Monday, January 4, 2010



Perhaps, Two Holistic Meta-Essences exist for accumulating, reshaping, or storing information, each being controlled by its own algorithm. The algorithms inter-react, each being asymmetrical to the other. The algorithms simultaneously process giving and taking, feeding and reflecting asymmetrical information back and forth between themselves, always preserving a balance. Holistically, each meta-essence, in how it trades information with the other, may be conceptualized as being “meta-conscious.”

One Meta-Essence may be “like” a sum of discrete particles, each particle carrying a “fractal seed” or interpretative replication of the whole. The other Meta-Essence may be “like” a continuous wave. The interacting interrelation of these Essences may produce information, the interpretation of which will depend upon context of relation, i.e., meta-point of recordation and meta-frame of reference.

Each Essence will only sense Itself and the Other in respect of how It experiences informational feedback that derives out of how it is affected by the Other. Each Essence knows Itself, whether holistically or sub-particularly, only because of the Other’s effect upon It.

Each sub-particular or mortal perspective that derives out of the interaction of the Essences must be modeled, based either with a conception of information as being derivative of discrete particles or a conception of information as being derivative of continuous waves. However, no such perspective can be interpreted in respect of any measurably complete, consistent, coherent, or unified model in itself, because sub-particular information is inherently to be experienced relationally, not independently-in-itself.

That is, no single, mortal perspective can precisely and simultaneously model a recorded event from the plural of perspectives of particle discreteness and of wave continuousness. Rather, each perspective must experience each event in one or the other of the different ways for focusing and relating, in a chronological sequence, and cannot collapse an inherent plurality of experiential options and chronological sequencing into a single way of modeling. That is, no particular, mortal perspective can experience information from a holistic model.

Information necessarily has potential for being interpreted from any number of different, particular perspectives, subject to any number of wider frames of reference by which it may be contextualized. As aspects of information evolve, particular perspectives may become self-replicating within sustaining niches. Perspectives may experience reactions or sensations: of being reactive, alive, conscious, self conscious, conscious of others, and eventually, perspectives may intuit consciousness of the Meta-Essences, i.e., the constant inter-reacting Source for availing ever-changing feedback of information.

So the Source is constant, always existing in the present. And the informational feedback, when experienced reactively, is chronologically organized. Information, as it effects or records reactions, is chronologically organized. Memory is merely a complex function for organizing overlays of informational feedback. As informational feedback changes and reshapes, memories change and eventually lose fine details.

The interactions of the two Meta-Essences produce epiphenomena in the nature of Perspectives of Consciousness, both holistic and particular. “I” am a particular perspective produced out of their interaction. “I” am evolved to sense with fine detail only that which I am presently focusing upon. I may derive precise models for measuring, replicating, and directing that which I am able to focus upon. However, being particular, I can never focus simultaneously upon the synchronizing whole as it unfolds around me. At my fuzzy interface with the whole, I proceed with intuition, practice, skill, luck, and faith. Even so, how that fuzzy interface unfolds is also seeded within my perspective, which is a part of it.

Information, as a concept, is meta-preserved. Qualities of perspectives of information are meta-preserved. But fine details about chronological experiences are preserved only during their epiphenomenal serviceability. Within the different meta-perspective of each of the two essences, the holistic counterpart for the information that constitutes “me” is not entirely lost, but it is continuously subjected to new forms, shapes, and even chronologies.

The past exists insofar as storage of memory of it carries forward epiphenomenal after-effects. The past does not exist as a thing or as it was; but information and appreciation regarding the effects of the past is continuously processed and re-mixed. That is, identities of consciousness continue to exist, but their quality is subject to continuous change. “I” will be re-mixed, in a series of chronological forms, some of which may or may not intuit or appreciate the general inter-relation of all perspectives of “I-ness.”

In higher, more enlightened perspectives of I-ness, there will be empathetic appreciation of our common Source. Perhaps the Meta-Essences are seeking to produce those higher grounds of unfolding civilizations.


Anonymous said...

A.T. -- E. Goldstein noted, "A free nation is dependent upon a liberty loving population and today a majority do not even know what Liberty means or requires."

