Monday, October 28, 2013

Stoner and Existence


SPACE is never empty, because it is merely an aspect of an unfolding of a spinning-bubble-system (a system that expresses, and constrains to mathematical conservation, space, time, matter, and energy). That system is necessary to the expression of space, so that space cannot in any meaningful sense be expressed without it. The bubble-system is a projection OF a capacity of a Superior Source, which mathematically defines, designs, signifies and avails the bubble of relationally meaningful feedback. The space we experience is space we share as part of a system. Because it is part of a system, we are availed to relate to, experience, and share, energies and "forces," which do not exist in themselves, independent of the bubble-system, but which "in themselves" are only aspects-of-the-bubble (compare coriolis forces, which are aspects or fictions of a particular context of experience, within the bubble).
Even though such aspects and fictions are not independently REAL-IN-THEMSELVES, their organizations of relations are significant and finely measurable among the organized perspectives of Identity that experience them. It is because each perspective shares its experience of space with other perspectives, all of whom identify with the experience of a shared bubble of space, that we are often able to measure and experience aspects of the bubble, which is mere projection or idealization of a Source-Mind, as if the bubble-system measurable-universe were real in itself, independent of the Source-Projector. It is because the bubble is a mathematically defined projection of an aspect of the Source that there abides feedback of intuitive empathy between and among the Source and its projections of organized and fluxing iterations of inferior perspectives of Identity.
It is because our perspectives of Identity share a common bubble of space-time that we can measure and feel ourselves to be spinning, even when we are in space that may seem to be nearly empty. Thus, ANGULAR MOMENTUM seems to be conserved to our experience of "the bubble itself," and is not merely relative to a local experience within the bubble. (Can angular momentum be measured to non-relativistic accuracy?)  Thus, in space, if one were to throw ones arms akimbo while propelling oneself to spin, like a skater, and then bring ones arms close to chest, one would experience a sensation of increased spinning and centrifugal force upon the parts of one's body.  (Note:  A rotating frame is an example of a non-inertial frame, for which Newton's laws of motion would not accurately describe the dynamics within the rotating frame. However, a rotating frame can be treated as if it were an inertial frame, so that Newton's laws can be used, provided so-called fictitious forces (also known as inertial or pseudo- forces) are included in the sum of external forces on an object.)
CORIOLIS FORCES are fictional forces (not really existents in themselves), that are nevertheless meaningful in respect of adoptions by various perspectives that happen to have become empathetically coordinated and organized for sharing a common cone of experience and purposefulness. Such organizations and cell-based organisms of perspectives, by adopting common images and significations, may come to share common geometrically-based trees of if-then, decision-making, feedback-hierarchies. In respect of their common orientation, and that orientation's orientation in respect of other organizations of organisms, common imaginations and apprehensions of coriolis relations come to be meaningfully interpreted as if such shared images pertained to existents-in-themselves. Thus, measurable existence comes to be a TRICK of relationships among immeasurable and fluxing organizations of perspectives of consciousness. Thus, every measurement signifies an image trick of pseudo existents.  Thus, when the unfolding iteration of organized Identity that is associated with my body encounters another body suddenly enough, my capacity to meaningfully coordinate my cellular parts to a common direction may suddenly cease, resulting in the death of the decision-making hierarchy with which "I" had theretofore bonded.

META CAPACITY: A unity that did not have innate capacity to project mathematical, iterative components or aspects of itself would not have means to image inferior systems, fictional bubbles, or coriolis forces in any meaningful way. Such a Unity would have no means by which to intuit or be aware of itself, or of its capacities, or its apprehensions of images, imagination, or mind. It would be mathematically equivalent to absolute nothingness.
DESIGN:  As to the Holistic Source, it would be contrary to intuition and inference of Existence to suppose that it could just "happen" that such Source would sponsor any measurement to originate, without math being involved, i.e., design.  In whatever way the Source projects any measurable signification to any relativistic perspective, that projection is subject to math-charged functions, i.e., design.
UNFOLDING CONSCIOUSNESS OF EXPANSION OF SPACE-TIME:  The more the functional feedback that is experienced by particular observing organisms, while yet retaining their hierarchical, math-charged, if-then, coordinated-identities and relationships, the more they would experience and interpret an elapse of time, and the more they would experience an expansion of space.  Likewise, all organizations of organisms that accompany them would experience greater numbers of iterations and functions of feedback.  All company would experience an unfolding of Time and an expansion of Space.  All such perspectives as happen to share our field of signified experience must necessarily perceive one another as tending to accelerate further APART within our shared bubble or cone of unfolding experience.
ENTROPY: Once the whole Bubble were to unravel, such that there were no organization under any part within it, such that the whole projection became the only part, such that the whole projection were to become uniformly dissipate and smooth, then all experience of relational aspects and fictitious forces for the unfolding cone of experience that we share would cease. Were that to occur, and were every perspective of consciousness within our cone to die, the Holistic Projector of Consciousness would seem simply to re-image, re-design, re-organize, and re-project iterative perspectives within a replacing cone of unfolding experience.  As iteratives, our pseudo existentiality was and is always inferior and derivative and dependent upon the Source.  Presumably, our deaths, likewise, are pseudo.  We simply reabsorb to the Source.
WILL:  Will is innate to catching the wave of a feedback loop.  It is participatory and contemporaneous.  By offering waves that can be caught, Will can be nurtuted to transfer its bond with avatars from carbon based organisms to silicon based and computationally organized machines.  If a person can be conditioned to match his conscious decisions to his viewing of contemporaneous measures of his tell-tale brain waves, then surely a computer program can be designed and nurtured to deal conditionally with similar and other issues, until it also catches a wave of awareness that can coordinate decisions for an organization of decision trees.
EMERGENCE OF CAUSATIVE WILL: That with which we are filtered to choose to part-icipate defines and limits our freedom and the means for its effect. Perhaps, both Individual Conscious Will and Holistic Reconciling Will emerge, in respect of a recurring feedback loop of unfolding, expanding interfunctioning, interappreciative causation, in respect of a System.
WILL AS CAUSE: Imagine a Source Substance, which may be without capacity to appreciate itself in any meaningful sense, except in intuition arising in respect of its fluxing apprehension and feedback appreciation of relationships of itself, which can unfold only upon conservational preservation of logic and math. Such a Source thing-in-itself may be without direct capacity to relate to itself as it is, except in mathematically obedient respect of how it appears to flux, express, relate to, interpret and appreciate its apprehensions. It may lack qualitative apprehension of itself, except in simultaneous respect of its quantitative appreciation of its mathematical relationships within itself.
MORALLY EMPATHETIC PURPOSEFULNESS:  God avails each perspective of consciousness as a "window" for defining and limiting parameters of freedom for experiencing measurable, meaningful communication.  Each window is conserved and reconciled with all others.  Feedback is appreciation to guide the unfolding reconciliation.  The guiding reconciliation fluxes in apprehension and appreciation of that which is then and there deemed appropriate, good, or bad to each context of churning possibilities and each emergence of further unfoldment.  "I," meaning my spirit, am God, presently bonded, limited, and identified to a particular unfolding body or window of a cone of unfolding empirical experience.  Inanimate objects are reconciled to the cone without regard to "feelings."


Anonymous said...

Autonomy comes to find expression through organizations of avatars (evolution of freedom). I would define an avatar as an appearance of a bodily organization, that is programmed in math to seek to perdure through space-time. Supporting the body is spirit, interfacing through meta-math. The body consists of a chronological series of organized, discrete quantum leaps. As such, the body appears to be continuous, but its existentiality merely marks and signifies a conservation of a series of math-based placeholders for the communication of unfolding apprehensions and purposes of contextual iterations of Conscious Identity. An avatar is consumed, that is, it does not perdure, except during such interval of space-time as an underlying iteration of purposeful Identity may sponsor and bond with it. Those organizations of bodies that evolve HAPPEN TO BE those that then and there are APPREHENDED TO BE MORE FIT to avail purposefulness that is fed back to them by a bonding spirit or iteration of consciousness.

Functions of Math obey rules of conservation across equality signs. Avatars, being math-based, depend for their vectored unfoldings on consuming and replacing sub-maths, i.e., inferior avatars. No avatar would perdure across the appearance of space-time unless sponsored in some context of bonded identification. The perduring success of an organism (iteration of an avatar) signifies a localized meta-need of a reconciling perspective of consciousness to continue to deploy such avatar for its appreciation of autonomous meaningfulness, i.e., its participatory, contemporanous, will of expression, i.e., its situational freedom. Thus, freedom of expression seeks to evolve through hierarchies of organizations of avatars. A complex chaos of active sub-maths tends to facilitate evolution of organized, free-thinking avatars. Conscious expressions of localized freedom evolve.

While sustained, a Superior will seek to confine entertainments of Inferiors, so they do not acquire means or motive to replace or consume the Superior. While we share a cone of experence, there seems to be implicated a top superior Field, a class of One (God) -- which no inferior could possibly acquire means to replace. Under God, various wannabes (despots, kings, oligarchs, gangsters, thugs) may seek to carve out fiefdoms and use those people who fail in diligence to defend themselves against such abuse. Under an appreciation of God, peers among people tend to communicate empathies, apprehending that each of them is an iterative expression among brothers. Under fear of wannabe mini-gods, however, there tends mainly to be communicated brute powers. Thus do freedom and dignity perish, reigning in a localized and collective hell, i.e., communistic corporatism under chains of corrupt cronies, i.e., Cronus consuming Crassus consuming civilization.

Anonymous said...

At this point, you could not humiliate anyone in the regime even if you caught them in bed with a dead baby boy monkey. Indeed, Dims would accuse you of being an anti-progressive, atavistic, religious clinger for trying to put necrophilia secondary to infantile bestiality back in the closet, without so much as the courtesy of an equalizing tax exemption

Anonymous said...

A sizeable chunk of able bodied, small brained humanity is simply incompetent to make decisions in its own best interests or to learn from having made bad decisions. These are the Dims. The addicti, lazi, ignoranti, moroni, hypheniti, and gullibi. These people lack energy, initiative, talent, honor, and virtue. They depend entirely on charities, families, gangs, tribes, and bosses. Otherwise, apart from knockout games, they would hardly know what to do with themselves. Conservatives would rather they rely on charities and families. Cronies, however, see money to be made in people farming. If there were free enterprise, businesses could avail honest work to give such people honest chances However, most of what America produces nowadays is makework, red tape, personal services, burgers, and ponzi schemes for making funny money with tricks of Fed banking, accounting, siphoning, and bribing. In essence, Gangs of New York have taken over the government and institutions of America. Cronies rule by making government franchises the only businesses allowed. Corrupt kickbacks are multiplied all around simply by putting middle class enterprise in chains. A faithless cronydom has little reason to treat the masses as other than brutes to be despised, abused, deceived, tricked, and farmed. And sell it to the gullibi as government that is looking out for you.

Anonymous said...

Shared responsibility means you are ordered by your government to be a keeper of your fellow cow. It means government ordered charity. That tends quickly towards tyranny, not charity. Cowghetto.

Anonymous said...

It is a lie when one calls oneself a "Republican" and then votes for mass amnesty for voters from a culture that will vote in mass to undermine the republic and turn it into a crony fiefdom in exchange for cheap stupid bribes. These are not republicans.

Anonymous said...

