Anekantavada, ( Sanskrit: “non-one-sidedness” or “many-sidedness”) in Jainism, the ontological assumption that any entity is at once enduring but also undergoing change that is both constant and inevitable. A changeless-changer. Self: An aggregate organism will overlap with particles (stores of information) that are stable, changing, transmitting, receiving, modeling itself, changing itself.
FINAL MODEL:What is desired is an internally consistent, math-based conceptualization for how space and time are digitally contracted and expanded to whatever the level of accuracy as may be needed for whatever the point of view in order for perceptions and recordations of information to be calculably renormalized to every inertial frame of relativistic reference for every sequence, locus, and acceleration that is possible to be formally and formulaically represented and experienced in space-time.Could a Meta Being or Creator ever have“stood outside” the cosmos in such a way as to represent the cosmos, as a whole, as only a sizeless, massless, directionless, spinless point, like an iterative grain of sand, that needs little more than Meta Imagination and Math in order to divide it into an infinity of possible sequences of relativistic frames of inertial representations and experiences of forms and formulas?
NOTE:To argue for an objective collapse of a wave function into a particle is to argue for an objective thing in itself, rather than a relational entailment.Always bear in mind the relational entailment between point of view, framework of reference, and identifiable iteration of will with purpose of interpretation.
Imagine meta FORMS expressing mathematical relations among themselves, in FORMULAS, whose forms carry arms of random vibrations, which clump, randomly at first, but later evolving into complex patterns of iteratives and fractals, leading to temporal sustainability of such complex FORMS as happen to be best suited to endure and replicate.As a sum of parts, such clumps would also act randomly.However, as ORGANIZATIONS and organisms, their wholes would compete and cooperate as wholes, more than merely as sums of parts.As wholes, a kind of directing, subconscious Will would EMERGE with them, like a Will to preserve and propagate themselves.As organizations, SENSES would tend to associate with them, for availing them to interpret and respond to Information concerning aids and threats to their continuance.Such senses would develop means to represent, store, convey, transmit, receive, download, interpret, and conceptualize data, i.e., INFORMATION. For example, each light wave, upon reflecting from an organization of mass, would have its Information (wavelength) thereby affected.Such change in wavelength would be representative of data regarding the severable packet or Event of the reflection.Were an object, such as a Retina, capable of receiving and interpreting a transmission of the data, there would be an exchange of INFORMATION.A retina connected to a Brain for directing impulses as a result of receipt of data may evolve to have an advantage for preserving itself over organizations lacking such a retina connected to an impulse firing brain.Thus, conscious, directing WILL may eventually emerge out of competition and cooperation among evolving modes and ORGANISMS of FORMS for conveying INFORMATION. Thus, RANDOM conveyances of information would lead to contemporaneously organized, unconsciously directed, and WILLED usages of information, in order to sustain, empower, and replicate the organization/organism.As information began to organize information, organizations would begin to inform organizations.Complex, higher level abstractions of information and organization would lead to organisms of CONSCIOUS WILL.Thus, Complex Will would interfunction and/or evolve with chaos, not from chaos.That is, organization of sense receptive brains would evolve in respect of complex relationships among parts and wholes, components and organizations.Potential for expression of complex Will would be inherent and innate to the chaos of the cosmos.
Thus, Consciousness would emerge and propagate itself in respect of competition and cooperation among organizations and organisms.Such consciousness would emerge to express capacity for collapsing and directing the data that is carried and communicated with all electromagnetic and other data-carrying waves.A collapse of data from a light wave may be interpreted by a contemporaneously conscious or interpreting recipient or recorder as a collapse of the light wave into an informationally digital or quantum-based form of data transference, i.e., a photon or wave-packet.Thus, data would be made subject to DIGITAL exchange and feedback.
ORGANIZATION OF RETINAS:IS THERE SOMETHNG SPECIAL ABOUT THE EVOLUTION OF OBSERVERS’ RETINAS, WHICH ALLOWS THEM TO COLLAPSE AND REFLECT LIGHT WAVES?From wikipedia:“The molecular transition of retinal C20H28O, which is responsible for vision, as discovered in 1958 by Nobel laureate biochemist George Wald and co-workers. The absorption provokes a cis-trans isomerization that, in combination with other such transitions, is transduced into nerve impulses. The absorption of photons can even break chemical bonds, as in the photodissociation of chlorine; this is the subject of photochemistry.”
OBSERVER EFFECT ---RENORMALIZATION OF SEGMENTAL EXCHANGES OF NON-SYMMETRICAL INFORMATION:Checking tire pressure is an example of observer effect:it is difficult to do without leaking out some of the air, thus changing the pressure..Thus, forms of superpositions of Information are often leaked into the wider environment, beyond the realm of measurement.When dealing with very small objects, as in quantum mechanics, it may not be possible to observe a system without changing it, so that the observer must be considered part of the system being observed.
ORGANIZED MASS:Conversion of matter to energy signifies as acceleration, which distorts local clumps of organizational vibrations of Will.Organizations of clumps of Will can express relative Matter (noun) -- to be accelerated, or relative Energy (verb), -- to do the acceleration. Expenditure of energy disrupts the local inertial frame, puts drag or compression on the inertial frame, and stretches or compresses it.Momentum of an inertial frame may be increased --- either when captured by a faster inertial frame, or as organized vibrations of matter and energy reinforce its vector.
RATE OF CURVATURE:Clumps of matter and energy mark a local area where organized clumps of vibrating Will have curved space-time.The local rate of such curvature is called gravity, or a gravity well, or a disturbance in space-time, like a trampoline with a mass of matter and energy in its center that marks its curvature.The greater the curvature, the greater the “pull” on nearby clumps of matter.Once sharing a common center for an inertial frame, all nearby organized clumps that have mass will tend to accelerate in respect of a same center of curvature at the same rate.Light is massless, and, in particular state, it is not organized about any internality of itself, since its photons are also sizeless.It does not accelerate in respect of any local center of gravity. Rather, it simply follows the rate of local curvature, at a constant speed.If the rate of local curvature is high enough, as in the case of a black hole, then light may not escape.More likely, the light is simply slightly bent along the local rate of curvature as it proceeds through at its constant speed.
PHOTONS ARE MASSLESS CONVEYERS OF ENERGY: Photons signify discrete, wave-packet carriers of electromagnetic force.The force (energy and momentum) they signify and impart is related to quanticized changes in frequency, or, inversely, wavelength.A vectored direction of a wave-packet, with angular momentum (rotational analog of linear momentum), entails a signification of dipolarity.A photon that signifies a directional vector along a rate of curvature of space-time will entail a magnetic moment, or charge, in digital respect of its quantum of directional frequency.Thus, electromagnetic radiation seems to entail vibrating iterations of Will at a most basic level, such that it does not constitute mass in itself, yet does signify impartation of energy.Thus, electromagnetic radiation follows such local space-time rates of curvature as happen to be most formulaically coordinate with its constant relational speed. Since light has no carry mass, it is always accelerated to its maximum, constant speed, instantaneously, as a function of formulaic design, between and across different inertial frames.
INERTIAL SLING SHOTING OF ORGANIZED MASSES: Organized Mass can be accelerated or decelerated without expenditure of energy, merely by following an inertial path, such that it is captured by a series of different inertial frames of reference.It may be decelerated when it travels between competing inertial frames.Although there is no absolute reference for acceleration or deceleration, no body in relation to any other body in any inertial frame can be signified to exceed the limiting speed of light.In relation to various, more organized, bodies of mass, such as airplanes, a single plane may be accelerating and decelerating, simultaneously, at a number of different rates.That is, a center of gravitational rate of acceleration would depend on the vector of the locally relational center of gravity (inertial frame). Within a system that has a center of gravity, subcomponents will renormalize to it.Separation in space-time may make the same inertial frames remain below a threshold of quantifiably measurable signification or experience.Depending on purpose, perspective, and context, those inertial systems that are beyond one’s practical center of gravity may be of de minimus, if any, measurable effect.The limiting speed of bosons (such as photons and gravitons) signifies a renormalizing function.Thus, measures taken by any observer of relations with any other inertial frame, for comparing effects of rates of curvature in space-time as marked by centers of local masses, would always be frame-dragged to whatever extent needed for renormalization.That is, careful measurements by observers would always follow formulas based on referential centers of gravity.
QUANTICIZED WAVE PACKET EXCHANGES:Relative mass densities mark relative increases in space-time curvature.Travel along an inertial space-time curvature does not require expenditure of energy. It is “frictionless.” Acceleration may be increased or decreased, as the center of gravity changes with travel among inertial frames. Acceleration may lead to capture by a different inertial frame.Capture (as of asteroids) can happen, even without an expenditure of energy.Light can be captured towards an inertial frame (or a black hole), without an expenditure of energy.Thus, light can travel among inertial frames, without expending energy.However, when light (electromagnetic energy) refracts with organized masses, energy can be transferred.When light quanta transmit energy, such transmissions are quanticized.Thus, discrete, quanticized changes are simultaneously signified in respect of wave collapses or wavelength changes.
TWIN PARADOX:Twins may experience a same mathematical total of experiential information, but comprised of differently renormalized subtotals of segmented separations, sequences, wavelengths, and informational representations of space and time.One may grow more experienced in relative distance traversed, the other in time experienced.One may consume and expend much more bodily energy to live day to day, while the other may rely mainly on rocket and machine energy.One may remain in a relatively stable inertial frame, while the other traverses through considerably different inertial frames. Each may experience different wavelengths and frequencies of gravitational curvatures of space-time packets. As electromagnetic energy comes in wave-particle packets, gravitational energy may come in space-time packets. As frequency is inversely related to wavelength, so may segments of space be inversely related to sequences of time.Thus, the comparative experiences of twins may not be comparable as continuosities, but only as renormalized exchanges of packets of space and time.Ten light years worth of experiences of gear quantas for one may have to be meshed or renormalized to eight light years worth for the other. Some segments, packets, wavelengths, orbits, spins, or gears for one may have to mesh, compress, or fall out of the other’s cone of experience. Thus, space or time may be compressed or expanded for differently for each particularly organized perspective of Will, depending on its program of acceleration in relation to whatever the relative series of inertial frames it may encounter, i.e., the curve of its vectored experience of acceleration in relation to the center and rate of gravitational curvature for its cone of experience.
An outbound twin riding a directional first wave may be subject to a series of following, reinforcing waves of information going its way.The following, reinforcing waves will be segmentally renormalized to its perspective.The renormalization will in part be as amplitude reinforcement to information already being carried, and in part as renormalization of incoming information.When such outbound twin-wave reflects, reverses, and turns its relative direction back, the wave-packets that had been following it, that it then encounters, will be encountered at increased frequency.However, not all will be encountered.Some will be renormalized to “pass by.”Some of the information about atomic and bodily orbits will be lost, and what remains will be received, interpreted, and rationalized differently than it otherwise would have been.When a traveling twin turns around, more of the incoming light waves would be interpreted as separate, yet more frequent, waves.Such wave packets would be received at shortened wavelengths and increased frequencies.And, during the turnaround, some of the wave packets will have passed through, before the reverse is started.The separate quanta of information in those wave-packets will be lost.
COMMUNICATIONS AMONG MORTALS:Mortal perspectives bind with imperfect clumps of organized iterations of a Source Will.Communication among such imperfect perspectives of consciousness is not instantaneous.Information must be mathematically organized in sequences and shapes (geometries of time and space), copied into wavelength changes, transmitted by emissions of electromagnetic radiations, such as of light, renormalized to changed inertial frames, received by retinas, perceived by brains, conceptualized by contextual experience, and then recorded for reference and feedback.
OVERLAPPING DELAYS IN SEQUENCES OF INFORMATIONAL FEEDBACK: These processes overlap among math based sequences in space-time.Some feedback is nearly instantaneous.Example:collapse of wavelength to photon, impinging on retina, triggering nerve receptor impulse. Other feedback must be processed through organizations and organisms.It may be stored, conceptualized, analyzed, compared, and only then may a feedback response be directed.Feedback that can be considered the feedback of the organism is delayed during the sequences the organism needs to process information as an organism.
