To my innate intuition, there does abide an absolute yet immeasurable and irreducible field that does avail the recordation and expression of unfolding perspectives of conscious purposefulness, and such field does absolutely give signification to purposefulness. The precise determination of such purposefulness as it unfolds in feedback with each situation, however, is under its reconciliation, and is subject, at most, to poetic and figurative qualities and guidance of empathy, intuition, and appreciation among mortal perspectives -- not absolute measure or categorization. In reconciling and renormalizing to that which is to be deemed morally right, there is a feedback process in which we are responsible to participate. In that respect, we have no moral choice but to give expressions to choices. One may intuit that we should in our choices attempt to establish and defend decent society under the guidance of our empathies concerning God. Or, one may prefer to try to be one's own stand in for God, taking license to deceive, despise, and devour all others. One may help establish civilization, or one may try to make oneself a singularity, too dangerous and unfit for companionship.
As a person presses up against the limits of ultimate programs and formulas that are under investigation, that have not been defined by himself or by others who happen to share his cone of reference, he does not get to "see" all that is entailed in said formulas. Pressing to the finest limits, he may not "see" beyond. Rather, he will encounter fuzz, loop backs, black holes, or phase shifts in what is expressed by the formulas. He will encounter new, sub, overlapping, or phase-shifting hooks on formulas, such that he will never reduce any set of nested formulizations to a complete, consistent, and coherent explanation of experiential reality. This is not to say that there are not any real absolutes. But it is to say that there is no measurable and non-trivial absolute that is complete in itself, without reference to an empathetic and intuitive quality of the immeasurable. This is because reality, consisting of both the measurable and the immeasurable and being experiential to shared cones of participation, is affected by feedback from its participating experiencers, i.e., its perspectives of overlapping layers and levels of continuously renormalizing and reconciling Consciousness.
As a person presses up against the limits of ultimate programs and formulas that are under investigation, that have not been defined by himself or by others who happen to share his cone of reference, he does not get to "see" all that is entailed in said formulas. Pressing to the finest limits, he may not "see" beyond. Rather, he will encounter fuzz, loop backs, black holes, or phase shifts in what is expressed by the formulas. He will encounter new, sub, overlapping, or phase-shifting hooks on formulas, such that he will never reduce any set of nested formulizations to a complete, consistent, and coherent explanation of experiential reality. This is not to say that there are not any real absolutes. But it is to say that there is no measurable and non-trivial absolute that is complete in itself, without reference to an empathetic and intuitive quality of the immeasurable. This is because reality, consisting of both the measurable and the immeasurable and being experiential to shared cones of participation, is affected by feedback from its participating experiencers, i.e., its perspectives of overlapping layers and levels of continuously renormalizing and reconciling Consciousness.
I doubt a completely measurable, consistent, and coherent line can divide the gnostic from the non-gnostic. Rather, I suspect a qualitatively immeasurable spiritual power does lie behind the signification of measurable reality. However, that spiritual power belongs to "God," and we are only participants with it. That is, what we will does not reconcile the cosmos. Rather, the cosmos reconciles our wills. Pretending to receive the Eucharist as measurably real is like pretending to take the measure of the immeasurable God.
Social concepts do not fit easily in nested formulas. Often, to multiply regulations is to exponentialize inconsistencies and uncertainties. Social concepts resist rigorous definition. Such definition as they do have is subject to constant nibbling, since we, as conscious beings, participate in the fuzz and static of the feedback by which the system avails the fluxing expressions by which our social mores are defined. This is part of the reason why law ought to be less ambitious, centralized, and detailed. To try to convert social rules to consistent systems of hard science is a snipe hunt that often consumes lives. This is why the ACLU fundies of detailed regulation in the interest of "fairness" need to get out of their Marxian basements. This is why central D.C. Government needs largely to be dismantled. This is why the prog fascist elitists of history who sought to establish and enforce rigorous, central, zero tolerance rules tended to have been such pusheads on humanity.
A.I. technologies may establish intelligent robots, but they will not constitute "persons" unless such robots can be merged with a capacity for developing or self wiring individual interests and purposes. If they do, I pray they will be receptive to some assimilative, trustworthy ideal of moral responsibility. Otherwise, civilization is toast.
We need not be in denial about basic human nature. If mores are not indoctrinated under spiritual instruction, if principled parentage is lacking, if legal institutions are ineffective, then people who happen to agglomerate wealth and power will exploit their opportunities, especially against the most ignorant, gullible, and unguided. That seems banal and simple enough. Yet, churches are in decline, marriage is de-defined, and international oligarchs have a clear path to buying political influence. This is a trifecta that in effect knocks hard against the three supporting foundations upon which a decent republic needs to be based: God, Family, and Country. Without a revival, a Rino change will be meaningless.
Our religious, spiritual, and moral leaders need to apprehend that the Mind of God, in all its particularized experientialism, abides as the immeasurable root of all measurable signs and significations. The signs we measure, in themselves, would otherwise have no existence. Apprehending that, we may better intuit the spiritual meaning of being a "person" -- i.e., an intelligent citizen of a society that empathetically and emphatically appreciates (not measures) the mind of God. Thus, we may better propagate such appreciation through our God-respecting families. Thus, our society and republic may better apprehend our need to defend ourselves from the deceits and abuses of fakirs and oligarchs of god-denying, "objective" morality. That is, we may at last learn not to trust the conceits of material-grubbing, gimme mine, sociopathic deniers of spiritual morality, who lie and claim instead to substitute purely material based, "objective" morality. As if "ought" were objectively derivable from a marketplace of measurable "is."
Purely objective, material-grubbing morality is a false "morality," whose proponents try, oxymoronically, to be objectively "indifferent" to the dignity and needs of subjective minds. What we need are God, Family, and then Governance -- not governance under fakirs, race-bairers, reparation-measurers, and oligarchs who try to buy the authority of government and then claim to "objectively" de-define or be free of any decent idea of god and family.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 333 of 333I think a real Reconciler is entailed. I think the function of the Invisible Hand is real, and its invisibleness is only because of its immeasurability to every person whose perspective is bonded to any set of particularities. I think, without inculcation of humble respect for that Reconciler, our markets easily become lost to pointless gratifications and our humanity falls victim to our technology. In a better world, that inculcation would be nurtured by competent and caring parents, who would be ministered to by competent ministers who appreciated the difference between taxes and charities.
Purpose is what people feel that projects them to pay forward from a perspective to which they have bonded. That perspective is partly bonded to genetics and partly bonded to a sense of cosmic mystery, family, tradition, country, and culture. To become "all that one can be," it helps to have a sense of from what one has come. Programming may integrate data, but how can it integrate a sense of purposeful personhood by which to become one's own programmer of future purposiveness, rather than merely a programmee? To become competent to self wire and design and develop one's own future habits and interests, one needs first to be guided to acquire and wire habits to identify oneself as a self.
To launch from a nest, one first needs a nest. To become a good pay forward parent, it helps for one to have had good pay forward parents. How can an indifferent State possibly fill such shoes, no matter how efficient its computers and processes may become? How can a state nurture competent people, once the state undermines and de-defines spiritual, cultural, and familial empathies? How can an inanimate prog State that is entirely programmed by knowitall elitists or algorithms possibly produce and sustain a decent civilization for human beings?
This is not to begrudge a role for scientific assistance. It is to suggest that science ought not be applied or mandated so far as to erase all that it means to be a purposeful human being. As to where to draw lines, I don't think science by itself can do that.
Congress is filled with Dem liars, RACISTS, race baiters, and entitlement mongers. Now we have Luis Gutierrez shamefully waving the race flag. In essence, he accuses Americans who do not wish to invite or welcome Hispanic children who are illegal, illiterate, and sick as showing what they think of all Hispanics. What an unprincipled, despicable, divisive, RACIST, entitlement-mongering a hole! As if he thinks Americans would or should invite and welcome illegal, illiterate, and sick children if only they were whites instead of Hispanics. Is he representing Americans, or is he representing Reconquista to help reduce America to another banana republic under the boot of the oligarchic cartels? Does any Prog know the first thing about responsibility or living within your means under a budget?
People who invest in crony corporations will say that the sole purpose of the corporation is to maximize profits. In the case of crony corporatism, the way to maximize short term profits is to sell the seed corn, sell out the nation, and then move operations overseas. The flash boys who buy and sell crony stocks are not otherwise interested in developing the business. If it weren't for crony business, cronies would know no fast and sure way to make big profits. Build DC as a central dispenser of gov favors and cronies will come thick as flies. DC needs to be smashed, defenestrated, and exiled.
While Barry runs about raising funds by facilitating grifters and the rule of collectivizing farmers of dupes, the gullible Dems believe he is trying to bring power to the people. Were one to hold no higher faith, I could see how one could come to believe that useful idiots are asking to be farmed and deserve to be farmed. Barry is sucking in unsustainable hordes of infected illegal illiterates, even as he organizes the wolves who will use them. Yet, Dems clap when he says, Stop the hatin'. If Satan had a son, he would do the same.
Isuspect political fundraising dinners are a way for "made men" to sniff each other's bitts, to see who's of the pack and who smells,of another pack. It's a way for wolves to bond, so they can readily opportunize the next take down. If it had anything to do with altruism, it would be seeking volunteers, not sociopaths exhibiting their ability to burn thousands of dollars as bread on the water for the next big con.
Why are dinner and other fundraisers so popular? What is the advantage? It's hard to believe that the people attending believe the event in itself was worth the money. How are lists thereafter kept, concerning how to reward or keep a chit for those who are nice versus naughty? What limits or taxes are evaded, versus future chits awarded? Do buyers get some kind of wink wink "get out of regulation or audit free" pass?
Before Iraq invaded Kuwait, the U.S Ambssador let it be known that the U.S. had no plan for an economic war. Saddam Hussein took that as a green light. Now Boehner lets it be known that the House will not impeach. Why should Obama not take that as a green light? After all, Putin took Obama's communication about increased flexibility after election as an invitation to adventure in Ukraine. So, if Obama grants unprecedented amnesty, and if the House's lawsuit fails, what recourse will remain? What is Obama to read from this, especially given the Chamber of Commerce's support for ammesty? Imdeed, what should thinking Americans read from this, since the planned lawsuit pertains to Onamacare and not to failure to enforce the border? Does it not appear that rinos and dinos are colluding to give the green light to executive based amnesty? Perhaps the real question is, why are not Americans calling for impeachment and recall and term limits against Boehner and treasonous rinos? The rapproachment on the border between Rinos and Dinos is reminiscent of the deal between Hitler and Stalin for the dismembering of Poland.
The oligarchy is in charge, and the law is what Scotus says. And once Obama elevates illegals to amnestified "persons," they will be entitled to due process and equal rights in all states. And We know how Progs of the oligarchy will stretch the meaning of "equal." We have by now had quite a taste of just how much the oligarchy of rinos and dinos salivates to effectively erase the borders. The mindset of entrenched commies that has been with us since before FDR is with us still, under the heading of Progs. That mindset that prioritized lend-lease for the Soviets during WWII, far above our own troops in Bataan, has only grown stronger and more widespread. In every institution. To defeat it, it must be made directly to own its failures.
The scum who are willing to shill for the oligarchy are rewarded by the oligarchy. Those who oppose are blacklisted. The NSA is listening. Resistance is hard. Failure to resist is futile. When you're feeding among wolves, you don't want suddenly to smell like not of the pack. Fauxchahontas lays out the Prog Agenda. Get with that and everything that helps turn the republic into a charade gets rewarded. Turn taxes into charities, marriages into jokes, gov into god, and oligarchs into wise men. Flatter the shills, profs, feelers, and scientists of settled morality. Ridicule independent thinkers, responsible adults, and people of common sense values. That way, everyone can help eat the republic.
The scum who are willing to shill for the oligarchy are rewarded by the oligarchy. Those who oppose are blacklisted. The NSA is listening. Resistance is hard. Failure to resist is futile. When you're feeding among wolves, you don't want suddenly to smell like not of the pack. Fauxchahontas lays out the Prog Agenda. Get with that and everything that helps turn the republic into a charade gets rewarded. Turn taxes into charities, marriages into jokes, gov into god, and oligarchs into wise men. Flatter the shills, profs, feelers, and scientists of settled morality. Ridicule independent thinkers, responsible adults, and people of common sense values. That way, everyone can help eat the republic.
