Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pyramiding of Evil

Evil begins by being godless and becomes goodless. Evil denies that science avails the existence of good. Evil rejoices in the burning of good. Evil projects itself; it conflates selfishness with altruism. It means forcibly to humble and subjugate all others into submission, to bow before it, eventually for 5 plus 1 times a day (5 times to evil, 1 time to evil's bodily encompassment). Thus, evil so fills the void as to allow others naught but to believe that only it exists. Others come to believe that since only evil exists, only evil is good. Evil knows its mainstay is deceit (the Big Lie), especially to dupes, and it assumes deceit is the mainstay of everyone else. Because evil assumes that everyone in their heart of hearts lies about being tolerant, it begins by asking that it be tolerated. Evil turns all projection of good will and good faith upside down, against goodness. Thus evil contrives to build its pyramid to the sky. When good is thoroughly humbled, consciousness of evil knows: that it will be feared by those who allow themselves to become its collectives; that such fear will twist to respect, and eventually to love. Evil knows we will come to love Big Brother. The ultimate goal of evil is that nothing should come after it. All concept of progress or pursuit of happiness is to stop, and Nature is to be restored to pagan harmony. No one of less evil is to be allowed to climb out of evil's hole. The useful idiots of evil are Rinos, Dinos, and suicide bombers. However, they don't care, because they don't serve or believe in anything higher than this: Whitey And Jews Must Pay The Dhimmi. Eventually, the pyramid of evil collapses, and we begin anew, with favor to the independently resourceful and faithful. Someday, the record of history and philosophy will bless us with insight and foresight to repel the pyramiding of evil. Even so, without the existence of evil to foresee, there would not be good. The unending process builds empathy for good and enmity for evil. Evil is God's foil. There is no choice but to choose: Serve good, or serve as hollow men.


Anonymous said...

In a few short years, the Left's ridiculing of warnings about the slippery slope will be shredded down the memory hole. Currently, the notion that legal recognition of gay marriage will lead to legal recognition of polygamous and underage marriage is ridiculed. In a few years, it will be denied that such ridicule ever occurred. In place, the elitist, libertine, and Islamic argument will morph to this: "It was obvious all along that Nature's Moon God, in her awesome diversity, dictates enlightened, legally enforced respect for polygamy and underage sex."

Anonymous said...

Most dads who have daughters likely want them to be happy, challenged, and resourceful. Given the modern frequency of divorce, daughters need to be economically self sustaining. Problem is: The grinding down of the middle class expands to grind the labor that is available. So, for a family to have a double income has not translated into greater economic security. Instead, familes have sacrificed to allow even more labor to be sucked from the middle class, with less to show in return. That problem cannot now be addressed, nor should it be addressed, by expecting women to be satisfied with housemaid status. Instead, something needs to be done to relieve the middle class from the elitist game that seeks to keep all labor under corporatists' thumbs, as debt slaves. American labor and voters must demand dignity enough not to be forced to compete against third world serf labor. Corporations need to be checked against cannibalizing America by exporting and selling our heritage, infrastructure, and industry at cheap prices abroad. Corporations did not and do not shed the blood that made and continue to make this nation. Their heads did not, on their own, earn entitlements to sell America out to third world despotisms. Yes, let American labor compete, but let it compete against American labor, not against despots who seek to reduce the world to a lowest common serfdom. Crony corporatists who add little to civilization apart from cannibalizing off freedom hardly "earned" any such entitlement. To continue to buy their arguments is to condemn middle class strivers to the holes of the masses. Rinos who have refused to enforce America's borders, enriched our enemies, and allowed despotic nations to use America as a trade dumping ground have done so on the backs of dual-income, middle-class families. Americans of good will must stop being dupes to the deceits of Rinos, who have been the ruin of America since Reagan left office.

Anonymous said...

As consumers of goods, I don't care how the wealthy spend their money --- so long as the expenditures are not part of greenmail kickback schemes to buy up politicians and political favors. McCain-Feingold tried to regulate that with RULES, and it didn't work. So why not have a very progressive TAX on political investments, excuse me, campaign contributions? Maybe even a law that no person who contributes to a political campaign can be allowed to benefit financially as an individual from any change in the law for the next 6 years? As to corporations, don't allow them to make any campaign contributions. Ok, just kidding. Draco needed to be softened by Solon.

However, if we are to be a Republic, with no individuals to be allowed to own the government or its puppet heads, then something appropriate needs to be done. So what is it? I don't buy that he who makes billions probably knows best how the rest of us should be governed. Crikey!!! I don't surrender freedom that cheaply or ignorantly. An enlightened solution will probably need to proceed on several layers and levels at once. First, we must recognize that the monster that is devouring our freedom and dignity does not consist only in entitlement minded layabouts. It consists as much, probably more, in those elitists who have become skilled in manipulating those layabouts into flash mobs. That's similar to how Peisistratos gained power. According to ttp://, Peisistratos stirred chaos and then persuaded the Athenian Assembly to issue him bodyguards. He then used his bodyguards to capture the Acropolis. That's the lead up to how he declared himself tyrant. Power corrupts. Say it as often as you need, to get it to sink in. Power has to be checked and limited, or else no Republic has a chance. Those who do not want to limit the amassing of power (wealth is power!) in individuals may as well align themselves with gullible communists, for they serve the same necessary result.

Anonymous said...

Poly sexual liasions are already legal. What advocates of polygamy want is legal sanction. (Rights to tax and welfare advantages.) Before jumping to advocate such a liberally enlightened position, it would be well to consider some concerns, such as: Has any polygamous society succeded as a modern democracy? What did the polygamous Arizona Mormon sect do with its excess male teenagers?