Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lolipop Liberalism


Those whose thinking remains rutted in childlike feelings will always consider themselves to be "good liberals," because they believe the State should make everything fair. They never really got over Santa Claus. They just changed his name to Statey Claus. It is their belief in Statey Claus that saves them. They need not do any hard work; they need not think to draw any hard lines. But a real liberal, as opposed to a la la liberal, should be grown up. Today, none are. Today, all liberals have been replaced by lolipop liberals. And their leaders have tenure at Harvard.


Anonymous said...

Legend has it that an economics professor made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan". All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D and no one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. The scores did not increase as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

However, legend has it there was also a happy ending (of sorts?): All who took the class went on to serve as economic advisers for politicians in D.C.

Anonymous said...

The basis for legislative rationalizing is simple. Dinos and Rinos take turns robbing the middle class. That is, law makers ensure their reelection by passing out cheap favors to voting proles, then get campaign war bucks by favoring earmarks for big contributors.

This is quite simple to rationalize among those who don't give two cents about right and wrong. How many Reps have we raised who failed to promise special handouts, earmarks, and kickbacks? Once a Rep floats to D.C., what is there to restrain him/her from taking back-door Arab money, to help enemies keep America's oil reserves undeveloped as we continue to enrich the people paying our Reps to reduce America?

We are electing people who are hell bent to reduce the American middle class, thereby to return the world to its default position: Lords ruling peons. Unless the merit of a middle class is respected, there is no decent society.

Anonymous said...

American has a problem. We have too many people who have been told they are smart simply because they agree with other people who also were told they were smart. These smart people tend to be told from an early age that they are entitled to rule, that they know best how to move levers of government, and that their underlings will only come to folly or worse if given liberty to learn how to look after themselves. But look at the record. What is the record of smart progressives? Of Obama? When in history have elites supposedly trying to produce the best communal government actually produced anything other than misery, self-alienation, and cultural *anarchy? If a mechanic repaired your car with this kind of record, you would probably say he was so smart he could not find his ass with both hands. Americans want liberty. They want American leaders who understand liberty. For all his smartness, his Toffyness has not a hundredth of Palin’s understanding of Americans. And that fills him to the toff with rage. Toff people: Take a hike!

*We see everyday how smart our elites are. Just look at the next article. Why, they’re so smart they see no problem with assimilating a new ethos for promoting polygamy.

Anonymous said...

Regarding self-worship: As a conniver, is Soros a Liberal or a Libertarian? I suspect Libertarians tend to be well-heeled Liberals who don’t (currently) need governmental handouts in order to feed their habits. After all, even were fortunes to falter, no reasonably well informed person should expect that an administration filled with lawbreakers would be inclined to enforce a “comprehensive” system of law that would actually improve lives of the masses. Yet, even as America burns, and brave troops fight to preserve her, liberals and libertarians remain fascinated with wieners and wannas. This kind of “thinking” by Dawkins’ “Brights” has accompanied Great Britain down a path of ruination. Apparently, Brights (atheistic liberals and libertarians) now want the same for America. The proper answer is: Hell no! Hey! Pull your pants off the floor! Raise your sights off wieners and wannas!

Anonymous said...

There are those whose habits of pleasure accustom them to think (as opposed to know) that all consciousness is purely side effect of gland driven desires. Many delude themselves to believe a country can be sustained under a mind set that promotes only godless pleasure.

No doubt, Americans traditionally enjoy limited intrusiveness by government. Were we less assimilated to share common values, no doubt more intrusiveness would be required. The question atheists need to ask themselves is: Would I enjoy more or less freedom to indulge all manner of personal pleasures were my governance more dependent upon the State and less dependent upon assimilation of values?

What avails the assimilated values of traditional Americans? Well, the Declaration of Independence finds such values to be self evident, under a Creator. The only reason American government can stand back and still sustain itself is because Americans do not need much governance, so long as they have assimilated common values. Those values are found in our history for respecting the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, the Declaration of Independence, and its maturation under the Gettysburg Address.