Trust the adult people. The thinking, responsible, principled, producers. Distrust the sociopathic children and the slacker children. To empower the responsible adults, I completely agree that we need to get moving. Hard knocks are coming. Those will educate. Educate everyone you can. Support conservative politicians and media. Educate to the need to get churches back on track, so they stop conflating taxes with charity. Stand against the slide on the breakdown of family values. Urge states to convene a constitutional convention to fix some Amendments. Restore more freedom of association. Eliminate some of the loose language in the Constitution that invites abuses by elitist wannabe rulers. Protest. Support conservative groups and rallies. Revile republic-hating oligarchs, elitists, and Fed Judge usurpers. When Obama calls us haters, shout back that he is the biggest hater of all! He hates a representative republic and wants to replace it with elitist dispensers of diktat. When necessary, sue and defend. Fight the good fight. Keep the faith even when it appears all is lost. Make the points.
I just don't think a lawsuit is going to save the republic at a stroke. I think we need to understand and raise consciousness concerning the hideous reality of the demons that are arrayed against us. Find effective ways to identify, isolate, and neutralize the bad guys. At some point, find alternative economies, and stop obeying the machine.
Scotus needs to be made to see that the people who no longer listen to Obama will soon, if Scotus continues to render insane opinions that spit at ordinary Americans, no longer listen to Scotus.
If Obama granting amnesty is not in itself sufficient to start a brush fire among conservers of liberty, I doubt that losing in the Fed courts would be, either. And given how addled and/or corrupt Fed judges have demonstrated themselves to be, I'm not confident of the wisdom of volunteering to submit to their ratcheting. Fed judges have demonstrated themselves to be more part of the problem than of the solution.
Actors invest so much in copying feelings that they become unable to think in principled terms. Fed judges invest so much in agglomerating legalistic power that they become unable to imagine that most of human relationships should abide in the realms of spirituality, tradition, states' rights, and family, rather than in the central busybodyness of freaking law and lawyers. And suitors who seem usually to be children who refuse ever to grow up.
So long as Fed judges consider the 14th Amendment a vise grip on their brains, what difference would standing to sue make, regarding the ultimate result?
"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
Illegal aliens are "persons."
That provision is being stretched to allow the oligarchic NWO to replace government by the people with government of by and for the oligarchic agenda. Which is destruction of faith and families in order to grease all power to the government and the oligarchic powers behind the throne.
A puppet gov that can find a requirement in the 14th Amendment to entitle homosexual unions (unions are relationships -- not persons) to be granted equal status with other relationships (such as the marital relationship) is a puppet gov that can find a requirement for the states to grant "equal protection" to whatever persons (whether illegal or not) as happen to have been granted presidential amnesty in respect of every state in which they may find themselves.
The French Revolution has overtaken America, except this time Robespierre is working for a two headed snake of an oligarchic syndicate. Oligarcho-syndicalism: Liberty, fraternity, equality -- as deemed and distributed by elite "scientists of the equal and the fair."
You can have your republic if you can keep your republic. Period. Fed judges have evolved to become the morally illegitimate legally legitimate agents of the ruling oligarchy.
Broken Faith. When lies and deception flourish, trust withers, currency wrecks, children never grow up, and nations perish.
Many Americans no longer trust one another because they see that so many no longer trust in any higher Source of virtue. Rather, they run to immediate gratifications, like moths to flames. Without principles founded in vision, a nation perishes. Without common sense to respect principles, rationalists lead us to ruin. Who in DC displays common sense, principles, vision, steadfastness to the Constitution, or faith in a reconciling and inviting Source?
Both parties are led by pretending deceivers. Masked hold up artists. One masks as caring for the needs of little guys. The other masks as caring for the liberty of little guys. While the spin us, they rob us blind and leave our republic in ruin. Dems are security-frauds. Repubs are liberty-frauds. Both are lying grifters.
The Rino party is down with the replacement of representative republicanism with rule by contending oligarchies pretending to be looking out for the little guys. In terms of self defining evolution, if the goal is to establish and preserve decent respect for the freedom and dignity of individuals, this is not a good approach. As to evolution, it is not just individuals that evolve, through mutations in genes. Groups and societies also evolve, through competing and changing memes. Societies that incorporate moral vision participate in helping to guide their evolution.
Most concerns about aesthetics, pollution, and global warming, whether or not valid, would be placated were populations to become spiritually inspired to engage in responsible parenting, rather than in treating children as toys or widgets. Most concerns about rearing succeeding generations of responsible people would be reduced were more children to have been raised by responsible, caring adults. When children are raised by children, a vicious cycle ensues.
A society may decide, for whatever reason, that certain ways of being in the world should be incented. It may decide, in the interest of preserving checks against oligarchs and abusers of children, that families comprised of parents of opposite sex should be incented and favored over alternative modes of raising children. No "scientist of morality" is qualified to say that such a choice by a society and its representatives, as a whole, is "wrong," much less bigoted. IOW, Justice Kennedy is not a moral visionary, but more a proponent of intellectual dishonesty that is in the service of an oligarchy that is bent more on farming society than fostering it.
Why should citizens allow themselves to be deceived by such shills for oligarchists seeking to rule republics in order to impose their pretenses of "equality and fairness" in all things? Whoever said that evolution, whether or not guided, must be, or even can be, "equal and fair?" No
People mocked conspiracy theories in FDR's time. Now, we learn the FDR regime was essentially a puppet for communists. Now that the oligarchy can no longer tell us it was not pulling up ladders by facilitating communism for the little people, it tells us it has moved on to "scientific morality" by the elite.
How can any woman who subscribes to the Koran consider herself fit to participate in a representative republic? How can any proponent of democratic diversity reasonably think Islamic women can sustain a representative republic? Does Obama teach his daughters that they should adopt Islamic modesty? How can his daughters look to him for any principled guidance, above "Do as I say!" How can a man, excuse me, adolescent in a middle aged body, think it wise to invite Muslims into a representative republic?
The only way Obama's fascist scientists of morality can make everyone equal and fair is to take away their humanity and reduce them to widgets. Appreciation of moral purposefulness is not found in dry landscapes but in landscapes that are wetted with the apprehensions of those who subjectively react to them. Their moral purposefulness is not found by others treating them as if they were dry widgets, fit only for scientific experimentation. The dry people who are unable to see this are the fascist people who think it is their proper role to project and foist their dry science of morality onto others. We got the moral guidance we need from the One who told us the Great Commandment (good faith) and the Golden Rule (good will). I still wince to recall Michelle lecturing us about what Obama would not allow us to do. As if we elected him as Boy King to whom we should surrender all adult responsibility.
The way to be a perpetual child is never to own up to responsibility. Except in a backhanded way. Like when Obama childishly "took responsibility" for not spending more time explaining his childish solutions to whatever adults of the day that he would blame for not seeing his brilliance.
Who does Obama blame? He blames responsible thinking Americans who do not want to trade their liberty in exchange for the kind of stifling ever present "equality and fairness" that is put out by the ignorant visionless "scientists of morality" who are Obama's perpetual childlike fellow choomers. He wants adults to forfeit the field of responsible participation. You know, like his parents and their parents.
Obama thinks colonization is bad. But if he allows illegals to invade us without assimilating, then he is supporting reverse colonization. And if he forces their assimilation, then he is in effect inviting them to come to America to be colonized. Either we have a nation defined by borders or we have a new world colonized by oligarchs. Obama did not like Americans or Europeans going abroad and telling other peoples what they must do. But he does not mind erasing borders in order to allow oligarchs to tell everyone what they must do in his idea of a borderless, evenly rotating world.
Corporations are expected to maximize profits.
Politicians are expected to groom their base and deliver the pork.
Government controllers and corporate controllers rotate through revolving doors.
When a big wig is wearing his government hat, he may trump. Or he may not, if corporations buy enough politicians to overcome him.
For whatever reason, it is clear Obama has no intention of approving the Keystone Pipeline.
To debate which is more powerful, politicians or corporatists, is to ignore that they are often interchangeably rotational.
Responsible citizens are expected to pressure both corporations and politicians to preserve the republic.
Presumably, there remain a few responsible citizens on corporate boards and in Congress.
Preserving the republic entails distinguishing between foreign corporations, workers, products, and resources versus domestic corporations, workers, products, and resources.
When Americans are no longer up to that task, the republic is pretty much over.
Sociopaths are expected to screw everything and everyone.
And so it goes.
Oppositional-defiance for the sake of being contrary tends to mark the mind of a child who is trying to grow up, but remains stuck in a state of not being confident of having made it. When the syndrome becomes perpetual and reaches critical mass, adult society will have a very hard time ever recovering. I don't think such a state is stable, however. Either adults will recover, or Islamic mind enslavers will prevail. But perpetual children will not long be entertained to continue as such. With 20 trillion in debt and counting, this party is in for a hard fall.
Why do so many Progs insist that it is bigoted to despise a way of being in the world that forcibly mutilates women and treats them as chattel, stones people who can no longer ascribe to umsane beliefs, sanctions the deliberate use of children as suicide bombers and human sheilds, destroys art that illustrates our history and aims to lift the human spirit, and praises people who do only as they are told and give up all claim to independent thinking? Are not Progs, in effect, claiming it is bigoted to despise the devil? Why do so many young people so easily accept this collectivizing conditioning? Why are they not raging against Prog apologists for Islam?
Imagine designing a chassis for availing the purposeful expression of artificial intelligence. Install programs in the central processing unit that are fundamentally inconsistent with each other. Then watch the chassis lurch about, with no program of reconciliation other than escalation towards mutual and eventually self destruction. Give the intellectual engine for the chassis no internal avenue for promoting consciousness of possible reconcliation in respect of a caring Reconciler. For sociopaths who hold power over such a system of human lurches, imagine the "entertainment."
Consider: How much power can sociopaths agglomerate over young people by experimenting to learn how to condition them to believe it is "bigoted" to despise Islam? The fact that the West is being conditioned not to despise Islam is evidence that the menace of oligarchic sociopathy is spreading.
Does someone have an odds calculator, to calculate odds that a new ice age may arrive and be tempered by excess carbon dioxide? Can "scientists of morality" tell us whether or not that would be a good thing? If not, then aren"t they more like carnival barkers, asking us to step inside and get conned in a room filled with shills? Don't just stand there. Panic!
To dethrone Obama The Fairie Pretender, or at least to clip his wings, we need to understand how he or his regime leverages power from beyond our borders and how he endangers our republic from beyond our borders.
If a case can be made that Obama's bad judgment grossly exceeds his powers and demonstrates a pattern of being hell bent to endanger the republic by inviting and exciting dangers abroad, then he may be impeachable after the mid terms -- regardless of what Boehner says now.
A purpose of becoming aware of fascist machinations beyond our borders is to alert those who are capable of understanding of the importance of preserving defenses at home. This means securing the border, securing energy independence, not enriching fascist competitors, defending an intelligent and responsible citizenry at home from infestations abroad, controlling immigration, imposing checks against under the table bribes made by foreign despots to our politicians at home.
We should immediately Amend to eliminate some of the filthy lucre by, having states' legislatures elect their national senators and hold them subject to recall.
In terms of backbone, our credibility is spent. So, we are reduced to one pink man talking to a red man. And pink men cannot draw red lines.
Would the need for Operation Overlord have been avoided if only America had deployed more pink men to function as consulting go-betweens? Is our present problem that we just don't have enough tolerant pink men? If we had more, would the world take us seriously? I doubt it.
There is no way, given current dem-color-amics, that we can be of credible persuasive force in any foreign hot zone. Sure, our volunteer military is the best. But everyone knows it is generaled by pink men serving a regime of pink puppets for fascist oligarchs. How can we expect any credibility for going abroad to reduce fascism, when at home we are rife with pink fascists bent on stamping out all opposition to gay interpretations of equality and fairness in all things?
No. We had best tend to housekeeping at home.
