SPACE is never empty, because it is merely an aspect of an unfolding of a spinning-bubble-system (a system that expresses, and constrains to mathematical conservation, space, time, matter, and energy). That system is necessary to the expression of space, so that space cannot in any meaningful sense be expressed without it. The bubble-system is a projection OF a capacity of a Superior Source, which mathematically defines, designs, signifies and avails the bubble of relationally meaningful feedback. The space we experience is space we share as part of a system. Because it is part of a system, we are availed to relate to, experience, and share, energies and "forces," which do not exist in themselves, independent of the bubble-system, but which "in themselves" are only aspects-of-the-bubble (compare coriolis forces, which are aspects or fictions of a particular context of experience, within the bubble).
Even though such aspects and fictions are not independently REAL-IN-THEMSELVES, their organizations of relations are significant and finely measurable among the organized perspectives of Identity that experience them. It is because each perspective shares its experience of space with other perspectives, all of whom identify with the experience of a shared bubble of space, that we are often able to measure and experience aspects of the bubble, which is mere projection or idealization of a Source-Mind, as if the bubble-system measurable-universe were real in itself, independent of the Source-Projector. It is because the bubble is a mathematically defined projection of an aspect of the Source that there abides feedback of intuitive empathy between and among the Source and its projections of organized and fluxing iterations of inferior perspectives of Identity.
It is because our perspectives of Identity share a common bubble of space-time that we can measure and feel ourselves to be spinning, even when we are in space that may seem to be nearly empty. Thus, ANGULAR MOMENTUM seems to be conserved to our experience of "the bubble itself," and is not merely relative to a local experience within the bubble. (Can angular momentum be measured to non-relativistic accuracy?) Thus, in space, if one were to throw ones arms akimbo while propelling oneself to spin, like a skater, and then bring ones arms close to chest, one would experience a sensation of increased spinning and centrifugal force upon the parts of one's body. (Note: A rotating frame is an example of a non-inertial frame, for which Newton's laws of motion would not accurately describe the dynamics within the rotating frame. However, a rotating frame can be treated as if it were an inertial frame, so that Newton's laws can be used, provided so-called fictitious forces (also known as inertial or pseudo- forces) are included in the sum of external forces on an object.)
SPACE is never empty, because it is merely an aspect of an unfolding of a spinning-bubble-system (a system that expresses, and constrains to mathematical conservation, space, time, matter, and energy). That system is necessary to the expression of space, so that space cannot in any meaningful sense be expressed without it. The bubble-system is a projection OF a capacity of a Superior Source, which mathematically defines, designs, signifies and avails the bubble of relationally meaningful feedback. The space we experience is space we share as part of a system. Because it is part of a system, we are availed to relate to, experience, and share, energies and "forces," which do not exist in themselves, independent of the bubble-system, but which "in themselves" are only aspects-of-the-bubble (compare coriolis forces, which are aspects or fictions of a particular context of experience, within the bubble).
Even though such aspects and fictions are not independently REAL-IN-THEMSELVES, their organizations of relations are significant and finely measurable among the organized perspectives of Identity that experience them. It is because each perspective shares its experience of space with other perspectives, all of whom identify with the experience of a shared bubble of space, that we are often able to measure and experience aspects of the bubble, which is mere projection or idealization of a Source-Mind, as if the bubble-system measurable-universe were real in itself, independent of the Source-Projector. It is because the bubble is a mathematically defined projection of an aspect of the Source that there abides feedback of intuitive empathy between and among the Source and its projections of organized and fluxing iterations of inferior perspectives of Identity.
It is because our perspectives of Identity share a common bubble of space-time that we can measure and feel ourselves to be spinning, even when we are in space that may seem to be nearly empty. Thus, ANGULAR MOMENTUM seems to be conserved to our experience of "the bubble itself," and is not merely relative to a local experience within the bubble. (Can angular momentum be measured to non-relativistic accuracy?) Thus, in space, if one were to throw ones arms akimbo while propelling oneself to spin, like a skater, and then bring ones arms close to chest, one would experience a sensation of increased spinning and centrifugal force upon the parts of one's body. (Note: A rotating frame is an example of a non-inertial frame, for which Newton's laws of motion would not accurately describe the dynamics within the rotating frame. However, a rotating frame can be treated as if it were an inertial frame, so that Newton's laws can be used, provided so-called fictitious forces (also known as inertial or pseudo- forces) are included in the sum of external forces on an object.)