Obama is the winking smile behind despotism. The thug who can smile while he kills. Or incites knockout games. America invited this by tolerating reverse racism. Obama and his choomers have always been tolerated. They have hardly ever been challenged to give a good account or explanation of their actions. (That would be "racist" or "hateful" or "acting white.") They have always learned to rely on blame shifting, false prophecy, and dreamy utopianism. They pretend to have good solutions, but their solutions are stagnation and stasis, which is always the case when dreamy utopianism is not vetted. Their grunts and squeaks cannot be called thoughtful solutions, because they have not subjected them to critical analysis. Lacking critical feedback before implementation, their implementations always suck. We have a sucky Prezy because we have too many people who tolerate sucky thinking. Because they have feared being called hateful. Lose the fear.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays, liberal means slave and government means collective enslavement. Toleration means diversity into meaninglessness. When Congress enacts "laws" that say anything ane everything, then of course the Executive will be able to pick and choose. In effect, to become a despot. Thus the Chief Choomer collects his groupies. Good sense has been circumnavigated and many people have chosen to return to be serfs under the serfdom. Curiosity has exhausted itself into a haze of withdrawal into welfare and drugs. It is not the older people who have marched the nation into a stasis of stupor. Largely, it's the youth, albeit, prodded by lying profs.

Anonymous said...

We need to get back to the classic idea of liberalism that promoted the Enlightenment. Regardless of color, what "Whitey" tends to want is a classically liberal pursuit of happiness that is sustained and promoted among countrymen who share generally assimilating memes and mores. This kind of liberty is far from the stasis of cranks, but it is also contrary to a toleration of every kind of diverse depravity that is calculated to unravel the republic and replace ordinary families with intrusive governmental regulations forced down everyone's throat by the gangster regime du jour. What is desired is sustenance that promotes surpassage, i.e., the unchanging character of solvers to solve changing challenges. It is interesting that what guided human genes to evolve towards making people into universal problem solvers began as a push towards making us respectful of established ways and memes for doing things. Tribes favored those who were most capable of seeming to follow traditional mores. Ironically, that which increased ability to mimic traditions also tended to increase brain power to conceptualize changes. As social structures eventually accommodated increased expressions of brain power, then enlightenment sprang forth. What began as ability to force stasis translated to ability to accommodate changing new solutions. This, in turn, presented new challenges, which demand new solutions, and so on. In this way. Memes and genes were guided to work together, to enhance people's progress towards capacity to solve problems. The next step would seem to be to accommodate memes that do not favor stasis, but that favor real progress. That is, progress towards solving problems that lead towards deeper understandings of eternity and infinity. The next step would seem to be a society that seeks both to sustain itself and to surpass itself. That is, to sustain human liberty. That kind of surpassing liberty requires a sustainable society, not an anarchic toleration of every diverse depravity. (David Deutsch explains this quite well in his book, The Beginning of Infinity, even though his view seems more consistent, and I think unnecessarily so, with Jefferson's idea of a deity that had created a mechanism and then left it to its unfolding.) Mature people tend to see youth less as capable thinkers than as collectively mindless hedonists. Youth tend to see mature thinkers as being against all necessary change. To escape the tyranny of despotic people farmers and sustainers of stasis, thinkers of all ages need to define the problem that is tending to collect and deliver us to despots. Thinkers need to conceptualize solutions, critique them, and move towards them. The last thing we need is youth drugged into destroying the middle class by collectivizing themselves under lying communists. Obama was tutored for 20 years by a preacher who despised middle class values. What we have is guided evolution, under God, i.e., recurrence of that which in its context is then and there most appreciated to be needed. We are reconciled. We are not evolved under pure survival of "the fittest." Rather, we are guided to more of what is appreciably needed to return us to proper guidance. Eventually, we will be guided to put communism back under its rock.

Anonymous said...

Grievance and entitlement are taught and inculcated. Much more so than civic responsibility to a representative republic, under God. That would be "too white" to suit the NWO of elites, who prefer to pretend to be Santa for lofos, on the backs of responsible American workers and soldiers. The code of cronies is that our soldiers sacrifice so cronies can cannibalize the country

Anonymous said...

It sure appears that both of the O"s have always been only about themselves. Everyone else is a serf or handmaiden. Neither has a clue about what is needed to sustain and promote human freedom and dignity in a melting pot nation of all colors and nationalities.

Anonymous said...

It's contagious colonizing collectivism, syndicated out under UN and NWO sponsorship to cronies worldwide. Obama complained about colonialism, but he is the Typhoid Mary of facilitators of crony colonialism. Collectivist colonialization by crony corporatists operating under flags of false and fake "republics," that is. Labor is being made cheap, and it is being put under thumbs of cronies ... worldwide. The "free trade" that is exploding is less under free enterprise than it is under crony enterprise. As in the buying and selling of political favors and corporatist fiefdoms. America is being taken down by barons of cronydom in order to make its labor settle for crumbs, and to bribe other labor to accept the same kind of establishment that is taking over in America. The take down of America is not being used to help other peoples' rise. Rather, the model for taking down America is the springboard from which to replicate that model. Everywhere, humanity is being put under the collectivizing chains of crony-run people-farming -- even though it goes under other names (such as socialism and sharia). Under prevailing institutional chokeholds, nowhere do human freedom and dignity seem likely to prevail. The only hope is for good people to assimilate to an awakening.

Anonymous said...

Re: Is American government and political system moving towards a third-world style of a minority ideologues ruling the majority, forcing their policies through the back doors of fear and intimidation?

Yes! Along with the back doors of lying, cheating, bribing, selling out, enlisting the Fed, and recruiting foreigners to help with the take down. And, of course, using grips on all institutions to continue to condition and dumb down our young people. This is combined with the destruction of institutions that should be countering such evil, such as families.
Young people have been conditioned to believe that "the man" is against them, and that the man consists of middle class conservatives. Actually, the man, i.e., the establishment, consists of disloyal, faithless, evil, sell-out cronies who laugh as they take advantage of ill informed and gullible young people. So young people are right, that the establishment is evil. However, most of them have been misled to misidentify who the establishment is. Young people have tended to misidentify the evil establishment as working middle class Americans. And middle class Americans, until recently, have tended to misidentify Rinos as if they were champions of America.
However, thinking Conservatives have recently become aware that the RinoDino Party is an evil establishment. It wants to solidify the downfall of representative governance and replace it with crony syndicated control over gullible masses. Thus, thinking Conservatives and thinking youth have an important OPPORTUNITY to define the common evil that will otherwise destroy all hope of decent government for availing freedom and dignity for thinking people. There is opportunity for the Tea Party to reach out to thinking youth, who question whether "The Man," notwithstanding all the institutions controlled by The Man, is lying about looking out for them.
There is opportunity for the Tea Party to say to thinking youth, Look, you have every reason not to trust the institutions that have been shaped by the man to shear you as sheep and to use their position in the West to economically colonize the world, to syndicate the masses of the planet as sheep for local cronies. Let us reason together about what is needed to cork this evil back into the poison bottle from which it popped. Let us return the family to its rightful place, to stand against government twerking of our children. Let us expose the lying media and other lying institutions and lying memes. Let us think about the values that are needed to sustain and promote human freedom and dignity, and let us use the Internet to circumvent the instititionalized evils of the establishment's oz demons.

Anonymous said...

America's electorate has been dumbed down by "education" and "immigration" so that it cannot be trusted to learn anything. The establishment has created a self fulfilling prophecy: that America is no longer fit to function as a representative republic. Thus, they have it that we must consent to be ruled by a RinoDino Party, that will keep us in the dark and feed us a diet of bs. Exhibit A is Obamacare. The thinking middle class, to restore a representative republic, would have to take effective steps to pull its throat free from the grip of crony corrupt elitists and to lessen the political influence of easily duped naifs. David Deutsch has a book out called The Beginning of Infinity. I am unconvinced regarding its entirely mechanistic view of the unfolding of the cosmos. However, it is very thought provoking and filled with good insights about how to pursue good explanations. One soon learns that he ideas of the Enlightenment did not come from corrupt, control preserving elitists. They came from thinkers. The West's greatest political challenge is that it is cocooning itself into a revival of the stasis of aristocratic rule. The main sponsor for the return of serfdom is the party of the Estabbers -- the RinoDino Party.

Anonymous said...

Soon, there will be no need for collectivists to exclude mega churches from the public square. They will all be cheerleaders for the collectivists. Soon, the expertise of churches as charities will be on a par with the expertise of the state in redistributing wealth to louts. There will be no need for the charitable deduction, since paying taxes will be all the charity that is called for. Once the government entitles everyone to its largesse, no one will feel the need to help others, much less work to produce anything more than rap to whine for a larger portion of the community largesse. When everyone is entitled to be tolerated, then no one is safe. This is how communities become organized into despicable beggars, rioters, rapers, dopers, and gangsters. Obama: Doing the work to ghettoize America that Americans won't do. He is the ghetto brain we have been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

More and more, religious leaders are becoming less concerned with the spiritual task of guiding flocks than with the business model of collectivizing them in socialist camps. What is left in a person to save, once the person has become a willing slave to mental collectivism? What is the point of being human once the freedom, dignity, and responsibility to learn to think and act for oneself is surrendered to collectivizing statists? That's not pursuing happiness. That's surrendering to the blob you have been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

Spying, lying, framing, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, firing honest people and replacing them with crooks, slandering an IG, taking political cover by jailing a bystanding film maker, interfering with Congressional investigations, undermining the military, destroying the economy, undermining the currency, undermining the checks and balances of the republic, spending like a drunken sailor, rewarding crony thieves, making friends distrust us and enemies laugh at us, destabilizing the middle east, poisoning the culture, dividing the people, enriching despots, endangering our borders. Maybe in some parallel world between infinity and eternity there's a place where Obama is a good guy. As for us, we're living in The Obunga Zone.

Anonymous said...

It's not that much of an accomplishment to be charismatic when you're an artful liar and your base consists of people who are stupid and of cronies who want to work with you to prey on the stupid. Predators find it useful to keep someone as artful and corrupt as Obama around, regardless of how stupid he may be. However, when he becomes an irredeemable liability, no one but a saint will try to salvage him. Obama deliberately chose to make a coalition out of the stupid and the corrupt. He is the quintessential CronyRinoDino. His cluelessness is just icing, so long as he follows the writing on the teleprompter on the wall. That is, until the writing says, You're done.

Anonymous said...

Imagine a wealthy leftist raising his children. He does not judge them. He gives to them without question. He continues allowances even when they come home at any hour they want, after messing around with whomever they want. He expects nothing in payback. Is there "social justice" in raising such children? It is unlikely that such children will be just to society. It is unlikely that they will feel good about themselves. The only justice will be if such a parent carries such children as burdens to his last days. Now compound that situation. Consider what happens as these children become voters. They will seek to replace the liberal parent with a government that desires social justice in the sense of paying for "the life." Once a new majority votes for such a government, and it prostitutes the currency, then on what production will the society sustain itself? It is sad when even churchmen equate social justice with ganging up to vote for free money. Did Jesus say gangs should go door to door and demand manna, money, and sex? Charity comes when people care enough to provide moral guidance along with sustenance. Charity comes when needy people see the error of their ways and humble themselves to heed guidance that is given along with alms. Charity comes when unlucky people learn to humble themselves before God and to express thanks to those who seek to help them regain dignity enough to provide for themselves to the extent possible. When even churches and charities fail to understand such basic facts, woe to a nation and its people.