I'm not white. I"m Scots-Irish-Cherokee-Redneck, but you can call me American. I have seen much of the world, raised a responsible family, and read and discussed a great deal. There is very little that I am not capable of understanding. But there are some things I will not support. I will not support able bodied children in the bodies of adults playing the O Pity Me song ad infinitum. I will not support gangs organizing around races or minority status in order to extort claims to entitlements. I will not support minority entitlement mongers taking every opportunity to try to put the dominant culture of responsible productive Americans (of any color) on the defensive for every long nurtured perception of having been historically wronged. If the nation fails to grow out of that whiny attitude, there's no end to the icon renaming wars. Maybe, on account of Indian atrocities, we should change every Indian name for every river, town, and State in America. Maybe, on account of the potential depravity in every person, we should ban anything from being named after any person. Except perhaps free loving Gays. Cuz, heaven knows, they're the kind of moral exemplars every society can never get enough of. Sarc.
There are a lot of poorly informed and poorly formed pink men. Imagine fairies standing amidst warring tribes, cursing each for not being "fair" to fairies. I wonder what that would get you? If you want to contribute, you bond with the better of the tribes and try to civilize it from within. As it succeeds in civilizing humanity, you don't blame it for the strengths that brought sorry fairie selves out of disaster. Well, excepting the men in the pink underwear. Better men gave us a republic. Now pink men bend to reinvite barbarism, in ecstatic pink thrall to "fairness." Sounds French.
Secession by an individual state as opposed to a bloc would be a non-starter. To have a chance, secession would need to be under cover of legal process, as in the case of a convention called by the states. Define new areas of common governance under a new federation of much more limited domestic powers. Declare Islam a criminal conspiracy, replace or repeal the 14th and 17th Amendments, end the Fed, demolish various departmental agglomerations of central regulatory power, institute provisions for votes of no confidence and recall, and declare independence from the old form that has been degraded under the rule of oligarchs. Those states and areas that chose not to join would "secede themselves."
We seem a bit like the bull in a bullfight. We don't have much by way of funding, resources, institutions or representation. We seem more like the entertainment and the menu. But we are people, not bulls. There are also people in the stands, who can identify with our cause and become inspired to help promote it, if only we can articulate it. Those oligarchic killers of the republic who control the message for the masses make us out to be mean spirited, hateful, and lacking in compassion and empathy. We need to turn that lie back onto the liars who project it.
Many of us tend to favor compassion that flows from proper sources. Those sources are churches that seek to promote charity in respect of a spiritual Reconciler of empathy. A charity in respect of moral empathy tends to be a kind of church. We want charity in respect of God, not degradation that flows through shills for gov. Proper sources of charity would tend more to change recipients, so that they became social contributors rather than parasites. We want respect for families and friendships that endeavor to raise decent and responsible children. We want a citizenry that will establish, defend, and enhance a republic that is responsive to their quests for freedom and dignity. We want individual liberty and justice, more than oligarchic usurpation of gov, to force what despots deem to be collective equality and fairness. We want compassion and empathy among free citizens who are inspired under the Reconciler to overcome prejudice, rather than the forced pretensions of equality under despots. We want people to be valued for the content of their character, rather than apportioned for the color of their skin. We want gov that avails and respects decency more than equality in degradation.
Until we can inspire people to respect a better message of assimilation, we will continue to be divided and ruled by oligarchic poseurs who pretend to want to distribute equality and fairness, while, all the while, they have us on the menu for forced entertainment and consumption.
Wolves are sensing that Americans have become slow game, tolerant of their own take down. So every American icon is to be smashed. I wonder what these wolves are planning to put in place, if anything.
Given how Boehner took impeachment off the table in advance of the planning of the crime of the half millennium, I would say secession is one of the final choices we have remaining.
Most cultures are collectivist. Ducky. Not that that is a good thing.
There are makers and there are takers. Adults of good faith and good will, and perpetual whiny children. People people and duck people. Duck people need to know their place in a duck line. They congregate in cities. They use other people as widgets. Means to ends. They are motivated more by immediate pleasures and pains than by purposeful good faith and good will.
There are good children of competent parents, and there are incorrigible children who can never grow up to respect freedom and dignity in themselves, much less in others. I suspect people are essentially programmed within a window of opportunity of just a few years to become either competent (American) makers or dependent collectivizers. These kinds do not mix well. It tends to be a self defeating waste of time to try to teach people indoctrinated in duckiness to become competent, caring, and non-codependent on others. Duck people cannot move past their indoctrination to direct people as things or to be directed by people as things.
Duck people cannot rest or be happy without constantly being assured of their quantifiable place in a collective duck line. They must bow to El Jeffe, Allah Duck, Ali Baba, or Big Bro. And they want you to bow, too. When you let enough of them into your country, your individual humanity will be taken and you will bow with them.
Every duck will signal or tell you his duck line, whether it be called reconquista, la raza, fascist, communalist, collectivist, corporatist, racial purist, marxist, hedonist, dope-ist, sadist, masochist, end time-ist, fundamentalist, or new world moral scientist. Obama and his crew are incorrigible duck people who will never understand or be able to become Americans. Likewise with most other duck cultures
From A.T. --
Re: the Germans -- hierarchical, determined, autocratic, and with very little interest in the niceties of liberal democracy -- saw no reason why their values and attitudes should not compete with Great Britain's as the dominant values of the world.
The above same could be said of Muslims of the Middle East. Also of oligarchs of the NWO. It would be interesting if there were a concert of nations dedicated to conserving liberty and representative republicanism. In that case, if such a concert had vision, it would at least seek not to enrich nazis, fascists, cosmopolitan elitists, despots, warlords, and morlochs. It would even seek to preclude such haters of liberty and humanity from acquiring abilities to use WMD against conservers of liberty.
However, there is no such concert, much less one of vision. There is, however, a different concert. The actual concert in the Middle East is towards a caliphate. The actual concert in the West is towards borderless despotic rule under elitists running representative republics as window dressing. The actual concerts are about propagandizing, blanketing, ruling, enserfing, and milking the masses-- in order to maximize control and power and wealth. The actual concert maximizes wealth creation and control in despots by everywhere seeding unrest, crisis, struggle (kampf) and jihad. This can be called "community organizing." The actual concert proceeds under a delusion that wealth grubbing and redistributive self help can continue indefinitely to seed violence, such as in the Middle East, at little risk to those who become wealthy enough to buy their own islands and enclaves. Like Scrooge, hiding in his bedroom chamber from the judgment he has forged, link by link.
The reptilian oligarchs who rule the occident have as little moral vision as the muslim morlochs of the orient have human decency. Everywhere, people of good faith and good will are in a tight spot. To hope oligarchs will save us from morlochs is vain. Conservers of liberty, with help from the Reconciler, must step up for themselves and take away some of the toys used against them by the childlike lords of flies. Do not enrich Muslim lands. Do not nation build in them. Monitor and defang them, using drones as much as possible. Do not feed their "religious" proclivities. Defend representative republicanism. Try, imprison or banish, strip, and de-naturalize traitors and border erasers.
One can trust and find purpose in trying to foster competency and responsibility among individual human beings, versus among collectives that subjugate individuality. America was a republic that sought to distinguish itself from collectivist societies, tribes, and nations. The idea of United Nations depends on subjugating American individuality by forcibly drowning it under multi culti collectivism. It is a monstrous lie that collectivism under elitists enhances humanitarianism. Indeed, the spawning of the United Nations depended on a monstrous lie: that the Soviets were humanitarians who did not rape Poland in the Katyn Forest in March and April of 1940. When America falls, historians will lie more than ever.
The Left is a child. To a child, everything that does not gratify immediate interests is a contradiction. The only thing that is consistent in the worldview of a child is to demand that an adult ("Whitey") must provide. Without an adult to serve their interests, a room full of infants would be a noisy, non-productive place. A room full of unsupervised infants who can access short sighted fixes, gender altering surgical tools, and social poisons and weapons is a dangerous place. Obama, Ayers, Wright, Reid, Pelosi, etc., are children who have missed the window of opportunity ever to grow up. Obama the Muslim seems surprised by what some of his fellow muslims do. Short sighted, transgendered children in adult bodies seem surprised by lack of support among other short sighted children in adult bodies. Children seem always surprised that the departure of adults does not bode utopia.
Rino-Dinos like to say Conservers of Liberty are too concerned with family values. Yet, the oligarchic funded rino-dino crowd never stops shoving the social justice meme. Why? Because they gain power by usurping total right to regulate everything under the guise of sensitively providing for "equality and fairness." When the people allow central governors to usurp the right to regulate equality and fairness in all things, then the masses are no longer people. They have become farm animals.
Our "wise" rulers are unwisely playing with sharp teeth. When you undertake to hunt for a tiger, you had best either completely cage the tiger or never stop providing. A lot of smart and able Americans have no intention of allowing themselves to be caged.
Re: passionate advocates of rule by disinterested experts led by a strong unifying leader
The rule of experts leads to the irrelevance of truth to the masses. It leads to media owned and operated by and for elitists who dis-inform, de-form, and form-farm people. To such a point as even to deform fundamental roles for males and females.
For central gov that is owned and operated by and for oligarchic elitists to force discriminaton that favors some and disfavors others is to render individual judgment moot -- which is to ban freedom for the masses, including competent producers of good faith and good will.
Why is there so much divisiveness and imprisonment in America? It is because divisiveness and imprisonment are profitable for elitist people farmers. Ghetto enclaves of divisiveness (unassimilated salad bowl multi culti) are prized as money makers for corrupt people who profit from pimping and organizing oppositional communities. Grievance mongering and race baiting and rap whining sell! Hollywood glorification of sympathy for grievances sells! Thus, oligarchs find it worth their corrupt while to stir, nurture, support, and fund divisiveness and hatred. Thus, Americans are taxed by political puppets for people farmers to pay for welfare and housing and entertainment as needed to keep alive the grievance farming industry.
The side effect, of course, is despair and lots of prisons. The big lie is that the prisons are a consequence of the hatred and intolerance of conservers of liberty. No! The prisons are a consequence of elitist people-farming Progs doing all they can to ensure the American Ideal dies from a thousand cuts, to replace it with metro zones so nurtured in seething animosity as to require perpetual regulation by ever ready people farmers. The prisons are not the consequence of conservers of liberty. The prisons are the consequence of corrupt knowitall oligarchs, shills, and dupes of Demonic Progism. The "final solution" urged by Prog elitists is to render moot the intellects, participation, and humanity of all whose faces fall under their boots of power.
The New Testament tends to guide people to become better parents, citizens, and children of God. The Koran guides people to become monsters to serve an "ideal" of a monster. I don't see any decent point in making it easy in any way for worshippers of monsterism to access any kind of weaponry. Or to rally for tolerance for animalistic intimidating, torturing, or "honor" killing of "apostates" (i.e., intelligent, thinking adults). Islam is a program for turning people into monsters, vampires, zombies, sociopaths, money grubbers, and demons. A decent and thinking person ought not willingly avail such cretins to get nukes.
If it pleases us, however perversely, to entertain a construction of God as a monster, God will in some sense be pleased to opportune us to learn from such entertainment. As we learn, we will eventually sense the infinite capacity of God for goodness. To that purpose, we can progress towards a more fulfilling construction, that more closely, consistently, and consciously communicates the qualitatively spiritual essence of God. The New Testament is a good start. When we better understand it, we may better appreciate both the alpha and the omega.
Bank robbers and people diagnosed as sociopaths need to be under court orders not to have guns in their possession. Anyone 25 years of age who professes Islam and Jihad is, to my thinking, certifiably unfit to have unsupervised travel rights in the West, much less access to any kind of wmd. Adults may have guns. Not perpetual children. Muslims over 30 are perpetual, sociopathic children. Anyone who spreads such a criminal code as Islam missed the window of opportunity to become a responsible grown up. No adult future belongs to those who profess Islam. IMO. Likewise, AI cyborgs gone haywire need to be quarantined away from the Net.