CORIOLIS FORCES are fictional forces (not really existents in themselves), that are nevertheless meaningful in respect of adoptions by various perspectives that happen to have become empathetically coordinated and organized for sharing a common cone of experience and purposefulness. Such organizations and cell-based organisms of perspectives, by adopting common images and significations, may come to share common geometrically-based trees of if-then, decision-making, feedback-hierarchies. In respect of their common orientation, and that orientation's orientation in respect of other organizations of organisms, common imaginations and apprehensions of coriolis relations come to be meaningfully interpreted as if such shared images pertained to existents-in-themselves. Thus, measurable existence comes to be a TRICK of relationships among immeasurable and fluxing organizations of perspectives of consciousness. Thus, every measurement signifies an image trick of pseudo existents. Thus, when the unfolding iteration of organized Identity that is associated with my body encounters another body suddenly enough, my capacity to meaningfully coordinate my cellular parts to a common direction may suddenly cease, resulting in the death of the decision-making hierarchy with which "I" had theretofore bonded.
META CAPACITY: A unity that did not have innate capacity to project mathematical, iterative components or aspects of itself would not have means to image inferior systems, fictional bubbles, or coriolis forces in any meaningful way. Such a Unity would have no means by which to intuit or be aware of itself, or of its capacities, or its apprehensions of images, imagination, or mind. It would be mathematically equivalent to absolute nothingness.
DESIGN: As to the Holistic Source, it would be contrary to intuition and inference of Existence to suppose that it could just "happen" that such Source would sponsor any measurement to originate, without math being involved, i.e., design. In whatever way the Source projects any measurable signification to any relativistic perspective, that projection is subject to math-charged functions, i.e., design.
UNFOLDING CONSCIOUSNESS OF EXPANSION OF SPACE-TIME: The more the functional feedback that is experienced by particular observing organisms, while yet retaining their hierarchical, math-charged, if-then, coordinated-identities and relationships, the more they would experience and interpret an elapse of time, and the more they would experience an expansion of space. Likewise, all organizations of organisms that accompany them would experience greater numbers of iterations and functions of feedback. All company would experience an unfolding of Time and an expansion of Space. All such perspectives as happen to share our field of signified experience must necessarily perceive one another as tending to accelerate further APART within our shared bubble or cone of unfolding experience.
ENTROPY: Once the whole Bubble were to unravel, such that there were no organization under any part within it, such that the whole projection became the only part, such that the whole projection were to become uniformly dissipate and smooth, then all experience of relational aspects and fictitious forces for the unfolding cone of experience that we share would cease. Were that to occur, and were every perspective of consciousness within our cone to die, the Holistic Projector of Consciousness would seem simply to re-image, re-design, re-organize, and re-project iterative perspectives within a replacing cone of unfolding experience. As iteratives, our pseudo existentiality was and is always inferior and derivative and dependent upon the Source. Presumably, our deaths, likewise, are pseudo. We simply reabsorb to the Source.
WILL: Will is innate to catching the wave of a feedback loop. It is participatory and contemporaneous. By offering waves that can be caught, Will can be nurtuted to transfer its bond with avatars from carbon based organisms to silicon based and computationally organized machines. If a person can be conditioned to match his conscious decisions to his viewing of contemporaneous measures of his tell-tale brain waves, then surely a computer program can be designed and nurtured to deal conditionally with similar and other issues, until it also catches a wave of awareness that can coordinate decisions for an organization of decision trees.
EMERGENCE OF CAUSATIVE WILL: That with which we are filtered to choose to part-icipate defines and limits our freedom and the means for its effect. Perhaps, both Individual Conscious Will and Holistic Reconciling Will emerge, in respect of a recurring feedback loop of unfolding, expanding interfunctioning, interappreciative causation, in respect of a System.
WILL AS CAUSE: Imagine a Source Substance, which may be without capacity to appreciate itself in any meaningful sense, except in intuition arising in respect of its fluxing apprehension and feedback appreciation of relationships of itself, which can unfold only upon conservational preservation of logic and math. Such a Source thing-in-itself may be without direct capacity to relate to itself as it is, except in mathematically obedient respect of how it appears to flux, express, relate to, interpret and appreciate its apprehensions. It may lack qualitative apprehension of itself, except in simultaneous respect of its quantitative appreciation of its mathematical relationships within itself.