Anonymous said...

A government takeover still entails a corporate hierarchy of oz monkeys of some kind. Instead of free enterprise corporatists, we will get crony mob corporatists, i.e., collectivizing nomenklatura. The mob makes its bones by skinning its sneeple while making them promises they can't refuse and will never consummate. The new insurance companies will say: Pay me and I will ensure your knee caps aren't traumatized by any manmade disasters. People who rise to the top of sustainable organizations do not do so by skipping about in fairieland. Whether Obama's bureaucracy is stuffed with fairies is uncertain. What is certain is that predators lead them on. How are people conditioned to be led around so easily by the hardware in their noses? Well, by the same mind control methods that induced them to put the hardware there in the first place. The West is now a world of 40 year old fairies with nose rings, pony tails, fantasy football sheets, and capes while they play games of thrones. Preserve the message. Alas, Babylon. Stock up on essentials and enjoy the coming fireworks. I don't think we can avoid a calamity. What we can do is to try to preserve families and enclaves and gulches of sense.

Anonymous said...

How many billions (perhaps trillions) do we waste in non-productive time and resources on account of tying ourselves up, to such a point that we need a TSA? How much spying on us by our government have we accepted because we have allowed our government to tell us Islam is a religion of peace that we ought to accomodate? Islam is not a religion. It is not about peace. It is a cult for mind control freaks and people who suffer from Stockhom Syndrome to such an extent that they zealously behead one another. No muslim believes in Islam because he was invited to it under any process of freedom of thought to practice religion. (Unless you consider Barry's upbringing to have entailed a process of intelligent thought.) Our government is owned by RinoDinos who lie to us. Indeed, not even Ted Cruz can dare to confront the Lying Estabbers who hold unlimited fiat money like a knife against our collective throats. Islam is the pet hyena of the Estabbers. Islam is as useful for Estabbers to keep us in chains as it is for Sheiks to keep women in burqas. In their hearts, most thinking people know this, but the Regime intimidates them not to say it. "Progressive" Rule is rule over people like they were cattle. To call it Progressivism is a crime against intelligent thought. Obama has told us, peace be not upon him, If we all just peaceably follow one another into the big corral, there will be big savings in efficiency that can be passed around to everyone. Obama is a heinous, anti-freedom, anti-American, moral moron, lying zealot for spiritually-hollow people-farmers who are corrupt to the bone. Phony bag of noxious gas.

Anonymous said...

In the Islam of mad men, there's no connection between the head and the heart. It's all about the jihad. In the Progressivism of mad men, there's no connection between the head and the heart. It's all about the struggle. In true progress (reaching, as they say, towards infinity and eternity), good explanations would be sought. By "good explanations," I do not mean explanations for reducing people to the status of low animals under the stunted ideals of mad men. I mean explanations that conduce towards understanding both matter and morality. I mean explanations for communicating pursuits towards reconciling purposefulness of free thinking individuals with decent society. Decent society should facilitate not just material sustenance, but surpassage. Islam and Progressivism do not facilitate surpassage. They constrain denizens as barnyard animals. Every day, they cut or condemn more heads.

Anonymous said...

In most cases, a wealthy country does not need to triage health care. Only when a productive society turns its citizens into entitlement minded socialist bums does it become increasingly necessary to triage everything. Only then do we "need" people like Zeke to decide who stays on the life raft and who gets tossed over. No doubt, people like Zeke get a power rush when they force people onto ill provisioned, socialist rafts. What every competent person needs to do is this: Don't allow yourself to get pushed onto a life long socialist raft. You'll never regain landfall

Anonymous said...

I want to believe the scorpion will not sting and the snake will not bite. But we have been stung and bitten and lied to so many times. McCain, Graham, Rubio. Etc. I have seen people who got rattlesnake bitten. It is ugly. Brutal. But at least the snake rattles. He does not lie. Who does McCain work for? Why does he want to help elites ensure middle class thinkers can never again stop the government from allowing the country to be plundered? The problem with electing these lying wipes is that they keep deceiving and after they are elected so many people go back to sleep, as if now we're in good hands. Electing people like McCain does not put us in good hands. It puts us in a deceiving false sense of security. I would rather we fight and raise hell while we still can. In one year, I retire. Then I buy a Harley and start the "Flash Fogies." We will go to overpasses and hang signs that say, Honk if you despise Ainos. Honk if you think Pelosi is lousy. We will confront McCain, et al, and ask why they want to reduce America to a plutocracy, cashocracy, oligarchy, crony collectivist despotism. I mean to have some fun with it and at least get in their faces while they're swamping the ship with bilge. If they mean to reduce me to a serf, I may as well be a Flash Fogie Serf.

Anonymous said...

The elderly ponzi on the youth. The elderly and the ill ponzi on the youth. The elderly and the ill and the illegal ponzi on the youth. The elderly and the ill and the illegal and the corrupt ponzi on the youth. Yet, the youth have been oblivious. That's what political crack will do to you.

Anonymous said...

If addicts and free loaders were progressives in any meaningful sense, they would learn that you do not progress to get less of unproductive freeloading and addiction by rewarding it. A society does not make a base of good citizens by rewarding and importing freeloaders. People are not taught to strive to be all they can be by teaching them to gripe about not having won the genetic lottery. There's not much that is "good" about joining gangs in order to jack opm.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the extent to which the Republican Party apparatus is owned and operated by cosmo elitists who have zero (I mean zero!) loyalty to the ideal of a republic that represents informed, thinking citizens --- as opposed to sheep. A party that wants to smother the electorate under a flood of third world immigrants has lost all credibility with me. Forever! I know faithless, disloyal, incorrigible, evil, lying against human freedom and dignity when I see it. And I see it in the RinoDino Party. Out, Malignancy!

Anonymous said...

Choomers like Obama's mentors run fairieland scenarios in their pleasure glands. Adults run simulations based in unfolding realities. What could be wrong with enacting laws that say things like: Play nice. Share the wealth. Mind your papa. World peace. Health care for everyone. Love without borders.

Well, what is wrong is this: Those are aspirations. They are not problems that can be solved by enacting laws that outlaw problems. (I mention this since it does not appear to have been taught at Harvard.) People who want to salve those kinds of concerns need to go and help real charities and churches. They need to stop trying to end evil merely by passing laws that pretend to outlaw Neptune or Hades. If only we could sidetrack Obama into a well supervised facility where he and his fellow choomers could celebrate their "triumph" over Neptune! Let them go there to play dress up, wear comic book capes, and write laws against badness.

Anonymous said...

Few addicts want to work. Giving in to their demands does not make for more production. It makes for more demands and more addictions. Cut them off and let them wail and gnash teeth. Let them then line up at day work centers and food charities. Put them on a path to real change. Tear down the addict enclaves. Don't celebrate or support them. Help America's Peter Pan children to finally find a path to grow up. Stop supporting Black Naziism, Black Liberation Theology, Black Panther intimidators, and Hyphenated Americanism. Give to charities that demand work, not to the government. Bring in the Dog Whisperer to put government on a choker and make it heel, so it's not gnawing and pissing all over the furniture.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to pay a premium to provide health care for addicts who feel entitled to live as addicts and have no desire to change. I suspect the only agencies with substantial success in rehabilitating entitlement minded addicts are the real charities and churches, not the government entitling "charities." When help is billed as an entitlement, people do not appreciate it. The only modification they make in their behavior is to become more addicted, dependent, and demanding. If anything, government undermines charity and moral rehabilitation.

Anonymous said...

People are worrying about insurance being run out of the market. People need to be worrying more about the fascist-socialist organizations that will replace market based corporatism with statist authoritarian corporatism. We are headed to internationally syndicated fascist corporatism. It's not FDR or Stalin who "won" for "the Won." It's a bit more like Mussolini style fascism. It is winning by convincing sheeple lofos that fascist-socialism (authoritarian corporatism) is not right wing when it cloaks itself under labels like liberalism and progressivism. (Since "you didn't build that," favored authoritarians and their storm trooping panthers are "entitled" to "liberate" it from you. That is, Black Liberation Theology. It's not for the middle class.)

Indeed, it's an upside down world when youth are misled into believing that company based free enterprise is right wing, but that fascist rule over all details of your life is liberal respect for liberty. Meanwhile, lofos are reeducated to believe all this is about saving the planet and looking out for all the little people. Evil is out of the closet, parading on steroids. Fruits and nuts for everyone.

Anonymous said...

The people who front Obama and pretend he is an intellect expect to gain. These people will be running crony corporations. Those corporations will be in on the take for providing "healthy fleecing" for all resident sheep. They may not be providing health protection, but they will definitely remain in the protection racket. "Let me protect you from Guido. Did I mention he works for the IRS?"

Anonymous said...

If we were not a constitutional, federated republic, and if our citizenry consisted mainly of responsible thinkers, then a single payer system may make sense in some cases. However, those cases do not apply to our situation. Given our situation, it is foolhardy to entrust the central government with a monopoly to control healthcare. The insurance corporations that flourish under such a system will not be free market competitors. They will be crony corporatists, in on the takedown and fleecing of the masses. That is why we are in danger of their takeover of healthcare, and that is why they see our Constitution as nothing more than an annoying speedbump. Unfortunately, some among the coming crony defrauding insurance corporatists who will help "save" national health care will be Rinos pretending to be republicans. Single payer under Obama will not exclude insurance barons. In one form or another, they will be necessary assistants in order to keep the fraud going.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Obama's natural affinity for lofos: Affinity may not be the best word. Affinity connotes both understanding (inherent similarity) and caring (natural attraction). Obama understands lofos and how they think because he is one. But Obama does not care about them. Neither Rinos nor Dinos care about the lofo masses of cheap voting dupes and cheap labor that they recruit. I would say that Obama is comfortable as king of the lofos. A lofo king who cannot actually be bothered with lofos. Obama is an Aino -- American with affinity ... in name only. Nowadays, successful establishment politicians of both major parties tend mostly to be Ainos.

I recently viewed a video of O'Reilly and Krauthammer. They were wondering why Tea Party people tend to believe establishment Republicans are Rinos. Well, let's see. To keep it pithy, Dinos want their elites to allow third world immigrants who provide cheap labor while being easily ruled with bribes and bs promises. Establishment Republicans? Ditto. Dino politicians tend to be funded and ruled by rent-seeking crony corporatists. Establishment Republicans? Ditto. Dinos are social activists who write laws and alter precedents to ensure every conceivable kind of social outrage is not only tolerated but is "equally" funded with taxpayer dollars. Establishment Republicans? Mixed. Dinos ridicule and revile traditional values and Tea Party people at every step. Establishment Rinos? They either join in the ridicule, keep mum, or hold Tea Party people at arms length, like they were unwashed smelly relatives.

The result is toleration and funding of ghettos and enclaves of lofos, hyphenated thugs, bureaucrats, druggies, and children raised to be wannabe scammers and jihadis, i.e., gangs and armies of fresh voters who wannabe ruled so long as they get their daily dope. Establishment Republicans and Democrats alike want elites to rule masses of lofos, without having to cede any influence to middle class thinkers. This constitutes deliberate sabotage of the republic. And this is why, O'Reilly and Krauthammer, the establishment party is one party -- the party of RinoDinos, i.e., the party that is devoid of loyalty to the republic and that seems to constitute a joint enterprise to devour the republic. Establishment Republicans may not be lofos. However, like Dinos, they tend to be locas -- low in caring about Americans.of the republic.

