Saturday, August 4, 2012

Perpetual Dovetailing of the Qualitative with the Quantitative

Perpetual Dovetailing of the Qualitative with the Quantitative:
A Conscious Cosmos need not be like a final judger for a final judgment at some absurdly delineated end of space and time. As children, individuals long to escape responsibility by imagining that all responsibility should be put upon the shoulders of an ultimate Atlas (or Top or Bottom Turtle). In effect, they imagine Atlas should better languish under the weight of hell, than that they should undertake to attend to their own responsibilities.

Humanity tends often to enjoy a subjective, qualitative capacity to idealize two contradicting ideas at the same time, while imagining that there may be a way to forge an objective, quantitative synthesis. This routinely leads to idealizations of “turtles all the way down,” which insight and intuition show to be hardly of value --- that is, in terms of consistency, coherency, and completeness. The fundamental source of confusion may abide in stubborn reliance on a theory of sets for purely objective classifications. That leads to searches for redemption in principles of ultimate objectivity, such as in religions of the supreme godhead, or in sciences of the god particle, or in imagined philosophies for unifying standard models. While this facilitates creative frame draggings and unfoldings of astonishing turtles upon turtles, it does not seem to get us “closer” to an explanatory synthesis. Maybe we cannot get closer because we are proceeding in respect of a false scale.
Maybe there is no ultimate, objective, redeeming source. Maybe there is instead a perpetual dovetailing of the qualitative and the quantitative, perpetually unfolding from a chaos that dances in a feedback of appreciation for significations, effected by common perspectives of subjectivity that have capacity to communicate and conserve significations out of, on balance, objective nothingness. Maybe, instead of imagining a set theory that correlates with “objective reality,” we would do better to conceptualize logic (set theory) as pertaining to a system of perpetual feedback among perspectives of subjectivity and their significations extrapolated from a balance of objective nothingness.
What would be intuited of common moral empathy, were there taken to abide no ultimate, perpetually topmost, moral redeemer or absolute particle? What if, instead, The Qualitative abides in perpetual dovetail with its interpretations of The Quantitative, borrowed in respect of flux with objective nothingness? So conceptualized, such a system-set-theory would not envision God as a walking contradiction of the omnipotent with the omniscient. Instead, “God” would abide as the unnamed, mutually common communication of empathetic, directly-intuited consciousness. This may sometimes be referred to as the “Collective Unconscious, ” the “Living Cosmos,” or the “Self Actualizing Logic.” It is not pagan, in that it does not take objective matter or substance as defining ultimate reality. Conceptually, it escapes the “turtle problem,” as well as the problem of moral surrender to those who un-sanely pretend to speak for God, the ultimate turtle, or for objective-truth-and-reality. And it respects a fundamental basis for morality: Innate empathy among iterative perspectives of a same property, i.e., unnamed consciousness. The key to moral purposefulness may abide with perspectivistic, contextual recognition and regard for the common, subjective consciousness of oneself, as it is extended and represented also in the purposes and interests of others.

Such philosophy is not inconsistent with civilizing inculcation of awe and humility, for informing people how individually limited, interconnected, and interdependent is each perspective with the Conscious Cosmos. Moreover, such philosophy suffices to encompass most of that which is decent and worthwhile of a common frame of prevailing religions and moral philosophies. With such System, Unnamed Consciousness (I Am that I Am?) perpetually abides. In the mathematical potentiality for which time and space are illusions, the System's multitudinous avatars remain subject to perpetual flux, recall, or reincarnation. Whether finished Eden may "somewhere" await seems to remain beyond mortal kin or call. Maybe, as receptivity spreads to a dovetailing system of thought or way of being in the world, some Eden-like realm may also spread or advance, somewhere.
LIVING MATH: Does there remain a Quality of the Whole that still gives us, on average, some hope of capacity, by empathetically acting together, to inspire, establish, and sustain a decent hope of civilization of freedom and decency for everyone?


Anonymous said...