CONSERVATIONAL INSTANTANEITY:Simple electrical stimulus and electrical response tend to be nearly instantaneous. Organized stimulus and response, unless running in parallel, not so.Yet, feedback is always renormalized in respect of choirs of representations of representations of the Singular Unit, so that, at some level, beyond communications among mortals, system conserving feedback is instantaneous.
ITERATIVE CHOIRS OF DELEGATES OF WILL:Relations in space-time do not manifest in themselves, but only in respect of relational, and mathematical renormalization to the recorded potential experienceability of perspectives of Will.As math is fleshed out by Will, then Will, in sum, is equal to all potentiality.May there abide higher levels of renormalizing empathies (choirs of angels?) among iterative types of organizations of Will?What about Will as Source Holism of iterative choirs of delegates?
CHOIRS OF MEDIATION:Are there choirs of mediating, meta perspectives and contexts?Angels?Are they availed of instantaneous, meta channels?
Will itself is of the Here and Now (the perpetual Present), yet Will’s Vibrations present the context that avails the accumulation and transmission of Information in Space-Time.
Formulaic Emergence of Consciousness: Consciousness emerges with vibrating hums of Forms constrained to Formulas, with which exchange are made of feedback of dimensional analysis, thus to represent constant reFormulizations and reorganizations of priorities of sense-taking focus and apprehension. "I" am a sense-taking and back-feeding Form for prioritizing Formulizations of Formulas.
What is IT that is vibrating, to give definition to the Source Unit and its Field? It is Will itself, generating waves of will, discretely expressed as packeted units of quanta, giving definition to numbers and formulas, i.e., Math itself.
The Source Unit is the UNCHANGING aspect of Will.
The wave packets, in their organization, are the CHANGING aspect. The vibrations of will are transubstantiated into quanticized wave packets of will, evolving into complex organizations for giving expression to will.
It seems beyond rational deniability that significations of things change. In that light, recognizing that things change, i.e., evolve, hardly seems controversial. I would use the word "evolution" in a general sense of guided change, subject to my intuition of the underlying process whereby such change occurs. Evolution -- as in changes among replicable patterns, presets, organizations, and organisms that are imaged, signified, and empathetically communicated by a Signifier. The process of change that occurs in respect of such interfunctionings as are favored and fed back among perspectives of particulars while being conserved and reconciled to the perspective of the whole. Behind "things," there abides a spiritual reconciler. Material things are reconciled illusions, placeholders for conserving communications. It is the communications among perspectives of the Spirit that are the superior reality. Since I think materialism is the inferior derivative of a higher reality, the guided appearance of evolution troubles neither my philosophy nor my theosophy. It does not trouble me if your favored name for the superior Spirit is Jesus. Now, if I believed materialism were the superor reality and moral empathy were only an inferior derivative, then I could see why a notion of pagan evolution or pagan morality would be both troublesome and illogical. But that is not my belief system. Long after this world, this universe, this cosmos fades from experience, an underlying, reconciling, non-measurable, spiritual Source of Reconciling Consciousness will remain, with which our iterative and imperfect perspectives will be appropriately safekept. IMHO.
I think Dims are neurotic because they are caught between irreconcilable and fundamentally dissonant belief systems. On one hand, they believe in matter, not spirit, and determinism, not responsible moral participation, and material evolution, not spiritually guided reconcilation. On the other hand, they seem to believe Nature "should progress" towards human governance that promotes "moral fairness and equality." As if spiritually blind matter, devoid of spirit, were to have moral goals. What can I say? As I told you, they are neurotic. They use words about which they have no contextual understanding. They are like toddlers, proud to think they understand evolution, but they have little idea of its moral implications or whether it should best be conceptualized as being guided, chaotic, random, entropic, or informationally conserved. Time would be better spent banging your head against a wall than in trying to communicate with most Dims.
It is usually easier to see and walk around a hole than it is to fall into one and try to climb out. Most Dims should never have been allowed to vote. There should have been a requirement to have skin in the game, to pay taxes, own property, reside for x years in the community. Now, Dims vote cartoon characters, dogs, dead people and illegals. Multiple times. We have fallen deep into a pit. We will not get out of it without improving our theosophy/philosophy. A good place to renew interest would be the New Testament. We need to take it back from non-believing cronies, crooks and communists who use it fraudulently.
People say American healthcare is more expensive than Canada's. To get closer to comparing apples to apples, what percentage of Canada's health expense goes to treating illegal aliens? Is our system out of control on expenses because we don't have single payer, or is it because we have an out of control border? If our political system is out of control, then giving it more power, as in power to control health care, cannot make our finances any more responsible.
Why is there total corruption? Answer: Loss of connection and good faith. There is the collective and there is the cronydom. The cronydom "looks out for you" in "comprehensive" ways that promote your "fair" reduction to a lowest equal common serfdom. Once the masses are all at the bottom, no one will need to be jealous. Paradise in the hood. Fundamental change, delivered by Obungabunga. If people of good faith awaken and summon the courage to split the country, it may yet be possible to save a republic of, by, and for the people from perishing from the earth, perhaps forever.
Who owns the controlling part of this debt? Well, it seems to be those who are bent on continuing to increase the percentage of their control. The game plan is to reduce more and more people to common, expendable pawns. How is this debt being created? It seems to be siphoned through the Fed. The crony class has learned how to make us into debt slaves by directly overtaking the institutions for creating trust in currency. In effect, they make their own wampum.
Are most Americans competent, decent individuals, or are we pigs wallowing in clay being molded by hateful and jealous masters? What brings out the best in people and enables them to want to look out for one another, as opposed to being forced to perform by government overseers? When a person in need asks for an opportunity and a person of compassion affords it, the currency of appreciation tends to be more mutual. When a person checks off a bureaucratic form and demands entitlement, there is no mutual appreciation. A charitable hospital on a budget will triage better than a government hospital that is bent on expanding its little empire and exhausting its budget. The problem with bean counting functionaries who work under cronies who pretend in grand scale to care for all the people is that they have no real connection or empathy with any of the people. Charities tend to promote those who want to help people. Bureaucracies tend to promote those who treat their clientele as cogs. We are supposed to be a representative republic. Yet, somehow the only people being represented are those who want to turn the republic into a collectivist state. Those who wish to preserve a representative republic are not only not represented, but are actively scorned, often being labeled by their own government as members of terror groups. This is where things have come: Haters and mobsters are calling their victims haters and mobsters. In faith, we will waken and set this right. Without faith, we will continue to wallow in mire.
There comes a point of diminishing returns in expanding the size of the Mongol family of cronies beyond what is needed to rule the territory. And Mongols proved that a relatively small family can rule a lot of territory. They were able to cart off a lot of wealth, even though they did not have modern transport and communication. Transmission of germ borne disease and satiation in pleasure may have defined the limits of their expansion. Modern crony families are in closer communication and interdependence. This seems to entail less of a system of vassals and more of a syndicate of "wise guys" driven by shared principles of Alinsky-Stalin-Mao-Capone evil, i.e., Progism. Among modern Mongol Progs, the effeminate Obama will be the patsy, not the master mind. He will be used to serve a relatively whimpering subjugation of the world serfdom. This will entail reduction of the masses to a common equality of shared misery. American Lofos have not yet caught on that Obama's redistribution is not TO them, but FROM America.
A race is on, to determine whether Americans will pull the mask off Evil before Evil disarms the masses and arms and outfits enough Lofo-tastics, Oz Monkeys, Brownshirts, Lavendershirts, Geenshirts, Muslimburkas, and Reconquistas to ensure its new Reich.
America's root problem is runaway central government that is owned and operated of, by, and for cronies. They run the best Ponzi game going. No comprehensive, legalistic scheme can save us from this root evil. The only thing that can save us is common sense that is grounded in decent faith of an awakened people. The cause of high cost health care is not lack of Obamacare, nor will Obamacare cure high cost health care. The cause of comparative high cost health care is a perfect storm of the following: Illegals in ER rooms; crony-induced med school tuition loan bubble; campaign to control middle classes worldwide under a lowest common equality; using Americans as medicinal guinea pigs and world policemen; internationally incorporated red tape for extracting tribute for cronies.
Even after (and especially after) Obamacare, why should any thinking person assume our crony-owned, establishment-serving, treasonous-to-the-republic Congress will not continue to find ways to help cronies cannibalize the citizenry? I decline to make that assumption. The solution to high healthcare costs will not be found with crony-owned government. There is no crony-enacted, "comprehensive solution" to the root cause of cronyism. The root cause pertains to the breakdown in the relationship between the people and their institutions of governance and the corporate ownership of governance. The breach that has caused that breakdown is the breach of billionaire cronies in buying our politicians and government. Our people became fat, diverted, and ripe for the picking. They must be shaken, in order to be stirred to awaken.
As people are put out of work, as employment with small businesses dries up, as insurance alternatives dissolve, and as fiat money becomes nearly worthless, then there will be no choice except single payer. But it will not just be single payer in health care. It will be single payer-employer-manager-regulator. Big Brother Obama wants to "look out" for you. He really does.
Behind the curtain of Obamacare, there await a number of horrors well known in history. Obamacare is just a part, albeit a large part, of efforts underway to consolidate control by cronies over elites, who are being paid to regulate individuals to such an extent as to put an end to most liberty. Governmental regulation is wiping out small business, non-governmental insurance, non-governmental health care, and individual initiative. People are being duped to believe experts are being put in place to manage their most fundamental interests better than they could manage for themselves. As government takes over or destroys everything (healthcare, insurance, small business, families, education, freedom to think) under guise of looking out for us, everyone will tend to be equally paid in essentially worthless fiat money. Most work will become perfunctory, because rewards will bear no relationship to quality of work done. Too many middle class thinkers who are free to exercise their own initiative and enterprise are seen as dangerous to cronies who run elites who run government. Of course, such a system will not be able to sustain and feed the masses for very long, much less look out for their health. So, the masses are to be be reduced to useless work, to be paid for by worthless money. Thus, the "excess population" is reduced and "planet is saved" for the crony class. Faith for this Age of Cronies comes to this: That there is no higher spiritual purpose than to siphon from the masses and enslave them, in order to serve the material wants and pleasures of spiritually faithless cronies. No doubt, the crony class is hoarding gold, guns, and goons on a whole higher level.
(*How "free," really, are you? How much of your life is regulated within a tight regimen? How much of your "freedom" is spent mainly in choices among government induced deviancies, drugs, diversions, debaucheries, and Clinton-Frank-Wienerisms?)
The Tea Party needs to articulate a shared and inspiring vision. It needs to paint in bold colors what is wrong with our opposition and where it has transgressed into the financially and morally intolerable. It needs to use plain language and sound reasoning to explain the treason of the crony funded establishment. We cannot succed in bottling up well funded corruption while we fail to pin it to its corruption.
We are more divided from Dims in spirit than in matter. Any enhancement of a collectivist's power over matter will be twisted to reduce freedom of spiritual expression. Commies seek to ban reference to God outright. Muslims seek to ban any idealization of a God who avails freedom to think, by killing their spokespeople and institutions. Marxists and Muslims are united in opposing the idea of a God who avails a quality of freedom of spiritual will. Thus, the Marxist Muslim in the White House is opposed to individual responsibility before God for each mortal for the quality of his participation in the contemporaneous unfoldment of a feedback cone of reconciled experience. Thus, Obomb-allah means to crush your Will and fundamentally change you into an equally replaceable cog in a mindless, soulless machine. The choice is between accepting responsibility to be a thinking free spirit versus being pumped to become an unthinking organ of a collective orgiastic machine.