The author’s suggested changes make sense. However, they would have little impact unless coupled with a sense of urgency: to restore a national sense of humility before the purposefulness of a higher Source. Make no mistake: the suggested changes in law need to be pursued. Simultaneously, however, we need to pursue a social environment that could make such changes effective.

The number one, root problem for America consists in a crisis of confidence and character. This problem needs to be addressed, and it needs not to be used as pretext for the further undermining of America. But this problem cannot be resolved merely by pursuing a utopia of legalese. Legalese can guide a moral nation, but has little chance to reset a nation whose fundamental institutions for conveying information (i.e., news, science, and academic learning) have grown top heavy under ideologies of true-believing narcissists and sociopaths. No matter how artfully imposed, mere legalisms are easily end-run by such people.

People of character, who retain humble respect for at least the reasonable possibility of an empathetic, higher Source, need to step up to exemplify, instill, and teach character to their children and colleagues. There is need to confront, deflate, and demote the hippie generation of Marxist utopians now infesting our campuses and shouting from their Marxist takeovers of our institutions about how the “science of secularism” is settled.

For those who follow “abstract-ese,” what needs to be instilled is respect for the worth of such fluxing perspectives of consciousness (souls?) as are decently sustainable within a network for communicating meaningful experiences (nation-states?). Each responsible, decent member of our society must come to value himself/herself as a fractal pursuer (seed?) of higher civilization.

Except in humble good faith, no purveyors of merely abstract systems or legalese can continue indefinitely to generate complexities upon complexities, without soon undermining and toppling many of their core values. In short, America needs a rational, meaningful re-birth of character. I hope the pains now racking America are rebirthing pains – to rebirth a society that can accord respect for individual freedom and dignity, and to take America back from the misguided, secular, Marxist, legalese-govermentalese-utopians (and despicable, hippie, know--it-alls, now all dressed up in Big Gov Social Science).

Anonymous said...

I expect that what gave shape to our Constitution was our founders recent experiences with the Revolutionary War and, therefore, their palpable fear of Europe. The States likely felt they had little choice but to join. So the Constitution was contrived as a minimalist means for joining in order to promote the common defense and secure the general welfare, without unduly infringing on States' rights or individual liberties.

Presently, there is no great, fearsome, overseas enemy of America. The fear (and disgust) more concerns our relations among ourselves. A modern constitutional convention would be fraught with internal tension and intrigue, going far beyond the original. The great unresolved issue in the original was slavery. For a modern convention, there would be three great confrontations, pertaining to: (1) freedom of interprise versus communal rights and obligations; (2) sustainable standards of social and familial decency versus rampant, irresponsible, or criminal enlistment of youth to all manner of vices; and (3) applicability of national law in relation to international or global law or multi-national corporations.

I doubt the likelihood of a satisfactory "resolution" would be better than the "resolution" of the founders with respect to slavery. A modern Constitutional Convention could tear the nation into two or more sovereign combinations. And feelings would be on fire in each of them. Further, the same corrupt, monied, and even foreign interests that essentially buy our legislators would, through their money and control of media and academia, be in a strong positioin to buy delegates to any constitutional convention.

Bottom line: We can run from God towards utopia, but we cannot hide.

Anonymous said...

Survival Of The Fiercest Packs Of Ravening Dogs:

As the middle class of independent thinkers is rendered irrelevant, so also will the voting class be easily duped and rendered irrelevant. As pay based on merit become irrelevant, so also will honesty and hard work become irrelevant. We are “evolving” to turn our leadership over to “those who know best how to be cheats, crooks, and thugs.”

These people want their packs and gangs to render middle-class voters irrelevant, not to serve them, but to rule them --- with an iron fist in a velvet glove. All the little people who dream Obama is their champion sing, like good North Koreans: “Yes Obama did; yes Dear Leader did!

Why are Obama and Islamists so convinced that they are entitled to rule over, ridicule, and diminish any middle class of independent thinkers? Well, they have been conditioned to love only themselves, and they hate anyone who declines to submit to their style of gangsterism. At all costs, “infidels” must submit!

