Monday, December 31, 2012

Machined Bivalence v. Conscious Trivalence

Of bivalent functioning of digitized machines versus trivalent functioning of consciously-participating iterations of a reconciling beingness:
By definition, no mortal can stand outside the System that determines his communications and avails his expressions of conscious identity in order to determine what he may suppose "causes" each contemporaneous reconciliation by the System among all of its variously interpreted and translated particles of functional expression.
Beyond quanticized, machined, bivalent causation, there abides a qualitative trivalence, which reconciles interfunctioning roles for (1) INFORMATION (math), (2) Measurable SUBSTANCE (representations of transitions among math vectors that present appearances of matter, energy, space, and time), and (3) CONSCIOUSNESS (contemporaneous feedback participation in appreciating and determining choices as they unfold from among all possible choices). Each of The Trivalents abides to function in a way that is qualitatively different from the others. Consciousness separates amoral machines from purposeful beings. Information can be represented mathematically in numbers and equations, which need not occupy or exclude others from the same space-time. Substance is empirically (bivalently) measureable in terms of space, time, matter, and energy. (Yet, each of the Trivalents may also flux in conservational expression of one another. Substance may be guided by Consciousness to combine with anti-substance to produce Information, i.e., the "number" zero, i.e., nothing but space that "occupies" space. Avatars of consciousness may die and transition to nothing but bivalent, Informational significations and representations of Substance. Vectors of Math Information may be contemporaneously activated by Consciousness in order to represent Substance.)
Each preset algorithm of digitized bivalence that predetermines the unfolding of any particular series of sequences, at the time and place of its having been preset, would then and there have been contemporaneously preset under the participation of a trivalent operator. And each now-present unfolding is, by definion, contemporaneously determined ("chosen"). As any unfolding is contemporaneously determined, it is also, by the System, contemporaneously absorbed, synchronized, and reconciled.
By definition, no particular mortal perspective of the system would/could "scientifically" control, direct, replicate, or prescribe the constant and continuous process of reconciliation by the System as it operates and conserves as a holism. As the System as a whole synchronizes and reconciles in contemporaneous feedback responsiveness to each change among its particles, and as it "chooses" among all possible alternatives for each contemporaneous reconciliation, how can any mortal comprehend non-pre-determined, contemporaneous reconciliation as being other than the function of an appreciating field of feedback, i.e., a field of consciousness?
As qualitative choice enters into each sequentially-unfolding and contemporaneous determination (that has not been prescribed by a non-choosing entity or function), then does not such choice-making function inject a qualitative trivalence into an otherwise inanimate (dumb), machine-like, bivalent algorithm? Is not the trivalent feedback (of apprehending, evaluating, purpose-ing, and choosing) by appreciative observers what distinguishes communications among perspectives of consciousness from preset sequences hammered out by machines?
Bottom line:  Scientists overreach when they presume moral purposefulness can be explicated in purely objective, quanticized, measurable, bivalent terms.  To so assume is a mis-directed, religious-like belief of scientism.

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