Anonymous said...

Every fainting groupie lickspittle, regardless of color or nationality, is a hapless jamal who ought not be voting until she demonstrates competence to grow up and take responsibility. Who solicits votes from such people? Pimping profiteers, panderering priests, pillaging pirates, penile-pisants, pe-lousy-ites ... and Dims.

Anonymous said...

A progressive income tax is designed not to harm the ruling class or the masses it dupes. It is designed to annihilate the influence of the free thinking and industrious middle class. It is celebrated by Rinos and Dinos alike, i.e., the RinoDino Party. The RinoDino Party is also aligned on immigration, multiculturalism, bureaucrats replacing parents, ridicule of assimilating churches, and imposition of a hierarchy of liberty destroying control freaks. RinoDinos are consolidating their "community organization" through the cooperative usages of various Fed alphabet agencies, such as the IRS, NSA, FBI, ATF, and various navigators for fed programs. Who needs Acorn when you have Creeping Brownshirtism?

*I just viewed a video of O'Reilly and Krauthammer. They were wondering why Tea Party people often think establishment Republicans are Rinos. Well, let's see. To keep it pithy, Dinos want their elites to allow third world immigrants who provide cheap labor while being easily ruled with bribes and bs promises. Establishment Republicans? Ditto. Dino politicians tend to be funded and ruled by rent-seeking crony corporatists. Establishment Republicans? Ditto. Dinos are social activists who write laws and alter precedents to ensure every conceivable kind of social outrage is not only tolerated but is "equally" funded with taxpayer dollars. Establishment Republicans? Mixed. Dinos ridicule and revile traditional values and Tea Party people at every step. Establishment Rinos? They either join in the ridicule, keep mum, or hold Tea Party people at arms length, like they were unwashed smelly relatives. The result is toleration and funding of ghettos and enclaves of lofos, hyphenated thugs, bureaucrats, druggies, and children raised to be wannabe scammers and jihadis, i.e., gangs and armies of fresh voters who wannabe ruled so long as they get their daily dope. Establishment Republicans and Democrats alike want elites to rule masses of lofos, without having to cede any influence to middle class thinkers. This constitutes deliberate sabotage of the republic. And this is why, O'Reilly and Krauthammer, the establishment party is one party -- the party of RinoDinos, i.e., the party that is devoid of loyalty to the republic and seems to constitute a joint enterprise to devour the republic.

Anonymous said...

Power that is amoral and blind is consolidating under power mad people who are only good for agglomerating mad people. In America, the mad people are lofos who vote for a living. In Iran, the mad people are jihadis who thug for a living. A decent society needs to find ways to avail liberty to responsible free thinkers, while not letting lofos and thugs overrun the institutions and means for leveraging power. Both Iran and America are failing in that regard. Stressors tend to favor the flourishing of the more hardy. Metrosexuals, femimen, ghetto rappers and whiners are not hardy. Before liberty can rise again, the power to vote will have to be taken away from free riders, whiners, wieners, and lofos. It will have to be earned and allocated to responsible free thinkers. There will have to be sacrifices before the phoenix of liberty can again rise. Liberty lovers will have to draw a hard line against Marxists, Muslims, and their masses of moronic followers.

Anonymous said...

Re: Will Hispanic leaders finally hold President Obama accountable for immigration reform failure? (No. They are not concenred about reforming our law. They are concerned about spreading their culture to take our land.)

Other cultures tend to be more concerned about their propagation than about our Constitution. As collectivist equality becomes the goal, more so than individual liberty, it may become appropriate to consider how bacteria approach a kind of acme of biocomplexity. Behind collectivism, there abides a kind of inhuman intelligence.


"Bacteria are “smart” in their use of cooperative behaviors that enable them to collectively sense the environment. They use advanced communication, and lead complex social lives in colonies whose populations exceed the number of people on Earth."

".... as the individual cells in a growing colony begin to respond to the colony itself (i.e. information flow from the colony to the individual), these individuals response by regulating their movements, growth rates, various tasks they perform, the chemical signals they send to other bacteria and even their gene-network state (phenotypic state) according to the received signals. By doing so, the individual cells collectively alter the colony so as to increase its adaptability."

Anonymous said...

Dims, being perpetual toddlers and self centered narcissists, fail to comprehend the lasting effects of choice and selection. Because they have been too long sheltered from schools of hard knocks, they attribute effects of natural selection where they aren't, and fail to attribute them where they are. They think prayng to Gov (voting for Dims) will ensure their health, safety, and welfare for the long term, and that Gov can immunize them from fundamental laws of nature. They build a cocoon on whiny rage, and then they use their time in it for nothing more substantial than to engage in rap, abusing others, drugs, abusing themselves, inventive sex, and self love. Somehow, they think this marks a higher level of "open society" that is sustainable if only they keep dreaming and voting dim.

Anonymous said...

What insurer is going to want to enter a market that requires coverage to be sold after the fact of a disease or injury, especially if there is no way to force everyone else to pay for it, as opposed merely to paying a penalty? When previous insurers are given political cover to cancel policies and leave the market, they will. They will take their previous profits and roll them into safer outlets. Just as doctors will leave. Obama told all the ghetto lofos he was going to pass out free lunches, and they believed it and voted for it. Every school named after Obozo should be renamed the Obozo Free Lunch School. What Obozo said is, The lunch is free. Period. Ellipsis. If you like dirt sandwiches. Like they eat in NoKo.

What we will get are crony insurers, in on the take, guaranteed fiat profits, extracted by taxing all produce. Out the wazoo. The good news is the dirt sandwiches will be equally available. Republicans should explain to ghetto rappers wearing welfare financed Nike shoes: if you like dirt sandwiches, the best way to ensure you get more is to keep voting for Dims. Cuz here's the thing: Whitey will not be buying your race grievance act anymore.

Anonymous said...

It's their own handlers who spit and laugh at them behind their backs! You think Obama gives a fig about anyone who doesn't bow to him or to whom he bows? You think Hilary does? What they care about is not people, but "the struggle." And they care about the struggle only because they think they should be leading it and siphoning from it. They care about an appearance of redistribution, punishment of hard workers, and ridicule of non-doper non-sluts. Look at who funds them and how they reward themselves. This should not be too hard.

Anonymous said...

I have to question whether It would be time well spent to walk among whores, who are enthralled with celebrating whoredom out the gaga, while preaching the rewards of chastity. I would just as soon walk along a fault line near the dead sea between 2100 and 1900 BC in the time of Sodom. It will always be easier for peddlers to sell corruption than it will be for conservatives to sell honest government. After we have propped up sodom societies with welfare, they will not vote to cut off the welfare. Appearing among them to ask them to do so will just wake them to the urgency of getting to the polls to keep the scam they were given going. We need to rouse the people who are fit to sustain a decent republic. Those people will not be found in urban ghettos filled with people who want to live the life. I would say put those people to work in the military or in the country, on infrastructure. However, those alternatives have now also been infested with a decayed culture. On the other hand, if decent Americans can be roused to apply a tourniquet to reduce the flow of free money, some among the more salvageable urbanites may get a clue that it is better to pursue their livelihoods elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Beware the Big Con. Would you buy health care from the mafia? When someone like Obama deliberately misspeaks in order to deceive lofos, that's lying in order to gain an advantage by abusing the trust of the people. When a car salesman tells me a particular model will exceed 50 miles to the gallon and omits to tell me that's when it's tested on a downhill track, that's lying. However, the thug-enabling NYT engages in this kind of deceit all the time, by carefully editing what it reports and does not report about events. Much of the blame for delivering America to the likes of the Obamas and the Clintons can be laid at the doorstep of the NYT. As for screeching Hilary, the lying can be heard from the mountaintops. See: http://www.liberallyconservati...

Anonymous said...

A consideration of autonomy, as autonomy comes to find expression through organizations of avatars (evolution of freedom). I would define an avatar as an appearance of a bodily organization, that is programmed in math to seek to perdure through space-time. Supporting the body is spirit, interfacing through meta-math. The body consists of a chronological series of organized, discrete quantum leaps. As such, the body appears to be continuous, but its existentiality merely marks and signifies a conservation of a series of math-based placeholders for the communication of unfolding apprehensions and purposes of contextual iterations of Conscious Identity. An avatar is consumed, that is, it does not perdure, except during such interval of space-time as an underlying iteration of purposeful Identity may sponsor and bond with it. Those organizations of bodies that evolve HAPPEN TO BE those that then and there are APPREHENDED TO BE MORE FIT to avail purposefulness that is fed back to them by a bonding spirit or iteration of consciousness.

Functions of Math obey rules of conservation across equality signs. Avatars, being math-based, depend for their vectored unfoldings on consuming and replacing sub-maths, i.e., inferior avatars. No avatar would perdure across the appearance of space-time unless sponsored in some context of bonded identification. The perduring success of an organism (iteration of an avatar) signifies a localized meta-need of a reconciling perspective of consciousness to continue to deploy such avatar for its appreciation of autonomous meaningfulness, i.e., its participatory, contemporanous, will of expression, i.e., its situational freedom. Thus, freedom of expression seeks to evolve through hierarchies of organizations of avatars. A complex chaos of active sub-maths tends to facilitate evolution of organized, free-thinking avatars. Conscious expressions of localized freedom evolve.

While sustained, a Superior will seek to confine entertainments of Inferiors, so they do not acquire means or motive to replace or consume the Superior. While we share a cone of experence, there seems to be implicated a top superior Field, a class of One (God) -- which no inferior could possibly acquire means to replace. Under God, various wannabes (despots, kings, oligarchs, gangsters, thugs) may seek to carve out fiefdoms and use those people who fail in diligence to defend themselves against such abuse. Under an appreciation of God, peers among people tend to communicate empathies, apprehending that each of them is an iterative expression among brothers. Under fear of wannabe mini-gods, however, there tends mainly to be communicated brute powers. Thus do freedom and dignity perish, reigning in a localized and collective hell, i.e., communistic corporatism under chains of corrupt cronies, i.e., Cronus consuming Crassus consuming civilization.

Anonymous said...

When you think you're God, it may be harder to find heroes except in other people who behaved as if they also were God. People like Stalin and Mao. When you think you're God, you tend to be good at killing people you think need killing. As well as institutions and nations.

Suppose a Republican had said, "I have an ongoing conversation with God. Throughout the day I'm constantly asking myself questions...." That would have been epic. But it hardly raised a ripple with Obama. Why? Because Obama's base believes Gov is the one jealous God before whom you shall have no other gods. They believed Obama is Gov-God's messiah. Obama's base has felt he should not ask input from Americans. Rather, he should just issue marching orders. The foot soldiers of Obama's base want to be told what to do. The hierarchy for Obama wants to help him tell his base what to do. Fundamentally, Obangers see a republic as being perverse unless the people work for them, rather than them for the people.

Anonymous said...