Every politician needs to be held to announce his loyalty. Is he loyal to an American Ideal for facilitating each individual's spiritual goal to advance his expression of the Great Soul? Or is he loyal only to pagan crony homies who help him gratify fleeting pleasures by gangster-style self-help redistributive-taking? Does he want to release the spiritual expression of God on earth? Or does he only seek to extort the material based pleasure of crushing the spiritual purposefulness of others? Forces are aligning, and it is becoming ever more important to choose well. The choice is between pilgrim's purposefulness in freedom versus heathen's hedonism in a collective enslavement of enforced equality. Every proponent of freedom before Truth and God needs to think hard before helping any lying proponent of redistributive material equality to consolidate credit or power
Regarding festivals of sleaze, porn and debauchery: The thing about such festivals is that they can be put on anywhere, including the hood. When sleaze, porn and debauchery are equated with upper class good taste, the lower class feels superior when it discovers that it can engage in festivals of sleaze, porn and debauchery without wasting time taking in snob notions about environmentalism, diversity, social justice, minority studies, whitey dhimmitude, elimination of nations, and Prog religion. Thus, the traditional family values that have up to now assimilated and sustained a society of thinkers and freedom lovers are burned away. They are replaced by values that reduce people and children to pleasure playtoys and property --- whose feelings, dignity, and autonomy are entirely inferior to elitist direction of the collective. The stupidity, lack of insight, and often malevolence of those who assert an elitist right to rule is breathtaking. Decent people must see the horrible quickening of this problem and rise to confront it. Brand it for what it is: Vampire Elitism. It does not suck blood, but it surely does suck memes.
Jefferson attended a Capitol church service two days after he penned his letter concerning a"wall of separation between church and state". See
Observe: 1. He attended church. 2. In a government building. Evidently, his wall of separation metaphor was NOT intended to ban religious sentiments from the public square. Given an informed electorate, I have no doubt that free speech and Christian sympathies for valuing a Caring Reconciler over a Moon Wombat would prevail in public sentiments, were such sympathies not chained down by collectivist perverts trained in the Obama persuasion.
I don't know if Obama is the Anti-Christ, but he is certainly the Anti-American. Nothing about his philosophy or activities indicates the slightest respect for the American ideal of individual liberty and responsibility. He is The Antithesis.
One kind of perspective of consciousness wants to participate as an independent agent of purposeful expression. A second kind (Barry Easyrider) wants to attach itself for a free ride with free drugs. The second kind will kill the first, if the first is so lacking in vision as to tolerate it. When a viral meme becomes evil, it is not mean to quarantine it. It is just common sense. If we don't start calling evil parasitism for what it is, it will consume us and laugh all the way down the abyss.
What government needs to recognize is that levels of charity depend on the wealth and good will of people and institutions of good faith. Collectively forced redistribution may sometimes be based on needs of economy and defense, but it is not "charity." At best, government may incentive, facilitate, and coordinate health care charities. As by providing health inspection certificates, allowing tax deductions for charitable contributions, declining to tax doctors who work for charitable hospitals, getting rid of red tape, allowing cross state competition. Government needs to be less comprehensive about promising to redistribute goodness and instead get more out of the way so competent people can actually do good.
Theoretically, the government wants unemployed people to have health care, so it is trying to figure out how to finance it. Absent a single payer system, the government wants to provide a kind of welfare or subsidy to allow people to buy the coverage. To prevent abuse, it wants to make buying some minimal level of coverage a requirement. The government wants to make health care a right, so it in effect puts charities at risk. To get electoral control, government allows enough lofo immigrants to make a majority. Problem is, insurers charge more to cover risky, unreliable, irresponsible, and unemployed people. And the youth among them do not tend to believe they need insurance. Government, however, since it redistributes welfare to them, tends to believe it has a right to require them to buy insurance. In effect, Progs are trying to jerryrig a way to replace God, charities, families, and the motivation to work. The Prog cure is worse than any disease. Combine this with the fact that our non-industrious economy is losing many jobs, so government is creating a permanent class of people who vote for a living. Part of this is attributable to accelerating machination. Part is attributable to government making loss of industry a self fulfilling cycle. Combine these factors and we reap a perfect whirlwind.
Of course, Nature trumps, such that health care is not a right. The poor and unlucky are not given entitlement by Gaia to demand equal quality health care.
The Fed allows the New Masters to make most of the population into indentured servants, to pay for various comprehensive Ponzi schemes that are called "progressive reforms." Being made into a debt slave to the establishment is the kinder and gentler form of new slavery. At least, until the need returns for more robust forms. Bernie Madoff was jailed for not thinking comprehensively enough.
What should it be called when millions of people within a nation of previously independent thinkers allow, or are forced to allow, immigration of illegal border jumpers who want to trade their votes to Establishment Rinos and Dinos for cheap bribes? This is a transfer of political power from We The People to The Cronies. And the political power is becoming ever more intrusive. So much so that the people become more like something worse than slaves, which is to say, sheep. It's like Eurythemics (or is its Euro-slavics?):
"I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused."
If Femimen FemiDims have their way, Gettysburg will be re-fought. And this time the Re-Slavers and Lincoln-Slayers will win. Government of the people will perish and be replaced by Government of the Abusing Slavers and Morlock Muslims. It appears a good number of Femimen Mustinos fantasize about being Muslim brides.
It appears we freed slaves ... So they could vote to enslave us.
Metrosexual choomers would be funnier if they weren't so poisonous to the republic. Obama is giving FemiDims a bad name. Turns out, choomers with women's creases are as harmful as wolves in sheep's clothing. What republic that wants to survive makes a femiman its commander in chief? Hyphenated Americans sucker punched America with a lousy looser. Media lipstick won't fix this.
Pity the fool who tries to save legalese-sausage from GIGO. Before Congress enacts crap that cannot be enforced without being computer coded, it ought to run its crap through a committee of computer consultants that has some expertise on computer coding. Comprehensive solutions that cannot be comprehensively coded need to be comprehensively trashed. While trashmen are enacting laws for our front doors, their accomplices are ruining us out our back doors. Put a tarp over Congress and let fly some de-roachers.
Collectivist elites spy more than Conservers of Liberty because they are fundamentally insecure about their positions in the hierarchy. The biggest of the big brothers will have no hesitancy about monitoring any conversations that might affect his control. His concern is for his control, not for his people. When caught, he will apologize. Essentially for having been caught. Then he will redivert your attention to his heroic saving of fainting damsels.
Say you're a misguided piece of bored mush. You see a gang entertaining itself by ridiculing some independent, homie-less individual. The price for admission is only to join in the muggery. The new majority seems to consist of misguided, easily recruited, ridiculing choomers and lofos. Ridicule suddenly makes them smart and respectable in the eyes of their fellow choomers and gang bangers. Any assimilating spirit for standing up to this has been dissolved away in a poisonous brew of diverse, angry, gang memes. You'd have to be like a Ted Cruz to stand up to this trend.
So many people are so easily duped, and misery loves company. We know people are easily duped. Just look at all the lofos who voted for Obama. Look at all the skin-stretching fashions for mouth hardware. So what happens when these people get together and tell one another, You know, you'd be happier as a member of the opposite sex. And it's your right to check it out. No hang ups, no restraints, and to hell with cautioning conservatives. Stupidity often hoists itself on ever more stupidity. Yet, lefties seem hardly to question whether they may have lost all peripheral cautioning sense. I suspect a lot of these people are lost because they think no one cares about them except other lost people. Many seem to love their pimps and pushers. The lost leading and following the lost, with plugs in their ears, fixations for their eyes, and conditioned contempt for any idea of a caring, cautioning spirit.
This began when the idea of a caring, reconciling Spirit was banished from the schools and the public square. So the shrieking Void is sucked in. Now, we are forced to ban the Spirit, but to fund the shrieking Void. This is the "small government" that comes of rotting the social values under which human freedom and dignity were slowly and surely nurtured and assimilated, only now to be carelessly tossed away for cheap alley thrills. This is the fundamental change from a society that respects individuals to a society that collects them as cheap refuse.
Dims believe the solution to inflation is to print more money, but of a different color. They will pour paint into a hole and keep trying to dig their way out. Give them a land of holes, quarantine it, and let them dig away. They have no insight to see that it's easier to walk around a hole than to dig out of it. They believe religiously in the commune, and they mean to punish all who do not believe. They mean to make all of us dig and bury ourselves in our own holes.
Like Moses and Aaron going before Pharoah, Cruz and Lee went before Obama. They said much the same as "let my people go." But Pharoah is stiff necked, and his quislings consider the mission of Moses and Aaron to be one of "whacko birds." Meanwhile, leaders among the people are talking, and Pharoah sits uneasy on his throne as his rod of AHC devours itself.
Obama believes that the collective must be broken, to learn its place, to learn not to resist, and to learn to do as its elite betters prescribe. When other means are not available to do the breaking, then force must be used, even terrorism. Examples must be made, and eggs must be broken. Everywhere, individuals among collectives must be broken. As circumstances allow, competition must then weed out the less able among the controlling elites. That competitiion is ordained to favor, Allah willing, the most devious, deceitful, tricky, and ruthless. For a "good" purpose: to fundamentally change things, to put people in their proper places, all bowing to a hierarchy ordained by Allah, no individual liberty to the contrary allowed. For this to work, Western societies must be infiltrated, infested, divided, and broken down. All old "White" values of individual freedom and dignity must be replaced with utter surrender to the ordained hierarchy. Thus, national borders are undermined. Immigration policies are twisted to favor the collectivist minded. Assimilating values for sustaining families are replaced by bureaucratic minutiae designed to turn such values into "hate speech" (blasphemy and apostasy). People are to be separated from their source of assimilating values like leaves from a tree. Then they are to be raked up and burned, disposed of, or used, all for the greater service to Allah. As an independent person, you are a threat to Allah and to the mother Planet. You are a leaf that must be cut off from all nourishment and made to submit to the rake. The goal in the middle east is not to spread liberty or dignity, but to consolidate control under Islamic "republics." For Iran to have nukes is not contrary to Obama's essential mission of putting the world through trial by fire. If the Saudis had any sense, they would see the writing on the wall and make common cause with Israel. Obama is twisted to be a Muslim collectivizer. Whether he really believes in Allah is irrelevant to what he sees as his jihad.
Hollywood and Soros-like hedge funders profit by keeping certain kinds of social divisions hot. With Obama, they hit a multi level jackpot for turning large populations into debt and guilt slaves. There is a pantheon of most politically approved (profitable) genres of guilt movies. For example, Hollywood will turn cartwheels to aovid making Muslims villains, preferring neo-fascists. CAIR was successful in a campaign to discourage Hollywood from depicting Muslims as villains. It was successful because Saudi Muslim funders are part of the new Muslim-Marxist-Crony-Collectivist ruling elite. Thus, Tom Clancy's Sum of All Fears was switched from a story about Arab nationalist villains into a story about neo-fascist villains. (Nowadays, neo-fascist is becoming Prog code for Tea Partier.) At the top of the pantheon of guilt movies one finds the "blame whitey" movie. This is probably because this genre has been so perfected by race baiters that white metrosexuals relish having their faces pushed into it, while certain kinds of urban blacks relish doing the pushing. This is all part of new world management, by keeping people stirred up and divided so they can be collectivized, sheared, and ruled. Much of the Black community remains so racist, race-fixated and cluelessly caged by its own doing that it is underwriting its own re-enserfment.
I know why the collectivist carries his own cage.
The American Ideal is about freedom. The ideal of the Establishment Axis of Cronies and Serfs is about collectiviztion. Rinos share in the collectivization ideal, not the freedom ideal. It's that simple.
Do the cronies who are represented by establishment Rinos and Dinos understand that continued degradation and perversion of human capital is going to be detrimental to their lifestyles as well? A Yale prof recently more or less admitted being too removed from reality to apprehend what should be evident to every thinker with a modicum of common sense: that conservatives tend to be more scientifically literate than lib lofos. I suspect establishment cronies tend to be as adrift from reality as the prof.
