Wednesday, August 18, 2010

False Science of Collectivists and Rico

False Science of Collectivists ... and Rico:

ORWELL: Was Orwell warning us, or just facing unhappy facts? What can or should be done to preserve human freedom and dignity? First, look to God, to be receptive to strength and wisdom, for there is no lasting solution in mere physics or form. Rather, in physics and form, there will always be reset and reflux. Second, consider: What is the latest “temporary fix” for which we should align our efforts? Who shall say? Who shall lead? What presently is out of balance?

ANSWER: Excess wealth and power in the hands of a few who are running rampant and commandeering all institutions, to the diminishment of the freedom and dignity of most. But blind redistribution of wealth and power will not reset the imbalance in freedom and dignity. More likely, it would lead us to quicker collapse and despair. So, what should be targeted for redistribution? Answer: the wealth and power that are in the hands of those who seek to undermine the freedom and dignity of those who are determined not to be undermined. So, what should we do?

IDENTIFY THE TROUBLE: At a minimum, to weed out hypocrites, we must articulate a common purpose, i.e., to restore individual freedom and dignity. So, how do we leave wealth and power intact for non-under-miners, while confiscating wealth and power from those international collectivizing corporatists who actively seek to undermine freedom and dignity by purchasing our own government in order to turn it against us? Well, first, identify the under-miners. They are international collectivizing fascists -- regardless of whether sectarian or secular. Once the underlying trouble is identified (Islamofascists and Marxists), triage what is needed to revive and restore the freedom and dignity of Americans.

Upon identifying the trouble and those who animate it, how do we re-educate and counter motivate their dupes, and how do we neutralize and confiscate the wealth and power of international collectivizing corporatists and their thugs?

NEUTRALIZE THE TROUBLE MAKERS: Well, at least in the short term, we ourselves are going to have to organize and empower our own champions, to lead us to neuter the wealth and power of thugs. In the short term, a Rico-like Act, set automatically to expire in 15 years (after 15 years, it would likely have been coopted and rendered ineffective or counterproductive), may be a good tactic or standby, and may entice some of the good among the wealthy to unite with us against the bad. We could use it to forfeit all wealth of people like Soros. To set America apart as a land of freedom and dignity, free from trends towards international despotism, we must re-establish meaningful control over our borders and over international corporatists. But without vision, nothing will be unified or preserved. The issue is: What vision is to be preserved?

FEELINGS AND REASON: It is apparent that we are primarily motivated by that with which we come to identify, i.e. to invest psychologically in the value of feelings. Feelings tend to be conditioned and charged by experience and reinforcement – positive and negative. An enlightened person will periodically try to re-sort and re-store a sense of philosophical consistency and cohesion with regard to that which he values and has feelings for. He will subject his feelings to the test of feedback, i.e., empirical experience. And vice versa. Except as to the most fundamental Source of feelings and main corollaries therewith (i.e., good faith, good will, freedom, and dignity), he will not blindly follow old feelings in connection with newly distinguishable situations.

THE TWAIN SHALL NOT MEET: Our main clash concerns (1) those whose feelings derive primarily from respect for a caring God versus (2) those whose feelings derive primarily from respect for a machine-like, hellish, or pagan god or cause. How one deals with others may depend upon how one relates to them in respect of the main clash. Among those who honor one another’s freedom and dignity, we must communicate honestly, humbly, in good faith and in good will. Towards those who are deeply duped in pagan or fascist collectivism, whose feelings are all subsumed thereunder, we must not hesitate to use their own “sensitivity card” against them. (Good example: Brand them with their insensitivity to the feelings of Americans, which would be trampled upon by building a mosque near Ground Zero.)

FAITH IN UNALIENABLE SOURCE: Whatever else that may be extorted by the oligarches among us, they cannot extort our relationship with the higher Source. Nor can they roll over an armed and aroused citizenry. God gave us our freedom and dignity, and God is present to guide us, insofar as we are humbly receptive. Insofar as we are weak and mortal, we will often need that guidance. For that, it helps to be attuned.

FALSE SCIENCE OF FALSE DIVINERS: Regardless, please stop calling faux social sciences “fact-based” or “science!” They tend more to be feeling-based and agenda-driven. They may or may not impart the wisdom and love of experience and tradition, but, in main, they are not “scientific.” They are better called philosophy, as in: economic philosophy, political philosophy, social philosophy, gay philosophy, historical philosophy, environmental philosophy, cosmological multiverse philosophy, and theological philosophy. Do not for a second let them disguise themselves as “scientific.”


Anonymous said...

Obama is a shadow. Unless thinking people get ready to vigorously defend America, the coming worldwide economic crisis will be used by an international cohort of elites to tighten their rule over a new world order of oligarchical collectivism. After that, there will be very little liberty to work your way out of the class you are born into, regardless of whatever wisdom or skills you may acquire over the years. That is, unless you show yourself to be a wild fan and willing tool of Oligarchists, Nomenklatura, and Shaira law. No doubt, that sort of thing does have its appeal to various low lifes among us.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Should we say: "You can't single out all Communists because of a small number of Communists? They are all Communists if they subscribe to the Communist ideology, and just like Communism has an ideology, so does Islam."

Free enterprise is based on respect for the god given freedom and dignity of each person. Communism wants to take away the god given aspect, to replace it with state given, so that what the state gives its elites can then take away. That is, communism wants to replace God with "higher atheism values." In that respect, Communism is not religion, but it is like religion.

The collectivist aspect of Communism had long before found its way into Islam, so that Islamists are not shy in the least in equating their collectivist Sharia law with religion. But I doubt that such collectivist chauvinism is what the Founders meant to protect as the practice of religion for purposes of the First Amendment. I rather suspect most of the Founders had in mind the freedom to practice one's religion. That does not equate to surrendering in order to be forced to practice collectivist or Sharia "religion." I doubt the Founders meant to empower anyone to force submission to Big Brother Imam being dressed up with First Amendement rights so his followers could call his expanding reign the practice of "religion." Simply put, beliefs and practices that are forced, as law, are not the "free" practice of "religion."

Mosques that advocate for Sharia law are promoting a forced practice, not a free practice of religion. Under the First Amendment, they may, when not violent, enjoy freedom of speech. But I am not clear that they should enjoy advocating for the forced practice of what they consider to be "religion" in any kind of tax exempt sense.

First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the FREE [emphasis added] exercise thereof ...."