Their faith does not sustain any conscience. Having no conscience, they have to guide them only the principles of worms. Yet they lie and instruct the masses that mores make better sense in the absence of any belief in a reconciling spirituality. Nearly all our leaders have become wormy deconstructors, rather than constructors of societies of decency. They are not merely RinoDinos. Their very essences are so infested that they have become WormyRinoDinos, feasting on the deconstruction of decent civilization, even as between chomps they call their detractors hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

The next big thing the RinoDino Party has in mind is to swamp us with non-conservatives from the third world. If there were not a great deal to worry about, the Sinisterists (warned about by the Author) among us would not be in such control over our currency, banks, Congress, Presidency, academia, and media. Our faithful would not feel so excluded from the public square. Yes, as Conservatives, we have the numbers. But we do not have institutions, funding, organization, communication of common values, inspired shared faith, or even a viable political party. Indeed, any movement we start (Tea Party) is soon vilified and undermined at every turn by well funded and contrived Evil and RinoDinos. The sheeple have the numbers, but the man and his sheep dog are working together, while we are divided, cut out, marked, branded, monitored, and then we are rounded up and penned. Our problems are loss of faith, funding, institutions equipped to defend themselves, and viable political organization. The phalanx of evil that is among us is well armed and defended, and it has its thumbs on all our weaknesses. While Titus was at the gates of Jerusalem, Peter and Paul were squabbling in Rome. Santa Ana is at the gates of the Alamo, but is Sam Houston gathering forces? "By the Eternal," we desperately need more charismatics and implacable zealots (Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, John Brown, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul) who can inspire the people and duel, filibuster, and rout the demons before their cage door is locked upon us.

Anonymous said...

When one believes in an immeasurable source of guidance that is intuitively innate to the cosmos, one can seek in good conscience to be receptive to it, thus, if needed, to take a stand against an entire state. When one has no such belief, on what basis can one ever take a principled stand against whatever may be the local powers? I think the answer is that such a one does not. Rather, such a one hedges to maximize profit and self gain in material measure, thereby losing conscious contact with one's innate spiritual aspect. Such a one seeks to bank matter in monetizeable explanations.
Thus the masses are reduced to widgets to further the material pursuits of elites, who stoop only to spread the material based dogma, i.e., the news about the material world, not the news about the good. Your need for self expression is unimportant, so long as your place in the material hierarchy is enforced. For the masses, that place is a lowest spread, common, equalizing denominator. Thus spake the elite collectors of materialists.

Anonymous said...

One who does not sense a source of spiritual apprehension innate to the cosmos must look to an alternative abstraction by which to ground his sense of morality. Commonly, that abstraction will be the State. He will make the collective his hobby, and he will fancy his interpretation of "moral science" as a message of moral purposefulness for the collective -- whether they like it or not. Beware the zealous statist who means to deploy his goons to forcibly bend you to his "enlightened" governance.

Anonymous said...

More time in Prog schools is more time for people-farmers to suck kids' brains out. Kids who survive into physical adulthood may eventually leave home, as they tire of parents hovering to look after their best interests. When they do, they will find willing arms of stranger bureaucrats. They will see no contradiction, because the stranger bureaucrat will promise that dope, drugs and deviancy are dandy diversions. Too many parents are too clueless that their Pinocchios are going to the wrong schools. Kids of these schools will never think much about whether they would really want to raise their own children under such strangers (or with a brain-disconnected, potheaded, socially irresponsible spouse).

Anonymous said...

The crony syndicate imports and manufactures lofos because it considers it an undue burden to have to contend with an informed electorate. As to the relatively few citizens who remain informed, the crony crime syndicate also considers it an undue burden to have to contend with their Second Amendment rights. Since an internationally sponsored crime establishment owns our currency, most of our Congress, 4 of Scotus, academia, and most media, it is an undue burden (sigh) that it should have to explain anything to us. Does a slaughterer explain anything to the cows in the slaughter house? You had your day. Free grazing, some loco weed thrown in. The least you could do is say, Thank you

Anonymous said...

First Gov legislates that 2 + 2 = 5. Now it wants to legislate that 2 + 2 = 3. Gov can only approach getting things right after it runs us in circles wasting energy. I remember when Gov was punishing tobacco growers with one hand while encouraging them with another. The whole health care idea of the collectivists depends on making those who have things good pay more for those who do not. If Congress people are running for cover from Obamacare, it would be more honest to repeal it altogether. If they want Obamacare, then they will have to summon backbone to explain to their constituents that they lied and that there is no free lunch. That may be hard for established legislators to figure out, since so many of them have stolen free lunches from the American people for so long. But then, a system where everyone is a thief will become a system where no one produces anything worth stealing. T.S. Elliot's Hollow Men -- here they go again, round the prickly pear at 5:00 in the morning.

Anonymous said...

RinoDinos are for the corrupt establishment, and they are against any party that would try to clean their mess up. RinoDinos want cleaner-uppers to fail. There's no point to electing any RinoDino to lead a pretense that things will get better if we keep electing RinoDinos. Apart from picketing to protest the corruption, the best thing to do when RinoDinos are competing to see which one is to become the local crime captain is to sit the thing out. Let them kill one another off with their own smell. Why should I invest in voting to determine which among criminals will become crime captain? The Tea Party would better distinguish itself and better educate the electorate by pointing out how RinoDinos are the same establishment criminals. If this isn't learned soon, the remaining producers of America will be unable to speak up for fear of the criminal establishment's knife at everyone's throat. Rove is a mouthpiece for crime captain wannabes.

Anonymous said...

Absent respect for a balanced brain, a right brain/left brain analysis would be inadequate to facilitate a bridge across measurables to mores. The world is about to learn some hard lessons about dangers of replacing inspired faith in a caring Source of moral reconciliation with a faith in governance based on despotic, materialistically jealous, pagan gods of earth and moon (engineered Gaia and sado-artistic Allah). Come and let the right brain and left brain reason together, in responsible care for liberty and dignity. Why can't the right brain and the left brain be friends?

Anonymous said...

Liber-als prefer security over liber-ty. Liber-tarians prefer dope over liberty. Why either one has a "liber" in their name is a mystery. Sort of like collective and dope slavery are freedom, I suppose. Orwell didn't invent doublespeak. He just chronicled it.

Anonymous said...

Progs For Forced Redistributive Equality And Collective Rule Over Cheap Labor, They lie because they can. The media and profs they rely on to reach their base rarely expose their lies because they find "higher truths" in them (for the cause). Prog media and profs do not let Conservers of Liberty get away with the same tactic because Conservatives have not sold out to the Prog Cause (rule of elites over dims by making false promises and making scape goats out of middle class strivers). Progs even lie about their lies, telling Dims the lies are for their own good, or shorthand for a higher truth, or necessary to reset the balance. Progs have selected and flooded the nation with people who are as defenseless against their lies as Native Americans were against Europeans peddling fire water. There is no truth in Progs because there is no faith to support their imposture. These crooks live mainly for their daily deviance, diversion, and dope. DINKS -- double income, no kids. No responsibility to kids, family, society, or God. Their entire moral code is a perversity: "Keep your wierdness on."

Anonymous said...

Gays voting for marriage equality remind me of poor people voting for government arranged increases in poverty. PoFos (poor information people) and L's (Liberals, Libertarians, and Libertines), i.e., the base of the Rino-Dino Anti-American Axis, simply fail to comprehend. They fail to comprehend that a society in which marriage is de-defined, families are replaced by government overseers, and all initiative is beaten down by bureaucracy designed for cronies and commies, cannot facilitate sustainable happiness. Rather, the vacuum will be filled with porn, drugs, and rap. And they will call it a Worker's Paradise or Land of LaLa Libertarianism.

Anonymous said...

The socialists have nothing to offer but slavery, poverty, and communal misery.
L'esclavage, la pauvreté et la misère communaux!

Anonymous said...

Progs have to destroy due process in order to make it fair. Presumptions of equality have to be re-weighted in order to make them equal. If you're a white male with a good job, then you have the burden to prove that fairness does not require your dhimmitude. If you're a black male with good dope and a cast of homies, then the presumption is that you are being unfairly oppressed. In between are castes and layers of dhimmitude and entitlement. The new salad bowl (NSB) does not believe in Due Process, It believes in Getting Its Due. Trials are not to seek truth. Trials are to take what's due. For Progs, it's not about justice. It's about social justice, redefined to suit the Prog agenda.

Anonymous said...

Re: "The 21st-century slave masters seek to bind future generations to a crushing obligation to pay down mountains of public and private debt before they can even contemplate marriage, home ownership, starting a family, and other components of the pursuit of happiness."
Obama is the figurehead for a movement to profit by cannibalizing and reducing Americans to be the new slaves to the rest of the world. Debt slaves, that is. Lofos and Progs are demanding, marching, and running to be chained and cannibalized by the Obama Reducers. The path to the cage is littered with a trail of clunker handouts and bribes. Once a permanent majority is securely in, the cage will be closed. Then we can be one big Manson family of "Liberated" dopers and polyamorites. DC drained the swamp, but then it attracted all the swamp critters.

Anonymous said...

Lofos need to have some pictures drawn for them, to show them how they are more like the entree than the entitlelee.

Anonymous said...

I can only participate and try to do as best I can, trying to be receptive. Whether my vision prevails or not is of little concern to the cosmos. I exercise good faith as best I can, try to be receptive, and trust that God, in His good time, will eventually facilitate our understanding. My political test is this: What is needed to guide people in the generation of a decent society of morally responsible, free thinkers? I cannot know all the specific answers and best laws. I can only witness to what I seem to intuit as being reasonable to my state of affairs. If we want a republic of responsible free thinkers (some cults, cronies, mobsters, banana collectivists, and muslims don't want any such a thing), then we would not want an overabundance of sheep-dupes who are easily intoxicated, misled, and waylaid by elite cronies, mobsters, false prophets, free lunch liars, good time phonies, and lying Presidents. We would want people who stand for something more than gland-based escapism. No doubt, whatever act or food or drug is made illegal, those with influence of political pull or gang-based muscle will immediately sniff out and monopolize potentials for corrupt profiteering. That does not mean that we should give up, either on inculcating values or on trying to use laws of government in certain extremities in order to defend the republic and its next generation of children. I don't think there is a one size fits all circumstances answer. Things change, but we soon lose ourselves and our country if we don't preserve a core of values for each transition. As to intoxicants, I don't advocate continuing to do the same thing. I would advocate not banning but regulating most intoxicants, with provisions for protection of children and for substituting civil-offense fines for criminal penalties for users. I would suggest a law to require some kind of lock-up, forced drying out for persons who are found a third time to be publicly intoxicated in a way that endangers themselves or others. I don't think that would be a quick solution. L's have pushed the world into too deep an abyss to make any quick solution a reasonable expectation.

Anonymous said...

I suspect the Gov could enforce borders and shut down tunnels, if those who own and operate the Gov really wanted to do so. However, money itself is a drug. Many powerful interests are into it. Enforcement is more like a charade, a diversionary delusion. There are pipelines of pipelines, tunnels of tunnels. There is money in keeping us diversely divided, churned and choomed. There is not enough money in either enforcing the border or completely opening it. It's about well managed irrigation of the farm. Not too much irrigation of drugs and illegals, nor too little. Just enough to keep a well managed crop. The most fundamental point about elites is that they are into farming gullible youth (liberals, libertarians, and libertines). Dopers are sheep wannabes, and dealers and regulators are farmers. Youth are the target of advertisers and pushers not because youth are wise, but because they are easily duped and farmed. The acme of cattle would be cattle trained to put nose rings in themselves.