In more politically correctese, we've had our fill of anti-personal responsibility politics. Call it collectivist politics, if you will. It just so happens that most minorities seem head over heels in love with collectivist politics. I prefer to judge individuals as individuals. But I refuse to be blind to facts about cultures. Many cultures from Africa, Mexico, and Dar al Islam are utterly unfit for citizenship in a republic. Indeed, they are a mortal threat to any idea of a decent republic. Let individuals apply for citizenship and show themselves worthy. That is, show they have skills, know enough to come out of the rain, and want to make the republic a success. If they just want to hyphenate and gripe about whitey and 50 year old grievances, bar the door. In the final analysis, it's about the American politics of individual responsibility versus the collectivist politics of muggers.
The regime seems to be cover for the mob's mob. Yet Dims celebrate. In a grand way, we now have empirical evidence for what kinds of cultures and personalities are simply unfit to live in a republic. Yet, the wise people who know this have few students. They are simply barred from the academy. The academy has become a shill for mobsterizing collectivizers.
OSantacare requires a suspension of non-belief, that "the rich" will all together sacrifice wealth, position, and power in order to look out for all the little guys. When in history has this happened on any reliable scale? Don't the rich always get something in return? Like turning a society into a nation of sheep for the shearing. Now, I get that "the rich" are not necessarily against story telling and delusions for the masses. And they know how to construct schemes whereby it looks like more crumbs are going to the needy and that such crumbs are being paid for by "the rich," even as the rich siphon more printed money from Uncle Sam's back pocket. Behind the appearances, as always, what is happening is that the connection between the lower, middle, and upper classes is being removed by decimating the middle class. Round up the usual kulaks!
How do despots get away with such evil big lies? Why are they held unaccountable? Why will Obama "go down in history as America's most unaccountable president"? A lot of reasons can be advanced, for which a lot of people are responsible. Corrupt cronies, impious priests, pimping profs, illegal aliens, doper Dims. But one commonality stands out starkly: Likely all of us have had a hand in rotting away the very idea of accountability and responsibility. We have nothing to be responsible for except irresponsibility itself!
People say we no longer need churches to help us as a cohesive society to assimilate workable values. Ok. So what are these workable values that we are assimilating as we push spirituality out of the public square and ridicule those who "act white" and cling to traditional values? Try a mental experiment. Imagine a sudden and fundamental change in the diverse, salad bowl make up of social values. Values such as: No hang ups; we're entitled; working responsibly and hard is stupid; only the strangest of religions should be tolerated; sharia in America is fine for Muslims; it is ok for Muslims to be attracted to 6 year old girls; let your child express his/her sexuality and don't presume that sexuality should be defined by genitalia; let your child discover whether he/she wants to wear dresses or play with dollies or toy soldiers; punish those who defend themselves equally with those who beat up on them; turn bureaucrats and teachers into storm troopers with zero tolerance for breaking stupidly defined rules; hand out condoms to students; invite homosexuals to explain their lifestyle choices to students; punish students who express lack of support for the new value system as haters; punish their parents as abusers. Put this poisonous social cocktail together and what do you get? Well, you get this: Nothing to be responsible for except irresponsibility itself. Welcome to New ObamaNation.
First we are told don't leave the Repub Party, just work to get the best conservatives in the primaries. Then we are told, no, don't get the best conservatives. Instead, get the Rinos who can have the best chance to win the general election. Problem is, that kind of Rino, who declines to stand on principle, who declines to act as if principles exist, who declines to try to educate or inspire the electorate to worthwhile principles, will simply be a Dino in Rino clothing. That's how you get McCooCoo and an electorate that is never availed opportunity to hear a real debate. Instead, we get treated to lip service lies as we are sold down the river.
Much of the ill wind that is howling against the Tea Party seems to be howling from funders who want to reduce the influence of social conservatives. Maybe something changed in Greta and Ann's funding calculations. A high pressure system will move into a low pressure system. Governmental oversight and bureaucracy will replace declining values of social assimilation. It seems whacko to believe governmental intrusiveness will be reduced by using government to weaken and then replace families. Libertarians among the Tea Party swallowed a hook: That less social concern about family values would translate into a smaller government and a healthier economy. However, that "less social concern" seems to have translated into more governmental intrusiveness. Government now replaces the paychecks of fathers, so fathers are considered less needed for supporting the economic and social well being of each family. In many cases, government does not support parental instruction in schools, but replaces (and often outlaws) parental instruction. No doubt, there are often bad parents. However, I suspect bad, uncaring, paycheck-drawing, useless bureaucratic overseers are as common, perhaps more common. I wonder how many social workers are trained and attracted to consider instruction in traditional, religious-based morality to be immoral? Libertarians who wanted to REDUCE general tax incentives for traditional family values seem not to have anticipated that such movement, unless it first eliminated the income tax, would induce an INCREASE in governmental spending for the purpose of perverting family values.
The character of a society and its electorate is part of its human capital. It should be small surprise that perverting such character will unravel both a society's government and its economy. An ill wind seems to be blowing from people who expect to make short term profits by blowing families to tatters, in order to replace them with central controls for cronies. Once that is done, people will not stake their principles on commonly intuited values. No, they will instead come to take their direction by holding their wet fingers up to unreliable and ill blowing winds. When the right person asks a lofo what is his political opinion, the lofo will be thinking about what is the opinion the asker wants. The divided masses will skitter about on water, seeking after "truths" that are blown about with big lies by big fans. No values will anchor them, no center will hold them, and no discipline will stop them from printing money until it becomes toilet paper. Small government proponents of social libertarianism are for small government only in their imaginations. In the real world, they are harbingers of low principled systems that inevitably suck in big government.
A responsible woman will want to raise responsible children, and she will prefer a husband who can help her do that. When the husband skips out, she may think she needs to beg to meet the needs of her children. The irresponsible woman will see it as entitlement. Soon, she will see no purpose for men at all, except to pay taxes to keep the government stash going. I tire of seeing Ted Turner blaming men. Fully 50 percent of our decline can be laid down as the responsibility of women. The relative fault of feminization climbs higher when you factor in the metrosexual femimen. Earned respect based on individual work and competence is declining, pulling the republic down in the bargain. A republic that devalues earned respect unavoidably debases itself. A country that elects an Obummer becomes an Obungabunger.
Character (cultural capital) that can sustain an economy for a decent society takes years of dedication to nourish. Dims are throwing it all away for a flash of baubles. They are against White (working middle class) values. They think Rainbow values are better. They think jealousy is better than competency. Perversion is better than family values. Mobbing for government handouts is better than working. Mugging is better than earning. Griping in minority "studies" is better than hard learning.
Taking money from workers to pour into sewers of dopery and irresponsibility will produce only marauding bands of muggers and losers. An infinity of money printing will never constrain an infinitely bottomless pit of wilful decadence. The West is being pirated by denizens of an African-Mexican-Commie-Islamic Black Hole. The pirates are rainbow hyphenates of failed cultures, who do not want to be pulled out of their hole, but want instead to pull the West into it. Wilful pirates cannot be fixed. Unless quarrantined, the people who refuse to leave the cultures of pirate lands will cannibalize and devour the West, inside out. A salad bowl of gripers is a moral hazard that causes sharp pains deep in our bowels.
People tend to use faux science to rationalize and normalize their prejudices. Those who are most tolerant of the prejudices of others, that is, those who desire only to appear to be most "objective," tend to more tolerant of the most intolerable. The advantage of militant homosexuals and militant muslims is in their intolerance of opposition. Their opposition -- wanting to be recognized as objective and not phobic, and not wanting to be ridiculed into scientific *irrelevance by modern lib-belief orthodoxy -- allows the ass of homosexuals to be yoked to the ox of muslims in order to plow roughshod over civilization. Why are modern scientists so girly-tolerant and accepting of crap that is not science as if it were science? Well, maybe it's attributable to most of them being metrosexualized and feminized. True scientists need to stop being limp apologists for unsupported bs that seeks to fundamentally change everything based on nothing of more substance than "hopey changey girlie wanna". If you want to be objective, CONFRONT those who are most hysterical. Femimen keep finding and supporting Militant Gays and Islamists. Evidently, they find one another more attractive than Christian Western men.
(*Al Gore v. Common Sense; Harvard Women v. Larry Summers; Tina Fey v. Sarah Palin; John McCain v. Ted Cruz. The monolithic club of ridicule that is wielded by Cain-ite lib-orthodoxy is trying to beat Able-civilization into dhimmitude.)
Surely, by now, even the dimmest of the dim among Dims must know that their media constantly lies to them because it has no respect for them. Its message is: You're too stupid to come in out of the rain. Therefore, believe this, and this, and this, and let us put on your raincoat for you. Here's looking out for you, Kid.
Does some kind of Dawkins Math show that not believing in a source of moral empathy leads to an increase in moral empathy? That emptiness of empathy inevitably leads to a cornucopia of empathy? But wait. It's not just emptiness of empathy. It's anti-empathy to which Dawkins seems to have made his leap of faith. For Dawkins, even the foundation of cellular organisms is based on genes that themselves are not empty of empathy but that are actually "selfish." Apparently, he believes in a source of anti-empathy. Or maybe he can reduce the logic of it. Maybe his idea is so simple that even a computer program could understand it, become empathetic, and explicate in perfect logic why there abides no spiritual Reconciler. Not.
Long after this world, this universe, this cosmos fades from experience, an underlying, reconciling, non-measurable, spiritual Source of Reconciling Consciousness will remain, with which our iterative and imperfect perspectives will be appropriately safekept. IMHO.
I think Dims tend to be neurotic (self cutting, addictive, broken down) because they are caught between irreconcilable and fundamentally dissonant belief systems. On one hand, they believe in matter, not spirit, and determinism, not responsible moral participation, and material evolution, not spiritually guided reconcilation. On the other hand, they seem to believe Nature "should progress" towards human governance that promotes "moral fairness and equality." As if spiritually blind matter, devoid of spirit, were to have moral goals. What can I say? As I told you, they are neurotic. They use words about which they have little contextual understanding. They are like toddlers, proud to think they understand evolution, but they have little idea of the moral implications of evolution or whether it should best be conceptualized as being guided, chaotic, random, entropic, or informationally conserved. Time may be as well spent helping a Dim to bang his head against a wall than in trying to communicate to him about a source of empathy. If we could lead them to a head-banging room while we vote, we would probably be better off.
When a pack of muggers surrounds a pilgrim, they will always tell him, no matter which way he steps, that he has gone too far. Their descriptions of right and left, as well as their ideas of right and wrong, are godless and meaningless. They are a pack of muggers, and the pilgrim is a god respecting liberty seeker. The Dims, the party of the Wrong, consists mainly of the Muggers. The Tea Party, the party of the usually Right, consists mainly of Pilgrims. Labels for political movements tend to make more sense when analyzed in terms of whether they seek to justify Muggers or Pilgrims.
Law cannot really make 2 plus 2 equal 5. And it does not pay over the long haul to bet against the house or the duplicity of Congress. If powers that be want law to keep enough lofos satisfied to continue to be serfs, they will find ways to make it so. Yes, some people will get agitated. But if the agitation becomes threatening to the sheep management state, the state con operators will find ways to divert their attention. And Representatives will find cover to claim they voted against the diversion, bribe, candy, whatever. For example, someone will say "this sucker is going down" (student loan bubble), and then another massive and emergency bribe will be made to attention deficit syndrome lofos. If the game were not rigged, if cronies did not hold and see all the cards, it would be possible to bring the game down on account of its internally self-killing rules. However, what we take to be rules are seen by the game operators as mere bugs that can be written out or written over. Congress does not obey the Constitution. So long as the President does not madden the cronies who fund representatives, the President need not feel any great need to follow the law. Our system of checks and balances was busted when the electorate became Africanized and Mexicanized and when the rewards for crony disloyalty to the republic were allowed to escape the atmosphere. If we were a nation of laws, the regime would already have been impeached.
