Monday, December 31, 2012


REGARDING SET THEORY: Set theory depends on analysis under a logic based on that which presumes to sum to a mutually exclusive and exhaustive composition. However, there is often a problem with analyis under such logic: While Beingness often appears to be trivalent, set theory operates under an assumption as if beingness were only bivalent. Yet, sets that are not pre-created or artificially preset tend to be trivalent. Trivalent sets are not comprised of parts that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Rather, they are comprised of sets that are mutually dependent and transpositional. Depending on perspective, context, and purpose, the face of the whole of a trivalent set vibrates in transpositions among aspects that flux among the Conscious, the Substantive, and the Informational. Such transpositions correlate with, but do not "cause" one another. Their measurable vectors abide as correlates that conserve and balance to zero. As to that which for the present abides in aspect as conscious, substantive, or informational, each of said three aspects defines a different quality, even though each aspect is defined in terms of the other two (as in a game of rock-paper-scissors). No one of said three aspects (qualitative Consciousness, quantitative Substance, and algorithmic Information) in itself defines the holism of the system set, even though each avails meaning to the face of the set.
REGARDING MORAL MEANINGFULNESSl To meaningfully appreciate (not prescribe) the set as a fluxing holism, more is needed than a preset-logic of machined-science that is based on a digitized bivalence of true-false, yes-no, on-off, either-or, positive-negative. Rather, a trivalent mode of reasoning is needed, that intuits a pursuit of music and meaningfulness in good faith, and that empathizes in good will --- beyond bivalent logic. A trivalent mode that attaches, identifies with, and is inspired in terms of ... analogical modeling, figures of speech, and sacred parables. Such trivalent reasoning qualitatively factors trivalents, such as: perspective-context-purpose; truth-falsity-contextual dependence; separateness-relation-transposition; representation-observation-interpretive translation; positive-negative-neutral; like-dislike-indifference; vector-catalyst-translator; competition-cooperation-reconciliation; predetermination-random determination-contemporaneous determination; intuition-empathy-measurement.
REGARDING TRIVALENCE OF THE CLASS OF ONE: Trivalent reasoning and inspiration among perspectives of consciousness (not machined presets) recognizes not two, but three, aspects of analysis: truth, falsity, and contextually transitional dependence. The Holism (the set of one) fluxes to present trivalent faces, so that no one face of IT is sufficient in itself to define such class of one.

Machined Bivalence v. Conscious Trivalence

Of bivalent functioning of digitized machines versus trivalent functioning of consciously-participating iterations of a reconciling beingness:
By definition, no mortal can stand outside the System that determines his communications and avails his expressions of conscious identity in order to determine what he may suppose "causes" each contemporaneous reconciliation by the System among all of its variously interpreted and translated particles of functional expression.
Beyond quanticized, machined, bivalent causation, there abides a qualitative trivalence, which reconciles interfunctioning roles for (1) INFORMATION (math), (2) Measurable SUBSTANCE (representations of transitions among math vectors that present appearances of matter, energy, space, and time), and (3) CONSCIOUSNESS (contemporaneous feedback participation in appreciating and determining choices as they unfold from among all possible choices). Each of The Trivalents abides to function in a way that is qualitatively different from the others. Consciousness separates amoral machines from purposeful beings. Information can be represented mathematically in numbers and equations, which need not occupy or exclude others from the same space-time. Substance is empirically (bivalently) measureable in terms of space, time, matter, and energy. (Yet, each of the Trivalents may also flux in conservational expression of one another. Substance may be guided by Consciousness to combine with anti-substance to produce Information, i.e., the "number" zero, i.e., nothing but space that "occupies" space. Avatars of consciousness may die and transition to nothing but bivalent, Informational significations and representations of Substance. Vectors of Math Information may be contemporaneously activated by Consciousness in order to represent Substance.)
Each preset algorithm of digitized bivalence that predetermines the unfolding of any particular series of sequences, at the time and place of its having been preset, would then and there have been contemporaneously preset under the participation of a trivalent operator. And each now-present unfolding is, by definion, contemporaneously determined ("chosen"). As any unfolding is contemporaneously determined, it is also, by the System, contemporaneously absorbed, synchronized, and reconciled.
By definition, no particular mortal perspective of the system would/could "scientifically" control, direct, replicate, or prescribe the constant and continuous process of reconciliation by the System as it operates and conserves as a holism. As the System as a whole synchronizes and reconciles in contemporaneous feedback responsiveness to each change among its particles, and as it "chooses" among all possible alternatives for each contemporaneous reconciliation, how can any mortal comprehend non-pre-determined, contemporaneous reconciliation as being other than the function of an appreciating field of feedback, i.e., a field of consciousness?
As qualitative choice enters into each sequentially-unfolding and contemporaneous determination (that has not been prescribed by a non-choosing entity or function), then does not such choice-making function inject a qualitative trivalence into an otherwise inanimate (dumb), machine-like, bivalent algorithm? Is not the trivalent feedback (of apprehending, evaluating, purpose-ing, and choosing) by appreciative observers what distinguishes communications among perspectives of consciousness from preset sequences hammered out by machines?
Bottom line:  Scientists overreach when they presume moral purposefulness can be explicated in purely objective, quanticized, measurable, bivalent terms.  To so assume is a mis-directed, religious-like belief of scientism.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Regarding Atheism