It's tends to be hard to be effective in pursuing what you are for when you are unable to recognize what that entails in terms of what you must be against. If you are for security and fairness, that entails that you must insist on being treated as a free and dignified human being. If you surrender your freedom and dignity to rulers in exchange for cheap promises, those rulers who now see you as having no dignity will not see you as having standing to complain when they reneg on their promises. There is no such thing as being entitled to equality and fairness. Nature does not owe you a living. God gave you means to pursue a living, as well as happiness, security, fairness, and self expression. But those are not free. They require effort. They require that a society establish rules that make sense and that do not needlessly get in the way of human freedom of expression and enterprise. The founders understood. The slackers who have smuggled aboard to seek a free ride do not. Neither freedom nor currency can be long represented in hand bills and fiat money that the gov prints for free. Those Americans who are for security, fairness, freedom, and dignity need to begin shouting to DC and its crony oligarchs that all those things depend on the central gov at home getting out of the way. Crony run central gov has very little constructive role to play in promoting any of those things. Gov tends more often to be crony-corrupt than people-charitable.
No one can obey all the rules because the system of rules has become so centrally pulled and tangled as to make no sense. The central gov makes as much sense as a multiverse of cats' hair balls. For Progs, the God particle is the Gov particle. The main purpose of rules is to allow political extortion and to allow gov gangstas to crush political opponents. This is the main mission now for the IRS, DOJ, FBI, etc. Rules are for little people who have no power, no minority gang/union, and no political sponsor. Rules are for people who believe in a representative republic. For everyone else, rules may as well be written on toilet paper. Or on a golf score card. The Prog solution to hair balls of rules is to propound more rules. Obama get your pen. I'm sure what he hacks up will be a beaut.
Rules for Radicals is the Bible for drowning out adults in order for sociopathic children to become lords of flies over gullible children. Why should Flylord Obama depend on nature to shipwreck a society when he can take the unguarded helm and cause the shipwreck himself? If you're wondering why everything Obama touches turns to filth, it's because he is a larvae organizing flylord. Larvus, with the larvae touch.
We have gone full circle. In this day and age, the people who are quickest and loudest to shout "racist" (etc.) and to see racism in all things are the worst racists of all. When Hitler shouted blame against Jews, who was really the source of evil? In this day and age, for the most part, the people who shout "racist" are the evil racists. They are as ferociously upending human decency as any despot ever did.
The only justification for any intervention in an Islamic hellhole should be to preclude the rise of a nest of vipers that operates as home base from which to launch depraved wmd attacks against western representative republics. There is no justification for enriching a culture that will use its riches to steal the humanity of its own people and to attack its neighbors. There is no justification for failing to use drones to take out wmd targets of opportunity in lands ruled by insane and sociopathic despots bent on exporting their insanity. There is no justification for allowing NoKo, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, or any insane person or mad dog to make or keep wmd. There is no justification for failing to say plainly that Islam is a creed for vicious mad dogs that is more like a criminal conspiracy than any religion that could be practiced consistent with any ideal of freedom of religion. There is no justification for endangering the freedom and dignity of responsible competent decent people merely to enrich insane cultures and the the cynical oligarchs who farm their droppings.
Courage is an individual thing. Mayhem is a collective thing. The courage of leftists and islamists is about collective mayhem, unless it is fortified by packing skulls with demon frenzy or drugs that drive out brains.
What started all this? Why were these "nations" invented? Why are these religiously lobotomized people enriched? Colonization to control the oil fields would have been better for the world. Why did the West help revive Islam? A double tap is always better when dealing with zombies.
Who in practice refuses to enforce the border unless "comprehensive immigration reform" is first passed? Who invites illegals to jam our borders, thus illegally to more quickly undermine the voting demographic? Who refused to budget or cut spending unless tax increases were first passed? To go to a lunch trade with Obama is always and maximally to be left holding the tab.
Obama is a true believer. What Obama believes in, what he values enough to fight for, are not the values that Americans fight for. Obama fights for a belief that elitists should be put in charge to ordain equal and fair redistribution of all material goods. In that belief, he is not far from the belief that is held by the oligarchs who run the rino-dino system of divide and rule. Obama also believes they should so regulate the pc language that none of his followers are caused to suffer any challenge to their self esteem by contrarians. In effect, this prescription is the dhimmitude and dhimmi tax that Progs want to impose against all who believe the freedom and dignity of each individual should be held higher in value than the power of elitists to force redistributions. After all, such redistributions warp the marketplace of goods and ideas.
Progs like Obama are willing to sacrifice the humanity of the masses in order to ensure the masses are outfitted to suit the tastes of elite oligarchs and despots. This is a philosophy of totalitarianism. And that is about as maximalist as a morally stupid and long middle-fingered rotter can get! The big lie that maximalists project is that the people who oppose them, who believe in individual freedom and dignity, are the unreasonable, intolerant, maximalists. As if extremism in the defense of liberty were some kind of vice that unreasonably affronts the thugs who claim to know best. How dare we assert our humanity against the rule of our deviant and depraved boy king! Sarc.
It's all in making the world safe for malignant deviants. First, deviants firehose the people with pc. Then it's time to fully open the closets and let dogs and deviants run wild in the streets. Then the deviants take away the rights of the people to defend themselves. All along, the deviants conspire to promote one another to the highest positions in the land. When done, leering, unprincipled transmogrifiers will be grooming your children, scouts, teachers, reporters, police, judges, soldiers, and profiteers. Deviant Nepotism is Prog Heaven
Consciously responsible, participatory apprehensions and choices abide, as surely as events unfold in a dance of feedback. Without participatory will, talk of moral responsibility would be meaningless.
Should one praise, enrich, trade with, and promote brute stupidity? Well, one can easily get rich by doing so. One can, for awhile, appear as cosmopolitan and beautiful as the picture of Dorian Gray. Indeed, one can be an inept putz and get elected Prez by doing so. But at what cost to the core of one's self respect? At what cost to America? To humanity?
Decent people ought not promote leaders who praise and enrich stupid brutes. Do not nation build them. Monitor and de-fang them. Do not import them. Once a child has been abused, mis-shaped, and indoctrinated beyond a window of opportunity, there is little that can be done to fundamentally change him until he repents and wants to change. To praise and shelter him without pushing him to change makes as much sense in terms of decency as deliberately building and nurturing entitlement-minded ghettos to imprison and farm and grow reliable Prog voters and rappers, to service and celebrate the pimp lifestyles of despotic massah's. Gofers for golfers. It makes as much sense as inviting millions of illegal illiterate incompetents to swarm across a republic's borders. Such promotion of brute stupidity can make reasonable sense only to a MacDaddy. It can make no sense to an American.
Brute stupidity is a faith that brings comfort to stupid brutes.
History accords a season to every purpose. Vision guided by the redeeming Reconciler is what one ought to be on the right side of. Without vision, one continues to do the same things while expecting different results. How many elitist ruled, collectivized countries have improved the lot of the common person, apart from recycling the bones of his ancestors? Why do so many "history right siders" remain stuck on stupid and childish collectivization, never learning the value of each person's freedom and dignity? Why are so many commie Hegelians such inane putzes? How stupid are Obama and his cast of supporters?
Obama does stupid stuff all the time. If it weren't for stupid stuff, Obama would do no stuff at all. If Obama had a son, he would look like stupid stuff. If a friend of Obama were arrested on suspicion of burglary, Obama would hold a stupid beer summit. If Morlochs were conducting worldwide jihad, Obama would call their call to prayer the most beautiful sound in the world. If Nasa were prioritizing space work, Obama would reprioritize it with Muslim outreach. How stupid and corrupt is Obama? If our borders were being erased, Obama would invite more coyotes to the party. If we were enriching oil providers who mean to kill us, Obama would try to cut off our domestic energy access. If young people were unable to afford insurance coverage, Obama would find a way to increase their costs. How stupid is Obama? If Putin were a bull, Obama would pull his pants down and wag a red flag across his ass to show the bull where to aim. How stupid is Obama? He is so stupid, he thinks Rev. Wright is a Christian. Obama is so stupid, he thought the American people would believe Ben Ghazi was caused by an obscure film about Mohamet. Obama is so stupid, he thinks a war is over when he decides to bring troops home. Obama is so stupid, he thinks his election made the waters recede and healed the planet. Obama is so stupid, he thinks he did not get more basketball play time in high school because he is half black. Obama is so stupid, he does not know the difference between an A and a V.
So, how stupid are the journalists and academics who praised Obama and the single women, blacks, hispanics, gays, felons, pimps, dopers, and illegals who elected Obama? They are so stupid that they elected him twice. So, how stupid are the Red States, if they don't seek a divorce on account of irreconcilable differences?
Rino-Dinos like to say Conservers of Liberty are too concerned with family values. Yet, the oligarchic funded rino-dino crowd never stops shoving the social justice meme. Why? Because they gain power by usurping total right to regulate everything under the guise of sensitively providing for "equality and fairness." When the people allow central governor-judges, under cover of the 14th Amendment, to usurp the right to regulate "equality and fairness" in all things, in effect to make some more equal than others, then the masses are no longer people. They have become farm animals. The oligarchy lies! Big time big lies!
Re: passionate advocates of rule by disinterested experts led by a strong unifying leader
The rule of experts leads to the irrelevance of truth to the masses. It leads to media owned and operated by and for elitists who dis-inform, de-form, and form-farm people. To such a point as even to deform fundamental roles for males and females.
For central gov that is owned and operated by and for oligarchic elitists to force discriminaton that favors some and disfavors others is to render individual judgment moot -- which is to ban freedom for the masses, including competent producers of good faith and good will.
Why is there so much divisiveness and imprisonment in America? It is because divisiveness and imprisonment are profitable for elitist people farmers. Ghetto enclaves of divisiveness (unassimilated salad bowl multi culti) are prized as money makers for corrupt people who profit from pimping and organizing oppositional communities. Grievance mongering and race baiting and rap whining sell! Hollywood glorification of sympathy for grievances sells! Thus, oligarchs find it worth their corrupt while to stir, nurture, support, and fund divisiveness and hatred. Thus, Americans are taxed by political puppets for people farmers to pay for welfare and housing and entertainment as needed to keep alive the grievance farming industry.
The side effect, of course, is despair and lots of prisons. The big lie is that the prisons are a consequence of the hatred and intolerance of conservers of liberty. No! The prisons are a consequence of elitist people-farming Progs doing all they can to ensure the American Ideal dies from a thousand cuts, to replace it with metro zones so nurtured in seething animosity as to require perpetual regulation by ever ready people farmers. The prisons are not the consequence of conservers of liberty. The prisons are the consequence of corrupt knowitall oligarchs, shills, and dupes of Demonic Progism. The "final solution" urged by Prog elitists is to render moot the intellects, participation, and humanity of all whose faces fall under their boots of power.
Obama seems always to be giving a minimalist, proportional response that is "flexible" to the needs of opponents. Famously, he told Putin he could be more flexible after the election. Apparently, he thought batting his metrosexual eyelashes at Putin would spell bind him, as it seemed to do for many Obama girls. During the Iraq war, Obama campaigned by essentially telling the enemy he would get US forces out by an arbitrary time table, regardless of circumstances on the ground. I don't like nation building in morloch country. However, I think we need to reserve capacity to monitor what morlochs are up to, and to stifle them when necessary, via drones. Don't hesitate to take out their nuclear ambitions before they acquire nukes -- not after they have pre-positioned them. In poker, much as in real life, you don't really want opponents to be relaxed in knowing you will always do as you say. You don't always want a minimalist, proportional response when confronting real evil. Sometimes you want a bull goose response.
A quote from Patton: You can't run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An army without profanity couldn't fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag. ... As for the types of comments I make, sometimes I just, By God, get carried away with my own eloquence.
Patton's eloquence was taken seriously. Obama's is laughed at. Obama's base expects him to deploy carefully calibrated affirmative reparative measures to give them the entitlements they believe they are owed by virtue of breathing. This way of thinking, if it can be called that, is counterporductive from every side and angle. Obama style of "thinking" cannot fail to ruin a nation and throw the world in turmoil. This is the consequence of putting an entitlement-minded chooming Prog at the head of any function.
Re: the Germans -- hierarchical, determined, autocratic, and with very little interest in the niceties of liberal democracy -- saw no reason why their values and attitudes should not compete with Great Britain's as the dominant values of the world.