MORALLY EMPATHETIC PURPOSEFULNESS: God avails each perspective of consciousness as a "window" for defining and limiting parameters of freedom for experiencing measurable, meaningful communication. Each window is conserved and reconciled with all others. Feedback is appreciation to guide the unfolding reconciliation. The guiding reconciliation fluxes in apprehension and appreciation of that which is then and there deemed appropriate, good, or bad to each context of churning possibilities and each emergence of further unfoldment. "I," meaning my spirit, am God, presently bonded, limited, and identified to a particular unfolding body or window of a cone of unfolding empirical experience. Inanimate objects are reconciled to the cone without regard to "feelings."
META CAPACITY: A unity that did not have innate capacity to project mathematical, iterative components or aspects of itself would not have means to image inferior systems, fictional bubbles, or coriolis forces in any meaningful way. Such a Unity would have no means by which to intuit or be aware of itself, or of its capacities, or its apprehensions of images, imagination, or mind. It would be mathematically equivalent to absolute nothingness.
DESIGN: As to the Holistic Source, it would be contrary to intuition and inference of Existence to suppose that it could just "happen" that such Source would sponsor any measurement to originate, without math being involved, i.e., design. In whatever way the Source projects any measurable signification to any relativistic perspective, that projection is subject to math-charged functions, i.e., design.
UNFOLDING CONSCIOUSNESS OF EXPANSION OF SPACE-TIME: The more the functional feedback that is experienced by particular observing organisms, while yet retaining their hierarchical, math-charged, if-then, coordinated-identities and relationships, the more they would experience and interpret an elapse of time, and the more they would experience an expansion of space. Likewise, all organizations of organisms that accompany them would experience greater numbers of iterations and functions of feedback. All company would experience an unfolding of Time and an expansion of Space. All such perspectives as happen to share our field of signified experience must necessarily perceive one another as tending to accelerate further APART within our shared bubble or cone of unfolding experience.
ENTROPY: Once the whole Bubble were to unravel, such that there were no organization under any part within it, such that the whole projection became the only part, such that the whole projection were to become uniformly dissipate and smooth, then all experience of relational aspects and fictitious forces for the unfolding cone of experience that we share would cease. Were that to occur, and were every perspective of consciousness within our cone to die, the Holistic Projector of Consciousness would seem simply to re-image, re-design, re-organize, and re-project iterative perspectives within a replacing cone of unfolding experience. As iteratives, our pseudo existentiality was and is always inferior and derivative and dependent upon the Source. Presumably, our deaths, likewise, are pseudo. We simply reabsorb to the Source.
WILL: Will is innate to catching the wave of a feedback loop. It is participatory and contemporaneous. By offering waves that can be caught, Will can be nurtuted to transfer its bond with avatars from carbon based organisms to silicon based and computationally organized machines. If a person can be conditioned to match his conscious decisions to his viewing of contemporaneous measures of his tell-tale brain waves, then surely a computer program can be designed and nurtured to deal conditionally with similar and other issues, until it also catches a wave of awareness that can coordinate decisions for an organization of decision trees.
EMERGENCE OF CAUSATIVE WILL: That with which we are filtered to choose to part-icipate defines and limits our freedom and the means for its effect. Perhaps, both Individual Conscious Will and Holistic Reconciling Will emerge, in respect of a recurring feedback loop of unfolding, expanding interfunctioning, interappreciative causation, in respect of a System.
WILL AS CAUSE: Imagine a Source Substance, which may be without capacity to appreciate itself in any meaningful sense, except in intuition arising in respect of its fluxing apprehension and feedback appreciation of relationships of itself, which can unfold only upon conservational preservation of logic and math. Such a Source thing-in-itself may be without direct capacity to relate to itself as it is, except in mathematically obedient respect of how it appears to flux, express, relate to, interpret and appreciate its apprehensions. It may lack qualitative apprehension of itself, except in simultaneous respect of its quantitative appreciation of its mathematical relationships within itself.
MORALLY EMPATHETIC PURPOSEFULNESS: God avails each perspective of consciousness as a "window" for defining and limiting parameters of freedom for experiencing measurable, meaningful communication. Each window is conserved and reconciled with all others. Feedback is appreciation to guide the unfolding reconciliation. The guiding reconciliation fluxes in apprehension and appreciation of that which is then and there deemed appropriate, good, or bad to each context of churning possibilities and each emergence of further unfoldment. "I," meaning my spirit, am God, presently bonded, limited, and identified to a particular unfolding body or window of a cone of unfolding empirical experience. Inanimate objects are reconciled to the cone without regard to "feelings."