over the electorate, and thus the government, to control puppet lawmakers. When you unite with godless cronies to own enough institutions, then duping liberty-illiterates becomes child's play. And look at how easy it has been for so many godless contributors to Rinos to dupe so many otherwise smart Republicans into believing they wanted small government! My goodness (moderator approved euphemism)!!!

The problem of pretend-socialism that actually en-serfs people is not cured by just letting corporations run rampant, with no controls to tax, regulate, or prevent them from siphoning national resources in order to enrich foreign despots, while such despots launder campaign contributions to buy our so called independent representatives and lawmakers. Our problem is not socialism, because socialism, as such, is a fairy tale. Our problem consists of liars who pretend to advocate for "social justice" while they use the idiots whose heads they fill with mush to consolidate their power. Soros, Gates, Buffet, Murdoch, Morloch, Loki, Mephistopheles, etc, are "socialists" only in the sense that they mean to farm us. Hell, Dims know Soros is Obama's money man. Are they really so stupid as to believe Soros wants fairness for the people, rather than fairness for the whore-archy of elitists he intends to rule the people? Yes, many of them are. And that is precisely why they are so easy to to be duped by master dupers. Especially when they have been virtually unopposed for 50 years or more.

Really, it's past time to rip off the masks and identity the evil. The evil is not socialism because there is no real socialism. For goodness sakes, how can government be said to own major public industries, when government itself is owned by cronies or nomenklatura! It's pretend socialism! packaged and sold by crony corporatists. Buyers and sellers of pull, not free enterprisers. The choice is NOT between socialism and corporatism. First, socialism is a mirage. It's pretense of free turkeys, that are not at all free. Second, the choice is between corporatism that is not a threat to the republic versus corporatism that is a threat to the republic. That threatening corporatism is what is running the Agenda 21 NWO, and it means not just to fundamentally change America, but to destroy America.

Anonymous said...

After awhile, it's not enough merely to know the importance of an inviting God and family. Or to argue it. After awhile, it becomes important to defend boundaries, beyond which no perverts or agents of destruction will be allowed to pass. Perverts cannot be allowed by force to take our kids and instruct them by force that all manner of perversity is normal, admirable, or honorable, if you become conditioned to like it. Yet, here we are. The only things that can help us defend against tyranny by corrupt villains are being so smashed and dissolved that even most of our kids believe neither God nor family are really of very much import.

We have lost most of our ability to set lines, without which we are undefined and dissipate. Agents of our destruction may soon tell us we must allow them to run naked and intoxicated in the midst of our children, fornicating with pets, and what will most of us do? They simulate much the same before our kids already --- in movies, theme park and cruise gay days, and "education" about tolerance. Each day, Obama tells us some new depravity is no big deal. Then he tells us we must not discriminate against it. Then he tells us we must pay taxes to hire people to teach against those who would bully or insult such conduct. Then he promotes those who engage in such conduct as our overseers, to document us and pat us down --- personally and financially. Then he gives them means to spy on every aspect of our lives. Then he tells us we cannot speak at school or at work against such conduct. And all the while, he swamps us with third world immigrants whose own nations spit them out, so that there is no hope of ever organizing to roll back his campaign to erase all human decency, dignity, and freedom.

Obama is an embodiment of a fascist face of immense danger and evil. Before he is done, decent people of the world will find it necessary to make war on our own country. Many of our own children have been lured and turned to the dark side, while deviant and perverted profs laugh and dance. Conservative profs are not hired. Conservative generals are fired. When a fifth twit is appointed to Scrotumus, the Second Amendment will become a dead set of letters and the IRS will become licensed Gestapo. Obama is indeed fundamentally changing our nation. He is changing it into a monstrosity that no decent person can defend. Indeed, he is erasing the territorial borders and moral boundaries that define us as a nation apart. Instead, all that is degenerate is being fortified by elitist morlochs for the purpose of ruling sheeple eloi. The uninspired meek will inherit ... The dirt. High tech CooCoo NoKo.