Some say science-ism is not religion.  Do they mean it is never a religion, usually not a religion, or sometimes not a religion?  The statement is either so trivial or so broad that I could not help but take it as somewhat arbitrary, unscientific, unreasoned, or faith based.  Since the attack seems too broad based,   I would address it more from a Judeo-Christian perspective.  You're probably familiar with the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule.  I suspect you choke on the Great Commandment (and maybe you think the Golden Rule doesn't "really" say anything).  Were I translating the Great Commandment in the language of secularists, I might phrase it this way:  Find and devote yourself to that principle or vector of moral purposefulness that is even more important than the preservation of your own skin (i.e., stand for something larger than yourself).  I might translate the Golden Rule in this way:  Devote yourself to a moral compass that is principled and relevant in your dealings with other people (i.e., be fair).
I wonder:  Do you "believe" such principles are supported in your secular philosophy?  Do you find them to be signified in your reading of natural civilization?  If yes:  How is your finding/belief/faith really that much different from one who believes religious parables serve simply to illustrate translations of the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule?  If no:  Why "should" anyone value any of your opinions or beliefs about the value of moral principles or spiritual faith?
Your use of the word "belief" is itself interesting.  A religious believer does not tend to say he knows that natural science proves the legitimacy of his faith. He does not reason himself to moral or spiritual belief based purely on natural empiricism because nature is not suited for such purpose (unless you have found yourself to be "the one," i.e., the exception who has derived and proved "ought" from "is").  Rather, a religious believer looks beyond the limits of empiricism in order to reason about moral and spiritual values.  He looks to the broadest aspects of his relationship with the cosmos, and he, in good faith and good will, tries to apply his best intuition and empathy.  If you have a better way of reasoning about such concerns, please share.
I don't quite see how matters of "believe" and "not believe" are quite as simple as you suggest.  Any needle that might be imagined to scale the attitude of conviction (belief) in each person would seem to vary throughout his life, even his day. A believer may push towards belief one day, towards doubt the next.  Would such a person be a "believing doubter?"  To doubt is also to believe, i.e., it is to believe one does not believe.  Many people think moral and spiritual values are matters of likelihood.  They seem to believe they have some empirical insight for weighing whether a moral or spiritual belief is "likely true" or not.  It would be interesting to see them try to write a paper to clearly demonstrate such likeliness.
You seem to complain that concerns about faith are too important to many people who think at A.T.  You would rather focus on measurables.  Well all righty then!  Measure that focus on measurables, sans spiritual inspiration:  How has uninspired, dispassionate focusing on scientifically indifferent measurables worked out for you (and for America)?  I wonder why all the empirical-minded folk somehow were unable to inspire, connect with, or save the day with the modern electorate?  Last I looked, the election secured the federal government in the hands of cronies bent on using useful idiots to smash the political influence of the productive class.
As to empiricism and broad concerns about decent civilization:  I wonder which empiricist has ever gathered viable "evidence" to refute what many people consider a common sense observation, i.e., that a Qualitative Immeasurable created the cosmic cone of measurable signification that we mortals share in common?  Has anyone gathered empirical evidence that suggests a plausible alternative to the common sense empirical observation that the creator abides/abided in a way that is qualitatively immeasurable to mortals?
As to whether the Creator has "left the building":  Well then, explain what guides or causes each result, when no one has the least clue to explain what determines each sequence in the unfoldment.  Hint: Labeling a result as "random" does not explain its cause.  Labeling whatever happens to survive or replicate as "the fittest" does not explain any cause at any particular time and place.  Arguing that every thing that is possible to occur must occur in some cosmos is not an empirically testable thesis.  It is just a faith to avoid an alternative faith:  That God is with us, that God appreciates and rconciles us, that God's field of consciousness functions in cyclic, qualitative feedback with the apprehensions of particular mortal expressions of consciousness, that such relationship is signified in the cosmos in terms of the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule, that so believing and conceptualizing will tend to guide us towards more fulfilling civilizations that celebrate the dignity of human consciousness. Do you have evidence that an alternative faith would better guide us to human freedom and dignity?  If not, how is your faith not of a religious quality?  (Hint:  Merely inventing and attaching yourself to a label for "belief in lack of belief" -- such as "atheism" -- does not make your belief meaningful, faithless, testable, empirical, civilizing, or worthwhile.)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Nature of Information -- Is Information ever lost?