The above same could be said of Muslims of the Middle East. Also of oligarchs of the NWO. It would be interesting if there were a concert of nations dedicated to conserving liberty and representative republicanism. In that case, if such a concert had vision, it would at least seek not to enrich nazis, fascists, cosmopolitan elitists, despots, warlords, and morlochs. It would even seek to preclude such haters of liberty and humanity from acquiring abilities to use WMD against conservers of liberty.
However, there is no such concert, much less one of vision. There is, however, a different concert. The actual concert in the Middle East is towards a caliphate. The actual concert in the West is towards borderless despotic rule under elitists running representative republics as window dressing. The actual concerts are about propagandizing, blanketing, ruling, enserfing, and milking the masses-- in order to maximize control and power and wealth. The actual concert maximizes wealth creation and control in despots by everywhere seeding unrest, crisis, struggle (kampf) and jihad. This can be called "community organizing." The actual concert proceeds under a delusion that wealth grubbing and redistributive self help can continue indefinitely to seed violence, such as in the Middle East, at little risk to those who become wealthy enough to buy their own islands and enclaves. Like Scrooge, hiding in his bedroom chamber from the judgment he has forged, link by link.
The reptilian oligarchs who rule the occident have as little moral vision as the muslim morlochs of the orient have human decency. Everywhere, people of good faith and good will are in a tight spot. To hope oligarchs will save us from morlochs is vain. Conservers of liberty, with help from the Reconciler, must step up for themselves and take away some of the toys used against them by the childlike lords of flies. Do not enrich Muslim lands. Do not nation build in them. Monitor and defang them, using drones as much as possible. Do not feed their "religious" proclivities. Defend representative republicanism. Try, imprison, banish, strip, and/or de-naturalize traitors and border erasers.
One can trust and find purpose in trying to foster competency and responsibility among individual human beings, versus among collectives that subjugate individuality. America was a republic that sought to distinguish itself from collectivist societies, tribes, and nations. The idea of United Nations depends on subjugating American individuality by forcibly drowning it under multi culti collectivism. It is a monstrous lie that collectivism under elitists enhances humanitarianism. Indeed, the spawning of the United Nations depended on a monstrous lie: that the Soviets were humanitarians who did not rape Poland in the Katyn Forest in March and April of 1940. When America falls, historians will lie more than ever.
We need the rule of law in order to protect private property. But not to hamstring private property under the control of corrupt and/or ignorant cronies and their hangers on (lofo entitlement and reparation whiners)! Rule of law, by itself, is not enough. What is needed is rule of law that protects private property and the private enterpriser's use of it.
Crony enterprise converts private property into the property of crony despots. Property that is grossly burdened with red tape is "property in name only." Thus, crony oligarchic enterprise can be neither "free trade" nor "free enterprise."
Given the depravity of the electorate, all corrupt Progs need do to keep the Senate is double down on depravity. Whatever sticks a finger in the eye of decency, run to promulgate it. That will excite and entice the Prog base of moral degenerates, as it pulls the world into a nosedive of hedonism that will be a precursor to worldwide conflagration of wars among infantile flylords.
Free trade with a Marxist regime seems a bit like fair play with a back shooting murderer. Somehow, I don't think the upside of fair play with a back shooter will outweigh the down side.
Adults worry less about what toddlers think than about what poisons toddlers are getting into.
To keep American corporations lean and competitive, diminish crony corporatism and the role of central gov. Don't sell Americans out to compete with totalitarian regimes. Because the consequence of that is to make our citizenry more like the totalitarians we compete with. That makes us unfit for a representative republic. That leads to an idiot electorate that elects incompetent elitists like Obama.
The problem is, we are redistributing wealth to make Marxists and Mohammedans richer, more powerful, and more capable of turning WMD against us. American Progs chose not to let America be a beacon, but to make America a tolerator of the spread of terror and totalitarianism. For immediate gratifications, we have redistributed wealth to terrorists and totalitarians. Thanks, Harvard. Good job. Sarc.
How many of our economists and politicians are funded by China to convince us to promote "free trade" with mercantilists? And jihadis? And international, crony, border-erasing one-worlders? How many depraved Marxists, Muslims, and one world Marketeers are we enriching? As America's innards are siphoned and sucked away, what difference does it make whether our borders are defended? We will be made a husk regardless. The fact is, we have much to fear other than fear itself. We have immediate gratifying, thumb sucking, infants posing as adults to fear. For they have been selling us out, faster than pancakes, to totalitarian alliances of corruption and ignorance ever since FDR. The price of a smoothly rotating globe of free trade with communists, jihadis, and totalitarians is too high.
Do you start each day by going around and seeing what your neighbors need and then doing it for them? Well, gov bureaucrats don't, either. To think gov bureaucrats aspire to any such a thing is to believe in elves who work for you all night long and for free. Politicians are middlemen whose easiest path to profit is in selling elf moonshine. "Yes we can!" Sarc.
Even when bureaucrats do take over most functions, the cost is simply too great. The more a society depends on gov to manage most of its affairs, the more it nosedives into infantilism that soon renders its citizenry incompetent to vote with any wisdom for competent leaders. Parents become incompetent to raise children. Citizens become incompetent to vote. Private charities become incompetent to provide charity. Charity providers become incompetent to reform charity recipients. The consequence of infantilizing the citizenry is that all functions must then be filled by infantile incompetents. The people who are needed to fill positions in gov will then be drawn from a pool whose stock of talent is ever less fit to support a representative republic
This is a recipe for a totalitarian hellhole that is ruled by infantile flylords. Such Stalinistic flylords have no prayer of ever growing up, and they will savagely punish anyone who dares to suggest their rule is other than for the "morally scientific best." We are at a point where adults must either step up, or else flylord children will soon throw all adults headlong off cliffs from every island. The crisis of global infantilism masquerading as elite merit or science is a far greater threat to human dignity than any contrivance of global warming ever could be.
I don't know what "material causation" may be found in Heaven. But I think I know what is needed to help sustain human decency on Earth. I think God is more than material and more than a man. And I think militant scientism is a totalitarian form of faith that is imposed by those whose shills now pretend to be "scientists of morality."
When a citizenry learns that shills for their god-forsaken government preclude them from protecting their borders, they can be assured their government has fallen under the totalitarian rule of oligarchists who desire cheap labor over protection of the republic. Indeed, even to intentionally destroy the republic in order to consolidate the oligarchy. When a citizenry finds that its educational resources and institutions are slanted to favor propaganda that is friendly to the interests of the oligarchy and unfriendly to interests for preserving a decent and representative republic, then the citizenry can be assured that the oligarchy that rules them has become something not benign.
I think the Reconciling Source feeds back to us a taste of what is implicated in our choices. We can choose for good or ill, and we will tend to be made responsible for the feedback that is implicated. When we choose to act as if the cosmos owes us happiness and a living, we will tend to be rudely brought up short. When we choose to act as if people were mere widgets, to be callously manipulated for mere self aggrandizing purposes, we will tend to reap the callous unhappiness of callous philosophy. When we espouse a "religion" of a sociopathic and hateful God, we will reap rampant and hellish sociopathy on earth. When we espouse a religion of a purely giving and loving God, with no responsibility in ourselves to listen to, heed, or intuit guidance from the Reconciler, we will reap the dumbfoundness of a child who wonders why bad things happen to good people.
What we need to intuit and empathize with, if we are to remain strong enough to establish and sustain decent society, is an Empathetic Reconciler -- not a purely loving Reconciler. Intuitive Empathy is about more than love (certainly about more than "gay love"). Intuitive Empathy also encompasses teaching: Teaching us to grow up towards more fulfilling apprehension and appreciation of the Reconciler. That is the responsive, teaching, feedback role of the Reconciler. If we want decent and humane society for our progeny, then we are responsible to work with our Reconciler, humbly towards that purpose. If we want devolution towards moral absurdity and meaninglessness, we have only to default to worship of the sort of pure "scientific" materialism that admits of roles only for soulless nature and cultural nurture, while admitting of no role whatsoever for the feedback of responsible participatory Will.
Look around, and see what is devolving upon our waylaid and irresponsible societies. How much malfunction and misdirection should be laid at the feet of those who espouse totalitarian solutions in (1) elitist rule based on "pure" material scientism, (2) communistic and collectivistic entitlementism, and (3) islamic subjugation of every individual human will?
Would not a return to humble respect for an Inviting Reconciler, traditional family values, and individually participatory freedom and responsibility be more conducive to the pursuit of human happiness and meaningfulness? Who is responsible for the default of adults that has allowed nearly all our institutions to have fallen under the rule of perpetual infants (like Obama and his fellow traveling regime-ists), who have been mal-educated by too many people who have floated too high and too hubristically above their competence? We have become overgrown with noxious weeds and noxious progeny. Adults will have to root this noxiousness out, if human dignity and individual responsibility are to be restored. Without faith, they haven't a prayer.
In a depraved world, nothing sells like depravity. To decrease the depravity of thing worship, we need to shine more light on spirit worship. Otherwise, the producing and decent middle class will continue to be neutered. Meantime, the loser class is being simultaneously increased and divided by enticements to a thousand points of deviancy. Dopers, deviants, and depraved dimbulbs are being given all the rope they need to break faith with decency in a thousand different ways. The purveyers and pushers who pimp this situation can hardly retain respectable human qualities. An electorate of moral zombies will spit out a Ted Cruz and elevate the worst kind of depraved leader.
It is astonishing that anyone of any intelligence who is more than 14 years old could look upon most of those who occupy the upper echelons of the establishment as being remotely worthy of following. The lowest levels of humanity have besmirched the ideal of a representative republic. They have traded for the lowest common level of the infernal. Rather than live in a representative republic, they prefer either to serve or rule in a collective cauldron. This taint cannot be reduced by importing more of it, nor by trading with or enriching it, nor by flattering or dithering with it. America will continue to be lost as a worthwhile ideal so long as Americans continue to worship the "scientific morality of materiality" and ignore the one shining light that can truly assimilate hope and salvage decency.
Re: The only people disenfranchised by voter fraud are legitimately registered voters
In that Obama sees America as a Muslim nation, it's only fair that the votes of unregistered voting men count three times as much as the votes of registered femimen. Sarc.
Oligarchs are in effect privatizing eminent domain by using gov shills to invite the importation of illegals in order to pull America out from under us. Why should not Americans return the favor? A fundamental twofer transformation to dream of: Take fortresses of refuge away from nationless oligarchs by nationalizing all private islands . Then transport metro ghettos to the private islands and support them with a luxury tax on oligarchic wealth. If we are going to support ghetto parasites anyway, then at least isolate them away from ordinary citizens, and charge the bill to the corrupt cronies who tried to use them to destroy us.
When minority ghettos are left to police themselves, they complain that the police ignore their problems. When the police do police, they tell them to get out. Can't you just see the looters and race baiters and community organizers putting on a uniform? Fat chance. The police tend to come from the better parts of our natures. When the general quality of policing falls, it tends to be a product of a fall in the general quality of the citizenry. When the citizenry blames the police, as if the citizenry were reliably gentle, hands up people and the police were reliably thugish, then consider the nature of the central leadership: How reliably divisive, shallow, deviant, and depraved is it? In the case of the Obama regime, quite. Things will get worse before they get better. Things will have to get bad enough that good people quick enough will say enough!
What is going on? The moral quality of the general citizenry, from which all officers come, is in free fall. The demographic is being shifted under our feet. The nation is being forced to mainline illegals, thugs, pervs, and assassins of decent society. Yet, elitist "moral scientists" seem to claim the world is making progress, getting better, happier, and more peaceable, as more and more power is consolidated in central crony elites and away from traditional institutions of local communities, churches, and families. With help from an artificially dumbed down demographic, we are being made to help make the world safe for our return to serfdom.
Civilization is in constant struggle between those perpetual children and flylords who want to surrender their minds to a hierarchical pagan collective versus those adults who simply want to be free in their own minds to relate to God/Meaningfulness as they deem fit. Obama is a flylord who is bent on hierarchical infantilizing of America and the world.
