Thursday, August 5, 2010


DIMINISHING VALUE OF LAW AS MERCHANDISE: How much of Federal regulation is done not in respect of voters’ preferences, national interests, or social justice, but in respect of quid pro quo for favored international corporatists? Problem is, kickbacks reach diminishing returns as federal government reaches beyond the peak of regulation that is profitable to its crony investors. At some point, the sell off of federal regulation becomes a fire sale, and onlookers start shaking their heads at the ridiculousness of the whole scene. Once enough States see that Fed power is crumbling, more and more may begin asserting themselves with righteous impunity. After all, what can Feds do, once they are obviously overstretched? Of course, crony capitalists will then rush to the States. But at least there will be more competition among cronies and more decentralization of power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I advocate against violence or unlawfulness. That said, what of when the law becomes a duckspeaking-doubledealing-newspeaker? And how can it be anything else, once it runs to 2000 pages for every enactment, ridden with ambiguous delegations of power to executive administrators, so that no one, not even the regulators, can say with any confidence what the law is? What of when competing federal judges make as much sense in interpreting the law as listening to a conversation between the March Hare and the Mad Hatter? Once the law becomes pretense, how can we do other than to pretend to give it credence? As in the USSR, the authorities pretended to pay the people, and the people pretended to work. Once the law becomes crap, how can we be in disobedience so long as we believe we are not? Has the regime thought about that?

The very serious problem with deranged collectivists is they believe they know the end to history, science, and philosophy. So "knowing," they now mean to enact their superior knowledge into reams upon reams upon reams of thousands of pages of duck-law. To observe this in action is to see its record breaking ridiculousness, insanity, and, yes, evil.