RE-NORMALIZATION: Every particular perspective that has bonded to a particular cosmos, regardless of how the reconciling and conserving Principal of the cosmos may re-phase or re-normalize the measurable system that is shared as a whole, will always interpret its sensations, memories, and records AS IF the measurable system itself had not changed, and every perspective will simultaneously and synchronously re-interpret and re-normalize, back to an instant after a rationalized beginning of the system, as if the rationalized beginning had not changed. This is because beingness-in-itself is timelessly fluxing, i.e., eternally present. Each change in the Field as a whole synchronously alters the interpreted "history" of each Particle of expression of the Field. No Particle has any means, outside of the Field, of testing to see whether the Field may have altered the record and memory of the "past." IOW, Information may be lost, but we mortals cannot know or demonstrate it to be lost. We can flux in what we "believe" depending on how we flux in our conceptualizations, points of view, contexts, and purposes. For some purposes, we can reasonably believe Information is not lost, for other purposes, we can believe Information is lost. For some purposes, we can reasonably believe Time is only a stubborn illusion, for other purposes, we can believe Time is ordained by God.
The Eternal Present abides as a fluxing farm for manifesting different points of view among various contexts for implicating all possible Information. The manifest present avails "farms" for storing Information. The "crops" are the manifest; the potential crops are the qualitative implication of all potential Information that may possibly become manifest. The various worlds, universes, cosmos, which abide are manifestations of measurable Information, serve as VECTORS for implicating all Information that can potentially be imagined. The total amount of Information that is in potential is unmeasurable, unknowable to mortals, perhaps as infinite as God. The total amount of Information that is manifest to the present may be measurable in respect of its own BITS and terms --- even though mortals cannot know whether or how such terms may phase through system-wide re-normalizations, with respect to whether each change of phase may increase or decrease some total sum of manifest Information, or even how a unit or bit of such Information may be worthily represented. The mathematical "DURATION" of each connecting segment and sequence of the Eternal Present is related to the cyclically sequential, vectorized vibrating of meta feedback between the system and its parts. Such duration may be conceptualized as continuous or discrete, DEPENDING ON CONCEPTUALIZATION (perspective, context, and purpose). Spins can be measured and degreed as continuous, while intersections and leaps may be measured as instantaneous and discrete.
Without space-time, how can Meta Stuff and Math Information be conceptualized as yielding separate points of view and context, i.e., qualitatively and subjectively different perspectives of consciousness? How can consciousness bond and identify with SEPARATE perspectives, if there is no space-time grid for vectoring or imposing or excluding separation?
Upon what meta spirit, stuff, essence, or term does math do its math? How is math vectored and made active? Is such (meta?) stuff of a quality that is relevant, yet not measurable? Is meta-stuff inferred because of manifestations of representations to Consciousness? Does Meta Stuff avail relationally constant stuff that avails precise measurements among Perspectives of Consciousness within bubbles in the common founding units and terms of such bubbles? I would analogize "Meta Stuff" as that which subjects (subjective) itself to object (objective) math vectors of itself, and conservationally (equationally, algorithmically) transitions experience in Discrete intersecting vibrations and Continuous spins of space, time and mass ... in relation to qualitative attitudes of quantitatively shared informational sequencing, recording, and unfolding.
I would conceptualize that the meta stuff cyclically feeds back, and vibrates to, vectoring math. Vibrations avail curves, spins, intersections, interference, thus spin Continuosities and quantum leap Discretes. Thus SEPARATIONS abide among sequential vibrations (frequencies, wavelengths, amplitudes, intensities ... availing complex layers and levels of conserving, reconciling systems of sub-vibrations among forms that interfunction to intersect, reinforce, and reduce one another). Different cosmos may occupy the same meta stuff by operating under different command frequencies (equations subjectively under and objectively within equations, forms within forms, vibrations within vibrations, spins within spins). A single cosmos may collapse under (subject to) a single algorithm, yet avail objective differentiation among its vectoring parts via exclusionary and transitionary processes under sub-algorithms. Thus, separation is availed via consciousness' bonding and Identifying with sequentially different vibrations of perspectives. Thus, the meta stuff does not occupy space-time. Rather, space-time "occupies" the meta stuff.
Thus, the meta stuff (God) exists-in-itself, as a feedback-appreciative-communicator-and-reconciler of the qualitative with the quantitative. Thus, the Information from the perspective of Identity that seems to follow the measurable signification of each body with which the Meta Stuff bonds is partially communicated during each body's life, beyond the illusory perimeter of its skin, and upon its death, the remainder is reabsorbed into the informational sum of The Manifest and the immeasurability of The Potential.
No objectively measurable substance-in-itself really exists, moves, changes, or occupies or passes through time or space. Rather, potential Information availed to the Field of Consciousness and its Perspectives is simply re-vectored and reorganized in its manifest recordation, presentment, interpretation, and communication to and among perspectives of consciousness. That is, Information is math-ed in reconciled appeasement to and among perspectives of consciousness that somehow register their appreciations and operations from different contexts within a common cone of experiential presentment, appreciation, evaluation, and thusly motivated will. A local vector of Information may be locally interpreted as “longstanding,” yet, it may be erased by anti-vectors. Sequentiality will be rationalized and re-normalized to local experience. Yet, sequentiality (chronological time), in itself, is subject to annihilation, even reversal.
If there is no substance-in-itself, then “in” what is Information organized or vectored? Where? ANSWER: “In” the qualitative field of consciousness. A perspectives of consciousness (will), does not itself “travel” “in” any where. It appreciates, feeds back, judges, wills.
COIN: The Field of Beingness is like an ambiguously flipping coin, one side relating as Math (nature), the other as Consciousness (god).
How can Math be conceptualized to exist? Does math exist in itself, as being inert, pre-vectored, randomly vectored, chaotic and evolutionarily vectored, ... or consciously, qualitatively, appreciatively, and contemporanously vectored (like Active Math or Platonic Geometry)? Can Math be conceptualized as itself being bivalent, but only existing within a trivalent system? In other words, is the System itself bivalent or trivalent? Is each cosmos/universe a closed, self-contained, system-bubble of BIVALENT either-or, dots and dashes, ones and zeros, anti-ones and zeros, yin-yang, yes-no, positive-neutral, negative-neutral, positive-negative? Or is each cosmos/universe a system-bubble of TRIVALENT relationships?
NUMBERS: imaginary-rational-irrational,
INFORMATION: measurable-immeasurable-transitional,
Compressible-exclusionary- mediating conversionary,
PARTICLES: fermions-bosons-ghosts,
Particles-anti particles-virtual particles,
Absolutes-relatives-relative absolutes,
Encompassment, immortal-mortal,
Time-space-substance (matter and energy),
Constant-Continuous transition-quantum Discrete digital leap,
Kind-degree-phase change,
Preset-contemporaneously determined-random,
Representative recordation-interpretation-communication,
Sequential feedback within the eternal here and now between whole forms and fields and their variously jumping parts,
Naturally quantitative preset directionally LINEAR vectors (no-god) vs. Mind-made-up preset guided vectors (god has left the building) vs. qualitative Field FEEDBACK cycling contemporaneously fluxing vectors (god is with us)?
REALITY --- for Active Math, the most superior and "real" constant is the field of meta stuff, i.e., the Field of Conscious Beingness, whose experientialism perpetually fluxes and changes with the eternal present. As the Field of Consciousness abides to “occupy itself (its appreciation) in any certain way with Information, it identifies with, and experiences, a qualitative illusion of a manifestation of quantitative space, time, matter, and energy. As each bubble is created, the Information is already bonded/assigned to it. The Moral Purpose is to guide organization of the Information, to avail it to develop perspectives of consciousness that are self aware, intuitive, and empathetic of God (Great Commandment and Golden Rule) and God’s general purposes, to give expression to appreciate good faith and good will, so God can experience qualities that come to living purpose during manifestation, such as poetry, music, beauty, drama, and the pain and pleasure of diversionary pursuits of astonishment and joy, to relieve existential angst. Thus, the Field of Consciousness diverts existential angst for the eternal present of its Beingness, converting angst to perpetually recycling potentials for astonishment, joy, good, evil, despair, and perpetually reassembling hope. Qualitative angst is thus subject to constant and continuous feedback, guidance, evaluation, judgment, reconciliation. As to the un-organized, non-manifest Information: With what could the Field of Consciousness potentially occupy itself with? Such remains subject to inferred consciousness of possibilities or meta-sub-consciousness of the field. By consciously appreciating and guiding an organization or bubble of Information, the Field of Consciousness produces a common cone for its perspectives of consciousness to interpret in various ways, subject-ive to their sensory gatherings and appreciations of Information.
SHARED OBJECTIVITY --- the common cone that is availed and shared by mortal perspectives of consciousness is reconciled and re-normalized to all its perspectives in an objectively measurable way. For that, all its perspectives relate to the same relational, relative-constants. Thus, for the bubble presented to the experience of mortals, there may be pre-sets of conserved quantities of bits of equational Information. Even so, the qualitative experience of each perspective, and its evaluations of apparent causal and/or correlative agents, will remain subject to relational local interpretations and re-normalizations.
Unconscious Machines function on digital, binary logic. BIVALENT: If A, then B. Non-active math is bivalent.
Conscious identities function with trivalent reasoning. TRIVALENT: If A, then B, then flip coin. But, exercise or give expression to contemporaneously appreciative conscious Will, to choose coin and/or weight it with factors for loading the odds. "Active Math" is trivalent.
To mortals, consciousness is an existential, immeasurable, subjective, trivalent quality --- not a bivalently measurable, objective, empirical “thing.” Mortals may use machines. The organic cells of mortal bodies may function as unconscious machines, bivalently processing Information as directed by reconciling functions. The reconciliation is done by trivalent feedback with the Field of Active Math. Each perspective of consciousness is subject to (subjective to) the Field. In giving expression (feedback-appreciation or intuitive-empathy) subject to the Field, each local body (organic or machine based) that expresses a local perspective comes to express local consciousness.
INFORMATION: Bits of Information and Numbers (1 and 0) do not occupy (“in”) time, space, or substance (matter and energy). Rather, as guided by the qualitative Field of Consciousness (Meta Mind), they avail communications about shared ILLUSIONs of quantitative time, space, and substance. Information abides as Bits of vectorized formulations of ones and zeros, i.e., Active Math. Our cosmos is like a "SIMULATION," run on a meta-connected "tape" of a "meta-computer," which operates trivalently, subject to meta consciousness of reconciling feedback and direction. May the Bits of Information that are manifested to representation in our cosmos themselves be subject to a law of conservation, so that the total number of Bits of Information that are subject to measurement at any arbitrary segment of nowness are limited and constant? Or are they necessarily constrained and interpreted as constant? I think a conceptual "answer" depends for its completeness, coherence, and consistency on the conceptualizer's perspective, vibrational context, and appreciative purposefulness.
OF GOD AND APPEARANCES: Numbers and "bubbles" of numbers, in themselves, do not occupy Information, nor does Information occupy Space or Time. Chronologies, numbers, information, space, time, equations, formulas, forms, and vibrations are derivative appearances of, not the essence or source of, Meta-Stuff. Meta-Stuff does not occupy numbers, bubbles, information, chronologies, vectors, space-time, formulas, or vibrations. Rather, they are inferior appearances and representations that are derivative of, and "occupy," Meta-Stuff. Meta-Stuff is the creating, conserving, reconciling, guiding Source. Chronologies and conserving anti-chronologies, being inferior to and derivative of meta-stuff, are VECTORED and transitioned as mere Information, i.e., numbers of ones and zeros for representing equations of equations, applied to "terms" that are derivative of nothing more than VIBRATIONS of, and guided by, Meta-Stuff. They do not "occupy" space-time, because space-time abides as an illusion created by Meta-Stuff, which abides as Conserving Source of an "Eternal Present." Beingness does not arise out of nothingness. Rather, a zero balance of nothingness is conserved out of Meta Stuff. It is not for mortals to conceptualize a beginning or end of Meta Stuff in any way that can be complete, coherent, and consistent. IT simply abides.


