Sunday, October 6, 2013


TRIVIAL TRUTHS: Many truths are merely tautologies, truisms, made true by triviality of definition or direct intuition. Such as truths in mathematics. Some trivial truths: A is A; definition is definition; identity is identity; present is present; one is one; two plus two is four; will is will; consciousness is consciousness; relationship is relationship; vibration is vibration; formation is formation; information is information; potentiality is potentiality; conservation is conservation; feedback is feedback; phase shift is phase shift; transition is transition; reconciliation is reconciliation; cycle is cycle; system is system; being is being.


KKK – Knowables which we do not presently know, but which we presently know to be knowables.

KUU -- Knowable Unknown Unknowables -- which we do not presently know to be knowable, but know that we can learn whether they are unknowable, and which happen to be unknowable.

UUU -- Unknowable Unknown Unknowables -- which we cannot know, but may eventually happen to learn that we cannot know them.

U-U-U -- Unknowable Unknowable Unknowns -- which we cannot know, and which we cannot know that we cannot know them.
U-U -- Unknown Unknowables -- which we cannot know, but do not yet know that we cannot know them.
KK -- Known Knowns -- which we presently know, but may forget.
KUK -- Knowable Unknown Knowables -- which we do not presently know to be knowable, but can learn that they are knowable.
KKU -- Knowable Knowable Unknowns -- which we do not know, but know that we can learn whether they are knowable, and which happen to be unknowable.
UKK --Unavoidably Known Knowables -- which we knew from inception of consciousness, and cannot forget so long as we retain consciousness.

UKU – Unknown Knowable Unknowables – which we do not know, and may learn to be unknowable.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Progs shared a common purpose with Conservatives, to make America a beacon of liberty and individual responsibility, they could right the ship and make headway. As things stand, Progs are not even able to bail water. Nor will they much longer be able to hang on to their cherished deck chairs. The regime will try to torpedo and submarine the ship of state before it will restore it to the American ideal. Treason is underway, but that cannot be said because the electorate is too dumb to understand the meaning of "fundamental change" --- whether you like it or not. Eat your peas or get banished to the cornfield. Then confess to Allah, infidel teabaggers. Thus spake Obungo. How do you negotiate with infants such as these, once they have their fat little fingers on the trigger? I guess you make nice faces and try to buy time for allies to wake to the horror. With Obungo in charge, the institutions of America cannot be trusted.