When all the food and medicine are controlled by commies, you go with hands out and head bowed to the commies. Head bowing will be made virtuous. Islam will be most virtuous. Those who are most virtuous of all will be allowed to lick the feet of regime despots. Mmmm, the taste of Africa in the morning.
The regime will just give a tax "refund" (bribe) to enough of the unprincipled class of bottom dwellers to ensure it retains control. It controls the "holodek of public delusion" and can reset the game and the discussion jist about anytime it wants to. The worrisome question is, what are the boundaries of the regime? What are the limits to its capacity to replace entire social operating systems? One day you have a maze of competing news sources, the next day ridiculously rich individuals seize control of national news sources.
American power is not for the foreseeable future fit to be passed on to the kind of leaders America's electorate is now inclined to elect. Our nation is no longer fit to be entrusted with great power. Obama wanted to reduce us, and his very election has shown that we were already reduced. If we want to do battle against despots, let our uprising against our own regime be an example to liberty loving uprisers in every other despotic nation. Our own electorate has become the apple of any despot's eye. The enemies of liberty include ignorance, greed, and jealousy. We are now infested with their carriers, who have breeched our borders and rotted our institutions.
We have had it with a long train of liars and abusers. Now we need some fire breathers who mean to bring real fire. Churchill, Patrick Henry, Andrew Jackson. I realize Jackson is not politically correct, but, By the Eternal, we need his fire.
I was thinking of Lincoln, who got only a plurality of the popular vote, but nevertheless did get a majority of the electoral vote. Even so, I am bone weary of voting for people whose only qualification is that they would destroy the republic less quickly, with no vision for how to reverse the destruction.
Dims hate the Tea Party like hoods hate cops.
Obungabunga is so confident he is spiking the immigration ball.
Genghis Khan: [Jihad?} Happiness lies in conquering one's enemies... in savoring their despair, in outraging their wives and daughters.
Isaiah 3:12: O My people! Their oppressors are children (metrosexuals?}, And women {femimen?} rule over them. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray And confuse the direction of your paths
Simon and Garfunkel (unknowingly writing what may be said of WWII Vets):
The Boxer
In the clearing stands a boxer,
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of ev'ry glove that laid him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame,
"I am leaving, I am leaving."
But the fighter still remains
Comment: If "the fighter still remains" is taken to mean that the fighter endures, then some faint hope of deliverance will remain, so long as the flame of liberty does not entirely flicker out.
It seems beyond rational deniability that significations of things change. In that light, recognizing that things change, i.e., evolve, hardly seems controversial. I would use the word "evolution" in a general sense of guided change, subject to my intuition of the underlying process whereby such change occurs. Evolution -- as in changes among replicable patterns, presets, organizations, and organisms that are imaged, signified, and empathetically communicated by a Signifier. The process of change that occurs in respect of such interfunctionings as are favored and fed back among perspectives of particulars while being conserved and reconciled to the perspective of the whole. Behind "things," there abides a spiritual reconciler. Material things are reconciled illusions, placeholders for conserving communications. It is the communications among perspectives of the Spirit that are the superior reality. Since I think materialism is the inferior derivative of a higher reality, the guided appearance of evolution troubles neither my philosophy nor my theosophy. It does not trouble me if your favored name for the superior Spirit is Jesus. Now, if I believed materialism were the superor reality and moral empathy were only an inferior derivative, then I could see why a notion of pagan evolution or pagan morality would be both troublesome and illogical. But that is not my belief system. Long after this world, this universe, this cosmos fades from experience, an underlying, reconciling, non-measurable, spiritual Source of Reconciling Consciousness will remain, with which our iterative and imperfect perspectives will be appropriately safekept. IMHO.
I think Dims are neurotic because they are caught between irreconcilable and fundamentally dissonant belief systems. On one hand, they believe in matter, not spirit, and determinism, not responsible moral participation, and material evolution, not spiritually guided reconcilation. On the other hand, they seem to believe Nature "should progress" towards human governance that promotes "moral fairness and equality." As if spiritually blind matter, devoid of spirit, were to have moral goals. What can I say? As I told you, they are neurotic. They use words about which they have no contextual understanding. They are like toddlers, proud to think they understand evolution, but they have little idea of its moral implications or whether it should best be conceptualized as being guided, chaotic, random, entropic, or informationally conserved.
I think Dims are neurotic because they are caught between irreconcilable and fundamentally dissonant belief systems. On one hand, they believe in matter, not spirit, and determinism, not responsible moral participation, and material evolution, not spiritually guided reconcilation. On the other hand, they seem to believe Nature "should progress" towards human governance that promotes "moral fairness and equality." As if spiritually blind matter, devoid of spirit, were to have moral goals. What can I say? As I told you, they are neurotic. They use words about which they have no contextual understanding. They are like toddlers, proud to think they understand evolution, but they have little idea of its moral implications or whether it should best be conceptualized as being guided, chaotic, random, entropic, or informationally conserved. Time would be better spent banging your head against a wall than in trying to communicate with most Dims.
It is usually easier to see and walk around a hole than it is to fall into one and try to climb out. Most Dims should never have been allowed to vote. There should have been a requirement to have skin in the game, to pay taxes, own property, reside for x years in the community. Now, Dims vote cartoon characters, dogs, dead people and illegals. Multiple times. We have fallen deep into a pit. We will not get out of it without improving our theosophy/philosophy. A good place to renew interest would be the New Testament. We need to take it back from non-believing cronies, crooks and communists who use it fraudulently.
I don't think Obama's pratfalls are calculated ploys. But I do think the length of the rope he is allowed is calculated and limited by others. So long as Obama does not break his leash, he will be allowed to run amuck, slobbering here and there. His handlers are well aware of some of his slobbering proclivities and generally approve of most of them. Especially for dividing us based on racism. Rushbo tells us Obama taught about the horrors and indignities of slavery based racism. Principled reflection should teach us that all human beings of every race and culture have it in them to be able to be led to engage in such behavior. Principled reflection should lead us to seek higher, assimilating guidance to overcome such propensities. Does anyone get the feeling that Obama seeks to unite us in higher principles? I don't. I get the feeling he seeks to justify favoring some over others, in perpetuity. The lesson he seems to teach about racism is that it is something whites do to blacks. As if whites must have some kind of inferior soul or genetic make up, so that blacks are entitled to nurse grievances in perpetuity. As if whites who never owned slaves must carry guilt forever, while blacks whose ancestors also owned slaves are without responsibility and are due reparations, forever. As if Christians whose forebears were colonizers must even things out by inviting Muslims to recolonize us. I don't see a principled, human message coming from Obama. I see a racist message. A message his hedge-funding crisis managers like to capitalize on.
The goons of Progs must destroy the thinking middle class and all its champions. Straight from Rev. Wright -- Liberation Theology is not about middle class values. Take away this: It's not about liberty or liberation, either. It's about destroying individual autonomy in order to reduce all who are not of the crony ruling class to the ruled class, where they are to be ruled equally. For their own good. Because they've been made too stupid to see how low they are being pushed.
Progs believe Gaia favors them with a different set of rules. Because they claim to represent the poor abused lower class, they claim entitlement, in order to level the playing field, to hurl every slander in the book. Moreover, they act indignant when you call them out as liars, as if you should know, were you well behaved, that they are entitled to lie. The big fallacy they hide behind is that the cronies and hedge artists who benefit by using the poor as pawns are by no means poor nor in need of leveling the playing field. It is way past time to call these low lifes out.
I do not tend to take textbook thinking about "ism's" seriously. I find them generally shallow. I do not see much point in trying to use the word "fascist" to serve a kind of faux-scientific-categorical purpose for which, like a lot of soft-science political theorizing, I do not believe the word is well suited. At one time, "fascist" was a compliment. Now it seems to have become an all purpose insult. I suspect lofos tend to be quickest to hurl insults (like racist, bigot, Uncle Tom, fascist, etc.), so I suspect they tend to be quickest to call those they disagree with "fascists." However, I think the term is more appropriate for them to describe themselves because I think the term relates more to collectivizers than to independent thinkers. Even so, I suspect there are plenty of textbooks that can be consulted by anyone who truly enjoys that sort of fairie counting. Mein Kampf is one. Most people would probably agree that the Nazis were fascists. I don't know if they used a word like "homogenous," but the concept of racial purity and purging "useless eaters" seems to fit. That idea was pretty central to the Nazi system, was it not? For women, a nationally regenerative, homogenizing role was assigned: Stay home and have babies (and abort them when they are defective, unless, that is, they were "Aryan").
My point is not to defer to anyone's "textbook," but to invite thinking people to employ common sense. I would take a main concern among human beings as relating to whether they should seek to abandon their humanity to become cogs for a collective machine or to defend individual autonomy. I suspect most collectivist systems will advocate for equality, but they will seek to impose it by a hierarchy of thugs. Sometimes the thugs will use naked force, sometimes they will use monoploized media propaganda over lofos, and sometimes they will use both. Usually, they will need to find a way to remove the thinking middle class from political influence until such time as the system can be flooded with lofos and indoctrinees to police it (as with politically correct speech codes and means for shaping the political philosophies and "textbooks" of persons who are selected and promoted in academia).
To the extent collectivism depends on central direction, it will flux to the rationalizations of the central leaders. At bottom, I suspect the only "scientific textbook" consists in what the leadership deems at any particular time and place to be needed in order to preserve its control over the collective. Often, a new "genius-pretending" Dear Leader will declare how his brand of "ism" is different from and superior to previous "ism's." I suspect that kind of rationalizing tends to boil down to crap. The "textbook of choice" of many crappy political thinkers seems often to be Wikipedia. Read about fascism there and you will find the following: "However both Bolshevism and Fascism hold ideological similarities: both advocate a revolutionary ideology, both believe in the necessity of a vanguard elite, both have disdain for bourgeois values {Remember Rev. Wright?}, and both had totalitarian ambitions {Remember fundamental change?}. In practice, fascism and Bolshevism have commonly emphasized revolutionary action, proletarian nation theories, single-party states, and party-armies." {Remember marching shoes and citizen defense army?}
Obama is the monster on the wing of the plane, ripping apart one of the engines. While we circle the landing field in order to negotiate with him to buy time, he just acquires more time so he can turn to ripping apart the other engines. Sure, we can cave and delay to try to avoid an immediate hard landing (default), but Obama will just use the additional time to continue to run up unsustainable debt and change the plane (republic) into a tumbling pile of (fascist) debris. I see no evidence that this Mucker will ever seek to curtail money printing and spending in any responsible way. We are dithering with a Mucker when we should be impeaching and arresting him.
Fascists lead us in circles of neuroticism, to play a game of "homogenizing the rainbow" under the thumbs of despots. Especially neurotic are the whites who think they must join the homogenous rainbow of takers by devaluing what is deemed white, i.e., individual work and responsibility. When no one any longer "acts white," then our economy will consist of filling out, updating, and recycling forms on the cloud. I suppose, if the regime can invent an accounting trick to put cloud production into the GNP, maybe it can convince us that we and the planet are all the richer on account of Dear Leader.
I wonder what would be the effect if everyone were free to critique a white Republican President, without fear of being called racist. Yes, criticism could then be more honest. But it would also be abused to more cynical purposes, and we certainly have race-baiting outfitters who are poised to strike for such purposes, to turn our citizenry into neurotics primed for fleecing.
Much of multi-culti homogenization occurs only at superficial, neurotic levels of programming. The only real homogenizing force in America seems to be unifiying hatred against "Whitey." Progs seem to be teaching kids to torture everything that works. No wonder we have neurotic kids who cut themselves, pull thir hair out, and trip out on drugs. On some level, our kids must know that most of what their Prog teachers have drilled into them is crap.