Thursday, December 27, 2012


OF INFORMATION: Our cosmos is a temporal expression of the Eternal Present, made manifest by Information vectoring of Active Math. While we mortals share a common, cosmic unfolding of Active Math made manifest, such unfolding is recorded and availed to us along sub vectors of time, space, matter, and energy. Were Active Math to deploy anti vectors to destroy our cosmos and revert it to zero, we would not have this cosmos by which to communicate Information. Such Information would no longer be manifest to our potential usage. It would, however, remain within the potential of Active Math to re-combine and re-express universal aspects of such Information. However, why suppose Active Math would or should ever choose to bring our entire cosmos back to nothingness or zero? Why may IT not instead simply continue the Eternal Present by continuously re-phasing our cosmos, so that aspects of its potentiality are winked in and out of the record of Information that is made manifest? And, as Active Math does so, we mortals would have NO WAY to learn or specify what aspects of Information made manifest were new versus destroyed. The record would simply be re-phased and re-normalized, to remain, SUBJECT TO OUR MORTAL PERCEPTION AND RATIONALIZING INTERPRETATION, continuous and unaltered. Yet, in injecting such re-phasings, re-normalizations, and re-reconciliations, must not Active Math KNOW, via some sort of meta holistic record that abides beyond the kin of any perspective that attaches to a mere mortal frame? As to the Question: Is Information ever "really" lost to the cosmos, I think the answer is ambiguous. I think it reasonable to believe that Information phases in and out of being accessible to mortals, but never phases beyond the potential for being accessed by Active Math or God.
What does it mean to say, "REASONABLE TO BELIEVE?" Reason encompasses sensation, feelings, in-sight, out-sight, subjective, objective, intuition, empathy, logic, math, science, meta purposefulness, and reconciliation. To try to constrain one's moral reasoning to only one among such various aspects is to stunt one's potential as a moral human being.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Transcendence to Active Math

I suspect that in the beginning there was the eternal chaos of the present, with no beginning and no end. There abided and abides one singular real thing (Nature), i.e., the number one! and one spiritual thing (God), i.e., the potential that necessarily accompanies the number one, for vectoring and representing forms of nothing more than forms, and for balancing, conserving, feeding back, and consciously appreciating fluxing and particular perspectives of such representations.
In itself, the chaos (void?) is not of time, space, matter, or energy. Rather, it is the Source of such vectors of time, space, matter, and energy as are appreciated and experienced by Consciousness, with potential to express consciousness of consciousness of oneself (self awareness) and of likely other conscious Identities. (The Chaotic Source, in its balancing and reconciliation, is not precluded from reversing such vectors as avail manifest representations of space, time, matter, and energy by re-diverting anti-vectors with potential to re-balance outward bursts of expressions back to nothingness, i.e., the "number" zero.)
The binary (yin-yang) interplay of Nature (the number one) and God (the reconciling conserver of zero), i.e., ones and zeros, constitutes the Active Math that presently and perpetually creates and re-creates all that is signed and signified to fluxing, mortal perspectives of consciousness.
Our world has arisen out of the expression of the Active Math of God and Nature. Such Active Math vectored out a direction to our world of space-time and availed means within such world to preserve and record a chronology of unfolding forms being appreciated and guided to evolve within forms. Such records evolved to be preserved in biologically based forms for preserving reactions, habits, instincts, desires, memories, and, eventually, self awareness.
Biology has been Guided to avail feedback appreciations of pain and pleasure via neural connected expressions of reproductive organs, hormones, glands, stomachs, and brains. A singular big-bang vector has guided us to an astonishing expression of wondrously varied cosmology and consciousness. All manner of perspectives of consciousness and hormonal-based glands have covered the earth, amenable of amazing feats of competition and cooperation --- generally for avoiding pain (evil?) and finding pleasure (good?). Each gland-based brain is occupied with avoiding pain and finding pleasure. Individual competition and collective cooperation have helped to guide human evolution to a temporal top of the earthly food chain. The technological, measurable "how" of our dominance is empirically discoverable and replicable (to the extent the determining vectors for our temporally shared cosmos remain reliably stable).
However, IS THAT ALL THERE IS? Is hormonal avoidance of pain and satiation of pleasure the end-all be-all for being human? Is God's purpose and agenda for reconciling and guiding human expression simply "gay" (to avail the biggest, longest, and best orgasmic experience to the most people, before all die)? Many utopian-minded people, religious and non-religious alike, seem to think so.
For spiritually inclined expressions of consciousness, I think, however, there abides with God a singular purpose that is transcendent, beyond mere appeasement of personal pain and pleasure. What else may be written in the logos of measurable matter and in the flesh of the word made qualitative? May (or must?) there abide a universal, connecting morality that transcends human selves, that is higher and more encompassing than personal avoidance of pain and enhancement of pleasure, that apprehends each individual's re-connection with a one-of-a-kind, Individual-Collectivist, Particle-Field, Whole-Part Holon?
I suspect many people tend in their interpersonal dealings to try to apprehend whether those with whom they deal may in their insights, intuitions, and empathies apprehend the potential for spiritual transcendence, versus only the temporality of pains and pleasures. This seems often to mark a fluxing boundary between secular-humanist-engineers-of-utopia (including communists, earthly despots, and Rinos and Dinos) versus those who seek companionship among those who want OF THEIR OWN MORAL EXPRESSION OF WILL to "come to Jesus" (Conservers of Liberty).

