Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How a Decent Republic Can Survive

How can Republics defend themselves against alliances that spring from sociopathic (non-empathetic), narcissistic (self-empathetic?), or martyr (too empathetic) agitators who seek to excite mobs in order (cynically or stupidly) to harness them under elitist rule?
End political correctness that gets in the way of employers’ rewarding work, initiative, and talent. (Cut counterproductive governmental red tape.)
Check against mass alienation. (Don't allow dispersal of wealth to grow so lopsided that envy and hatred become unrestrained. Provide safety net for health care and social security, good enough to avail decency, not so gold plated as to disincentive work. Encourage jobs for building infrastructure and improving highway beautification.)
Don’t grease the way to allow agitators to hire cheap or foreign demonstrators or voters. (Require voter ID. Restrict the vote to citizens. Restrict the vote to informed, educated, invested, tax-paying citizens.)
End tenure and unions in public educational institutions.
Return public education to States and localities, especially with regard to the humanities.
Join with States to recruit scientific talent, by fostering big scientific research and technology in physics, space, and oceanic applications.
Encourage States to improve high school education, to teach marketable, employable skills.
Break up monopolies in media.
Check against foundations misusing tax incentives that fund false charities in order to advance crony corporatist governance. (Tax charities, but allow them to deduct monies and counseling services and costs for physical and mental health that are actually distributed, with checks against political grandstanding.)
Check against rise of aristocrats, oligarchs, and inherited wealth. (Progressively tax inheritances. Tax wealth indirectly by progressively taxing consumption. Don’t tax domestic income. Apply a progressive tax system against consumption, and direct proceeds to finance building and maintaining infrastructure and public art and beautification.)
Check against foreign interests that seek to undermine and cannibalize America. (Don’t tax foreign in-flows. Do tax foreign out-goes.)
Check against international corporations being used to empower foreign interests that seek to undermine and cannibalize America.
Check against foreign nations’ corrupting domestic politicians for harnessing Americans to free trade, while they engage in currency manipulation.
Do not needlessly discourage friendly relations with philosophies and religions that inspire good faith, good will, and empathy for effort.
Honor the family.
Encourage philosophies that inspire idealizations based on spiritual good will and empathy.
Encourage friendships with other nations that facilitate human freedom and dignity.
Encourage global efforts towards population management.
Preserve military strength against despotic and collectivist regimes that want to rule over and wipe out middle class expressions of human freedom and dignity.


Anonymous said...

By itself, mere law cannot sustain a nation. Acculturation is essential. To extol Diversity, i.e., division in fundamental values merely for the sake of division, is to work against acculturation. Indeed, the "communities" that clamor most for collectivist favors are quickest to burn communities down when they cannot get what they believe they should be entitled to. Without cultural assimilation of values, there will be divisiveness in interpretations of laws and in willingness to respect laws. In such days, everyone will come to do just as he or she pleases. This nihilism sounds better in Utopian and Marxist delusions than it works in practical reality. Insane worship of Diversity is a driving reason for our Constitution being shredded and our Representatives being ignored. Diversity wants to justify a dictator, backed by an extremist faction. If politically forced worship of diversity is not restrained, it will reduce America to the same level as every other banana Republic that has destroyed its class of people who otherwise would respect individual initiative, merit, and responsibility. Worship of legalism imagined for being applied diversely among different "communities" of races, creeds, and preferences ought not be mistaken for law that can work, nor for industry that can support viable economy. America will unite, or it will die. When America dies, we will pretend to work, and the Regime will pretend to pay us.

Anonymous said...

Require all personal retail transactions to be done with plastic, with a national Sales Tax taken out at the time. Allow no retail title to pass without some kind of plastic, cloud based trail. At the end of the year, send a progressive Consumption Tax bill based on the accumulated total of retail consumption. No other individual paperwork or filing required. Do not tax domestic corporations except on their political and foundational expenditures. Result: Paperwork would be simplified; savings would be encouraged; foundations that are nothing more than playgrounds for buying influence would be weakened; and taxes would be based more on wealth and means of purchase instead of on income. If not Constitutional, then pass an Amendment. Get rid of the Income Tax and all taxes on domestic corporations. The Income Tax is mainly a way for old wealth to consolidate political power by pulling the ladded up on new wealth.