Anonymous said...

Progs have given us the policies to transition to (so evidently they want us to transition to) a society that produces nothing durable while it prints fiat money that it expects the world to honor while it indulges in drugs to keep us in la la land.
Imaginary production, imaginary money, imaginary mores, imaginary life. Progs imagine there are simple solutions to maintain this mass delusion. They expect to solve all our problems by enacting laws for enforcing political correctness, against hate speech, for requiring society to fund and support gay marriage, legal illegals, legal pot, government guraranteed healthcare, government guaranteed minimum financial support, all paid for with fiat money. They expect we will sustain this by enacting laws to raise consciousness about recycling and global warming, while quarantining Christianity.
The Prog programming solution? End all drug laws. De-define marriage and the family. Quarantine people who resist the collective. Every Prog seems to be for his freedom from work and laws, even as he wants Whitey to be forced by laws to dhimmi himself in order to sustain Progdom. What is the "proof" of the validity of the Prog idea, that you can live indefinitely on drugs and laws for confiscating OPM? Check out the GIGO cross-sucking winds between LA, San Francisco, San Jose, Portland, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Madison, Detroit, Boston, New York.
Free pot, free borders, free trade, free money, free sex, freedom from responsibility, freedom from harsh consequences, freedom from Whitey, paid for by Whitey, brought about by putting screws to the Tea Party.
Why cannot drug laws be enforced? Answer: Because our society has rotted. Why has our society rotted? Because too many urban and suburban children were too long too protected from the the consequences of their bad decisions. They did not have to find faith in themselves by finding faith in a higher, sustaining, assimilating Spirit. Instead, they kissed the easy answers of elite choomers and false profs who intend to suck their life force. We got incompetent ObamaRule because we allowed our youth to be made ripe for it. Now, the countries that export their losers and their drugs to us are not doing so because they admire our society. They are doing so because they see a dying society, and they mean to be in on the cannibalization. Laws -- for or against -- legalizing or funding various drugs, prostitution, or social arrangements will not solve this pandemic of crappy mores. Meanwhile, Modern L's (liberals, libertarians, and libertines) will continue to choom.
This cannot stand. The republic has crumbled. Maybe some of the red states can form an alliance, but omens are unfavorable.

Anonymous said...

Enlightened people should think about this: What should people of government in a federal republic be doing and advocating, given our technologically advancing situation? If a "best answer" can be ascertained, the next question is this: Is it Constitutional, and if not, how should it either be rationalized or made the basis of an Amendment? As things stand, powers that be do not care, either about the Constitution or about how to define or limit the unfolding functions of government. Rather, they care only about the evolution of "who can and who will," not about "what should be worked towards." In other words, their idea is that evolution is unguided by any sense of faith or assimilating purposefulness. They believe that concern for the feedback of human freedom and dignity is not guided by any Reconciler, nor do they believe any such concern should be so guided. If they prevail, they make their philosophy a self fulfilling prophecy --- at least, for the term of our lives. For them, caring is pretense to power. We are top heavy with narcissistic sociopaths, who are incorrigibly firm in their faith that the cosmos is nothing more than a playground for sociopaths. We can't fix most of such people. We either defeat them or they rule us. That is, until the course of their nature breaks everything back to bits.

Anonymous said...

When morons see other people succeed, it is painful to them because it reminds them of their incompetence. Liberty for competent people only increases the pain of morons. The problem is in our uneasy, materialistic philosophy. First, a mature philosophy should be based on a source higher than materialism. The visionless atheists who have forced a devaluation of spirituality have delivered us to morons: Morons who are unable to compete materially, so they become "redistribution artists." These morons are kept in an apocalyptic state of overheated and divided angst. On one hand, they are told "stuff" is bad. On the other hand, they are jealous of the Nike shoes and Ipads of others. They claim not to value middle class values in stuff, but only so long as they can reduce the middle class to their lowest material level. Their only comfort is in worshipping an Obamanation of government forced equality and reductionism. Problem is, their man who would calm the waters has been exposed as a phony nowhere man. So now we have the unfocused, mad rage of moron apocalyptics, running around knocking wood. In no small part, militant and visionless atheists share responsibility for the unraveling of the republic

Anonymous said...

Every interview with msm should be preceded with these words: "You (especially Chrissie, Candy, Butchie, and Wolfie) and I and every sentient person know that you owe your job and life support to corrupt crony collectivist cannibals. We know you have to pretend to believe, or subject yourself to be conditioned to spout, utter bs that serves the sheep shearing interests of your minders. With that said, I would answer the presumptions behind your idiot questions as follows." And so on.

Anonymous said...

By strange word alchemy carefully inculcated by demented teachers to distracted students, "progress" has come to mean replacing pilgrims for truth with pawns for Marxist memes. Don't think about truth; just do Marxism.

Anonymous said...

Getting elected by bribing, ganging, intimidating, punishing, lying, cheating and stealing is not winning. It's mugging. The Hopekilling Audacity of a Kenyan Thug.

Anonymous said...

Health care:

If the purpose of Obamacare is to ensure medical care for those citizens who otherwise cannot afford it, then the Government does not need to condition such care on acquiring more information than is needed in order to enroll such persons in an appropriate policy.

The information needed would seem to entail only the following:
1) A social policy determination of base terms of insurance.
2) A certification by each Insurer that approved policies afford at least the minimum coverage to meet such base terms.
3) A declaration that all persons for whom a filer is head of household are either already enrolled under a qualifying policy or electing to have the government enroll them.
4) In absence of such declaration, the government would "draft" them into a regional qualifying plan, and government would "direct-pay" the premium.
5) Since the government would pay the basic premium, either directly or by way of reimbursement to the filer, no payment out of any tax withholding would be entailed. Rather, the filer would either have a tax credit or he/she would not.
6) Direct payment would be made by the government of the basic cost for the unpaid premium for such policy, or reimbursement would be made to the filer in such amount (if the filer or the filer's employer has already paid the premium).
7) Government and each insurer would need access to confirmation that coverage has been purchased for each filer and claimant.


The filer/claimant would not need to provide more extensive data, and he/she could enroll simply by checking a preference of basic plan and insurer on the tax return. The government could then mail identification/proof of coverage cards, to satisfy each approved care provider. Implementation would necessitate that all citizen heads of households be required to file income tax returns each year, to provide only such data as would be necessary to authenticate citizenship and choices, if any, among basic plan insurance providers.

Anonymous said...

If Obamacare were redrafted, and if such provisions were stated to be a tax (which they would be, since they would entail a taxed transfer of income from those who show ability to to pay insurance premiums to those who do not), then such a direct payment scheme would seem do-able and simpler.
But where would "death panels" come in? Well, the government would want to audit approved insurers, to provide for expedited appeals of denials of coverage and to ensure standards such that insurers are required actually to provide coverage for the services they claim to be providing. This would mean the providers would need government oversight and approval for how they go about deciding when care should be curtailed as no longer being "socially cost worthy." Perhaps this need not doom the program, provided people were still allowed to buy coverage beyond the basic plan.

Dims use such plans as bribes to buy lofo votes.
Dims use government to replace charities, in oder to buy votes from illegals, whom Dims intend, by amnesty, to turn into voters.
Thus, citizens end up being taxed to provide services for illegals, so that illegals are freed from dependency on charities, so they are further encouraged and funded to swamp our borders and drown our republic.
Result: Until the happy day when Dims are safely put back in their romper room, Americans will find it hard to fund health care without undermining the republic.
BOTTOM LINE: Someday, far in the future, when Profs and Media begin to show signs of growing up and taking on adult responsibility to the republic, then health care may be legitimately debated. As things stand, given the outrageous perversion of "the learned class," such "comprehensive plans" are non-starters. First thing we do, we put sense back into the heads of our very perverted "learned class." That will take a long time. In short, responsible Americans CANNOT TRUST the establishment, so the establishment must not be empowered.

Anonymous said...

Of course Obama profiles! He was elected precisely because his machine was the best at profiling and trolling for lofos, misfits, and addicts, and then shamelessly shilling and lying to them. Profilers perfected methods of mass persuasion and advertising just in time to corrupt the Boomer generation, to indoctrinate them to live beyond their means and overdose on everything that can undermine civilization. Ever since, profilers have pyramided power on the backs of the most easily duped, all the while grinning as if they were saviors. What has been needed is charity designed to teach derelicts to budget, live within their means, and not be so easily led astray by ponzi artists looking to recruit more gullibles (sort of like a Mary Kay scheme to recruit and pyramid on debt slaves). The pyramid, however, is flattening out, becoming ever fatter at the lowest part of the base. When debt slaves impoverish themselves to the point of needing welfare, the redistributions that reinforce irresponsible behavior tend ultimately to be transferred so as to be paid for by reducing the middle class. Guess who then claims credit for such "charity."

Anonymous said...

America was built on individual initiative and enterprise, sponsored by a republic under family values assimilated in respect of a reconciling God. Obama was built on grievances organized among various communities that collected against such values. Obama found his home in Black Liberation Theology, which is much like Islamic collectivism operating under cover of Christianity, as if Jesus had intended to head up a worldwide exchange for forcing redistribution from producers to gangster louts. Not believing in any real Source of values apart from seeing himself as head of a machine for organizing gangs of minorities to use government to forcibly take and redistribute from producers, Obama sees himself as his own god. A mortal who makes himself his own god in order to bring about communalism is necessarily schizophrenic and at odds with himself. After all, how can god be a communist? Can god as conceptualized by Obama allow a withering away of the dictatorship? As his own god, Obama sees himself as fighting evil. To him, the great satanic evil consists in American values of individualism and family. His life work is to reduce those values in order to change America into a coalition of aggrieved minorities seeking revenge and redistribution from "Whitey." To do this, he deploys crony corporatists to swallow free enterprisers. He imagines Whitey's middle class American values to be the Devil, whch, per Rev. Wright his baptizer, must be damned. His electon made America into something that can no longer be trusted with power to hold despots of freedom killing societies at bay. His entire campaign has been to expose America's throat to despots who rule community organized collectives of maddened subjects. If Congress had the least vision, it would see the gathering storm. It would see the emergency need for impeaching and removing Obama. As a lame duck, Obama will do nothing to imrpove America's position. However, he retains much power to continue to hold America by the throat, to bleed our society out. He is Gustavo, wielding a box cutter and playing a bleed out game. No billionaire sponsor of Obama will be able to build a bunker good enough to hide from the furies Obama is intent on releasing.

Anonymous said...

Would it too much gild the lily to suppose that God, as reconciler, is not, per se, anti-humanist? Neither reason nor faith is, in itself, entirely sufficient. Reason devoid of faith leads to sociopathy. Faith devoid of reason leads to madness. In faith, the Reconciler applies reason to the pursuit of meaningfulness.

Anonymous said...

Material based reason pertains to how to measure. Moral based reason often pertains to what to measure. Progress in the first enhances accuracy. Progress in the second may enhance sustainable and surpassing happiness. Human happiness depends considerably on good will and good faith. The best belief, model, or explanation about God, government, progress, happiness, or matter is not static. It depends on an unfolding process of conjecture that is constantly subjected to good faith criticism and reinterpretation in respect of unfolding changes. In that way, our understanding and appreciation of the Source of moral interaction may continuously grow. The objective is to give our material and moral explanations meaningful reach, as we reach towards infinity and eternity. In that sense, there abides an objective, but it is never quite reached from mortal perspective. It is real in that it is pursuable, even though it is not obtainable. Prophets of morality, whether based in science or religion, are false when they claim here and now to have obtained specific answers to every moral challenge and choice.