Monday, December 17, 2012

Jesus is Logos

Jesus is Logos for the Great Commandment and the  Golden Rule. His life was illustrative of those principles. Many people intuit those principles. That intuition cannot be confirmed in measureable empirical evidence.  Even so, I suspect even atheists intuit an organizing moral principal, even if it is as hollow as self preservation at all costs.  One either intuits a higher moral guide, or one does not.  Some act on the basis of a higher organizing principle, even as they deny God.  Their actions speak of faith, even as their words deny it.  I think they are quite confused about that which is reasonably believed about moral purposefulness and yet not amenable of empirical  proof. They don't get how the author of our empirical nature need not be inferior to our empiricism. IOW, they look for reason to believe in all the wrong places. However, at least they tend to be less dangerous to human decency than those who believe all others have value only as materials for advancing themselves.  As to Islam, I don't find much in it or its practice  that does honor to the Golden Rule. To all who have faith in the Author of the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule, have a Merry Christmas!  To the rest, if you intuit you have no soul, I don't disagree.  In your case, who knows: Maybe you're right.  Just don't expect me to stand aside while you monopolize the public square with visions of free soma and condoms for kiddies merely because I believe God prefers to guide us towards a more modest society that is respectful of human freedom and dignity under an assimilating mores.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Need to Connect to First Principles

Too often, we invent false formulas for confusing ourselves into severing our connections with common sense. These false bases can never adequately inspire or fulfill us, and, when followed to their absurd conclusions, always lead to bitter fruit. If we are not to lose assimilating common sense, there needs to be a spiritual connection built on intuition and empathy, of a kind which cannot be entirely justified in mere empiricism. To appreciate moral issues always necessitates that they be connected back to first principles, not via pure empiricism, but via intuition and empathy that is receptive to the holistic field that defines us and avails us our parameters of freedom and dignity.  The knowitall mindset that ignores that lesson of history is what is dissolving America.
I would be surprised if the good influence of sacred spiritual authority could be proven empirically. After all, it's spiritual. What I mean is that faithless deceivers can abuse believers, and have done so throughout the ages. IOW, I suspect the indulgence selling Popes, Marjoes, and Jim Jones of the world., i.e., the agents of evil, render empirical efforts too inherently simplistic to help. Indeed, even death and anguish are part of the tool kit for how social evolution is guided. We have common sense qualitative tools of good faith. We can judge intentions by intuitively and empathetically appreciating acts of feedback. Acts are significations, logos. They have meaning in context, not in simplistic, single dimensional analysis. Common sense suggests social assimilation of humble respect for a Reconciler who leads us more by example than by force is needed to lead us to a more decent society. I doubt the issue can be resolved empirically. There are too many factors, many of them being qualitative. No doubt, statisticans can pick facts and variables to serve whatever interests may hire them. In the end, however, it will come down to the common sense of each good faith observer. One crosses the bridge of San Luis Rey with faith in a higher principle of reconciliation, or one does not.
I doubt cultures, nations, or tribes can be ranked objectively by any mortal in terms of which is best and which is worst. They can be ranked by which averages to express the highest versus lowest number of episodes of violence per 100,000. And they can be ranked along various other single or even multi dimensional scales. However, we have no logical way to objectively quantify the entire flux of all dimensions in order to say which kind of society is best or worst, especially since the very definition of each identifiable society is itself in perpetual flux. (You never step into the same society twice.) Along the way, some will be eating and some will be being eaten. There is no stable, perpetual, objective set of moral laws that applies perpetually to each and all.
Even so, within the unfolding context, there abides expression and communication of meaningfulness and worthwhile pursuit of fulfillment. Such contextual communication of meaningfulness abides with the measurable aspects of changing significations, i.e., Logos. By (appreciating the flow of) their acts (within a context of changing feedback) shall ye know them.  And that is the connection by which I would intuit and believe, not prove, a test for evaluating social "progress." This is the test: What is needed to establish, sustain, and avail the meaningful COLLECTIVE assimilation of a system of mores that will facilitate the unfolding expression of decent human freedom and dignity among INDIVIDUALS? Fortunately or unfortunately, that is a test that is largely subjective to each person, whether of good will or bad will. Even so, it is a test for which we Pilgrims have a Reconciling Guide.
A BORGDOM, while pretending to be sufficient in itself, would learn little about the external environment that supports its definition. To learn about that, it would need to send out relatively independent, competent feelers and scouts, able to defend, compete, cooperate, participate, and sense opportunity in relation to the cosmos that unfolds around, as opposed merely to within. It would need to facilitate empathetic appreciation for, and intuitive understanding of, the encompassing, wider, defining environment that is both cooperatively enticing and competitively hostile. A Collective that tried to become its own independent set of particulars, independent of God and the cosmos, that thus tried to substitute itself for God, would make itself irrelevant to God and merely transient to the cosmos.
In that sense, I use the word "EMPATHY" to relate to feelings that connect the interior and exterior, to experience the exterior as if it were interior, and to experience the interior as if if were exterior, to appreciate the connection between the seemingly unconnected. I use the word "INTUITION" to relate to how empathies are understood and rationalized with Logos. Intuitive appreciation of empathies relates to how a conscious point of view reconciles itself with its contextual field of consciousness, i.e., how it reconciles quantitative significations and signs with qualitatively unfolding mores and purposes, i.e., how it under-stands subjective "ought" from objective "is," i.e., how it receives feedback to guide its service towards the unfolding direction of the Reconciling Field, i.e., how the SINGULARITY may transcend the collectivity and individuality.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Money as Logos for Communicating Social Debt Forward

Before people can feel safe to gather in communities, they need means to dignify personal space and property, and they need logos to signify mutual honesty, good will, reason for trust, and inter personal contracts. Thereafter, people in any given community compete and cooperate to set up claims among themselves to allow them to live together — socially and decently. They often monetize inter personal claims and exchanges, so that each person is availed means and logos for assessing his relative standing. Relative claims to monetized wealth avail people with quick means for communicating social priorities and for communicating who has earned legitimate standing to set such priorities. Thus, it is important that money be kept a secure form for storing authority to bid and place values within any given marketplace of fluxing production and changing fads and interests. The legitimacy of this gets complicated when oligarchies accumulate position and means for manipulating entire markets and relative values of currencies (which, at bottom, are nothing more than significations of agreed extensions of relative trust, credit, and authority for directing and demanding production). At bottom, the legitimacy of trust and money depends on respect for traditions. Without respect for marketplace traditions for determining values, there is no basis for representing values in money. Once collectivizers take over setting the value of currencies by fiat, they are soon tempted to set the value of all social relations by fiat. Soon, they are tempted to replace the authority of the family with the authority of those who control the collective. Thus, the setting of values by a marketplace of exchanges of goods and ideas among individually dignified buyers and sellers is replaced by a cohort of crony controllers of the collective. This cohort takes over the setting of values for currencies, goods, fads, and even fundamental mores — all to the purpose of consolidating cynical crony control, to the godless annihilation of the freedom and dignity of each individual and family. God is replaced by “utopia” (and you had best like it, if you know what’s good for you/sarc). Since a crony cohort cannot possibly make the myriad of decisions that are involved in exchanges of goods and ideas in any complex community, it soon abandons the attempt and turns instead to manipulating ways to preserve its power and position, such as by inducing public obeisance with hired thugs (get on your marching shoes and revenge the vote!), thereby inducing feelings of fear and hopelessness. Thus are God and human dignity sold out to secular material wants and faux utopia. Get your freak on.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wittgenstein Passing Over in Silence