The Joker: Many people seem to have just enough capacity to sense the cognitive dissonance that permeates the world, but lack capacity or will to make sense out of it. They seem unable to integrate and choose a worldview of their own. Rather, they must leap into a situation ("take a side") such that a worldview will be forced upon them, so they can peaceably submit to it. Thereafter, while they may often be mistaken, they need never be uncertain. The Aurora Joker is walking cognitive dissonance. No one could be "smart" enough to defend his murderous idiocy without first locking himself into it. Maybe he needed a forced and "structured environment" (lockdown) to put the demons in his mind and character to rest. Islam is an obvious example of a cult that forces minds to submit to collectivizing idiocy. Other cults that celebrate and force similar kinds of collectivizing idiocy are Communism and Liberal Fascism. Whatever may be his collectivizing religion or code, perhaps he will now remain locked up, tucked away with his murderous fellow travelers.

Anonymous said...

Re: "You do know that Communists are proponents of drugging humans to keep them quiet, right?"
Psyche relates to soul; babble relates to idea acquisition. Psychobabble relates to life, a tale told by an idiot. Drugging relates to doping, which relates to losing balance. Groupthink relates to group drugging, which relates to elimination of a free-thinking middle class. This kind of drugging is promoted both by crony corporatist group-think and by crony commie groupthink.
"You do know" that demented interests from all sides connive to marginalize the middle class by peddling dope, do you not? How much psychobabble dopery do you suppose is slanted at us by rent-seeking, crony-corporatist interests, for us to eat, drink, and breathe? Once fish can no longer notice the water, how can one explain to them the concept of water? Well, once the free-thinking middle class is dried up, perhaps then we will notice that we have all been made victims of groupthink.
Psychobabble seems an interesting idea. Psyche is often synonymous with soul. Babbling is necessary to language acquisition, perhaps also necessary to idea acquisition. Its sounds may be of comfort to some while being noise to others. Conflict among sides often seems like that --- strife told by idiots, signifying nothing, especially to those who hear only noise instead of music. My music seems to lead me to a different drummer. Regardless, it's hard to see how an encompassing soul could avoid speaking to itself, except in some schizophrenic ruse of pretensing to divide itself among variable perspectives.
To many on A.T., it seems that anything that does not partake of crony corporatist groupthink instead of crony communist groupthink is noise. However, they are both groupthink, and both lead to a common end: elimination of a thinking middle class. Unfortunately, together, they comprise a majority, a duopoly pushing the world to a common end. Meanwhile, anyone pointing this out is taken by them to be "psychobabbling." So long as they get their psych-payoff in membership with one side of the duopoly, they tend to swarm against any challenge to it. This will never likely be explained to them, because their psyches are too emotionally invested in their chosen side.
Doping and drugging are interesting ideas. In a way, anything that tempts or leads one off balance, tipping out of control and away from a free-thinking, middle-class way of being, can be conceptualized as a kind of dope. Thinking-life is about conserving worthwhile balance.

Anonymous said...

Politics oftens seems comparable to monkeys in cages quarreling over bananas laced with dope. Democrats are the adolescent monkeys, who are happy to be caged, so long as they get free bananas, often laced with dope. Fundies are the marginally competent monkeys who don't mind the cage, but don't like dope being pushed on their kids. Tea Partiers (aka, fully developed human beings) are the ones who don't like being caged, deceived, or doped, and they don't accept that anyone else has a moral right to cage them. Libertines are the demented monkeys who think no one should cage them, but often believe they have a right to foist their dope onto the children of all others. Republicans are the cynical, corporatist monkeys who want to cage others, even though that means they also must submit to being caged, and even though it means management must be "flattened" so that management of everyone's affairs is controlled by only a very few at the top, thereby neutralizing all middle class potency.
All these monkeys spread out along vectors from a singular vortex of reference. Seeing patterns shooting out of a vortex of chaos, one may conceptualize that the vortex marks the source of a mathematically governed symmetry, which vectors and spins out from the crack where three principles meet, which principles may be geometrically represented as intersecting planes of: the undetermined (random); the pre-determined (natural laws); and the contemporaneously determined (consciously willed). The story of life, politics, and human civilization seems to abide in natural selection among the mix. The challenge to Tea Partiers is to become sufficiently aware that not every monkey wants to allow any other to become a fully developed human being.