Friday, July 4, 2008

Perish The Thought

(Click title above.)

With a nod to, I wanted to post Romney’s endorsement of McCain in 2008 in Maine, but only found it at the PerishTheThought blog.
So, I am instead posting Stallone’s endorsement, from


In seeking to rationalize a world view or moral philosophy in which to believe, I do not seek to gild Godel’s lily of incompleteness, nor do I seek scientific or mathematical proof of any ultimate.

Rather, I seek to conceptualize only that philosophy which seems to be most nearly complete, coherent, coordinate, convertible, consistent, calculable, and convincing to logic, mathematics, and intuition. I sense that I am unable "to complete" a moral philosophy without punting to Enlightened Intuition. An aspect of "intuition" subsists in that innate spiritual capacity by which I seem able to reach towards fulfillment or completion.

While I find pleasure in reasoning, libertines (and modern liberals) find reason in pleasuring. To me, libertines do not think but feel; to libertines, I waste my time in thinking; to me, libertines burn their time in aspects that amount to less than zero. My pleasure consists in thinking; liberals’ thinking, perish the thought, consists in pleasuring. For them, pleasure (or feeling) is primus in respect of "moral" import. C'est la vie.


Anonymous said...

Regarding Liberal Patriotism:

From :

September 17, 2005
Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole - a poem
As Ann Coulter said, bless her scathing sharp soul,
Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole.
Sad words those may be, but with ire they must fill us,
If the Left can't control us, they'd just as soon kill us.

It's a madness you see, coming full to the fore,
Since they lost every battle of 2004.
The weaker seek shrinks while the blamers point fingers,
And the madness just festers, the lunacy lingers.

They had trusted John Kerry to lead from above,
But the problem with that was his hand fit the glove.
And the Swift Boat detectives took us far back in time,
Shining their hard bright light on the Perp and his crime.

The psychosis blooms full and the future's not rosy,
As long as they're led by the likes of Pelosi.
The symptoms are glaring, prognosis is poor
Till en masse, they pass their worm, Michael Moore.

So the Left can't win fairly, can't win at the poll?
Then they'll seek other ways to defeat and control.
Undermine our elections, give aid to our foe,
To debase, to deface, a Nicole—U.S. "Ho."

O.J. had a jury that saw it his way,
But believe me you Lefties, it's come a new day,
Red State America sits the main jury seat
And for your socialist goals, that spells jury defeat.

If you believe as I do, O.J. murdered Nicole,
Then you believe as I do, he was out of control.
Like crazed Lefties stabbing at our nation's heart,
He was crazy with loss, acting stupid, not smart.

Will America share the same fate as Nicole?
Slashed, shattered and battered for resisting control?
No, Nicole—America has punch in her Right,
And this time Juice Lefties,


Russ Vaughn is the Poet Laureate of The American Thinker

Anonymous said...

Should aliens vote?'Hare_UFO_sighting_2006


How “far out” should we go?