Wittgenstein's Notion: "what can be said [known?] at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence"
I would amend to say: what can be said measurably can be said mathematically, and what we cannot measure, we must pass over quantitatively (but not qualitatively ... and not "in silence)."
After all, a great deal can reasonably and self-evidently be experienced, feared, praised, and appreciated without its being reducible to measurable, quantitative clarity. That is the realm of the subjective, qualitative, analogical, metaphorical, intuitive, empathetic, fluxing, observer-affected feedback. Indeed, if we did not try to communicate concerning our subjectively immeasurable experiences, interests, and fluxing apprehensions, we would deny ourselves opportunity for communicating about much of anything.
As to "clarity," excepting trivialities, there is no thing-in-itself that we do know. Yes, we know mathematical equations concerning relational translations, but they are set true by trivial definition. We know geometric properties, which, again, are true by definition. That is, each unfoldment of the cosmos obeys self-defining, self-conserving equations, even though the set of possible or potential unfoldments seems to be unbounded. In the "physics of math," we experience vibrations of vibrations of an empty set. But what do we "know" of any vibration-in-itself, or even whether any such a thing exists? We "know" very little, yet neither we nor the cosmos "passes over" such lack of knowledge in silence. Of measureables, we empirically ascertain relationships that are conserved in obedience to equations that can be ascertained.   However, not even the Higgs Boson is a thing in itself.  It is a relationship that marks the enforcement of mathematical limits for the unfolding experience of possibilities determined within such vectoring fields of math with which we happen to share, for bonding and communicating such interests as are appreciated in respect of our iterative expressions of a reconciling Identity that is, in itself, not measurable.  Thus, we learn ways that work within a given context for measuring measurements of measureables. Apart from that, there is no thing-in-itself that we know in terms of being able to measure. Only a fool expects he should be able to confine and measure God.
Our subjective brain's interpretation of our sensory experiences helps us represent, conceptualize, rationalize, and analogize. We don't sense or "know" any measureable truth-in-itself. We only measure conservational relationships and aspects of vibrations of vibrations, given to us as being true by such context as happens to define us. In a way, our senses are aspects of the cosmos, trivially and self-evidently sensing measurable aspects and unfolding relations and perspectives of itself. But how do we interpret, analogize, model, and qualitatively appreciate such aspects as the cosmos relates to us? We don't objectively measure gradations of art or subjective appreciation. We intuit, empathize about, analogize, and qualitatively appreciate subjective experiences, holistically. But even though we cannot "know" such experiences in the sense of objectively measuring them, there is no reason to expect that we must or should "pass over them" in silence.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Empathy, Love, and Sex

LOVE V. PURPOSEFUL EMPATHY:  It makes little sense to say God is love.  Not in the sense of tolerating everything.  If God tolerated everything, then spiritual guidance would be nonsensical.  If evolution is guided, it is via spiritual feedback from the holistic field to its variously expressed particulars.  If that Field is morally relevant, then it is qualitatively discriminatory in its unfolding, reconciling appreciation.  For purposes of spiritual guidance, it makes moral sense to conceptualize God as purposeful empathetic feedback, not as omni-tolerance.  Omnitolerance makes no moral sense when it advocates that the good and competent should allow themselves to be swept away by the unprincipled and incompetent.  Technology temporarily allows much of the world, out of locales of overabundant compassion, to carry the hormonally prisoned and morally handicapped to such an extent that they have "unionized."  As useful stooges, they now control voting majorities, as well as every institution of social significance --- including most churches.  After all, a majority of Catholics voted for the Chief of the Incompetents, Obama.  And the Unitarian Church seems to have filled a niche to become spiritual headquarters for inculcating moral zombies with some absurd notion that the world is morally obliged not only to accomodate, but to entitle enrich and service the most blinkered, who give no thought beyond basest hormonal urges with regard to the family values it takes to establish and preserve a society of decent human freedom and dignity.  It's not God who is marginalized.  Rather, this millenium is a highly transitional one.  The unprincipled and incompetent are allowed to rise only as catalysts for transition to more mature appreciation of the spirituality of the Cosmos.  The unfolding pursuit of fulfilling moral competence continues.  God is guiding empathy, not omnitolerant love.
WHY SEX?   Sex entails contemporaneous feedback communication of an intimate aspect. As such, it is not uncommon as a means for propagating genes beyond the death of the parent organism.  However, why does sexual reproduction seem to be more prevalent than asexual reproduction? Why are selective mating rituals more common than indiscriminate snake ballings? Such questions tend to baffle those who believe evolution is unguided. Why would nature favor sexual versus asexual reproduction? I suspect The answer is less in non-purposeful evolution than in purposeful spiritual evolution. The reason nature seems to favor sexual reproduction may not be found in purely purposeless evolution. It may be that sex serves as a logos, a way to communicate significance in reconciliations. Reproduction via sexual bondings often depends on communication of cooperative appreciation. It avails partners who are incomplete or deficient with respect to their niches to seek partners who may complement and complete their genetic deficiencies. It promotes social understanding by facilitating intimate communications. Over time, it may help separate honesty from flattery. May there abide a kind of meta guidance, that wants marriage to consist in a sexual relationship between one man and one woman? Such a social strategy would seem to promote a best possible distribution of happy communication within a population. It would promote a most compensatory assortment of genetic complementation. Individualy discriminatory sex tends to discourage reproduction of genes and traits that are situationally undesireable or incompetent to their niches. Non-discriminatory sex tends to produce ghettos filled with fatherless children. That is a strategy for substituting the State for the family as the prime institution for inculcating the values of the next generation.
PROBLEM: Absent social re-weighting (tax credits?), would marriage credits not tend to overfavor the competent elderly at the expense of the un-established youth?
BORGDOM, while pretending to be sufficient in itself, would learn little about the external environment that supports its definition. To learn about that, it would need to send out relatively independent, competent feelers and scouts, able to defend, compete, cooperate, participate, and sense opportunity in relation to the cosmos that unfolds around, as opposed merely to within. It would need to facilitate empathetic appreciation for, and intuitive understanding of, the encompassing, wider, defining environment that is both cooperatively enticing and competitively hostile. A Collective that tried to become its own independent set of particulars, independent of God and the cosmos, that thus tried to substitute itself for God, would make itself irrelevant to God and merely transient to the cosmos.
In that sense, I use the word "EMPATHY" to relate to feelings that connect the interior and exterior, to experience the exterior as if it were interior, and to experience the interior as if if were exterior, to appreciate the connection between the seemingly unconnected. I use the word "INTUITION" to relate to how empathies are understood and rationalized with Logos (words, signs, and measured significations). Intuitive appreciation of empathies relates to how a conscious point of view reconciles itself with its contextual field of consciousness, i.e., how it reconciles quantitative significations and signs with qualitatively unfolding mores and purposes, i.e., how it under-stands subjective "ought" from objective "is," i.e., how it receives and interprets feedback to guide its service towards the unfolding direction of the Reconciling Field, i.e., how the SINGULARITY may transcend the collectivity and the individuality. In factoring Empathy, I would ask: how may the Reconciler be changing; when may hard knocks be more empathetic than smoothing the way; when will training to be tough be better than seeing to comfort; what is the desired ideal or end or Singularity; what would the Reconciler want; is it a system that facilitates decent communication, cooperation, and competition among relatively INDEPENDENT human beings, superior to other beings; or is it a system that facilitates decent communication, cooperation, and competition among relatively CO-DEPENDENT human beings within a collective republic that is based on sustainable checks and balances; or is it some SINGULARITY that transcends individuality and collectivity? I am more concerned with empathy for Truth, God, Country, and Family, more so than empathy for fellow gang members.

