Sunday, January 3, 2010



What is meant by Jewishness? Is it mainly based in intense belief, or exposure, to sacred texts? Or is it based in ancestry and genetics?

What accounts for Jewish success in science, business, and the arts? Is it inculcation in habits that lead to success, or is it based in genetic filtering from trial by historical ordeal?

I try to be aware of Jewishness as a conflation of factors for background profiling. But a person's Jewishness has little to do with how I determine who should be admired and who should be discredited. Broadly, I tend to admire Jews of Israel, but to discredit Jews of Hollywood.

Of all the main religons, Judaism seems least evangelical. Most Christians see Jesus as a figure inviting of acceptance, but, unlike Islamists, not forcing acceptance.

Do religious Jews tend to conceptualize God as being responsive to those who are receptive to invite God into their lives? Maybe Jews see God as Someone who should be invited, but who does not invite, except to those most keen to a still, quiet voice. Maybe a higher level of abstract reasoning ability is requisite to have capacity to "hear" that voice. Maybe the most intellectually keen of Jews "read God," beyond sacred texts.

Regardless, a world with room for Jews is a world that avails enlightenment and individual freedom of conscience. A world without Jews would be a world of totalitarian thought control. It would be a blight on creation, for fallen derelicts to worship a false and hellish god.

May one be both an "allegorical Christian" and a "sympathizer with Jews"?
Insofar as The Word is made flesh, why not?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is conditioning people to envy a kind of fertilizer for growing mental and spiritual disorders? On one hand, the Left envies and hates that anyone may enjoy more prosperity or happiness than they. On the other hand, they also hate that many folks do not share their materialistic envy and hate. IOW, they want Conservatives who own less than they do to envy them. When Conservatives do no envy this hole in the souls of Leftists, then Leftists hate Conservatives all the more. IOW, the disease of envy leads Leftists, whether poor or rich, to hate Conservatives. Maybe this is why so many billionaire Leftists with holes in their souls contribute so much to help Leftists bring down free enterprise and individual freedom of conscience. In the end, they envy that Conservatives tend not to have great gaping holes in their souls. Soros has worked so hard to make his billions. And now he greatly fears that they mean nothing. Pray for Soros and Obama to close their wounds, and that America grows stronger in the path of decency and liberty. But do not imagine a quick fix for the opposing evil.