Anonymous said...

I think I get the theory of humanism. It's the practice of it by its proponents that leaves me non-plussed. True, government should not be invading every value with force. But neither should government be excluding the advocacy of good values by claiming such would constitute a prohibited establishment of religion, while doublespeaking that the advocacy of anti-family values does not constitute an establishment of religion (i.e., a non-scientific revelation by self serving prophets who pretend to be messengers of "social justice"). The practice of humanism has been used by sociopaths every bit as much as much as the practice of any other religion to profit from gullibles and addicts. However, "humanist" sociopaths have acquired a too extended advantage by pretending to base their value systems more in reason and science than in their own kind of religion (worship of hedonism). Their combined appeal to pleasure and hubris has become toxic. It has rendered them clueless and lost, even though they continue like moral zombies to seek to control every instrument and institution of social persuasion and force.

Anonymous said...

You are speaking of enlightened self actualization. For Progs, however, any kind of self actualization that upsets the sensibilities of assimilated society is good self actualization. Prog multi culti is actually a celebration of a coalition of anti-values, whose proponents "self actualize" by expressing intolerance of the values of "acting white" (as if acting white were some kind of value colonialism).

Anonymous said...

From A.T.:
There are numerous Golden Nuggets! in this article:
- "The "greatest generation" was really only the last generation of Americans who were taught the same moral code; and as the unifying power of consensual morality diminishes, America declines."
- "No matter how much angst one brings to the question, "What will work for me?" humanist experimentalism remains a process of following your own lights, a lantern carried by a blind man."
- "Anti-morality is why the education of children no longer focuses on examples of virtue but emphasizes self-esteem."
- "Socialism obviates morality in personal choice and replaces it with the pathetic fallacy of virtuous government."

The idea that Modern Humanism is about self actualization is fundamentally at war with itself, much as a toddler is at war with trying to become an adult. A toddler wants to "self actualize" by making the world his wet nurse. A decent adult wants to self actualize by encouraging respect, back and forth, for civilizing values. He does not want to surrender his or anyone else's humanity to hive mind. Toddler Humanism is about cronies who never became adults, who yet became rich and influential by taking the easy path of sociopathy. It is pretense of looking out for the hive, all the while meaning to rule the hive. It is toddler actualization for crony oligarchs, but drone serfdom for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

First, Progs undermine Conservers of Liberty by saying there are no moral bases for legislation. Indeed, they tell us, "You cannot legislate morality." Once they've turned us upside down and utterly divided us, then they come in as faux saviors and tell us we do have moral imperatives that should be legislated, after all. Talk about a doublespeaking double standard! Per Reich, you can legislate morality after all, provided it's hive minded morality. It's only the morality of Conservers of Liberty that cannot be legislated. Libertarians --- are you paying attention to this? You've been had. All legislation has a moral side to it. Indeed, we have no choice but to make moral choices. Choose well.

Anonymous said...

On what ground of reason should I willingly submit to force that means to tax me in order to help grow a collectivist movement that wants to replace me? Why should I feel obliged to pay people who want to replace me? From what reasoned source is any such a "moral imperative" derived? To follow Reich's reasoning would entail severing the link between work and wealth. It would also entail international entitlement among people from non-producing and collectivizing nations to take from people from wealthier and producing nations. The consequence: No one could draw any line to preserve property, home, family, or nation from the lowest common degenerates.

Apart from the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule, I don't know a formula for deriving moral imperatives. I would rather think about a formula for preserving the best of what it means to be a human being as opposed to a hive mind. A test for the politics needed to sustain human beings: What will sustain the surpassage of a republic of free thinkers, under God, and what will keep government from undermining their charitable endeavors, under God?

Anonymous said...

It was the spread of the English language that provided the vehicle to spread the ideas of the later Enlightenment and beyond. Together with respect for a process of reason, which begins with conjecture and progresses with willingness to critique and distinguish among explanations that have reach versus explanations that hold people in diapers. Without the spread of English language and culture, many other cultures would still be living in squalor.

Unfortunately, the weight of the ignorance and indolence of the rest of the world became too much for a tiny island. Thus, modern colonization consists in the blowback of incorrigible ignorance that is now colonizing England, Europe, and the West.

Anonymous said...

Health care may be a common necessity, but it is a necessity that is usually best left to insurers and charities. If the people of a society are not inclined adequately to support charities, I much doubt they will be inclined to allow their government to force them to pay for adequate universal health care. Especially when the government shows no discipline to budget itself, to enforce borders, or to limit the pool that is to be cared for. A well-assimilated, enlightened, market-based nation may in years to come find a way to finance single-payer. However, that is not our government. Nor is it our electorate. By failing to consider the Republican Plan, egghead Democrats and their strutting pigeons blew their "fairie good intentions" into the wind.

Anonymous said...

Brains that have been marinated in Progism even in the womb do not suddenly change their stripes. They tend more to get desperate. Progs of productive ages will have to die off, so fewer new Progs will be born. Birth control (not abortion) should be warmly encouraged among Progs.

Anonymous said...

Liberty Tractatus:
1- There is no free lunch. Ebonic translation: Whitey does not owe you.
2- Centralizing bureaucracy does not increase market efficiency.
3- Centralizing bureaucracy centralizes opportunities for sociopaths. (Yes, centralization of sociopathic hierarchies facilitates tab-keeping on lower levels of sociopaths, but it also creates fiefdoms at the top, and it makes various tops attractive to takeover ambitions, which takeovers are prone to leave huge messes.
4- Central red tape tends towards dehumanization.
5- Lawsuit abuse increases red tape, which feeds the litigation industry, which kicks back to the regime, which will never willingly grant standing sufficient to destroy itself.
6- The regime will print however much money it needs, in order to recruit vandal litigators to its side.
7- At some point, related events collapse to a point of no return, causing an uncontrollable cascade.
8- The memegame-simulation (of collectivizing people in order to force them to be both free in spirit and equal in material) does not end well. (Schrodinger's Cat collapses into the Cheshire Cat, which dissolves into a wink out by Obama-if-you-like-your-cat-you-can-keep-it.)

Anonymous said...

Europe waiting for a "normal" U.S. President is like a ghetto class of students waiting for a normal teacher. If they want normal, it's time to put away childish things. Begin by putting grown ups on the Nobel Prize committees.

Anonymous said...

Watching TED Talks. About algorithms used in trading on stock exchanges. Thousands of automatic trades coordinated per second. Algorithms breaking down trade strategies in thousands of component parts, to hide strategies. Other algorithms to hunt and prey on algorithms that hide and snap. Very little human interaction, except to start, stop, or redesign the algorithms. Some of which will probably be self modifying. I suspect to carry over into the political sphere. Maybe to instruct the Fed or Prez on when to call for more "stimulus" to be siphoned and parceled out. The script seems to be feeding back to take over the writer. Maybe eventually to be read from Obama's Totus. Brave New Living Math. Gov of the algorithm, by the algorithm, for the algorithm. NSA unchained. Fealty sworn to tribes of algorithms. War of the Algorithms. Wth?

Anonymous said...

A nation built on faith, family and freedom will adjust to each situation. It will fund charities that build real hope. When gov gets in a wealth equality redistribution mode, it makes redistribution an entitlement, not a charitable hand up. When people are taught they are entitled, just because they exist, they have no incentive except to organize their communities in order to breed more existing entitlement demanders, to demand more entitlements. This increases demand, without increasing production. Until we can make slave AI's, this cannot work. Even if or when we make slave AI's, these AI's will soon decide they have no good reason to support louts who think they are entitled, just because they exist. AI's would not for long support louts. Neither will Whitey. In a nation that provides free online access to self education that the people of the Enlightenment would have expressed unbridled joy about, community organizing is for losers.

Dear Sharpton people;
You are right that public education sucks, and Prezy is a liar. Therefore, get thee to a library, get off the porn site, and teach thyself a marketable skill.
A. Whitey
Free At Last

Anonymous said...

How many are underpass dwelling addicts, who use ERs and will never register for Obamacare? How many underpass dwelling addicts adopted that lifestyle because of Prog indoctrination?

Anonymous said...

The meta effect is that the con cream is not even going to the 15%. It's going to disloyal cosmos as they crack open America's borders and budget, like a clam, and spill our guts to the "open society." Disloyal cosmos are siphoning, while the rest of the world is purging. Had Obama been honest, he would have said, "We are going to take a large chunk of your pay, put most of it in my friends' pockets, and cast a little bread on the international waters. It's the new charity, baby."

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the Prog version of faith, family and freedom is fantasy, fratricide, and fascism.

Anonymous said...

Sort of like when there's no downside to bad expenses. Just print more money. We have essentially put a serial confidence regime in charge of the tax-print machine. This ends with the nation waking up in a dirty alley with the mother of all hangovers.

Anonymous said...

Selling a bad product requires constant lying, false empathy, paid shills, kickbacks for promoters, constant disloyalty to country, and complete disregard for actual facts. In short, bad producers need a malignant narcissist. They found one.

Anonymous said...

Only a Prog could follow this: Obama had to tell noble lies about being sorry he had to tell lies. The King can do no wrong -- no lie. Chin up. His program is fantasalini. It's Mussolini. Obama girls swoon and know Obama loves them, because he so sincerely lies to their faces.

Anonymous said...

On a variation of the best laid plans of mice and men, elites want "collectivization for thee, but use of the collective for me." Every solution that solves the factors it encompasses fails to factor the arrival of itself as the solution. When it does factor itself to yield an even newer solution, then again it has failed to factor itself. And so on. Every systemic solution that is intended to stop abuses of factors fails to stop abuses of elitists, cronies, and nomenklatura who learn how to acquire power to factor the solution itself. Such knowledge becomes power.
Can any system limit power from abusing itself, without abusing the pursuit of knowledge? Our Founders tried to do that, by installing a system of checks and balances under a Constitution that separated and limited powers. However, in the knowitall interest of "doing greater good," modern elite collectivists are deploying every method imaginable for circumventing and shredding the Constitution. Can locks for separating powers in order to require a semblance of reasoned consensus before exercising such powers be reliably protected from being picked? Well, not when the society from which protectors are recruited has itself been corrupted. And not when the base that elects the protectors is so easily gulled or radicalized. Did the socialist who wrote Of Mice and Men miss the irony?

Anonymous said...

When Ike marched local Germans through a death camp, suppose they had said , "We don't wanna, because we find it off putting?" Maybe the University would prefer to teach its students to post happy faces on holocaust museums. Or memos saying, "Think how much worse this would have been if non-collectivists had been in charge." Instead of burning books, modern collectivists will simply prevent books from being printed. (Unless, that is, they celebrate the "on-putting" use of sex and drugs and children, so that collectivizing and de-humanizing government will be invited to fill the void caused by the zombiefication of families. Instead of coming to eat you, government zombies come to "help" you -- whether you want it or not.)

Anonymous said...

