Of Quantitatively Causal and Qualitatively Moral Significations:
People want to understand how they signify in their consciousness, bodies, manipulations of things and masses, and communications with other perspectives. People want to learn what their dispositions are, how their dispositions are related, how their dispositions should be expressed, evaluated, adjusted, sacrificed, altered, highlighted, organized, preserved, celebrated. People want to understand whether and why their dispositions must or should change. People want to understand what is in it for them, when they or things change. People want to understand whether and how their consciousness of Identity or identities are in any way preserved, even after their bodies disintegrate. People want to understand whether such concerns can be proved, determined, and/or rationalized --- wilfully, logically, reasonably, empirically, objectively, quantitatively, subjectively, qualitatively, probably, randomly, intuitively, empathetically, receptively. People want to understand whether all chronological appearances ot things, relations, and events are predetermined, actively and wilfully determined, or subjected to random determination, by a Higher Synchronizing Agency, and whether, if such might be the case, we can --- in any meaningful, reliable, or rational way --- intuit, communicate, or feed back interests, emotives, and rationalized desires with such Agency.
In respect of such needs and questions, people find it interesting to consider how and in what contexts empirical based methods may avail or guide answers, how such answers may be adequate, inadequate, evolving, complete, incomplete, astonishing, and/or changing. People find it interesting to consider whether or when reasonable traditions or answers must or may best be sought or inculcated beyond empirical based methods, in methods of prayer, intuition, and meta-empathy.
People want to understand the Source of significations, appearances, associations, and "causes." People want to understand such rules (and the Source of such rules) for such significations as they may happen objectively to share within their shared light cone of measurable experience. People want to understand whether, why, when, and how: Some iterations of signified relations cannot occupy the same space-time locus; some iterations of relations can, by intensifying, occupy the same space-time locus; some iterations annihilate one another back to zero signification; some attract or repulse, weakly or strongly, randomly or definitely; some coordinate pulses synchronously, instantaneously, and at a distance; some appear to push, to pull, or to push or pull or borrow against zero space or future time.
A Holism conserves, synchronizes, quantifies, and senses every particular pattern and relation it avails. Each seemingly separate pattern that constitutes a qualitative-quantitative in its relation to our conscious experiences and measurable relations is absorbed, subsumed, and translated to a synchronous symphony for the Holism, out of otherwise cacophonous chaos.
In the Holism’s digitally summing capacity, it iterates us. In its holistic capacity, it reconciles us. In its capacity as conductor-composer, it feeds back from us. All that we experience, qualitatively and quantitatively, depends on the Holism’s apprehensions, appreciations, and interests concerning the iterating, summing, and reconciling of translations of us.
With intuition, empathy, and qualitative insight that come of subjective, conscious experience, we may become receptive to glimpses to guide us regarding the quality of the Holisms’s interest in us. That guiding feedback can be conceptualized as a dance of Will. Such can be interpreted as the functioning Will of a multi-layered, reconciling, guiding Evolver. Out of otherwise chaos, such Evolver apprehends, appreciates, and conducts a symphony of the cosmos.
Insofar as retired Americans have time to devote, and so long as the Internet remains viable, there remains viable the hope that our Republic may a bit longer be salvaged for our progeny.
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