Thursday, February 16, 2017

Shadow Government

Survey our situation. If we were under the thumb of a shadow government, would things be any different? How much of our governance is done by persons not even under the governance of the President or any other elected official or his appointee? How many dollars -- fiated and printed -- are off the books, under the control of shadow persons working through agencies such as the CIA for an international oligarchy?

Recently, more people have awakened to the fact that the Rinos and Dinos serve a Uniparty that is devoted to a NWO, often described by Soros as the "Open Society." (It is so open that it can spy on the President and there is little he can do about it.) Suppose the Shadow Government has been in the service of a faith-mucked oligarchy (not faithless, because it is self-godded and it believes it can control faith-perverted Muslims) for more than a hundred years. Suppose the periodic contests between Rinos and Dinos are mainly farce or sham. Suppose the Real Power only lets us think we have a representative republic, the easier to farm us. Suppose the Real Power is little more than surrender and devotion to the Evil of people-farming?

If not even the President can stop the spying and subterfuge by the Shadow Government, and if most of our wars and international meddling are at its behest, and if it were willing to drop three times the number of bombs on Vietnam as were dropped by U.S. Forces during all of WWII, then why suppose the Shadow Government would hesitate to murder, if such were deemed essential to preserve its grip?

Why were LBJ and BHO safe, while JFK, RFK, and MLK were not? Was it because LBJ and BHO did the bidding of the (arms dealing, petroleum, and banking) oligarchies? What fascist Shadow Evil do the useful idiots among Dems, Lefties, Progs, Socialists, and Communists really serve? Why are they as fickle in their love of Eurasia (Russia) as they are in their hatred of Eastasia (Russia)? How can such a Shadow Evil be resisted? Given such a farmed surplus of useful idiots, how can a real, representative, republic possibly be restored? Who is John Galt?

What would Dagny Taggart do? Vote for Trump. Try to expose the Shadow Government and how it operates. Try for a Convention of States. At the end, boycott and withdraw?urvey our situation. If we were under the thumb of a shadow government, would things be any different? How much of our governance is done by persons not even under the governance of the President or any other elected official or his appointee? How many dollars -- fiated and printed -- are off the books, under the control of shadow persons working through agencies such as the CIA for an international oligarchy?


Given how few oligarchs own so much of the media, given how so much of the media is monolithic against Trump, given how stories are selected and highlighted based on potential for destruction against Trump, given the apparent coordination of leaks and talking points, given the history of oligarchic influence over Presidents and international meddling, it's hard to see why any thinking person of any political persuasion ought not suspect that something insidious is gravely wrong at the heart of the republic.
But the suspicion ought not be laid at any particular sub-group. It ought to be laid at the door of the oligarchs that link the chains and pull the strings. Incompetents look to socialists look to thugs look to cronycrats look to paymasters look to corporatists look to fascists look to oligarchs look to self delusions of goodliness. The tighter the strings of interconnectivity, the more the elitist regulation of the collective, the less the respect for individual citizens of the republic.

Can anyone recall a President who wasn't owned by the Oligarchy, who was so relentlessly hounded by the Oligarchy? Trump has held them at bay with strong kicks at their Keisters. That's been effective. They would love for him to give that up.

The media (and academia, banks, many churches, faux-charity foundations, many politicians, most bureaucrats, and the entertainment apparatus) are the tools of the NWO Oligarchy that owns them.
The anti-Trumpers are frothing hydrophobics, now saying it's a violation of our extra-physical sovereignty if Russia indicated election preferences, while finding a right in Mexicans and Muslims to penetrate and invade our actual-physical sovereign borders at will. Of course, if Hillary had won, none of them would be listening to any complaint about back-handed bribery via uranium dealings.
That's because there is no rationality in their thinking. Rather, they only rationalize as they are instructed by the NWO Oligarchy. The anti-Trumpers never complain about any violation of national sovereignty that is sponsored by the NWO Oligarchy. Why is this? Answer: because the NWO Oligarchy bribes them with fiat money and phony promises of redistributive "fairness." While Trump merely promises to restore a republic so that they will regain opportunity to exercise their personal freedom and dignity.
Imagine if you told your perpetual basement-dwelling toddler a bedtime story that promised him a reasonable opportunity for an 8 hour job every day for the rest of his working life. How would that compete with a Wolf's promise to redistribute free candy and unicorns?

MSM journalist are paid based on the quality of their hoary-ness. They are not there to in-form the masses. They are there to help the oligarchy in-farm the masses.


Yesterday, I watched part of The Miracle Worker. It was about how Helen Keller's teacher opened Keller's senses to the moral world. Before the teacher, Keller's family had given up and given her board and room and the run of the house, with no responsibility to behave in any civilized way. The lack of moral compass pushed the house in bawdy disorder. Much as Proggies' lack of moral compass has pushed the U.S. and much of the world into bawdy disorder. The teacher did not work the miracle by rewarding Keller for bad behavior. Trump may avail an opportunity for a miracle to be worked on America.

I defended my country and my state for many years. I raised a responsible family, and now I am retired. I never received rewards in any basement for being among the kind of worthless ignoranti or corrupti I see nowadays in Proggies. Now, when there's not a motorcycle event to attend, I have time to hold up a mirror, to give Proggies an opportunity to see themselves. A picture to show them the monstrosity they are creating.

Trump wants to stop the immigration of liberty-illiterates. He wants to restore the separation of powers that defines the nation, under the Constitution. He wants less PC and more individual freedom of expression and enterprise, with the moral responsibility that goes with that. He does not want people removed from participation in the public square just because they may be Christians. He does not want the land to become plagued with radical jihadists bent on world domination and the imposition of mind diktat.

All the alternative candidates you would have supported would have allowed the nation to be drowned under a flood of imported and indoctrinated liberty-illiterates. All would have fed, and received kickbacks from, the establishment of oligarchs that want to farm the masses like sheeple. What kind of souldead person would want to serve such people? How much are you paid to be such a moral putz and shill for such rotters? Where's your moral compass, that you want to undermine the separation of powers, erase the borders, reward the rotters, undermine ordinary families and responsible citizens, and empower anti-American ignoranti and corrupti?

Why do you want to erase our borders? No need to reply. You've already identified yourself as a rotter without a moral compass. No one cares except the proggie coalition of pervs, perps, pedophiles, parasites, punks, and people-farmers.

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