So decent civilization is in the fight of its life. Do NOT believe these thugs share the decent inclinations of ordinary people. Do not be hoodwinked by these sub-humans. State it plainly: Anyone who subscribes to a philosophy that he or she is entitled to reduce the freedom of conscience of everyone who is not of his or her gang (“community”) is a sub-human evil-doer. These people must be pushed back, not submitted to.

They have been nursed from infancy, within an evil niche that has made them into incorrigibly malignant narcissists and sociopaths. They define the default position for most of humanity: To be ruled under an iron heel. At bottom, the real leaders of Obama’ism see our common existence as nothing more than a dog-eat-dog world. So they profess no belief in anything higher, except when it serves as cynical, useful pretense and demagoguery. Then, they discover a “source” of ethics, with no need of any kind of God. That is, save themselves!

It was a god-respecting America that breathed new breath into civilization. And now Obama-like stooges think the march of history requires that they smother that breath. The only way to put leashes back onto these kinds of bad dogs is to become more self-educated in history and self-evident philosophy. Become self-receptive to the higher Source. Otherwise, you stand little chance against the malignant narcissists and sociopaths who ravage and rapine among packs of like-minded dogs. Unless you attune to a higher Ethos, larger than yourself, larger than materialism, then you will sink to the same cynical and hollow level as Soros, Obama, and WhackJob.

Anonymous said...

Thugs have a lifetime of conditioning for rationalizing and justifying their evil. Appeasing them does not induce them to be good. Appeasing them excites their scent of victory and convinces them that the time is right to pour on the thuggery.

Obama’s strategy is to free terrorists, close Gitmo, Miranda’ize terrorists, put on show trials, investigate defenders, reduce military defenses, denigrate the free-thinking middle class, blame Bush, blame America, and blame middle-class Conservative philosophy. For multitudes of ordinary Americans who do not pay much attention to current events or history, this is surely confusing and dazing. This is what the administration is doing, and our main institutions of media and academia are hailing this as a good thing. Thus, average Americans may get their thinking rewired, so that “down becomes up.”

For Americans who do think, who value their freedom of conscience, who love God, who love America, and who empathize generally with their fellows, it becomes immediately evident that Obama is either a fool or that he expects to gain by bringing America down. I do not believe Obama is a fool. Pure and simple, he wants to destroy the middle class of free thinkers, worldwide. That’s the message he absorbed during the 20 years he spent listening to Reverend Wright. That’s the message he has been conditioned to believe for his entire life.

In his mission to reduce America, he is allied with thugs of all stripes, including Islamist thugs. In that mission, his alliance relishes smokescreens and subterfuge; it does not shy from extortion. Those allied with Obama put on sheep’s clothing only so long as it suits their purposes for rounding up useful idiots. These people cannot be believed, and they most certainly cannot be trusted.

Anonymous said...

We have a President whose emotions are conditioned towards wanting to sink the middle class, even if that would means sinking America. And white liberals incline to let him do just that. Why? Because they are racists. And they feel so guilty about their racism, which they know better than anyone else to be in their hearts, that they are willing to sink the rest of the country in a misguided attempt to atone for their sins, which they project onto middle class conservatives, most of whom are smart enough not to give a fig about skin color. For goodness sakes, run the libtards out of the house!

Anonymous said...

The number one, root problem for America consists in a crisis of confidence and character. This problem needs to be addressed, and it needs not to be used as pretext for further undermining America. But this problem cannot be resolved merely by pursuing a utopia of legalese. Legalese can guide a moral nation, but has little chance to reset a nation whose fundamental institutions for conveying information (i.e., news, science, and academic learning) have grown top heavy under ideologies of true-believing narcissists and sociopaths. No matter how artfully imposed, mere legalisms are easily end-run by such people.

People of character, who retain humble respect for at least the reasonable possibility of an empathetic, higher Source, need to step up to exemplify, instill, and teach character to their children and colleagues. There is need to confront, deflate, and demote the hippie generation of Marxist utopians now infesting our campuses and shouting from their Marxist takeovers of our institutions about how the “science of secularism” is settled.