The object of empathy is understanding. The object of sympathy is the other person’s well being. Sympathy relates to pity, while empathy relates to understanding and connection. Empathy relates to apprehending how every seemingly independent particular perspective of consciousness is a perspectivistic iteration of the same quality or holism of consciousness. Empathy seeks to appreciate what it may be like to be another person, not to justify him, but to judge how he should best be incented, perhaps either to sustain a republic of independents or a republic of co-dependents. Empathy is not concerned with judging the immortal souls of persons, but with judging behaviors sponsored by persons. It factors judgment, rather than hidebound and inflexible rules that are inappropriate to situations that call for judgmental flexibility. To me, empathy should relate to what it takes to preserve a republic (a collective of relatively independent citizens under law) that accords decent human (individual) freedom and dignity (self responsibility for grown ups). Empathy entails receptive responsiveness to reconciling, responsible, adult feedback. It entails complex reconciliation of, and identification and bonding with, competing facts and cooperating aspirations


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Old Nick

Mankind's destiny seems to be to take the measure of all that is measurable. Mankind's delusion seems to be to reduce the obviously Immeasurable to the merely measurable. Mankind's faith will eventually become to appreciate the Immeasurable ... intuitively, empathetically, metaphorically, and morally, without needing to try to reduce it. Mankind has evolved through societies of spirit-medicine men, gatherers, hunters, livestock keepers, farmers, technologists, traders, bankers, and corporatists. Leaders have ruled through clergy, raiders, land-based aristocrats with personal armies, banker-based despots with national armies, and now ... international corporation-based NWO elitists with access to computer-age, internet-monitoring dossiers and WMD information. Each step along the unfolding sequence has entailed much questioning of the previous step. The duration of each step has been cut short by each succeeding step by at least half.
Along the way, human ingenuity has been pent up by authoritative stages of clergymen, noblemen, slavers, and repressers. As it became safer to question such repressers, enlightenment sprang forth. Out sprang the renaissance, reformation, industrial age, and now the information age. The pace of enlightenment and dissemination of information and technology has become breath-taking. Unmonitored individuals have become able to be threats to states. This danger is not welcomed by those who have become invested in the establishment, who have consolidated wealth and influence. Now, they stage Rino-Dino circuses to ally political operatives bent on erasing national borders and moral boundaries, while inviting the masses with cheap bribes in order to put them safely away in stocks.
Thus, enlightenment became confused with habits of questioning, even ridiculing, of previous moral authorities. Now, even foundations for republics are ridiculed and reviled. As stated by Kyle Becker, in today's article at A,erican Thinker, The Triumph of the State, "Men do not seek out punishment for achievement, but they will take the road of least resistance to failure if subsidized by the state -- and particularly if cheered on the entire way by the anti-competitive elites who cynically and gleefully wield a monopoly of coercion."
Now, every infantile ridiculer feels invited to believe he's some kind of renaissance man, while having all the enlightenment of a jealous cow. Thus is paved the way for New Doperspeak, where it's thought to be moral to be amoral, virtuous to be selfish, progressive to acculturate entitlement-mindedness, good to be covetous, and bad to respect the reconciling spirit of The Immeasurable beyond the confining gates of churches. For newly enlightened infants of the Left, what is immeasurable must not exist. However, their axiom proves too much and ends up devouring itself. We are finally beginning to apprehend that all that is manifest, empirical, measurable existence may be nothing more than a burp out of an empty set, a bubble from a "nothing-something" that is simply Immeasurable, yet exists. Because IT exists, IT only seems irrelevant to qualitative concerns when IT is ignored. When IT comes to concerns of morality that cannot be derived simply from the measurable, IT becomes infinitely and perpetually relevant. IT is heard in the still quiet voice of intuitive good faith and empathetic good will.
Yet, there remains great accultured momentum behind the now habituated and hubristic pretense of being enlightened merely by questioning, and especially by reviling, the very existence of an Immeasurable reconciler for moral guidance, and most especially by substituting oneself for God. It was right that mankind should question the authority of mere mortals pretending to speak authoritatively for God or the Immeasurable aspects of Reality.   Of God, mortals should speak in terms of belief, intuitive good faith, empathetic good will, and receptive appreciation.  However, there obviously abides an active and Immeasurable Source, of which it is hubristically ignorant and absurd to claim to be morally irrelevant or measurably disproved. Rather, IT is the spiritual foundation for guiding feedback in the unfolding of human decency and discourse. To ignore IT, to revile IT, to drive IT from the public square, is to harness oneself as livestock for the use and abuse of the most cynical and depraved. Indeed, that depravity has now sunk the American Republic.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Who Lost America