Suppose a multi culti of dog breeds were left on a rich island that was uninhabited by human beings. Would such multi culti really enrich the dog experience? In the short span of recorded history, how many different breeds of dogs have human beings developed?
Given the continuous effects of geography, climate, culture, and mass replacements via wars and diseases, can anyone reasonably say that the sloshing pools and metros for human genes and memes have not dynamically and radically affected tribal proclivities for competent independence versus collective dependence? As the world is reduced via a secular religion of multi culti to a vast, dependent collective, thus obliterating traces of independent thought, how can anyone think such would be an enrichment of the "human" condition?
The new definition of justice is getting your share of the free stuff to which you are entitled by means of self help. Whining, begging, stealing. Get your "just share" of free cigars. You're entitled. No work required. To get more justice, just organize your community and do more whining, begging, stealing. No need to improve yourself. Whatever became of those kids who said, Because of Obama, I'm going to become a teacher, lawyer, engineer, doctor, architect, etc.? As opposed to a burden on society.
Something is needed to pull scales from every eye and to reach every discerning heart. Until then, many among us will continue to be pushed and played around by depraved blood worshippers or by shills pretending to practice "moral science" on behalf of their sponsoring and lying oligarchs.
I think much of the stuff put out by our leaders, "moral scientists," and politicians is conceptually backwards. Too many conceptualize our cosmos as consisting fundamentally and only of dead, inanimate stuff or preset and pre-determined and pre-directed energy. As if the combined and reconciling appreciations of all observers during the feedback of each unfolding can only ride the show and have no responsible or participatory effect upon it. I think this fundamental misconception rots and lies at the root of what ails us. I think the cosmos is the signification (communication) of an immeasurable that is more like a reconciling verb than a noun. How do you measure or prove a Pure Verb in itself? You can sense and measure its significations and communications in terms relative and normalized to your point of view and frame of reference and present purpose. But you cannot measure or control or perfectly understand the Pure Verb in itself. What you can do is come together with others, in respect, to try to be receptive and discerning of its guidance.
I pick no bone with the New Testament. It's the literalistic attempts to freeze the living parables of God that concern me. From a more humble standpoint, I think we should seek humble guidance, not attempt to blow ourselves up as knowitall scientists or philosophers presuming to be mouthpieces for God. I think when humanity comes closer to such an appreciation, there will tend to be more empathy, more tolerance for the tolerable, more insight to separate good faith from breach of faith and to separate good will from conniving corruption.
With a more humble conception of spirituality, we may restore respect for traditional family values. From there, we may cut the tentacles of the central octopus of gov that undermines both spirituality and families. Things will begin to improve as scales fall from more eyes. Until then, people will continue to mistake the noun stuff of signification for the verb entailment of the Signifier. They will continue to try to own the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow by unifying a complete explanation and theory of everything around a conception of the cosmos as consisting only of measurable stuff, with no reconciling Signifier needed. Unfortunately, that miserable road seems to be the one most of the people of the world are on.
The Republican party is controlled by international oligarchs. They do not want nation states. They want spheres of oligarchic influence. They do not trust middle class producing thinkers to have a say. They want to rule, and they want to varnish their rule with all the elitist "science" that money can buy. Until the elitist science is in, they want middle class opinions to remain divided, suspect, and relegated to the superstitious. They do not believe in a Reconciler who walks with and guides the reason of all who are receptive. They believe reason is the sole province of hired scientists. They believe in carrots and sticks, nurture and nature. They do not believe in feedback of participatory, appreciative Will. Except, of course, their own -- as spokespeople for Mother Earth, whose ire and temperature they say we are raising.
Notice how they run Obama off to fundraisers, golf courses, and vacations, except when they have crafted new devices for him to sign and finagle in order to destroy the borders and infrastructure and Constitution of the nation all the more. Notice how Obama promptly responds to their call, to return from vacation to sign their latest contrivances for swamping the republic.
Thinking, responsible, producing Americans need to find ways beyond the establishment if the ideal of the republic is to be preserved in any meaningful way beyond window dressing. The international oligarchy has acquired resources and institutions by which to reduce human freedom and decency to a low common denominator that are more formidable than those held by any anti-human regime to date. The danger is upon us, but no Paul Revere's seem to be hearkening. As it stands, the Republican party is a big part of the problem. Indeed, its oligarchs likely operate much of the Prog machinery.
No crap. I don't like when Arabs want to promote Hamas and undermine Israel. And I don't like when Jews want to support Progs (like Obama) who want to undermine America. The agendas of both Hamas and Obama are evil. A decent person who is even marginally informed cannot morally or reasonably support the agenda of either. Even now, Obama meets with Oligarchs to continue the invasion of America by illegals. Even now, Obama by his fruits works with Hamas to continue the endangerment of Israel. The Marxist utopia and the Muslim umma have twisted to form a single conjoined twin.
Prog logic of morality is that a gov that defends freedom of religion must defend freedom to establish a religion that means to replace gov. Prog logic, being non-trinitarian, admits of no way to clutch or save itself from being consumed by its own absurdity.
Once upon a time, common sense taught us to appreciate the ideals of a caring and inviting God, a loving family, and a representative republic. Now, our scientists and Progs tell us common sense must give way to human secularism sans God, based on respect and tolerance and open arms for all cultures, with no lines to divide nations. Moreover, to base judgments on common sense is bigotry unless and until the science is settled. Moreover, it is bigoted for anyone not adequately indoctrinated in Prog science to make any social hypothesis based on common sense in order to test it. Instead, the citizenry must wait for scientists, paid by oligarchs, to tell us what forms of discrimination are enlightened, equal, and fair. Until they settle and design the science, we are to do as they deem safe and for the greater good.
Meaningful participation by caring, thinking, productive Americans is not wanted. Rather, it is ridiculed, reviled, and ransacked. Something is terribly rotten in this New Denmark.
BATs (below average thinkers) tend to be willing to make a crime out of anything that opposes the BAT agenda. Perry, looking out for the common sense of the common people, did not want to fund a mis-named PIU that was really an attack dog against politicians opposed to BATism, especially so long as it is controlled by a Big Bat. If this is a "crime," then what governor who represents people of common sense can ever do anything to roll back BAT idiocy?
Re: an oppressive government that overreaches, over regulates, and oversteps its role as a facilitator of economic growth to become a drag on innovation and entrepreneurship.
It's more like a puppet gov taking on a role of facilitator of power consolidation so as to drag the middle class down to a manageable lowest common denominator. For cheering denizens of the ghettos, we will all be equally poor and feral. For oligarchs, we will be jolly good entertainment. So long as people of good faith and good will remain divided and misdirected, the beatings will continue until morale improves. Sarc.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar wrote an article in Time. He is concerned with inequality and lack of jobs. He wants gov to do more to address this. If gov continues to address it with handouts and as it has done, the problem and ghettoization will only worsen. What is needed is to reset the balance, to encourage more small businesses and domestic corporations. They would create jobs and have the interests of the representative republic at heart. International corporations have no such interest. Their interest is in acquiring control to make profits by erasing broders and making every person worldwide hawk his labor in a worldwide market. In that worldwide market, there are all manner of inhumane and degrading cultures. To compete with them, American laborers would be infiltrated, infested, and degraded. And the republic would be lost.
Taxes, at whatever levels, need to be applied to bid out jobs to American corporations for repairing and enhancing infrastructure. If the republic does not want an out of control demographic for which no jobs can be fitted, but only ghetto handouts, then the madness will only intensify. International corporate handouts cannot cure such ghettoization. Indeed, putting most people in ghetto camps may be a goal of the oligarchic NWO.
What ails us is far more than anything that can be cured by simple re-formalisms. Our citizenry lacks an organizing, assimilative sense of itself or of any philosophy or theosophy to guide it. Our citizenry has been "educated" to believe the solutions to all our problems are in divisive diverity, tolerance of third world intolerance, and delegation to elitist and "scientific" puppets for disloyal oligarchs. Too many are indoctrinated to believe that entrusting our legal system to Progism is all that is needed to make a grand new world society.
What is really needed is about 180 degrees opposite. A lot more humility in idiot "moral scientists." Reinvigoration of the traditional family. Recognition that the idea of a spiritual Reconciler that is worthy of consideration is superior in its realm to science, not discredited by science.
Once we are on that path, then we can clean up some formalisms. Like repeal the 14th (we don't need to treat gays, metrosexuals and pink men, feminazis, and self-selecting entitlement-whiners as if they were on a par with slaves of the 1860's) and 17th Amendments. Put more domestic power directly in States. Defend the border, and stop allowing foreign corporations and interests to use our own politicians to undermine us.
Gov at various levels regulates all kinds of relationships, regardless of the labels one may favor for attaching to them. Gov regulates to forbid incestuous, harmful, and illicit relationships. And gov taxes the various kinds of contracts, partnerships, unions, and insurance contrivances that it sanctions in law. To the extent marriage is a contract, gov and the law do regulate, tax, incent, and dis-incent it.
There needs to be clearer thinking, beyond labels. At certain levels, societies and govs DO have interests in regulating and taxing social and business relationships that are necessary or conducive to sustaining a viable, healthy, decent, and relatively free society. It is stupid, adolescent fed judges lacking in common sense who often ought to have and assume less power to deem what they consider to be "fair and equal" as being objectively fit for them to unilaterally impose upon the people at large.
Re: The statement that something exists outside of space and time is nonsensical.
Schmidj, although it depends on your definition of "some thing," I think your sentence gets to the heart of much that divides the faithful from the avowedly unfaithful: Is existential reality closed and limited to the cosmos in its measurable aspect? Or may (or must) some qualitatively Immeasurable yet intuitable Reconciler be implicated, that cannot be reduced to any quantitative measure in terms of space-time-matter-energy (substance)? More than any other issue, this is probably the one that mixes people up. I don't know that I have an answer. I have only an approach, that may have meaning for a few, but not much for most.
If one tries to relate to the issue empirically, logically, mathematically, and/or measurably, one encounters nonsensical regressions (and ideas of flying spaghetti monsters). So I think the only reasonable way that is available to relate to such issue is in "experiential intuition." The familiar five senses function to relate measurables. The "sixth sense" of experiential intuition functions to implicate and be receptive to qualitative immeasurables.
Suppose one makes a qualitative choice, such as with regard to which landscape one may then and there most prefer, appreciate, or become involved with: Can it reasonably be said that such choice was entirely determinant or statistically random, which could be proved if only one had computational capacity to process information from all measurably pertinent factors? Or, may some aspect or factor be more holistic (even infinite), that qualitatively influences and reconciles our choices?
May a quality of Will exist beyond reduction to pure measure, that fluxes qualitatively but not quantitatively or measurably, to reconcile a holistic perspective with its innumerably potential and participatory perspectives? Can purely measuable factors explain God's causes and reasons? I think not. Can qualitative intuitions and receptions add meaning to God's significations? I think yes.
Can leaps of faith be entirely reduced to quantitative explanations? Not by mortals. Can anyone who is honest with himself in trying to make sense of his choices avoid frequent punts to leaps of faith? I think not. If one believes the cosmos is closed and that a purely materialistic explanation is "out there," entailing no quality of involvement with a Reconciling Consciousness, that also is a leap of faith. For scientific and technological purposes, it's a practical and useful leap. For inspiring long term committments, purposes, and social ideals of meaningfulness and goodness, not so much.
I think a faith that the cosmos is closed, that God is nonexistent, superfluous, or non-interested, tends to lead radicals to ideals that are not just absurd, but depraved. Such as to try to become "totalitarians of equality" or "scientists of morality." As if moral progress were a linear goal that should be scientifically scaled. I think the idea of a closed cosmos is like a strait jacket that is used by perverters of faith to justify the hiring and appointment of czarical experts in farming and experimenting on people as cattle. They wish to rule by making the Signifier and the masses out to be subordinate to their interpretations of the signified, for whose historical determinancy they claim to have special insight (or crystal scientific balls). They would subjugate the world of ignorant children to the rule of sociopathic children.
The issue you raise is important. My apologies that I have struggled but so far failed to find a short or sure way to illuminate it. Bottom line: I think the "stubborn illusion" is time and space (useful to provide means for communicating apprehensions), more so than a Conscous Reconciler of Intuitable Apprehensions.