For those who follow “abstract-ese,” what needs to be instilled is respect for the worth of such fluxing perspectives of consciousness (souls?) as are decently sustainable within a network for communicating meaningful experiences (nation-state?). Each responsible, decent member of our society must come to value himself/herself as a fractal pursuer (seed?) of higher civilization.

Except in humble good faith, no purveyors of merely abstract systems or legalese can continue indefinitely to generate complexities upon complexities, without soon undermining and toppling many of their core values. In short, America needs a rational, meaningful re-birth of character. I hope the pains now racking America are rebirthing pains – to rebirth a society that can accord respect for individual freedom and dignity, and to take America back from the misguided, secular, Marxist, legalese-govermentalese-utopians (and despicable, hippie, know--it-alls, now all dressed up in Big Gov Social Science).

Anonymous said...

Re: "Could Dlanor please explain those insights to Fox's Bill O'Reilly who is so befuddled that Bill just can't understand what Obama and holder are doing and WHY? Bill is just a wreck I tell you!!"

I suspect Bill is dumb like a fox. He knows Beck is the rodeo clown most able to tell those who are smart and brave enough to face the facts what the facts are. But O'Reilly is the one who nurses along a wider audience, many of whom are not yet ready for the unvarnished truth. Bill may be like "fair and balanced" insurance against those who wish to control for fairness of content. I suspect many among Bill's audience would run screaming, were Bill to go fully-loaded conservative on them. O'Reilly does what he needs to do to bring in a wider viewership. Maybe that's to habituate those fewer, brighter, and braver lights that find their way to Beck. You may notice that every one of O'Reilly's shows is like a set course, complete with dessert for those who are more into gossip and spice (i.e., strategically covered body parts -- lol!). As for Beck, smart people want facts and analysis, and the rodeo clown delivers.

But what puzzles me is why Murdoch gives Beck so much string. I suppose ratings are the main reason. But should I also suppose that Rupert has just a smidgeon of concern for salvaging Western Civ? Or is he just a producer of news as entertainment? I don't know. Maybe someone can explain that. Has Rupert discovered that truth and credibility can actually sometimes join with profit? Well, I hope so. For A.T.'s sake.

Anonymous said...

A.T. --- Savage,
Re: "The elites want to see the Balkanization of America.
They want to destroy our national identity, sovereignty, currency, borders, language, and culture, to make sure that we are unable to stand up to them."

This is plainly true. Folks fail to see it because the meaning of "American" has been prostituted, currency has been debauched, language has been turned into Marxist doublespeak, profs have been mal-educated and are ardently mal-educating, idiots have been duped, and illegal immigrants have been left to the mercy of those who wish to use them to spread serfdom to the middle class.

The corruptocrats behind this have no loyalty to the idea of America, and they believe their ill gotten gains will enable them to pay for secure shelter anywhere they choose. They are not fortifying America. They are fortifying their positions within corrupt corporate, union, and communal syndicates.

The new ruling tribes will be ruthless nomads, having no loyalty to anything or anyone beyond their ganglike structure. If anything unites them, it will be hatred. What unites the Obamanots is hatred for the American middle class. Obama and Billary will not hesitate to sell the backbone of America into desolation. Indeed, Presidential libraries will be built on kickbacks for selling out military secrets.

It is tragic that we lack means to immediately impeach these bastards. What is more tragic is that our allies now reasonably question the stability and security of pax Americana. A giant rotting tumor has taken up residence in America. It does not consist in the middle class, but in the sociopathy and narcissism that have grown because the middle class temporarily misplaced and mis-projected its common sense.

Anonymous said...

Communalists have a warped understanding of justice. For them, justice is using the heavy hand of legalese and government to impose quotas to spread, homogenize, and preserve every quality, aspect, race, and religion -- provided the quotas are pleasing in their eyes. For them, justice has nothing to do with individual energy, merit, or freedom.

To impose their communal notion of justice, communalists must install a God-like Caeser. Caeser and his cohort know best. A patina of legitimacy is pasted onto this travesty, merely by bribing "voters" with gimmes, to be paid for by the serf class. For Obama, justice is a hammer, and everyone not on his list of favs is just a nail. Some justice!