No level of government is the answer. There is only one answer: inculcate habits and empathies that favor individual responsibility and liberty. First you teach the little bird how to become competent and responsible. Then you push him out of the nest. If he comes to need charity, you teach him how to humbly ask for it, not to fundamentally take over any level of government to demand it. Not at any level, state or federal. Until respect is restored for responsibility and liberty, no mere formalism can save decent society. Decent society requires an assimilated faith in a general system of higher values. But what faith is now taught? The only faith now taught is this: Collectivizing elites are good hearted. Freedom lovers are mean. Everything that is anti-whitey should be tolerated. Everything that whities like should be curtailed as hate speech or hate crime.
This "religion" has been pounded into so much of the population that it will be a very tough slog ever to restore a semblance of good sense.
Why does it seem it's always the Repubs who are targets of a Mob-Media axis? One begins to suspect that people testify against Repubs so they don't get knee-capped, and they decline to testify against Dims so they don't get knee-capped. When there's no moral Source, then it seems to be all about the Power source.
Lofo republic-phobes who want gov to take care of them forever are in the majority. Who will they be led to believe is responsible for their sense of entitlement not being fulfilled? Will it be Dims, because of incompetence, or Repubs, because of unwillingness? When uncertain, they go with commie media. Only when they feel pain that is directly laid at the feet of Dims will they blame them. So long as Dims can find ways to blame Repubs, lofos will go for Dims. Given such an electorate, the republic seems irreclaimable by peaceful means.
Obamacare has to survive. What else do we produce? If we don't have Fed employment for worthless paper churners, we got nothin'. Durable goods and industry -- gone. High tech -- going. Commercial paper -- soon defaulting. Flipping burgers -- there's only so many of those jobs. What's left? Buying votes by printing money to hire bureaucrats. Sounds African, yes?
Lonely people with grand, liberal "visions," but no hands on experience for any successsful track record --- where do they all come from? Where do they all belong? Remember Eleanor Rigby? Think of Obama the JerryRigger, as he "waits at the window, wearing the face that he keeps in a jar by the door."
Think of "soft despotism," a term coined by Alexis de Tocqueville, as describing the degradation of a country overrun by "a network of small complicated rules." Doesn't Obama see a network of small complicated rules as enlightened despotism? Isn't the grand vision of a soft despot often the prelude to sudden collapse into hard despotism?
Think of some of the grand visions by various famous, leftist "reformers."
Idi Amin: "It's not for me. I tried human flesh and it's too salty for my taste."
Pol Pot: "I want you to know that everything I did, I did for my country."
Being an ex-rebel commander seems to be an essential part of the resume for most would-be African leaders. Metrosexuals like Obama check that requirement by being Urban Community Organizers. Obama: "Even if you didn't vote for me, I'll bet you'll sign up for that health care plan."
Sowell has written about what tends to happen when third world countries send future leaders to learn untested, feel-good liberal notions in American universities. When they return home to try to apply such ideas, the result seems often to entail bloodletting and devastation. Our problem is things have gone full circle. Obama has brought his third world heritage and liberal orientation home to test them on America in a "fundamental" way. How did we let liberal profs get so much power to warp our crop of potential leaders?
High level IRS personnel going to Whitehouse 155 times to exchange confidential imformation. Yup, we can trust these guys. Lol. Even though they have no principles to distinguish them from a wolfpack. Shades of Hilary! Anyone remember the lost boxes of IRS data during her tenure? Wonder if there were 155 of them. The IRS is much more a threat to human decency than Gitmo ever was. Shut it down.
The nation's identity and principles have been shredded to diversity and multi culti, slanted towards third world and anti-liberty, republic-phobism. Absent a Tea Party resurrecting miracle, there are no assimilating principles in the land. Principles are blowing in the wind of the media, hedged on Totus, concocted by cronies in the business of farming lofos. Obama is a sheep dog. The Man and The Dog are working together.
Without principles, there is nothing to inspire, except immediate self interest. The people will flock to the man who controls the handouts. A hierarchy of handout people has been installed, and the masses will follow the handouts, like a constantly shifting murmuring of flight paths of flocks of birds. McCain sees himself as a handout feeder of whacko birds. In his world, there are no free birds, just ever more immigration of easily controlled bird brains. Actors being paid to play parts, with no principles to them.
More thought is needed about mind-derangement memes. When a person is conditioned from early childhood to look first to a particular metaphysical meme to rationalize moral choices, his thought processes will not likely be able to escape very far from that conditioning. We know that Islam conditions people to rationalize taqiyya, head cutting, genital mutilation, female blanketing, suicide bombing, child marriage, and mass slayings. We know that Islam conditions people to look upon such mayhem and bloodlust as being entertaining to Allah and ground for reward in the hereafter. This is a very challenging meme to expect to "moderate."
Regarding mind deranging memes, I wonder what success there has been in converting and moderating them, once they become full blown in a person's mind? One may as well wonder what success there has been in moderating hydrophobic dogs, by diversifying them among the dog population.
On at least one mind deranging meme, i.e, the practice of self immolation by Hindu widows, there has been some progress. But What kind of measures were needed to begin to convince women deranged by worship of Sati to forego suttee? Were the successful measures of a metrosexual type? I rather doubt it.
Once upon a time, when Britain was less feminine, British attitudes were expressed in a quote from General Sir Charles Napier: "This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs."
We need some psychological insight about Obama. It's clear enough that he is a raging narcissist. But is he becoming a full blown psychopath? I know the Hitler comparison should not be lightly made, and I do not here make such a comparison. But I do note that Hitler was not the only sociopath in his Nazi organization. The German government had become filled with numerous cold blooded no drama sociopaths. As had the governments of Stalin and Mao. So the danger of bull goose loony psychopaths in government is a very real one. Especially after they have used techniques of ridicule and indoctrination of youths for many, many years. There is no getting around that many adults have been intimidated into tolerating the most asinine and intolerable of behaviors. So I ask: Are Obama and his henchmen devolving into full blown sociopathy? And should we be concerned?
It's the guys at the top. Every institution has been breached. The last redoubt is in the heart of every decent, godfearing American. We are going to have to get serious about identifying the enemy and stopping with the tolerant patty cake. Some people are simply unfit to be in a republic. Not all of them need to be expelled. But many of them need no longer to be tolerated, catered to, supported, or invited.
Madison fought the war of 1812 against Britain without using the crisis to overrun us with Big Government. Now, every crisis is used as an excuse to expand central government. What's the difference? The difference is this: Madison loved the republic and wanted to preserve it. Modern Rinos and Dinos love power and serve cronies who want to cannibalize the republic. They don't care about the republic. They don't care about its borders or its national identity. And they don't care whether our demographic is entirely overrun by Muslims and Hispanics from cultures and countries that are antithetical to the idea of a free republic. To cannibalize us, they jab at us with names. They project their cannibalizing, racist, republic-phobism on ordinary producing Americans by calling us names that more rightfully should be hung aroung their own necks. Jesse Jackson united a coalition of racists of every conceivable kind of minority in order to bring down the idea of an assimilated, responsible, American producer! And now they have the gall to call us the racists. Enough!
The problem is not, per se, politics, government, or religion. The problem is the lofo people and corruptocrats who abuse politics, government, and religion. I am unaware of anything in the New Testament that instructs believers to go out and establish governments for taxing people in order to "force them to pay charity." Nor is there anything that says it is "charity" to teach a child to be indolent, dependent, and incompetent. Yes, too many priests and preachers conflate charity with governmental redistribution, especially among Hispanics. That's why we got such a terrible President. However, that is a problem of culture rationalizing abuses through religion. It is not a problem that is necessarily inherent with religion. To me, it is more caring, empathetic, and "charitable" to raise up a child to be a responsible producing citizen than it is to feed him every time he is hungry because he preferred to live as a wastrel.
Fundamental change. Precedent in the old world, but not in America. Jefferson would never have needed to shut down the national government, because he never would have let it grow so intrusive. He did shut down trade with England' less effectively so with France. That caused hardship, but it also soon led to farmers manufacturing and trading their own finished goods, internally. Obama is a compound problem. Not only does he shut down parts of the government, he keeps us liable for furloughed back pay, even as he sues to prevent us from doing for ourselves and defending our own borders. Politics today is so twisted. The Hamiltonian Federalists at least loved the country and higher purposefulness. Hamilton, a deist in youth, came on his deathbed to be desperate for appropriate reconciliation to God. A founder of Republicans (not the modern version), Jefferson, a day or two after his letter to Danbury that atheists so celebrate, attended religious services in the (unwalled off) House of Representatives. The Rinos and Dinos of today have no counterparts among the parties of the founders. This is because the founders were patriots for the republic, while Rinos and Dinos most definitively are not. The definitive proof is in their treatment of the border and willing importation of people who are the nemesis of any republic. Madison fought a war against Britain without using the crisis to overrun us with Big Government. Until recent changes, today's capitol of Wisconsin was an insult to his name.
The regime does not want a successful economy. It wants to replace the republic. Bring it down. Overrun it with lofos trained to be dependent on handouts and crumbs. It wants to bring down successful republics everywhere. It sees the masses as a crop to be farmed, recycled, replowed, and burned off, to whatever extent needed to sustain the planetary lifestyles of the drone elites of its hierarchy. What kind of society would put a man like Obama at its head? Answer: an incompetent, limp wristed, soulless, whiny society of basement monkey-bangers. This guy is "elite"? This is the best the rainbow coalition of racist-bigot-republicphobes has? Wth.
Human beings are driven by moral purposefulness. When they stop respecting a source of guiding higher purposefulness (God), they regress (not progress) from being people. They will become more like lower orders of animals. So indeed, people will automatically become unsustainable if they do not recapture an intuition of the higher Guide. It is often said that there is no freedom without law, but there is surely no morality without God. And there is no assimilative, sustainable morality without some broadly accepted ideas about this Higher Guide. In America, those ideas have been: God gave us free will and invites us to use it to intuit His guidance. He does not invite us to whip and behead one another for not yet having sensed His invitation to spiritual progress. He does not invite us to use government and guns to force redistribution and "charity." That would be Islam, not Christianity. Islam is a guide book for organizing gangsters, thugs, and perverts. When Christians lose sense enough to understand the threat of Islam, then regressive Islamic perversion makes deep inroads into Christian nations. If America does not recover, then it will be because Obama was right about one thing: That we are (no longer) a Christian nation.
Diversity invasions by Americans and Europeans have been called colonialism under force of arms. Diversity invasions from Latin America and Africa are colonialism under toleration forced by pols bought by political funders. Had there not been American colonialism in the Phillipines, much of it would probably still be practiving slavery. Likewise for various places colonized by Britain. Otherwise, there would likely still be slavery or more slavery in Kenya. The West ended slavery. Muslims would reestablish it. What led the West to eliminate slavery was Christian based mores. There is nothing special about Institutions of America that would enable them to self-correct America had America not been founded largely under a system of Christian mores. But most of America's institutions have been rotted. I suspect they have been rotted because Christian mores have collapsed. I do not see how a society that has no pervasively assimilated concept for moral guidance can self correct. If we ever correct America, it will be because people of stout Christian mores sternly have retaken the helm. They will do so during a long and severe gale of the morality of "do it if it feels good." They will be tested by a chorus of demonic jihadis and people run amuck wanting to tolerate every depravity that moves. There is no easy, likely, automatic correction in store for us.
Budgets are much more constrained during times of wars of survival. Was the national mall shut down during WWII? What about during the Great Depression? A google search shows the government website for national parks to be shut down. However, Wikipedia confirms the National Mall was open on Easter Sunday 1939 for the outdoor concert by Marian Anderson at the Lincoln Memorial. Obama called Iraq a war of choice. It appears much of the posturing about the National Mall is a shutdown of choice --- to make bully points.