The Tea Party did not lose the election.  The election was lost by a Rino Dino Axis. What the world has once again come face to face with is a very Old Nemesis:  Godless, spiritless, faithless, crony corruption, i.e., Evil prancing and masquerading as good, promoting (irresponsible-cynical-hormonal-collective) Security over (responsible-charitable-purposeful-individual) Liberty.  That is, promoting lies purely for personal comfort (pot), pleasure (porn), and promotion (plunder).  These lies are promoted to the most gullible and incompetent, whose numbers are transformed into power by harvesting the votes of the most stupid and corrupt.  The biggest and most sinister of lies this Evil has promoted include the following:
- GAIA MUST BE WORSHIPPED: that Gaia is dying because of the sin of an excess of middle class liberty;
- AMERICA IS EVIL: that America is a nemesis of Gaia, so its territorial borders and moral boundaries must be erased;
- TRADITIONAL SACRED METAPHORS CAUSE SUFFERING: that a wall for separating traditional religious-based morality from the public square is not an establishment of false secular religion, with elites of Marxism and Islam substituted for spirit-guided respect for human individuals;
- SOCIAL JUSTICE ELITISTS SERVE GAIA:  that the proper office of crony elitists is to protect all plants and animals of Gaia from human beings, all of whom, save elitists, are rogues when they act as individuals;
- HISTORY IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROGRESSIVE: that Marxist and Islamic based humanities are morally-progressive, social "sciences";
- COWS ARE ENTITLED TO A LIVING: that the middle class must be collectivized so that wealth can be extracted and distributed, so that all who serve (Elitists of) the State will receive their fair share, to which they are entitled;
- ELITISTS CAN BE TRUSTED TO BE FAIR: that "fairness" requires that power and wealth be consolideted into benevolent elites (aka elitists), who should be entrusted to effect redistributions to those cultures that most cheaply produce cows that can be recruited and harvested;
- THE AMERICAN FAMILY IS ARCHAIC AND STIFLING: that the traditional family must be destroyed, because middle-class families can no longer be trusted to raise their own children;
- ELDERS (NOT SERVING SOROS) ARE WORTHLESS: that old people who disagree with collectivization-for-security under elites are old dogs who cannot be taught needed new tricks, and they therefore should be ridiculed, reviled, and revenged from the public square;
- DIVERSITY IS NOT A FRONT FOR DIVIDE AND RULE: that elite-guided respect for hyphenated, cultural diversity is not a front for dissolving middle-class respect for human liberty;
- WALL STREETERS HAVE SOCIAL CONSCIENCES: that joining with Chicoms in order to manipulate markets and ship entire industries abroad is the kind of free trade that will lift all boats.
These are the ideas of corrupt, spirit-dead, cronies.  They are not the ideas of youth.  They are the ideas of a very old Evil, injected into sociopathic, political fashion-leaders among youth, for the purpose of recruiting clueless and insecure youth in order to corrupt common decency and divide and rule humanity.  These are the ideas of an unholy axis of Rinos and Dinos.  That axis has now sunk America.  These are the spirit-dead ideas that a new party of Conservers of Liberty must confront, if human freedom and dignity are ever to be revived.  If confronting these ideas is what caused Romney to lose the election, then America was already lost.  In that case, the most important thing to preserve is the possibility of a new beginning, which cannot be preserved under the sponsorship of the unholy Rino Dino alliance of spirit dead cronies and political zombies.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Conservation in the Spiritual

What is The Possible? For each instant of digital exchange for a perspective of consciousness, the realm of the expressible possible consists in all of infinity and eternity that does not then and there violate mathematical rules that conserve such perspective and with which the identity of such perspective bonds to an unfolding dance.
The role of math is to require that every measurable exchange must obey the rule of equational conservation. Measurables are always balanced to conservation. What often becomes out of spiritual balance is the sustainability of apprehensions and purposes among varying perspectives of consciousness, leading to a local expiration of some perspectives and expansion of others. For those who purpose to preserve a decent civilization for availing human freedom and dignity, things are locally spiraling out of whack.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Resetting Fairness

From Stand on Zanzibar: "UNFAIR Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried to cheat them out of and didn’t manage."
It seems obvious that means abide by which to sustain current levels of production (at least, absent natural calamity). Most fundamentals (resources, machines, computers, skills) are not distressed. Rather, what are distressed are mindsets and institutional means for allocating financial lubricants of trust, credit, and cooperation among individuals, nations, and extra-national corporatists. Those are the stressors that are “unfairly” out of whack. Those are what must be "reset," if civilizing trust is to be preserved, without jolts of rancor and war that will necessarily lead to pestilence and collapse (causing great gnashing of teeth for everyone). That is why “fairness” is as compelling a topic as ever, in respect of which human good faith and good will must somehow be re-inspired and re-assimilated.
Mere market forces will not produce needed resets. This is because entire markets are now subject to manipulation by morally-hollow, computer-modeling, hedge-controllers of institutions of banking, trade regulations, media, academia, governments, and science-funding. Many people are disadvantaged less because of inferior work ethic, intelligence, or talent than because of disadvantage in proximity to outlets for manipulating markets. (Example: Chinese currency and social policies keep wages artificially low.) Manipulators can now sell just about any crap they want to sell. (Obama -- quod erat demonstrandum.) As things stand, fairness has been undone by mindsets for coveting pleasure and power (i.e., diversification of pot, porn, and plunder). As motivators, pleasure and power are short term. They don't factor well for preserving civilizations based on mutual respect. To get elected, Dems have deemed it necessary to appeal to short term preservations of pleasure, while Repubs have deemed it necessary to appeal to short term preservations of power. Dinos and Rinos may as well be harnessed to an alliance for pulling civilization away from purposeful vision, with no brakes against decadence.
Both America and the rest of the world have lost assimilating visions; both are without legitimate, authoritative alternatives. If the world does not move towards (1) assimilation in respect of human dignity and fairer marketing freedom or (2) Big Brother pyramidal collectivism, then the world will get (3) massive breakdown. (Or, America could return to a modified kind of isolationism, to seek restoration of local energy independence, combined with preemption of abilities of competing nations and cultures to threaten America’s stability.) My read of tea leaves is that we are heading towards pyramidal collectivism (Big Brother seeking of false security at expense to human liberty). My read of what sensible “fairness” requires is a reset of the financial-banking-corporate system, to regulate it so it does not threaten to buy every republic and sell it into serfdom under a collectivizing syndicate of visionless Crony Corporatists, greedbag Market Manipulators, and subhuman Big Brother Collectivists. God bless us, taking history as a guide, I think we are in for some very bad times.
The problem with trying to regulate markets entirely in terms of markets is that such an attempt is defenseless against crony marketeers of markets, i.e., cannibalizing negaters of markets.  To preserve free markets for non-crony individuals, there must be regulation of the marketing of markets.  Otherwise, control of all enterprises is eventually ceded to those who would lord over people as if they were livestock.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Space and Time are Translations of Sequences of Active Math

If there can abide vibes of vibes, spins of spins, forms of forms, then why not maths of maths? Why not "Active Math?" Why not math being simulated, projected, and imaged by Active Math? Take the EROEI acronym, for Energy Recovered on Energy Invested. Instead of Energy, substutute Greed, or Cronyism, or Ignorance, Quality, or WILL TO MATH (using to math as a verb). Consider space and time separations of digital increments and sequences. May not space and time be illusions, not things in themselves, but derivatives of subparts and subsequences in math operations? May not imaging abide in translation of projections of math operations? May not time (relative chronology) abide in active identification with directional sequencing of math operations?  Nothing, per se, precludes reversal of a directional sequence or path of math operations, except during the pendency (or shared habitation) of a math of operations that sustains the direction.  So long as Consciousness bonds to, identifies with, or occupies an originating empty set (zero-particle-circle-sphere), then operations that sequence its subsets will record (and reduce to translatable remembrance) the path, so that partial returns or variations among perspectives along such shared path will be formed by Active Math to memory. By assuming Perspectives of Will and binding their Identities with math operations, Perspectives thus "remember" their origins and/or their way home --- even though home, direction, and time are not in themselves real.