Here's an idea: Stop the race baiting and just let people exercise their own initiative to pursue happiness. Restrict government to protecting the realms within which people generally, regardless of race, pursue that which interests them.

This race-baiting nonsense is just cover for would be dictators. It is un-American bull crap, and it is being promoted by a bi-political bevy of un-American bull crappers.

Once we are flooded with illiterate voters who can be easily bribed, then no one's vote will really count. This kind of cheapening of the right to vote is equivalent to having no vote at all. This is prelude to rule by the cunning elite who know what is best for the rest of us: servitude.

Alert to free thinkers: The banji thought police are mobilizing.

Anonymous said...

History is Knocking:
I’m quite sure that Obama sincerely wants all members of the non-ruling class to live out their days in equally commodious cages. I’m just not sure he wants this for our benefit or his.


“Entitlement” is the word for expressing how Leftists view everyone else: that is, Leftists view themselves as the bright new knowers, entitled to use everyone else as their communal slaves. In truth, Leftists and their financiers are the shovelers for hell’s incinerators. Their id desperately believes they can opt out of hell by burning only organic fuels. Yet, they say they are not religious. Hah! These people have influence disproportionate to their numbers only because good, tolerant people have a propensity for deluding themselves. That is, ordinary folk project and assume that the fundamental interests of Leftists are the same as those of any decent person. Wrong! Leftists have been twisted in a fundamental way, and mere happy thoughts will not reform them. Either we begin to draw lines in the sand, or we all fall into the pit they are digging for us.


The baby boomers were not the brains behind the counter culture movement, but they sure supplied the corps of useful idiots. Somehow, many of the Greatest Generation failed to inculcate their offspring with moral backbone. This left the boomers prey to mind parasites spread by some of the people who were too young or too unwilling to fight in WWII. Regardless, as of 1969, when I came back from military service overseas, insanity was driving hard throughout the Country. We have been morally weaker ever since. I suspect the counter culture mind parasites, now occupying jobs as insidious profs, continue to harm us far more than the Carpetbaggers of Reconstruction.

Anonymous said...

The Dino-Rino Bi-Political Alliance and Base consists of two kinds of people: (1) Those who believe there is no higher purpose than to gang up in order to trick or force others into communal servitude; and those who are easily tricked into serving those who rule the commune.

With this base, they expect to wipe out independent, middle-class thinkers who do believe in higher purpose, i.e., God, Country, and Family.

Aristocrats and elites of this bi-political alliance for "Big-Gang-Banging-Org" will always undermine morality, employ deceit and ridicule, and engage with grifters, because those behaviors appeal to, and work for, their base. Bi-Political elites know their methods are corrupt, but they don't care. But their useful idiots often don't know what is corrupt, good, or bad, because they have been conditioned to trust only what their elites tell them. Their senses are glued to the shadows that elites project onto their caves. Independent thinkers know the Alliance's methods are corrupt b.s., but tend not to fathom that the elites don't care and that the idiots' brains are all in their lower glands. IOW, large swaths of The Alliance are immune to reason and good faith. For independent thinkers, it's uphill all the way. And even steeper when we fail to appreciate just how corrupt and stupid the two kinds of our Allied Opposition really are. The price of liberty (really) is eternal vigilance.

Anonymous said...

Too many confuse “truth” with that which attracts attention and bewilders reason. For that, evil is the superior intoxicant. It tends to be more fun and financially rewarding to pimp than to pilgrim.

The Judeo-Christian value set is a big part of our history. Why must we fear teaching it as such? Why must we dilute such history and pretend other value sets alien to those which define our culture, many of which are anti-assimilative, should in any way be treated as being on a par? Our soldiers are charged to defend our country. That encompasses defending our Constitution and the culture that carries it. It does not encompass defending cultures that want to bury and subjugate each and every American's individual freedom and dignity. How can our military adequately defend us when our soldiers are taught that we merit no more defense than the collectivist Marxist and Mullah cultures that want to replace us? Why is our military teaching tolerance for cultures that have no tolerance for our own? What is the logic, science, or reason behind this? I see the evil and idiocy behind it. But I'm not quite seeing the goodness or intelligence.