A society that would sustain itself needs to assimilate values. My position is that, without assimilated values, mere laws, pro or con, are no answer. Do Libertarians advocate for wide open right to retail every kind of drug under every kind of advertisement to every person regardless of age? If not, then they're advocating for legal regulation of some kind. I'm saying such legal regulation, regardless of brand, will be corrupted by gangs where there is a lack of assimilated values. It matters little what the law is. Gangs profit because they are willing and able to monopolize and profit from corrupting the law. Why are we without assimilated values? Back patting has nothing to do with it. I think what does have something to do with it is that we have few forums for inculcating spiritual figures of speech for inspiring qualitative values. Is it the Libertarian cure-all to legalize everything, while at the same time banning, erasing and splintering all assimilating values, families, traditions and churches into a polyglot of balkanization? If so, that is what would be off-putting back-patting. I think Libertarians tend to over congratulate themselves a wee bit for a spurious answer. The problem is to find a decent way to allow values and laws to be assimilated. Not to legalize every drug because some criminals and unassimilated social misfits will disobey every law. Making child sex slavery illegal no doubt attracts violent mobsters to the trade. But most Americans would not view that as a good argument for legalizing child sex enslavement.
A decent society needs less of diversity and more of an asimilating ethos. Moreover, legalizing every manner of corruption is hardly an answer. It simply ensures that everyone who wants to live in a decent community will be charged a fat premium. More protection rackets.
Maybe decriminalize drug use and instead make it a civil offense, payable with a relatively small fine that should be off public record unless waived. Provide facilities for dry out. Maybe the third strike of public intoxication or use around kids should result in some kind of mandatory close monitoring and rehab. Let adults home use. Protect kids.
I suspect the Gov could enforce borders and shut down tunnels, if those who own and operate the Gov really wanted to do so. However, money itself is a drug. Many powerful interests are into it. Enforcement is more like a charade, a diversionary delusion. There are pipelines of pipelines, tunnels of tunnels. There is money in keeping us diversely divided, churned and choomed. There is not enough money in either enforcing the border or completely opening it. It's about well managed irrigation of the farm. Not too much irrigation of drugs and illegals, nor too little. Just enough to keep a well managed crop. The most fundamental point about elites is that they are into farming gullible youth (liberals, libertarians, and libertines). Dopers are sheep wannabes, and dealers and regulators are farmers. Youth are the target of advertisers and pushers not because youth are wise, but because they are easily duped and farmed. The acme of cattle would be cattle trained to put nose rings in themselves.
Progs have given us the policies to transition to (so evidently they want us to transition to) a society that produces nothing durable while it prints fiat money that it expects the world to honor while it indulges in drugs to keep us in la la land.
Imaginary production, imaginary money, imaginary mores, imaginary life. Progs imagine there are simple solutions to maintain this mass delusion. They expect to solve all our problems by enacting laws for enforcing political correctness, against hate speech, for requiring society to fund and support gay marriage, legal illegals, legal pot, government guraranteed healthcare, government guaranteed minimum financial support, all paid for with fiat money. They expect we will sustain this by enacting laws to raise consciousness about recycling and global warming, while quarantining Christianity.
The Prog programming solution? End all drug laws. De-define marriage and the family. Quarantine people who resist the collective. Every Prog seems to be for his freedom from work and laws, even as he wants Whitey to be forced by laws to dhimmi himself in order to sustain Progdom. What is the "proof" of the validity of the Prog idea, that you can live indefinitely on drugs and laws for confiscating OPM? Check out the GIGO cross-sucking winds between LA, San Francisco, San Jose, Portland, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Madison, Detroit, Boston, New York.
Free pot, free borders, free trade, free money, free sex, freedom from responsibility, freedom from harsh consequences, freedom from Whitey, paid for by Whitey, brought about by putting screws to the Tea Party.
Why cannot drug laws be enforced? Answer: Because our society has rotted. Why has our society rotted? Because too many urban and suburban children were too long too protected from the the consequences of their bad decisions. They did not have to find faith in themselves by finding faith in a higher, sustaining, assimilating Spirit. Instead, they kissed the easy answers of elite choomers and false profs who intend to suck their life force. We got incompetent ObamaRule because we allowed our youth to be made ripe for it. Now, the countries that export their losers and their drugs to us are not doing so because they admire our society. They are doing so because they see a dying society, and they mean to be in on the cannibalization. Laws -- for or against -- legalizing or funding various drugs, prostitution, or social arrangements will not solve this pandemic of crappy mores. Meanwhile, Modern L's (liberals, libertarians, and libertines) will continue to choom.
This cannot stand. The republic has crumbled. Maybe some of the red states can form an alliance, but omens are unfavorable.
We are betwixt collectivists, one calls himself commie, the other calls himself corporatist. Each urges us to fight the devil in the other, and then stabs us in the back. When we turn to face one assailant, the other knifes us. We are going to have to learn how to kick and punch at the same time, if liberty for non-collectivists is to survive. Neither commies nor corporatist oligarchs believes middle class thinkers should have political influence to run their own lives. And they are aided by incompetent moron zombie masses.
Enlightened people should think about this: What should people of government in a federal republic be doing and advocating, given our technologically advancing situation? If a "best answer" can be ascertained, the next question is this: Is it Constitutional, and if not, how should it either be rationalized or made the basis of an Amendment? As things stand, powers that be do not care, either about the Constitution or about how to define or limit the unfolding functions of government. Rather, they care only about the evolution of "who can and who will," not about "what should be worked towards." In other words, their idea is that evolution is unguided by any sense of faith or assimilating purposefulness. They believe that concern for the feedback of human freedom and dignity is not guided by any Reconciler, nor do they believe any such concern should be so guided. If they prevail, they make their philosophy a self fulfilling prophecy --- at least, for the term of our lives. For them, caring is pretense to power. We are top heavy with narcissistic sociopaths, who are incorrigibly firm in their faith that the cosmos is nothing more than a playground for sociopaths. We can't fix most of such people. We either defeat them or they rule us. That is, until the course of their nature breaks everything back to bits.
When morons see other people succeed, it is painful to them because it reminds them of their incompetence. Liberty for competent people only increases the pain of morons. The problem is in our uneasy, materialistic philosophy. First, a mature philosophy should be based on a source higher than materialism. The visionless atheists who have forced a devaluation of spirituality have delivered us to morons: Morons who are unable to compete materially, so they become "redistribution artists." These morons are kept in an apocalyptic state of overheated and divided angst. On one hand, they are told "stuff" is bad. On the other hand, they are jealous of the Nike shoes and Ipads of others. They claim not to value middle class values in stuff, but only so long as they can reduce the middle class to their lowest material level. Their only comfort is in worshipping an Obamanation of government forced equality and reductionism. Problem is, their man who would calm the waters has been exposed as a phony nowhere man. So now we have the unfocused, mad rage of moron apocalyptics, running around knocking wood. In no small part, militant and visionless atheists share responsibility for the unraveling of the republic.
Every interview with msm should be preceded with these words: "You (especially Chrissie, Candy, Butchie, and Wolfie) and I and every sentient person know that you owe your job and life support to corrupt crony collectivist cannibals. We know you have to pretend to believe, or subject yourself to be conditioned to spout, utter bs that serves the sheep shearing interests of your minders. With that said, I would answer the presumptions behind your idiot questions as follows." And so on.
By strange word alchemy carefully inculcated by demented teachers to distracted students, "progress" has come to mean replacing pilgrims for truth with pawns for Marxist memes. Don't think about truth; just do Marxism.
Rinos fail to rebuff Dinos because they're both Ainos. They both audaciously toss turkeys from mob trucks in order to distract the populace while they plunder. Both invite derelicts to come to America, all the better to keep the plundering going. Scratch a Rino-Dino, find an Aino. The Dino tells the Rino, "You be the one to tell that poor derelict that he can't have a turkey." And the Rino has no answer, because he too needs to keep the turkey tossing going. The Rino can't say, "You're killing our republic, the fabric of our society, and the industry of our economy." because he too is in on the cannibalization. See Drudge and check out the billionaires on the Forbes 400 List who are lobbying for immigration amnesty. You don't have to be a billionaire to be a filthy pig crony collectivist, but it helps
We live in a republic that represents the monied interests of people who lie for a living, i.e., a cashocracy. The smart money that is devoid of decency wants to keep an electorate that can be reliably duped. The decent money wants an electorate that is competent to each appropriate level. The possibility of that will be foreclosed if the border is not enforced and the 17th Amendment is not repealed.
I can only participate and try to do as best I can, trying to be receptive. Whether my vision prevails or not is of little concern to the cosmos. I exercise good faith as best I can, try to be receptive, and trust that God, in His good time, will eventually facilitate our understanding. My political test is this: What is needed to guide people in the generation of a decent society of morally responsible, free thinkers? I cannot know all the specific answers and best laws. I can only witness to what I seem to intuit as being reasonable to my state of affairs. If we want a republic of responsible free thinkers (some cults, cronies, mobsters, banana collectivists, and muslims don't want any such a thing), then we would not want an overabundance of sheep-dupes who are easily intoxicated, misled, and waylaid by elite cronies, mobsters, false prophets, free lunch liars, good time phonies, and lying Presidents. We would want people who stand for something more than gland-based escapism. No doubt, whatever act or food or drug is made illegal, those with influence of political pull or gang-based muscle will immediately sniff out and monopolize potentials for corrupt profiteering. That does not mean that we should give up, either on inculcating values or on trying to use laws of government in certain extremities in order to defend the republic and its next generation of children. I don't think there is a one size fits all circumstances answer. Things change, but we soon lose ourselves and our country if we don't preserve a core of values for each transition. As to intoxicants, I don't advocate continuing to do the same thing. I would advocate not banning but regulating most intoxicants, with provisions for protection of children and for substituting civil-offense fines for criminal penalties for users. I would suggest a law to require some kind of lock-up, forced drying out for persons who are found a third time to be publicly intoxicated in a way that endangers themselves or others. I don't think that would be a quick solution. L's have pushed the world into too deep an abyss to make any quick solution a reasonable expectation.
Re: "bitterly clinging to their atheism and statism"
One who does not sense a source of spiritual apprehension innate to the cosmos must look to an alternative abstraction by which to ground his sense of morality. Commonly, that abstraction will be the State. He will make the collective his hobby, and he will fancy his interpretation of "moral science" as a message of moral purposefulness for the collective -- whether they like it or not. Beware the zealous statist who means to deploy his goons to forcibly bend you to his "enlightened" governance.
More time in Prog schools is more time for people-farmers to suck kids' brains out. Kids who survive into physical adulthood may eventually leave home, as they tire of parents hovering to look after their best interests. When they do, they will find willing arms of stranger bureaucrats. They will see no contradiction, because the stranger bureaucrat will promise that dope, drugs and deviancy are dandy diversions. Too many parents are too clueless that their Pinocchios are going to the wrong schools. Kids of these schools will never think much about whether they would really want to raise their own children under such strangers (or with a brain-disconnected, potheaded, socially irresponsible spouse).
The crony syndicate imports and manufactures lofos because it considers it an undue burden to have to contend with an informed electorate. As to the relatively few citizens who remain informed, the crony crime syndicate also considers it an undue burden to have to contend with their Second Amendment rights. Since an internationally sponsored crime establishment owns our currency, most of our Congress, 4 of Scotus, academia, and most media, it is an undue burden (sigh) that it should have to explain anything to us. Does a slaughterer explain anything to the cows in the slaughter house? You had your day. Free grazing, some loco weed thrown in. The least you could do is say, Thank you.
RinoDinos are for the corrupt establishment, and they are against any party that would try to clean their mess up. RinoDinos want cleaner-uppers to fail. There's no point to electing any RinoDino to lead a pretense that things will get better if we keep electing RinoDinos. Apart from picketing to protest the corruption, the best thing to do when RinoDinos are competing to see which one is to become the local crime captain is to sit the thing out. Let them kill one another off with their own smell. Why should I invest in voting to determine which among criminals will become crime captain? The Tea Party would better distinguish itself and better educate the electorate by pointing out how RinoDinos are the same establishment criminals. If this isn't learned soon, the remaining producers of America will be unable to speak up for fear of the criminal establishment's knife at everyone's throat. Rove is a mouthpiece for crime captain wannabes.
