Saturday, September 17, 2011

Gentry Politics

Finally --- An Article That Tells It Like It Is.

MY TAKE: If Repubs are soulless greedbags, ever wonder why so many billionaires support Obama? I received this heads up from a good source. I applaud this article. Wonder why Gentry Politics has not more often found its way into the nation's discourse? It's like a throwback to Southern Gentry Plantation Life: De-claw the bothersome middle class and monopolize media and academia so most serfs hear hardly anything other than that they are being ruled for their own good. Reduce Americans to perpetual children. This is neither fish nor fowl. It's false communism, i.e., the "infantile-izing" of the middle class, with the collective forever tied under the supervision of elites. "For their own good," of course.

The Gentry (Rino and Dino movers and shakers in both parties) are entertained by exploiting this meme. Reagan's trickle-down ideas were nothing compared to the torrent-down ideas of new elites, posing as comrades. This is great entertainment for the Gentry. Sort of like watching a bull and bear fight, with the Gentry hedging about which animal (party) to bet on, depending on how the entertainment unfolds. As the Gentry find themselves cycling back and forth to the same watering holes, the threat to the middle class soon passes conspiratorial levels. The middle class may yet wake up, but it will take a miracle.


Regarding Quantum Decoherence:  I have suspicions.  I suspect those who want to shunt the notion of a City of God aside, in trade for a City of Self, tend to be embarrassed when it's pointed out how circularly convenient are their "many worlds" and "multiverse" notions for modeling how it could be that consciousness "just happens" to abide, ex nihilio, in our world. So, now we have a notion of "Quantum Decoherence."  I suspect many proponents (Materialists) prefer to use the notion to rationalize for a City of Self, by presuming countless possibilities of other universes do not actually manifest in space-time existence, but only in potential.  However, I remain unconvinced that such a notion should not be equally consistent with a City of God.

From what I gather, the notion seems to be that, in potential, all that abides that is not manifested is entirely "coherent." It's only when a manifestation bubbles or leaks out (of meta space-time?) into an expression in manifest space-time that there is experienced, in reference to it, a "decoherence." However, this technique for applying-labels-to-whatever-may-result ("stuff just happens") does not explicate much concerning why or how any particular result was actually synchronized, caused, apprehended, guided, or chosen. Nor does a notion of Quantum Decoherence, in itself, avail much help for deriving "ought" from "is." To derive "ought from is" necessitates a quality of consciousness, which abides superior to, or at least on par with, quantifiably correlative substance.

Regardless, the potentiality of our universe somehow "chooses" to manifest only one, from among all possible sequences of potentiality, to our commonly synchronized and unfolding experience of consciousness. In all our varieties for experiencing and measuring the unfolding manifestation of our universe, we are unable categorically or quantifiably to prove answers to the questions we wrestle with as being of most import. At most, we seem only to feel, intuit, divine, or rationalize such "answers." The questions include the following:
- After we label that which results from a fundamentally unknown process (such as "Quantum Decoherence"), how do we meaningfully explicate the quality of that process?
- May that process be consistent with the abiding of a universal field or quality of Consciousness?
- Is the holistic, synchronous, unfolding of each "choice" of universal expression reconciled in respect of feedback in the quality of appreciation of each particular, mortal perspective?
- Does any meta quality of consistency, purpose, or feedback guide each judgment or choice regarding which among the possible states of universal expression should be unfolded to the next successive appreciation of variously encompassed perspectives of consciousness?
- Ought we to be concerned about what qualities of appreciation may please God, or does God merely reconcile how God is to be pleased, regardless?
- Even if there may abide a contemporaneous quality of holistic consciousness, may it, itself, be entirely preset?
- What visions or delights may such a holistic consciousness be learning or practicing to avail and sustain?
- What is the quality of "my" connection or subservience to any holistic "I-ness"?
- Does decent civilization have any reasonable hope or chance to sustain and communicate itself, absent reverence towards some meta Source of decency?  Can it make sense to speak of "higher values," absent respect for some way to intuit and reconcile them?  Stated another way, if higher values abide without a Reconciler, then what are such values reconciled in respect of?


Anonymous said...