About Atheists: Most Americans care little how adult atheists may fail to assimilate or may wish to rewire or transgender their habits, glands, and brains. We do care about how they seek to wire upcoming generations, especially when they do so by harnessing our tax resources. We do care when tax money is used to wire kids to believe there is no basis for distinguishing between right and wrong. We do care when tax money is enlisted to try to overturn fundamental, gluing American values. We don’t much care whether atheists believe that all religion save their own self worship is a crock. We do care when they try to exclude children from learning the history of how their nation’s values have evolved, to avail them with freedom of conscience and enterprise over state mandated equality of distribution and tax funded celebrations of behaviors that are acidic to our assimilation.

The crock is the Libertarianism that seeks to impose itself by using my tax money.

Anonymous said...

The first priority of nearly every official who achieves high office will be survival and further success. This habit of promotion comes to trump the good of God, country, and countrymen. Even more so when officials come from a milieu that devalues country. It is troops below who more often retain love of country.

Everywhere, oligarchs, aristocrats, holy men, and nomenklatura are trying to divide and consolidate power and position over the declining and unraveling middle class. Elite networks that facilitate such consolidations of stagnant power need to be busted and circumvented. The Tea Party needs to continue to raise consciousness more than it needs to groom charismatic leaders.

Middle class Tea Partiers remain besieged on two fronts: One is mind subjugation; the other is will to power, devoid of moral empathy. All around us, we must wade through muck of ignorance and effrontery, which are often bi-politically united against us. If power mongers did not see advantage in invasions of Islamic mind subjugators, that plague against middle class liberty would be stopped. We need to apprehend that those who purport power to lead us are not necessarily looking out for us. If they were, the Islamic undermining of our military defense would be stopped in its tracks.

Anonymous said...

Regarding attacks on traditional family values:

Our subventions don’t much bother Reality, which always balances its energy and information.

Sure, I may benefit from tax incentives for being married and raising children. But the debt comes due as I pay for my kids’ educations and help them navigate through a declining economy. Insofar as I benefit from the joy of raising them, you benefit from the work to come from them – to support your aging generation as you retire.

That is, unless Progs tear the whole social structure down. When they do that, they can look in the mirror to find the culprit.

The Left is repugnant.

It hates to have its vices and addictions regulated, and it fears to make real authoritarians angry.

It does not want America to risk confronting psycho regimes, and it wants to undermine American will to build addiction free future generations.

So the Left seeks fulfillment in oblivious nirvana by appealing to the really, seriously authoritarian, while helping them to undermine the patient, moderate, tolerant authoritarians. Maybe this compares with whores’ love of their pimps and hatreds for police. Once a generation is lost in that milieu, there is no easy road to rehabilitation.

If Tea Partiers want to do an intervention to save America, they have some real hard work and tough love cut out for them. The Left knows it needs strong medicine. It just doesn’t want to take it today.

Anonymous said...


FROM A.T. -- FRS said, "Bottom line is the public does not want this bill by an overwhelming margin and one way or the other the people rule. "

You may be right. If so, it's not comforting. If the way forward requires massive disrespect for law, we will have lost our capacity to cohere as a nation under law. If the Cloward-Piven strategy is to bring down the curtain on sustainability, in order to usher in a new age of rule under "those who know best," then its adherents may not care so much whether the curtain is brought down by the left or the right, so long as it is brought down. I vote no. Let's win this thing peaceably, legally. Let's go to Scotus. Toss out the bums in Congress. Give your local papers and profs an earful. And stop subsidizing all rats who want to reduce America to a borderless collective.


A.T. -- Teknokon said, "Given the two scenarios, I feel most Dem legislators will likely opt for #2 and try to save their own hides first and the future of the party second."

Maybe not. Not while in the grip of leadership that long ago took leave of its moral standards, senses, and sanity. Regarding insanity: The doctrine of mutual assured destruction worked with the USSR because, by that time, their secular religion had lost its power to hold their leaders to complete insanity. The same may not be said about some Islamist power brokers, who have convincingly demonstrated insanity on steroids. (Compare http://cyberboxingzone.com/bawli/bawli29.txt.)

Problem is, modern Marxists are made insane with the fall of the USSR, especially now that they have ensconced themselves through and through in American media, academia, and politics. You cannot reason with empowered insanity. You have to neutralize and defeat it. If Obamacare passes, the fate of the nation as a beacon for human freedom and dignity and against Big Bro Collectivism may depend on Scotus.