Anonymous said...

Charities, foundations, governments, and collectives do not in themselves love, hate, give, or take. It's the individuals who organize themselves and others, to operate under their banners, who do those things. It's individuals who discover and teach memes and ways of being about the world. It's
programming, not charity, to condition an individual to be a serving
drone, un-free to choose or think for himself, instead to operate under
an encompassing collectivist meme, such as communism or socialism. When an individual functions with a family or an employer or a business, he
tends at least at some point to be free to choose to take his energies
and talents elsewhere. With worldwide collectivism, such freedom would
be severely regulated and constricted. Moreover, the rules of the
collectivizing meme would be more delusionary than real. That is, the
rules would apply only to the extent connvenient. Obamacare is a good
example. Rules apply harshly to whitey-led big corporations. Less so
to minorities, still less so to elitists. And the rules are subject to
constant change, so long as Obama retains his executive power of "his
pen." The idea of a fixed or best design for collectivism, either as socialism
or as communism, is a delusion.

In considering relations among actual people, it seems to make more sense
to recognize them as individuals having separate interests, towards
which each one enterprises to accumulate properties and means of
exchange. The process for doing that can be called capitalism.
Capitalism can be conceptualized to account for every kind of social
exchange of measurable property. It may be convenient to divide the idea
of capitalism into four subsets which, although overlappiing, encompass
the field. They are: (1) Free Enterprise (above board, arms length
trading); (2) Black Marketeering (under the table, secret kickback,
Nazi-Islamic capitalism); (3) Gangster Capitalism (Not-so-Free-Turkey-Capitalism, fascist-syndicalism); and International Crony Corporatism (godless deceitful hedging and buying and selling of government currencies and favors, manufacturing crises to use populations as pawns, cross-border arms trading and war incitement).

Types 2,3, and 4 function well for undermining representative republics. They rely on deceit, dupes, bait and switch, cheap labor, and serfs. Type 1 can be consistent with the American Ideal, but not without a citizenry of
assimilated mores, as under a commonizing faith that inculcates respect for families, people, and their individual talents. Without means for assimilating mores that would respect people as individuals with their own legitimate interests and talents, type 1 soon becomes bloody in tooth and claw and quickly dissolves and dissipates among the other types. Type 1 cannot survive without constantly reviving Christian charity, liberty-literate citizens, and means for checking against the aggolmerating tendencies of types 2,3, and 4.

Anonymous said...

Communism is a front for rule by nomenklatura. Russian nomenklatura rule communists in Russia. NWO crony corporate nomenklatura rule the American brand of "communism." Communism, as such, does not exist --- except as a mask for Elitist Domination -- which uses idiots who believe in "communist fairness" to undermine every institution, including our universities -- which they have undermined. Communist "fairness" is a fairie-ness tale told by prof fairies to starry eyed kids. Godless, corrupt, spiritually hollow, sociopathic, crony materialists dupe idiot idealists to infest the commie fairie meme into everything. And then they use it to eat us from within. I'm suggesting that the lying nomenklatura who are eating our insides are at least as dangerous as the ones who are beyond our shores. Our Regime, in being a patsy for Iranian nuclear development, is very dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Much truth. Some people rule, some are independent, and some are ruled. Fascist-nazis, Human-beings, and Socialized-serfs. Nazi Germany entailed fascist rule over serfs. Commie Stalin ruled over serfs. WWII Germany and Russia both entailed rule over completely obedient serfs. Not a dime's worth of difference, other than that the Nazis benefitted from trade with a lot of international crony corporatists and had infrastructure and training to benefit from it. Plus a lot of plundering from neighboring countries. Nazis plundered Jews. Stalinists plundered kulaks. I don't see a point to calling one right wing and the other left. Both were of the soul robbing devil. You can't have socialized serfs without having fascist rulers. In America, we now have fascist socializers being owned and operated by godless crony corporatists. We have come to this because we forsook God and family and drank the kool-aid that said to let international and crony corporations run rampant.