We want youth to become confident enough to launch from the coop, but we don't want the kind of confidence that bleeds into hubris. Unfortunately, it takes experience in the school of hard knocks to learn the difference. America's youth were ginned up to get brought low by the reality of hard knocks, big time. To quote a philosophizing ex-prez, "Is our children learning?" Do they still think Repubs are all soulless greedbags? Do they yet wonder why so many billionaires have supported Obama and Dems, rather than Repubs? I applaud a recent article on the internet about "The Crisis of the Gentry Presidency."

Ever wonder why the topic of Gentry Politics has not more often found its way into the nation's discourse? The Gentry Presidency is a throwback to Southern Gentry Plantation Life: De-claw the bothersome middle class and monopolize media and academia so most serfs hear hardly anything other than that they are being ruled for their own good. Reduce Americans to perpetual children. This is neither fish nor fowl. It's false communism, i.e., the "infantile-izing" of the middle class, with the collective forever tied under the supervision of elites. "For their own good," of course.

The Gentry (Rino and Dino movers and shakers in both parties) are entertained by exploiting this meme. Reagan's trickle-down ideas were nothing compared to the torrent-punishing ideas of new elites, posing as comrades. This is great entertainment for the Gentry. Sort of like watching a bull and bear fight, with the Gentry hedging about which animal (party) to bet on, depending on how the entertainment unfolds. As the Gentry find themselves cycling back and forth to the same watering holes, the threat to the middle class soon passes conspiratorial levels. Enough members of the middle class may yet wake up, but it will take a miracle.

Anonymous said...

I doubt multi-diverse Europe can remain united without surrendering to elitist rule. If unity is the main goal, China offers a way to needed discipline: crony capitalism, tight social control, and a brave new dream wherein happiness abides in advertisements and illusions of freedom and dignity. China and oil rich Islamic despotisms are rising. WesternCiv is getting the short end of the trade relations. The strategy seems to be based on nothing more than hope that Communist and Islamic nations, as they gain in wealth, will come to respect freedom of enterprise and mind. It is a lie to grease the NWO. Why suppose that elite rulers, as they agglomerate increases in power to regulate, will not simply fashion ways to preserve despotism? Isn't a new world order of corporate despots already humming along, to coopt and teach how? Must all regimes eventually be reduced to the rule of a global aristocracy of extra-national, international corporatists, who will come to own or operate all nations, cults, religions, and sects? In this age of the China Model, must the economics of governance shift from an Invisible Hand to an elite hierarchy of Corporate Internationalists? Is worldwide rule under a New World Order most for the good, the evil, or simply the unavoidable?

The first immigrants to America came less to gain wealth than to gain freedom of mind and opportunity. Exigencies eventually led them to freedom of enterprise, which produced great wealth as byproduct. Is that process easily reversed? Does pursuit of wealth likely lead to freedom of enterprise, then to freedom to choose one's model for moral or spiritual purposefulness? That is the false hope that gives false reason to enrich and celebrate our philosophical opposites. Should WesternCiv embrace trade that reduces it to a lowest common NWO? So long as the acts of Rinos and Dinos default to embrace the NWO, and so long as the middle class remains indifferent, ineffectual, or shrinking, the NWO needs no active conspiracy. All that is necessary is that WesternCiv middle class do nothing and serve no higher vision.

Anonymous said...

It's insane to expect that a person who willingly chose to sit through 20 years of indoctrination in Black Libertion Theology, which denigrates middle classness, would be anything but a reparation minded racist. Middle class Americans tend to be more concerned with beng Americans than with being race minded. They have little need to be ruled by elitists, and are repelled by the notion of being ruled. When one is against middle classness, one is for a system wherein most people are ruled by a few elites. When the ruler is black, BLT'ers will tend to invite his rule and expect it to be beneficial. Middle class people don't want to be "ruled" to begin with. The people supporting Obama are willingly supporting their reduction to a status of being intrusively ruled. They are kept in condition not to know what to do with themselves unless they are told. They are the people more Dems want to open our borders to. The trend is beoming a juggernaut towards burying the idea of an American middle class. Once that trend establishes a point of no return, elites will simply invest in and abuse the cheapest serfs the world, now entirely a third world, can offer. Why does any thinking Dem want to force America back into the third world?