Absent respect for a balanced brain, a right brain/left brain analysis would be inadequate to facilitate a bridge across measurables to mores. The world is about to learn some hard lessons about dangers of replacing inspired faith in a caring Source of moral reconciliation with a faith in governance based on despotic, materialistically jealous, pagan gods of earth and moon (engineered Gaia and sado-artistic Allah). Come and let the right brain and left brain reason together, in responsible care for liberty and dignity. Why can't the right brain and the left brain be friends?
Paternalism implies parents who actually care about their child as a child. What we have is more like criminal syndicalism. The mafia would say, We know where you live. Obama/NSA/IRS, on the other hand, not only knows where you live, it knows where you have lived, how much you make, what deductions you claim, what you have said, who your friends are, what your profile is, what you eat, what your secrets are, and how you can be intimidated --- without even asking you what size shoes you wear (in case someone wanted to friend you with a concrete pair). Moreover, the SatanicRegime has nearly unimaginable military power and oz-monkey profs and elites of persuasion. Weathermen have been among our Ivy profs. Conservatives tend to be named in RegimeMedia only in order to destroy them. The mafia likely has more scruples than the godless allahgimmegarchs who trade in the purloined trust of entire nations. What we have is far worse than paternalism. It's what Bruce Walker, a frequent writer at A.T., has written a book about: Sinisterism. And now this sinisterism has mutated to syndicated sinisterism (i.e., the Obama Oprah Octopus Open Society -- Agenda 21). Meanwhile, most youthful L's muck about, clueless so long as they get their daily dope and daily kurse, mistaking advocacy for liberty as being against moral charity.
Liber-als prefer security over liber-ty. Liber-tarians prefer dope over liberty. Why either one has a "liber" in their name is a mystery. Sort of like collective and dope slavery are freedom, I suppose. Orwell didn't invent doublespeak. He just chronicled it.
To quarantine Al Capone's progeny, Americans will have to commit to more than trying to revivify Daniel Webster to debate them. The Chicago Progeny are not defending America. They are syndicating territory. What we have are race based mobsters, cannibals, and jihadis complaining that working Americans are being racists by defending themselves against mobsters, cannibals, and jihadis. Whitey is not in a race war. Whitey is cuffed in a chain gang.
Dims refuse to turn on brain lights to see truth. Go to any Prog website and you will find a multitude of commenters who think it is hypocritical for any Conservative to claim to be guided by Christianity. They take it as a given that the "charity" intended by Jesus was a utopian, Marxian, forced redistribution. Should otherwise incorrigible Dims be pushed to learn from failure when they refuse to learn from thought? You betcha.
Progs For Forced Redistributive Equality And Collective Rule Over Cheap Labor, They lie because they can. The media and profs they rely on to reach their base rarely expose their lies because they find "higher truths" in them (for the cause). Prog media and profs do not let Conservers of Liberty get away with the same tactic because Conservatives have not sold out to the Prog Cause (rule of elites over dims by making false promises and making scape goats out of middle class strivers). Progs even lie about their lies, telling Dims the lies are for their own good, or shorthand for a higher truth, or necessary to reset the balance. Progs have selected and flooded the nation with people who are as defenseless against their lies as Native Americans were against Europeans peddling fire water. There is no truth in Progs because there is no faith to support their imposture. These crooks live mainly for their daily deviance, diversion, and dope. DINKS -- double income, no kids. No responsibility to kids, family, society, or God. Their entire moral code is a perversity: "Keep your wierdness on."
Gays voting for marriage equality remind me of poor people voting for government arranged increases in poverty. PoFos (poor information people) and L's (Liberals, Libertarians, and Libertines), i.e., the base of the Rino-Dino Anti-American Axis, simply fail to comprehend. They fail to comprehend that a society in which marriage is de-defined, families are replaced by government overseers, and all initiative is beaten down by bureaucracy designed for cronies and commies, cannot facilitate sustainable happiness. Rather, the vacuum will be filled with porn, drugs, and rap. And they will call it a Worker's Paradise or Land of LaLa Libertarianism.
The socialists have nothing to offer but slavery, poverty, and communal misery.
L'esclavage, la pauvreté et la misère communaux!
Progs have to destroy due process in order to make it fair. Presumptions of equality have to be re-weighted in order to make them equal. If you're a white male with a good job, then you have the burden to prove that fairness does not require your dhimmitude. If you're a black male with good dope and a cast of homies, then the presumption is that you are being unfairly oppressed. In between are castes and layers of dhimmitude and entitlement. The new salad bowl (NSB) does not believe in Due Process, It believes in Getting Its Due. Trials are not to seek truth. Trials are to take what's due. For Progs, it's not about justice. It's about social justice, redefined to suit the Prog agenda.
Re: "The 21st-century slave masters seek to bind future generations to a crushing obligation to pay down mountains of public and private debt before they can even contemplate marriage, home ownership, starting a family, and other components of the pursuit of happiness."
Obama is the figurehead for a movement to profit by cannibalizing and reducing Americans to be the new slaves to the rest of the world. Debt slaves, that is. Lofos and Progs are demanding, marching, and running to be chained and cannibalized by the Obama Reducers. The path to the cage is littered with a trail of clunker handouts and bribes. Once a permanent majority is securely in, the cage will be closed. Then we can be one big Manson family of "Liberated" dopers and polyamorites. DC drained the swamp, but then it attracted all the swamp critters.
Thuggish behavior of political operatives in New Jersey is being exposed. What we need now is a Double Down expose of thuggism in the media. i.e., expose the deliberate abuse and shake down of the populace by the media mob. Lofos need to have some pictures drawn for them, to show them how they are more like the entree than the entitlelee.
I can only participate and try to do as best I can, trying to be receptive. Whether my vision prevails or not is of little concern to the cosmos. I exercise good faith as best I can, try to be receptive, and trust that God, in His good time, will eventually facilitate our understanding. My political test is this: What is needed to guide people in the generation of a decent society of morally responsible, free thinkers? I cannot know all the specific answers and best laws. I can only witness to what I seem to intuit as being reasonable to my state of affairs. If we want a republic of responsible free thinkers (some cults, cronies, mobsters, banana collectivists, and muslims don't want any such a thing), then we would not want an overabundance of sheep-dupes who are easily intoxicated, misled, and waylaid by elite cronies, mobsters, false prophets, free lunch liars, good time phonies, and lying Presidents. We would want people who stand for something more than gland-based escapism. No doubt, whatever act or food or drug is made illegal, those with influence of political pull or gang-based muscle will immediately sniff out and monopolize potentials for corrupt profiteering. That does not mean that we should give up, either on inculcating values or on trying to use laws of government in certain extremities in order to defend the republic and its next generation of children. I don't think there is a one size fits all circumstances answer. Things change, but we soon lose ourselves and our country if we don't preserve a core of values for each transition. As to intoxicants, I don't advocate continuing to do the same thing. I would advocate not banning but regulating most intoxicants, with provisions for protection of children and for substituting civil-offense fines for criminal penalties for users. I would suggest a law to require some kind of lock-up, forced drying out for persons who are found a third time to be publicly intoxicated in a way that endangers themselves or others. I don't think that would be a quick solution. L's have pushed the world into too deep an abyss to make any quick solution a reasonable expectation.
A society that would sustain itself needs to assimilate values. My position is that, without assimilated values, mere laws, pro or con, are no answer. Are you advocating for wide open right to retail every kind of drug under every kind of advertisement to every person regardless of age? If not, then you're advocating for legal regulation of some kind. I'm saying your legal regulation, regardless of brand, will be corrupted by gangs where there is a lack of assimilated values. Why are we without assimilated values? Back patting has nothing to do with it. I think what does have something to do with it is that we have few forums for inculcating spiritual figures of speech for inspiring qualitative values. Is it your cure all to legalize everything while at the same time banning, erasing and splintering all assimilating values, families, traditions and churches into a polyglot of balkanization? If so, that is what would be off-putting back-patting. I think you're over congratulating yourself a wee bit of a spurious answer. The problem is to find a decent way to allow values and laws to be assimilated. Not to legalize every drug because some criminals and unassimilated social misfits will disobey every law. Making child sex slavery illegal no doubt attracts violent mobsters to the trade. But most Americans would not view that as a good argument for legalizing child sex enslavement.
Maybe decriminalize drug use and instead make it a civil offense, payable with a relatively small fine that should be off public record unless waived. Provide facilities for dry out. Maybe the third strike of public intoxication or use around kids should result in some kind of mandatory close monitoring and rehab. Let adults home use. Protect kids.
I suspect the Gov could enforce borders and shut down tunnels, if those who own and operate the Gov really wanted to do so. However, money itself is a drug. Many powerful interests are into it. Enforcement is more like a charade, a diversionary delusion. There are pipelines of pipelines, tunnels of tunnels. There is money in keeping us diversely divided, churned and choomed. There is not enough money in either enforcing the border or completely opening it. It's about well managed irrigation of the farm. Not too much irrigation of drugs and illegals, nor too little. Just enough to keep a well managed crop. The most fundamental point about elites is that they are into farming gullible youth (liberals, libertarians, and libertines). Dopers are sheep wannabes, and dealers and regulators are farmers. Youth are the target of advertisers and pushers not because youth are wise, but because they are easily duped and farmed. The acme of cattle would be cattle trained to put nose rings in themselves.
Progs have given us the policies to transition to (so evidently they want us to transition to) a society that produces nothing durable while it prints fiat money that it expects the world to honor while it indulges in drugs to keep us in la la land.
Imaginary production, imaginary money, imaginary mores, imaginary life. Progs imagine there are simple solutions to maintain this mass delusion. They expect to solve all our problems by enacting laws for enforcing political correctness, against hate speech, for requiring society to fund and support gay marriage, legal illegals, legal pot, government guraranteed healthcare, government guaranteed minimum financial support, all paid for with fiat money. They expect we will sustain this by enacting laws to raise consciousness about recycling and global warming, while quarantining Christianity.
The Prog programming solution? End all drug laws. De-define marriage and the family. Quarantine people who resist the collective. Every Prog seems to be for his freedom from work and laws, even as he wants Whitey to be forced by laws to dhimmi himself in order to sustain Progdom. What is the "proof" of the validity of the Prog idea, that you can live indefinitely on drugs and laws for confiscating OPM? Check out the GIGO cross-sucking winds between LA, San Francisco, San Jose, Portland, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Madison, Detroit, Boston, New York.
Free pot, free borders, free trade, free money, free sex, freedom from responsibility, freedom from harsh consequences, freedom from Whitey, paid for by Whitey, brought about by putting screws to the Tea Party.
Why cannot drug laws be enforced? Answer: Because our society has rotted. Why has our society rotted? Because too many urban and suburban children were too long too protected from the the consequences of their bad decisions. They did not have to find faith in themselves by finding faith in a higher, sustaining, assimilating Spirit. Instead, they kissed the easy answers of elite choomers and false profs who intend to suck their life force. We got incompetent ObamaRule because we allowed our youth to be made ripe for it. Now, the countries that export their losers and their drugs to us are not doing so because they admire our society. They are doing so because they see a dying society, and they mean to be in on the cannibalization. Laws -- for or against -- legalizing or funding various drugs, prostitution, or social arrangements will not solve this pandemic of crappy mores. Meanwhile, Modern L's (liberals, libertarians, and libertines) will continue to choom.
This cannot stand. The republic has crumbled. Maybe some of the red states can form an alliance, but omens are unfavorable.
We are betwixt collectivists, one calls himself commie, the other calls himself corporatist. Each urges us to fight the devil in the other, and then stabs us in the back. When we turn to face one assailant, the other knifes us. We are going to have to learn how to kick and punch at the same time, if liberty for non-collectivists is to survive. Neither commies nor corporatist oligarchs believes middle class thinkers should have political influence to run their own lives. And they are aided by incompetent moron zombie masses.
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