Monday, September 5, 2011

Bye Bye America

Commenters often say, in effect, that soft American governance, businesses, and workers need the spur of free international competition in order to get us to ease red tape, produce better products, and end abuses of unions. However, the "free" competition we would be up against would be the third world labor and businesses that are under the control of despots affiliated with international corporatists. To compete with them, we would need to become more like them. That is, we would need to eliminate much of the middle class and small business and turn control over to elite corporatists who know best how to buy up our trade policy, currency, and government. IOW, we would need to trade serf status for a more equal share and distribution of industry and jobs. In effect, we would sacrifice our status as politically equal Americans so that we could better compete with morally indifferent connivers of redistribution (via cannibalization and reduction of the middle class and small business).

Why should we want to do that? Insofar as technological improvements do tend to occur more often within cultures that have vibrant middle classes, why should we not protect the American political system? Why should we not be easing internal business taxes at home, while increasing taxes on international trade? Why not increase the role of competition at home, while recognizing more of the true costs of competing abroad? Why should Americans be facilitating international corporatists who are hell bent on enriching despots who want to undermine and replace the freedom and dignity that has been the birthright of the American middle class? Mark my words: Absent some great awakening, this sellout of American freedom and dignity will continue unabated. Simply put, our politicians, whether R or D, will be owned and operated by international elitists or despots who think the American middle class should butt out of politics and economic policy and just be thankful for whatever trickles down. This is neither moral, nor economic progress; it is political suicide for middle class Americans, in trade for delusions.


Anonymous said...

The kind of "free trade" that further increases the mind-boggling gap between American haves and havenots will accelerate nation-less crony capitalism by overbalancing the influence of the monied class in buying economic indulgences from corruptible governments and politicians. Thus reducing the political sway of the middle class will lead almost directly to a reduction of American liberty to that of third world countries. Then, we will receive lullaby assurances from an aristocratically owned media and academia that we are still "free" --- at least, in an Orwellian sense. Similar to the kind of assurances that are broadcast in banana republics.

Anonymous said...

Even before the Chinese, the Mafia had already proved to us that thug enterprise could make people rich. So why are we still in the dark, thinking that if we grease the way for the Chinese or Mafia to become wealthy enough, they will begin being generally respectful of human freedom and dignity, including ours? In the land of blinkered Rinos and Dinos, the carriage providers are kings.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Let me give a lesson so simple even a Conservative can understand it. Libs want to take us out. They want Obama to lead them as shock troops. They consider America a downright mean country. Mao is their favorite philosopher. Hello! They WANT a command economy! They would rather be equally poor than equally free. That's the electorate we now have. Read Alexis de Touqueville's summary of voting requirements in the various states, even after the Constitutional Convention. In main, shiftless people on the pauper's roles, with no property or income, who paid no taxes and gave no military service, were NOT given the vote. Now, they DO have the vote, and we are working for them, apparently, so that we can make ourselves as economically poor as they are. You can't pull someone out of a hole who likes it there. Especially someone who has been "educated" to like it there. You will only waste your life trying. Unless people wake to common sense, this will end in hellish dystopia.

Anonymous said...

To state that an operating system that relies more on free competition is one that relies less on government command is less to state a fact than it is to state a truism. Such a statement invites a question that relates more to a quality of each person's consciousness than to a quantity of facts: Do you want to live under the present operating system, or do you want to change it? When those, within an extant system, who feel that they "have" ... outnumber those tho feel that they "have not" ... then the majority will tend to want to preserve the present operating system.

Our problem is this: We have swamped ourselves with gullibles who have been mal-educated to be more confident about what they believe they are entitled to than about what they believe they have. Thus, the hazard confronting us is every bit as much about quality of perceptions and feelings as it is about quantity of facts. False teachers have taken the spiritual bedrock upon which America was assimilated and have cracked, fractured, and splintered it into thousands of little pieces. Now, what we have is as much a crisis of confusion in quality of inspiration, every bit as much as it is a crisis of mal-education about fundamental facts. Given this mix, opportunistic wolves, Rinos and Dinos alike, have taken notice. And they will promise you anything they think you want to hear.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Re: "In a genuine free-market economy the government's only responsibility is to protect us from force and fraud, no more and no less."

Wrong. When a government does not protect its nation's borders and control its immigration, and is not friendly to non-governmental forums for assimilating common mores, then even a culture that had availed a free market economy cannot possibly stand very long. There cannot long be a City of Freedom on a Hill without enlightened law.

Anonymous said...

Obama loves ordinary Americans like a mother with Munchausen syndrome loves her child. And he's so sincere! Because he appears so caring and attentive, few learn to suspect him of being psychologically twisted towards wrongdoing. Some of the time, his act is so sincere, he seems even to fool himself. Schools kids who have not had much practical life experience tend to have little chance against persons who are practiced under such a malady. Obama's upbringing gave him plenty of practice. Who better to milk such a situation than crony and Chinese model thug capitalists?

Anonymous said...

To ask that the bill be passed with no changes is as transparently phony as to ask that Obama's speech be given contemporanoeus with the Republican debate. Beware the phony who pretends to care about anyone else's well being! Obama is pure, shameless, thug ego under a femi-care mask. He is using this to try to hang on to power, not to try to do anyone any good. Obama's end game is the destruction of America as we have known it. People like this are sometimes attracted to professions that train children or provide medical care. They acquire skill sets that allow them to go undetected and inflict great damage for years. When finally caught, co-workers are generally surprised, and say the culprit was the last one they would have suspected. With Obama, the signs are plain to anyone who watches what he does rather than allow themselves to be mesmerized by what he says. Compared to Obama, Baron von Munchausen was a piker.

Anonymous said...

The middle class wants eventually to de-coddle nearly everyone, especially youth, so they become confident enough finally to launch from the coop. Not the kind of confidence that bleeds into hubris. The school of hard knocks teaches the difference. Obama ginned up America's youth, only to bring them low by the reality of hard knocks, big time. To quote a philosophizing ex-prez, "Is our children learning?" Do they still think Repubs are all soulless greedbags? Do they yet wonder why so many billionaires have supported Obama and Dems, rather than Repubs?

Ever wonder why the topic of Gentry Politics has not more often found its way into the nation's discourse? The Gentry Presidency is a throwback to Southern Gentry Plantation Life: De-claw the bothersome middle class and monopolize media and academia so most serfs hear hardly anything other than that they are being ruled for their own good. Reduce Americans to perpetual children. This is neither fish nor fowl. It's false communism, i.e., the "infantile-izing" of the middle class, with the collective to be forever tied under supervision of elites. "For their own good," of course.

The Gentry in both parties exploit the "for your own good" meme. However, Reagan's trickle-down ideas were nothing compared to the torrent-punishing ideas of new elites, posing as comrades. For the Gentry, this is like watching a bull and bear fight, while hedging about which party to bet on. As the Gentry cycle back and forth to the same watering holes, the threat they pose to the middle class passes conspiratorial levels. Enough members of the middle class may yet wake up to the need for de-coddling, but it will take a miracle.