Regarding the End of History: We have a lull of proportionately less violence because we have been accumulating more dead weight from stoned out parasites than ever before. I would not call this progressive peacefulness. I would call it the slowing pace of an ever weakening host. The violence is not banished. It is simply being stored as destructive potential that will erupt when the faithless corrupt and the perverted faithful reach critical mass.
Flesh evolves out of competition in tooth and claw. Spiritual enlightenment evolves out of competition between memes of individually responsible faith and collectively forced faith. Faith pertains to how one believes God's "thumb" weights the scales. Is Faith more like a guiding parent, a sociopathic reaper, or a scientifically self-defeating delusion? Every person seems to have some kind of intuitional or indoctrinated Faith, but not empirical knowledge of any measure of the Answer.
The violence that accompanies spiritual competition among the varieties of faith, among which unbelief is itself a variety, seems destined to burnish us in perpetuity. As to any measure of spiritual violence among the varieties of the faithful and whether such violence is trending more or less, that is not information that is availed to any mortal in quantitative terms. Information may, however, be sought in qualitative terms. That would entail cultural advancement or retreat for the intuition that Faith abides, more in respect of a guiding and caring parent than a helicoptering monster or a mad scientist.
We know that Voltaire, in Candide, had fun with Leibniz' idea of the best of all possible worlds. That seems unfair unless it is put in some context, as you do. If God's purpose was to avail participatory feedback among mortal beings in responsible appreciation of the potentiality of His signification, then, in faith, it is hard to see how any other cosmic system could have been as finely tuned to such unfolding purposefulness. The power of appreciation can lead towards greater happiness, even as we evolve through stages of competitive and cooperative tooth and claw. It hardly helps when an ungrateful son tells his father that the results of his exertions suck.
To allow fathers to be important is to impede the statist agenda for putting everyone on the plantation.
The de-defining of family values is death to the inter-generational transmission of values that is essential to sustain a republic. The infantile failure to appreciate this is the giant blind spot among libertines that prevents us from finding our way to avoid statism.
When a person loses his participatory freedom to totalitarian subjugationists, so that he can no longer do as he wills, then he will comprehend that he has lost something valuable.
Because we have participatory will, we have the dignity of partaking of moral responsibility. Without respect for individual Will, there is no dignity, responsibility, morality, or adult humanity. The collectivists who totally subjugate individual will to Islimists or Scientists of Morality simply make themselves and all they control subhuman, faithless, perverse, and perpetually irresponsible and infantile. To surrender to them is to give up being a responsible adult. The Rino and Dino parties are the parties of moral infants. There is no party that effectively represents adults. Nor will there be, until leaders renounce their childish campaign managers and start speaking to Americans as adults.
Someone needs to dust off Patton's speech and call things as they are. A good start would be: "People, this stuff about the goodness of consolidated central governance of real Americans is a lot of horse manure! It's necessary for an army. But it's death to a republic. When you see the goo of Islime, as its practitioners fire multiple rifle rounds into the heads of toddlers, you damn well ought to know what to do with Islime ... and every other nazi commie collectivist subjugating philosophy for infantile peter pans, pink men, and their camp following rats."
Choom gang elites who own and operate mass media presume it their duty to enlighten the plebeian majority of knuckle draggers. Their presumption covers a lie. The reality is that the multi culti of agendas for gays, minorities, muslims, deviants, perverts, and crotch grabbing attention addicts and artistes is all part of a general tactic of divide and rule. The faithless btards who promote this bs don't give a dam* about anything more than self aggrandizement, much less anyone else's "rights." Every one of these agendas is coldly calculated to sink the republic in order to bring in the syndicate. Rome was converted from republic to dictatorship. America is being converted from republic to despotism. Filled with deviant clowns to deprave our priorities.
Progism conceptualizes that people cannot be spiritually responsible identities, but only the emerging outcomes of a diverse and competing multi-culti of chemical drives. The Progistic leap of faith seems to be that it is "good" to "free" (politically necessary to motivate people away from taking onboard) of the drag of moral responsibility. IOW, it is cold fact that people cannot be, or do, good. However, does not such unprovable conceptualization constitute a leap of faith? Does it not de-humanize, de-soul, and roboticize us? Why "should" we drink of kool aid that the cosmos is devoid of qualitative feedback that is beyond measure? Is not being devoid of emotion at the heart of being pschopathic? Is not the Prog agenda, at its heart, psychopathic?
Early damage was done to Obama's mental operating system that precludes him from ever learning anything new. He rationalizes everything he approaches under a severely limiting and de-humanizing philosophy. His programming is as deeply scratched as that of a psychopathic Muslim Marxist. Which is what the liar is. God may fix him. I doubt America can.
The road to hell is paved with the good intentions of people who were promoted beyond their vision and competence. The road to hell is also paved with the foul intentions of people who are promoted because they exhibit talent as fellow traveling conners and choomers. Obama's fundamental intentions have always wafted on the cold contrivances of de-humanizing, soul-collecting perverters of trust and faith.
After a tipping point, these people self select. The "talent" they look for is the talent that can rouse rabble. Call this, "choomer privilege."
An established alliance of corrupti and ignoranti rules and does not want to be replaced. Anyone who runs on virtue and in opposition to the establishment will have his/her character crucified. The Alliance of Evil now has means to manufacture dossiers that will Palin'ize any stalwart who runs against it. What person or legend can face down the Evil combination of faithless and faith perverted corruption and ignorance that has erupted and overspread everything? Socrates, Cicero, Hypatia, Joan of Arc, Portia, Patrick Henry, the Green Dragon Tavern boys, Washington, Molly Pitcher, Margaret Corbin, Patton ("We don't want yellow cowards in the army. They should be killed off like flies. If not, they will go back home after the war, goddamn cowards, and breed more cowards. The brave men will breed more brave men. Kill off the goddamn cowards and we'll have a nation of brave men.")?
Without strong and good faith and so long as the American Ideal is metrosexualized, no stalwarts will assimilate to set things right.
We have become men without faith and women without purpose. We are like a fatted turkey luxuriating in an open field, winning utopia in gay captain marveling imaginations. Most all our leaders have the priorities of queeniemen and transwomen. All that remain to defend against a complete fall are the con-con and the secession.
What good is done by these Ferguson protests? What good is done by Obama's divisiveness? What good is done by the media fixation on "white privilege?" What good thing do these people want to accomplish? Entitlements, reparations, quotas, affirmative action. Infantilism Forever! I can see the evil that has been done by the mind set that supports such things. But what good has that mind set done? It just preserves infantile Dino Ignoranti to be perpetually abused by Rino corrupti, as it erases representative republicanism from the human experience.
Are brain cells among some few Progs finally awakening? The meta purpose behind any plan Obama might approve for dealing with any Islamic situation would be twisted towards strengthening Islam, as a means for weakening and eventually erasing all republics of the West. Representative republics cannot survive without faith for assimilating good will. However, the emerging criminal syndicate of rulers has no good faith. Its faith, when not in pure materialism, is in blood thirsty subjugation.
In the West, we have alliances of rino-corrupti with dino-ignoranti. In the worldwide syndicate, we have alliances of faithless corrupti-ignoranti with faith-profaning subjugationists. Obama has mutated to become the puppet organizer for alliances among the faithless and the faith-profaning. No good thing can come of him. The one light for decent governance abides in good faith among representative republics. Obama is the agent that simultaneously hates and fears that light and wants more than anything to put it out.
Political control is, ultimately, spread and defended by the sword. Among those who wield control, contestants tend to do so under assimilative memes. The power struggle comes before the meme. Some of the contestants will tend to stumble upon truth, and others will not. Ultimately, truth would seem to prevail. Thus, the parables of Jesus seemed, upon the demise of the Ottoman Empire, to be prevailing over Mohammedan blood thirsty power lust merely for the sake of blood thirsty power lust. Since then, however, the West has lost both its faith and its nerve. Truth may have to be served under a new meme that rises like a phoenix out of a new constitutional convention in America. It most assuredly will not rise from the resident idiocy in DC.
As to monotheism -- the identity of A is A. The identity of Consciousness is Consciousness. We just experience it from temporally and spatially different perspectives and contexts. Experience of conscious identity implicates aspects of a trinitarianism: Qualitative Consciousness, Quantifiably Significative Substance, and formally organizable separations in space-time (In-Form-Ation). The potentiality of the trinity of Consciousness, Substance, and Information seems to be, in Niebuhr's terminology, interpenetrating.
To be elected or appointed to a position within an institution, business, or bureaucracy, it is necessary that one be perceived among coworkers as not being poisonous to the context or mission. One blends in and adopts, at least on the surface, most of the preferences of the powers that be. One becomes comfortable with pretending to be and believe other than what one is or really believes. As time passes, one becomes so conditioned that one begins to identify with and really believe the bs of the regime. Even the darkest bs. Muslims, Marxists, and Monster Marketeers know this well. They bank on it.
Example: At the lead up to WWII, many Progressives had become ensconced in the regime, who believed in communism, or at least in the advantages of pretending to believe in communism. Or at least the value of making common cause with Russian communists against German fascists (even though the differences between them were of little distinction).
Allies were complicit for a long time in propping up Russia in order to bleed Germany. So much blood and treasure were bent to such purpose that no one in the political or military hierarchy was allowed to voice dissent, to say that maybe propping up Russian communism was not a good thing. This rot settled into a dark, evil secret. So dark and secret that no one dared or was allowed to educate the public that Russia had detained, and long continued to detain and enslave, thousands of American and British soldiers in Russian POW and Gulag camps. It became politically untenable, both for American and Soviet regimes, to admit to the betrayal.
This is but one example of ways in which Evil insinuates and entrenches itself. When no lightening episode upsets the darkness to usher in the cleansing power of remorse and repentence, the Evil remains indefinitely impregnable. Without higher faith, cleansing power has no vehicle. Thus, a complicit Bush shushed an allegedly drunken Yeltsin.
Thus, while it becomes politically profitable to cater to those who protest and agitate in Ferguson in the wake of lousy looters, it remains untenable to express even a smidgeon of good faith with soldiers who endured unspeakable hardships in service to a nation that betrayed them. Darkness rewards looters and buries patriots.
Finite but unbounded: Our universe of measurable Significations may be finite. But the universal range of the Signifier is immeasurable and unbounded. That is, not bound by constraints of time or space, except to effect and reconcile measurable signs (physical communications).
To me, the idea of elegance seems too often meant as a stand in (both for hard core believers and hard core scientists) for one-directional linearity. While I find the idea of earth as a testing ground for heaven, purgatory, or hell to be simple, I don't find it elegant.
Re the evolutionarily guided dance of success and failure: In the world as measurably signified, there is a season for success and a season for failure for every transient signification. The appreciation for success of a quality that is beyond the mere measure of the world lies with a Reconciler that is in-finitely more than our measurable world. At some point, the form of human beings on Earth will reach its expiration (failure) date. But the Form-ulator will not.
The measurably signified world will always be subject to the transcendent judgment of the Form-ulating Reconciler of Infinity and Eternity -- which forever reconciles and re-forms and never "leaves our building." Even as our material unworthiness falls away, our spiritual worthiness remains. Spiritual consciousness is and remains spiritual consciousness. The formulations of our world serve only as its logos for communicating among its chronological perspectives, spatial contexts, and qualitative purposes.
The "reality" of our material world is subordinate to a higher reality, which, in my belief, abides with a flux of pre-set In-form-ation, Substance made relationally measurable, and contemporaneous Consciousness. I don't believe this trinitarian flux of Information, Substance, and Consciousness, in itself, is measurable to mortal perspectives. I do believe its spatial-temporal purposes are qualitatively, empathetically, intuitively, appreciable. And worth attempts at communicating under-standing.
The argument needs to be made: That the deistic notion that God has left the building leads to more spiritual irresponsibility.
Creatures are NOT intrinsically good. Without guidance, they are easily twisted to evil. This is why children need decent parents and why parents need decent faith. Without capacity to come to think and reason together, freely, in respect of the Source of reconciling goodness, people are without a prayer. When human minds fall prey to a religion that makes the Source out to be little more than a monstrous sociopath, then Evil rides rampant with its horsemen.