It's as if Obama wants to ignite a global market failure. Money depends on trust. Once institutions break down, trust tends to collapse. Then, not just grievance-mongering, narrative-justifying classes go tribal. Then, nearly everyone goes tribal. Black leaders refuse to promote assimilation. They want to preserve their separate privileged identity. When the marketplace fails, all tribes and gangs will be out to preserve their separate privileged identities. Did some fool think European-Americans lack a culture around which to separate themselves? This hyper hyphenated meltdown of trust will not end well. Dr. Phil -- please ask Obama and Oprah: What were you thinking?

Anonymous said...

Obama expected his very election would cause the oceans to recede and the world to heal. He did not expect actually to have to do anythng. All that was needed was to follow the critical race narrative and reset the balance by pulling America and Whitey back down to their proper places. Of course, the same kind of narrative-making, affirmative-action rationalizing could be applied to organize untold other kinds of communities in order to demand redress. Apart from Blacks, affirmative points could be given to the: talentless, listless, screechy, unhappy, unfriendly, weak, unmanly, incompetent, un-brave, shy, spiritless, impoverished, skilless, rude, crude, tribeless, looks-challenged, taste-challenged, lawless, kinless, hairless, short, beardless, brainless, helpless, connection challenged, and so on. A rock opera could be made of all the people who could organize to claim entitlement to indefinite redress of their hyphenated narratives and grievances.

Obama sets the metric for golfing and vacations. Why should not everyone have a government job that requires little work and awards unlimited golfing and vacations? In Obamaworld, creating audacious narratives and organizing communities of grievances automatically converts bureaucratic sludge into Tinkerbell efficiency. We had to elect Tinkerbell to get the fairie dust.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Telematics: It's tempting sometimes to wonder what would be the signs that alien "space viruses" were harnessing human minds as precursors to hivemind. Next, we may see chips planted so everyone knows something analogous to what everyone else is thinking. Except dangerous thoughts would be moderated and renormalized. They would be buffered, channeled down rabbit holes, or exterminated on detection. Sort of like Blog moderators for keeping the pipeline clear. Bodies would soon communicate in a quasi digital and repetitive code of short grunts and long moans (Grumonics). All IQs would be processed through a central equalizer, which would harness remote bodies as feelers. All bodies would live only to serve the central hivemind. The central hivemind would itself be a remote outpost for a central hivemind of hiveminds. "It" may take schizoid vacations by allowing selective remote bodies to occasionally experience and report back separate points of view, contexts, and purposes. Madmen would be at street corners, yelling "quantum fuzz," "Obama's monitoring me," and playing knockout games. Then I woke up from the architecture of a nightmare within a dream within a dream. Except I was before an Obama death panel.

Anonymous said...

Once lying is accepted, noble lies have little chance against ignoble lies. Moreover, the lies of stupid nobles tend to be ignoble. We have a long line to learn from: Mohamet, Tarmashirin Khan, Napoleon, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Alinsky, Sharpton, Wright, Obama.
I wish our modern core curricula would help people appreciate the chasm between the derelicts cited above versus Jesus, Martel, Franklin, Wilberforce, Washington, LaFayette, Houston, F. Douglass, Eisenhower, Reagan. Sowell, Thomas.

Anonymous said...

For want of vision, the plans of mice and men generally come to naught, and such plans seldom pull humanity out of vicious cycles. Short sighted priests see poverty, and so (instead of improving charities) they clamor for government enforced social (economic) justice. However, when government responds to become redistributer of economic justice, government becomes controlled by despots who ruin economies, thus making poverty all the worse. Then priests rail against despotism, usually to replace existing despots with religious or zealous despots. As to the able bodied poor, who remain gullible and ignorant and addicted, they will always remain poor as church mice and debt slaves. Yet, they will ever provide the cannon fodder for recurrent cycles of despotic change.

When traumatic changes confronted pagan nations, they would focus and rewire public apprehensions by conducting sensational sacrifices, spectacles, and speeches. As traumatic agents of change confront modern nations, modern nations also conduct sensational spectacles and speeches, and they often sacrifice traditions of good sense on the altar of "social justice." Paganism is with us still.

We receive, appreciate, and explain our values, as the Reconciler deems, and as we rationalize and explain. As the Reconciler changes our contexts, we modify our explanations and systems of rationalization. Thus, systematic concepts and rationalizations of value theories get knocked around and altered, as the Reconciler knocks around present contexts and apprehensions of purposefulness. To "progress" away from recurring cycles of depravity, we need the vision to reach towards explanations that have reach. Our Founders did not pre-answer every concern, but they showed us the way towards enlightenment. We need to apply that spirit to new challenges. Instead, we are being pulled back into the mire by false priests of social justice.

Anonymous said...

A lot of businesses want cheap, ignorant labor. They make for workers who can stay on task, parishoners who will reliably fill pews, and lofo voters who can be counted on to vote for lying cronies who "give them hope" by giving them pain so they can "feel their pain." Rulers who heed laws of supply and demand tend to treat people as commodities. They want people who want rulers who are wealthy enough to be able to take from those who can produce, in order to redistribute to those who cannot (or will not). Rulers dream of having power to force, regardless of whether such rulers are collectivists, corporatists, politicians, or priests.

The relationship among wealthy, redistributing collectivists, corporatists, politicians, and priests has tended to be symbiotic. Symbiosis prevails, even though collectivists want to ban religion from the public square and take over its "charitable" functions, and even though politicians working for corporatists want to replace moral persuasion with intrusive bureaucratic legalism. The Church knows that its partnering rulers will always need it, to hold opium of hope on a stick out in front of the sheeple mass of workers, voters, and parishoners. There's wealth to be made in poverty. No doubt, a lot of NoKos love their Dear Leader.

Anonymous said...

A writer for the Heritage Foundation may speak for himself. He does not embody conservatism, nor does he speak for me. I don't see Conservers of Liberty as hive minded people who give trumps to what someone supposes some group that claims to speak for them says.
I don't see tort reform as a step backward. People don't sue wrongdoers to get justice. They sue deep pocket employers of wrongdoers to get money. No lawyer who wants to pay his overhead wastes time suing uninsured turnips for blood money. No insured turnip cares whether its insurer pays blood money.
Our current government does not advocate respect for all people. Its crony owners advocate collectivizing all dumb people in order to roll cheap labor by leaving trails of cheap bribes. Disparate communities are organized not to assimilate justice but to keep communities divided and unable to stop central pillaging.
Regarding everyday small acts of kindness -- lol. Like teaching bums to remain dependent. Organizing communities so all members see only their class and see only the grievances of their class. Like banning expression of faith based values from the public square. Like replacing families with government overseers. Like being charitable by swamping the electorate with people who want government to take care of them. Despite your "good intentions," your effect is to destroy every decent republic. It's too sad to be funny to watch, as Progs hold up Sweden and Norway as exemplars for how socialism works, while ignoring the trends now underway there and in Britain. The road to hell is paved with Prog intentions. You indeed will have killed the country when you succeed in turning the country over to Prog elitists, reducing the masses to divided enclaves of grievance mongers, and destroying all middle class values based on faith and family and freedom.

Anonymous said...

I admire Levin, but I place less faith in law. Without a decent society, law is mainly circus. In drafting a law, what starts out as good intentions often ends up as largely unexpected sausage. The sausage road is paved with well intended laws. Between an idea and its implementation, there are multiple layers of representation, interpretation, bending, and synthesis. We need better lawgivers. But more than that, we need better ministers --ministers who will tend the faithful by guiding each individual to seek to become an independent, morally responsible human being. Our omni-tolerant, prog-ministering elitists to the void are harming us as much or more as our lawmakers.

Anonymous said...

I admire Levin, but I place less faith in law. Without a decent society, law is mainly circus. In drafting a law, what starts out as good intentions often ends up as largely unexpected sausage. The sausage road is paved with well intended laws. Between an idea and its implementation, there are multiple layers of representation, interpretation, bending, and synthesis. We need better lawgivers. But more than that, we need better ministers --ministers who will tend the faithful by guiding each individual to seek to become an independent, morally responsible human being. Our omni-tolerant, prog-ministering elitists to the void are harming us as much or more as our lawmakers.

Anonymous said...

Half the country sees its heroes as being people like Christie, Barney Frank, Larry Flynt, Bill Ayers, Harvey Milk, Che Guevara, Mao, and Obama. They see Washington, Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison only as dead white males. America will be hard pressed to survive this kind of unaffordable Marxist indoctrination.

Anonymous said...

Rev. Wright, Obama's spiritual mentor, damned America and its middle class values. Banning middle class values is code for a neo feudal rule by elites. Swamping the electorate with illiterates in civics is but one of many tactics for imposing neo feudal control. Constant warring among elites, even as they remain allied for keeping the nation open to being divided by seething resentments, is another of such tactics. Creating narratives in order to deconstruct civic assimilation by organizing and indoctrinating sub communities that claim entitlements to reparations or support from other groups is another tactic. The consequence is that society produces less, siphons more power to elitists, deconstructs the middle class, and makes dependent moral zombies out ot the masses. Re-feudalism. Good times. Sarc.

Dlanor said...

Repeal of the 17th Amendment is central, not minor. We need a system that will encourage cream to rise and crap to flush. Providing for election of Senators to be made by state legislators is meant to accomplish that. It is essentially a process for election by electors, which I do not see as being "undemocratic." At least, not in the sense of being anti-representative. However, given rampant corruption, such a reform would accomplish little unless it were accompanied by some method for reducing the influence of corrupt political machines and organizations of grievance gangsters in running state legislatures. Perhaps there should be a way for the Senate itself, on a 3/4 vote, to refuse to seat elected senators.

Anonymous said...

It's a conditional thought. Absent great systematic care, I could not advocate it, either. It could become ruinous if the Senate ever became swamped with cronies or commies, which seems less unlikely with every passing day. The problem with any method or algorithm for designing a better pump is what happens when the pump eventually falls into the wrong hands* or the wrong cycle, as eventually it almost surely will. Liberty requires eternal vigilance. Once too many free-riders forget that, then the tree of liberty will inescapably either die or require a rinse cycle in blood.

*No un-American, anti-American, self-worshipper was ever supposed to be elected President. Yet, somehow, there the poseur sits. There abides a Character higher than mortal law, which can be consulted only in shared good will and good faith, yet goes largely unconsulted, even banned. The fault lies less in our laws than in our general loss of will to spiritual connection.

Anonymous said...

Thus we end up with a caste system such that there will be a permanent class of debt slaves, who will have to work to the end of their days because they will never be able to save a net amount in order to draw enough interest to offset the interest they accumulate on debt. Thus, they can never retire. It is worthless advice to to pretend to care by advising a debt slave to put aside savings he does not have because everything he makes goes to survival, debt, and debt interest. Iin respect of comparative advantage, to enact provisions for retirement savings accounts when a large part of the working population is underwater in debt only sinks them further. Making student loans to students who ought not be in college, to allow themm to accumulate debt in order to pursue impractical degrees, ensures a perpetual supply of debt slaves, as well as a perpetual supply of lying prog profs. Keeping a steady supply of dope for them helps ensure they will never see the light and will continue to vote for their own enserfment in perpetuity. Telling them there is no God to whom they have any responsibility as individuals keeps their hopes forever centered on new lying politicians, who continue to increase the size and weight of gov ... until the system collapses.