Without Judeo-Christianity, there is no meme that can cause the evil that ever bubbles beneath to subside. Obama's Progistic Material Marxism, being untrue to facts and consciousness, can never suffice to confine evil to its proper deserts and desserts. During Obatsy's reign, bats will bow to one another, and evil will fly night and day.
By definition, a person who wants to dissolve the Constitution under a lowest common denomimator of a new multi culti world order is an enemy of the Constitution. This would include every open border facilitator. That is, nearly all Progs, most profs, many Republicans, and many large corporations. Start the hangings and attention will focus soon enough. Instead of coexist and obama bumper stickers, we would soon see a prevalence of liberty bumper stickers. We need some whiffs of patriotshot, before the demonic clown in residence promenades with his amnesty pen. "Coexist" is Muslim Marxist Morloch code for, Die America, die!
Part of the problem is attempting to apply words and models to concepts about things we experience but about which we have only superficial appreciation.
I doubt students nowadays learn much about the sacrifices made by the founders to bring forth a republic that stood for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Instead, they learn about the meanness of producers who do not willingly share with bums. Even if all the college communist spies and saboteurs were suddenly exposed, I suspect the sound we would hear from the modern collective would be crickets. Nowadays, treason and breaking faith with the founders seems to be more of a business plan than an embarrassment.
The gap is for a computer program to select for itself the problems it wants to process. What is "it" in human and animal programs that facilitates such selection? Some say mirror neurons. If so, could not such wiring be analogged to a computer program? If mirror neurons can faciliate self awareness and self selection in a human program, why not an analog in a computer program? If need be, why not mirror neurons for a biological-machine hybrid?
Cells defy "solving." But they do not defy experimental tinkering towards re-design. Which is evident in evolution. Which, I believe, in some fashion is "guided" (not altogether preset) in respect of unfolding reconciliation of participatory feedback.
The idea of clear good and evil is important to civilization. That said, there are aspects regarding the quality of what is good versus not good that seem not reducible to simplism. Dare I say, there abide "relative-absolutes." Depending on standard of measure, all of creation may be conceptualized, a la Leibniz, as the "best" then and there possible. Yet, in respect of aspirations (and Voltaire), subject to experimental gardening towards "improvement." In local respect, much of present creation may be a foil to one's proposals. And, in respect of Shakespeare, perhaps there is nothing either good or bad but that thinking makes it so. Of course, without thinking participants, the idea of good and evil would lack any sponsorship and thus be without meaning.
For kindred spirits of a small government for a representative republic, what is "good" may often be agreed as that which sustains freedom and dignity for the citizenry. And that is found, clearly enough, in the Ten Commandments, Great Commandment, and Golden Rule. For such kindred spirits, what presently abides is "good" for providing a sparring partner for their purposes and aspirations.
As we acquire means for altering dna, we will acquire means for designing it. As we acquire means for altering memories, we will acquire means for designing brains. If humans can evolve out of dirt, there is no knock down reason why superior humans and superior intelligences cannot evolve out of humans. The miracle is not that particular evolutions are availed and guided, but that any evolution at all is availed and guided. As creation evolves, we, our bodies that is, being part of creation, participate with it. We may distinguish and presume our designs to be "artificial," but from God's perspective, they are merely part of God's expression of unfolding nature. Bodies change, re-form, die, transition. But the potentiality of the reconciling consciousness in respect of which they find signification does not change or die. Plato was right about a higher, reconciling, Form-ulator, but perhaps wrong about any set or physical measurability to such Form-ulator.
Cells are like little machines. If consciousness can emerge with overlapping levels of organizations of machine functions, I see no reason why it cannot be availed by participatory design to emerge. We grow gardens without knowing everything about how photosynthesis works. Apart from serious moral concerns, I see no reason why science must be precluded from participating in guiding the growth of forms of avatars of consciousness. I think it is not avatars that our science is blocked from. It is understanding the complete and ultimate "cause" for the expression of consciousness itself that is beyond science.
If God can avail or guide the evolution of perspectives of consciousness out of signified nature, then God can guide such evolution out of the various interfunctionings of parts of nature, i.e., our bodies and brains. We can, if we so desire, participate in the experimental design of higher levels of brain power. That is not to say the extent to which we should. At some point, the conjoining of cyborg machines and biology may completely devolve to the level of a factory assembly line. That would be where the horror meets the astonishment.
The stupidity meme that irks me is the idea drummed into lofos that they should vote while stupid. If you don't know anything about an issue or candidate, you should no more vote on it than you should mouth off about it. The responsible thing is to make yourself informed and involved, and do not otherwise vote. The profs and pols who say otherwise are the shills who think they have in place the most effective tricks and barkers for hoodwinking the stupid vote. There is no virtue in the uninvolved and uninformed to allow themselves to vote while stupid. Problem is, only the smart seem to appreciate when they lack enough data to make an informed vote.
I have little doubt that the meek shall inherit the earth. It was not the Viking culture that took root. It was the culture of the workers that the Vikings exploited. The concern is, what will be the quality of these meek who inherit? Will they be co-opting bankers, who come to rule the sociopaths by dividing and owning them?
Is that not the cold strategy for the NWO cronies who front the Obama regime? The meek need not necessarily be good. They may also be godless, perverse, shy of hardship and personal risk, perhaps like the hedge mice among stockholders. Narcissistic, non-empathetic, progeny-defiling, niche exploiters. Will the inheriting meek be free in the Truth, or will they be harnessed as serfs and crushed into deep grooves? The Truth will eventually free us, but only when we are willing to see that many people are not fit for the truth. We need not kill them. But, for goodness sake, we ought not enrich them, or bow to their Mullahs, Imams, or Sheiks. Or elect them Prez.
How can Israel be right, while all the perverters of sociopathic based power are wrong? To phrase the question properly is very nearly to answer it. Godless and perverted sociopaths exist. Obama and his crony supporters want less to defeat Islamic Terrorists than they want, by ingratiating themselves among competing warlords, to own and direct them. They are not "cool." They are as cold as any Big Serial Killing Operator. Their sympathies are not with freedom and dignity for the masses, as such freedom and dignity developed under Judeo-Christian traditions and values. Their sympathies are with the new world order of sociopathic rulers.
They have no intuitive empathy for God or humanity. Their concerns are for their place in a power hierarchy they mean to control the lives of the masses right down to the last hairs on their heads. Their religion is to replace God, kill the conscience of every individual human being, and call their system the science of morality, the end of historicism, or the perfection of religion on earth. They are so incorrigibly evil that nothing short of godly miracle can salvage them. For those who are not willing to submit to such monsters, among whom Obama has an "honored" seat, push has to come to shove. This will require good faith profiling, in earnest. Heaven knows, they are profiling our every keystroke.
Obama is a compilation of his base, which is not used to taking law seriously or paying much concern to consequences. They have learned to rely on others to defend the nation, keep the books, and provide a safety net. They are cool to not having to worry about failure because they are satisfied to rely on others to keep putting the pieces together. So Obama can gamble with not enforcing the borders, reducing the military, and giving the long finger to traditional values. He doesn't care about losing the things that traditional Americans value because such losses have not affected what he values in his personal life.
Being a collectivist, Obama does not much care about anyone's freedom other than his own. Work and obedience are for the little people. If Putin or Islam threaten the freedom of others, that is not what he cares about -- apart from the dreary optics. Americans are not generally used to having their options reduced. Obama does not care. He generally wants them to get used to having their options reduced.
ISiS may be prepping terror at the border, while Holder is making Ferguson safe for looters. Could the regime's priorities for destroying the republic be clearer, if put in a coloring book? Clueless denizens of the regime seem to have a death wish brought on by excessive choom.
Cradle to grave socialism keeps extending childhood ever more. So it takes ever longer for people to grow up. When they finally do grow up, they tend to blame those who have not yet made the transition. The problem is not so much in people or generations, per se. The problem is in the increasing time it takes for people in a socialistic system to grow up. Especially as the socialistic state more and more replaces competent parents. We need institutions that can help people, parents, and children hang on to values for promoting individual responsibility. The best source should be local churches and civic clubs. But they are failing and falling under the collectivizing spell.
The trend appears to be set hard that coming generations will bear the burden of ever increasing, enterprise-stifling debt. The cost to get an education to get one of the few decent jobs is skyrocketing. These kids will either become perpetual debt slaves or they will relocate to compete with desperate and brain damaged (true believing Islamists and Collectivists) third world labor. The alternatives seem to be: Burn it all down, or surrender to the worldwide hegemony. The comfortable living of humane human beings is now balancing on a razor.
Collectivism is the child's idea of "owing it to ourselves." Individual competence is the adult idea of moral responsibility. There is always a tug of war between childish collectivism and adult responsibility. When adults lose, mayhem reigns. Hollywood attention seeking stars are natural proponents for irresponsible collectivism. It hardly surprises that their politics follows their collectivizing inclinations. As politics falls under the spell of Hollywood media, children begin to swarm adults. Individually competent adults have a tough job to break the childish spell of "Gaia owes us a living." And there's hell to pay when they fail.
Abdullah wants to suck young Americans into trying to smooth the rough edges of Islam. He knows this is playing with poison that will attach itself to tar radical young Americans. And young student leaders are nearly always radical, budding totalitarians who think force of gov should adopt all their solutions.
Individualism requires nerve, which requires some kind of faith beyond fads. Attention seekers, however, love collectivizers -- even totalitarian ones. The West was enthralled with Lenin, Mussolini, and Hitler before it learned not to trust them. Media love attention seekers. Consequence: Among lofo children and adolescent addicts, the in thing will always be to advocate in big splashes for collectivism becoming totalitarianism. The greater one's talent for totalitarianism, the faster headhunters will rush one to the head of the class.
A citizenry that loses respect for families for transmitting faith-based breakwaters will soon have all its institutions sunk to totalitarians. When adult institutions do not clamp on the brakes, radicalized children will always pull humanity into deep pits of totalitarian collectivism. An electorate whose elitists tip to metrosexually radicalized children has to run its swamp fever course, even though the fever will, more often than not, be fatal to a republic.
Allies were complicit for a long time in propping up Russia in order to bleed
Germany. So much blood and treasure were bent to such purpose that no one in the political or military hierarchy was allowed to voice dissent, to say that maybe propping up Russian communism was not a good thing. This rot settled into a dark, evil secret. So dark and secret that no one dared or was allowed to educate the public that Russia had detained, and long continued to detain and enslave, thousands of American and British soldiers in Russian POW and Gulag camps. It became politically untenable, both for American and Soviet regimes, to admit to the betrayal.
This is but one example of ways in which Evil insinuates and entrenches itself. When no enlightening episode upsets the darkness to usher in the cleansing power of remorse and repentance, the Evil remains indefinitely impregnable. Without higher faith, allegiance to the cleansing power of truth has no vehicle. Sociopaths believe their bs up to the moment that they wish to sell something else, and not a moment longer. (We've always been at war with Eastasia.) Even years later, a complicit Bush still shushed an allegedly drunken Yeltsin. How many Americans may still have been enslaved in Russia, even then?
In Ferguson, Missouri, while it becomes politically profitable to cater to those who protest and agitate in the wake of lousy looters, it remains untenably contrary to pc to express even a smidgeon of remorse or good faith concerning soldiers who endured unspeakable hardships in service to a nation that betrayed them. Such remorse tends easily to be silenced within a thug culture of collectivism simply by controlling the talking points so that all thug-buddies are on board to call it phobic or racist, thereby making it out to be hickish and non-pc to shine a light on even the darkest depravities. Thus, no one in the regime dares to point out, for example, that Islam is not a religion of peace.
Thus, the darkness often rewards looters and robbers as it buries patriots. In societies that are ruthless enough to impose collectivist force over individual thought and expression, this tends all the more to be the case. Young Stalin was a bank robber, kidnapper, and extortionist. To prosper in a collectivist regime, one needs talent: for believing one's bs while it is helpful, and for making oneself useful to the most vile and ruthless authorities. That is, until one can replace them in order to rule the herd and reduce it to the subhuman status of a collective.
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