I doubt any specific literalistic belief in supernatural concerns is any more important than a talisman or magic incantation. But I do think religious metaphors serve an important function as a common language for beginning discussion. Churches provide a place to assimilate moral empathies: Come let us reason together. The idea of a Godhead facilitates that. More so, I think, than religious like faith in secular government. I prefer that people voluntarily assimilate their moral purposefulness, than that gov elites order them.
AXIOMS: Although we proceed from differing axioms, we probably reach the same place on masurables.
However, we likely do arrive at different values with regard to central regulation under elitist knowitallism. I prefer assimilation under a guiding meta-reconciler. This will not be resolved in logic, math, or science.
Regardless, my position does not weaken science. The question is: Does your system (or what you would impose?) unnecessarily weaken needed forums for assimilating moral purposefulness?
There is an interesting series on Netflix about Genius (ancient). It discusses the Buddha, Socrates, and Confucius. I suspect they were chosen because, in their philosophies about morality, they showed more concern about observable nature than about supernatural God. The same may be said of Ayn Rand, Isaac, Asimov, and David Deutsch. I do not think it was necessary for their philosophies to take a position with regard to God. Nor do I think they really undertook to discredit God. Indeed, I accept many of their positions, but I do not think it necessary to any of them to try to discredit God.
They believed in responsible individualism, conscience. That the material self, when based on ruling others, offers only delusion. I accept many of their main points, but I do not consider my self to be an atheist. Nor do I consider atheism to be a system of thought of to avail a coherent system.
I do not believe their key points are contradictory to the essential message of Jesus -- with regard to the Trinity, the Great Commandment (good faith) or the Golden Rule (good will). Nor contrary to the freedom and dignity of individual citizens.
God by any other name would still be God. For myself, God may just as well be conceptualized as a necessary, fundamental, connecting, innately empathetic, reconciling, aspect of Consciousness. The Godhead would be comprised of a flux of Consciousness, Substance, and Information. (Evidence: All signs measurable obey law of Conserver. Direct experience of Consciousness.)
Concerns: Is there good reason to believe the reconciling Consciousness feels MY fears and joys? Does it ever forget Me? How can IT possibly know all the fears and joys of all the perspectives of Consciousness? Is it necessary to a concept of morality; is it a helpmate to assimilate moral purposefulness? Does what I express factor to influence IT?
JESUS WEPT: Does the Godhead qualitatively feel my pain and joy? I think, Yes, though I do not know that such belief is necessary.
Does the Godhead forever remember "my" pain and joy? Perhaps not. CSI fluxes. However, the situations in which consciousness, generally, experiences pain and joy are multiplicitous yet repetitive. Surely, the General I-ness will re-feel the pain and joy my temporal self has felt, countless times. At its core, that C-ness is of each of us, connecting to each of us, in innate empathy (unfolding good faith and good will). My material self will flux and dissipate. In that respect, my spiritual essence will abide, perpetually.
In reason, why would not the Godhead --- with the qualitatives of Consciousness, the quantitatives of Substance, and the memory storage of Information, be availed power to leverage, factor, feel, and reconcile my fears and joys? Why, as Reconciler/Conserver, should IT not allow what I express or factor to influence or signify to IT, as Conserver-Fractal-Reconciler of the Cosmos? Why suppose IT's reach in qualitatives should be any less astounding than IT's reach in meta-fluxes and fractals?
UPSHOT: Humanity, without an ideal of an inviting moral Reconciler, would be the poorer for losing forums for coming to reason together in a recognizable language of spiritual metaphors --- in order to inspire, assimilate, and appreciate moral purposefulness. Without such an ideal, civilization would suffer and mankind would become subhuman. IMO. Cite: History.
Systems based in pure materialism often float demonic, self-godded, lyng Oligarchs to power, everywhere. Including in America and China.
Other nations and cultures often revile Americans not for their ideals but for falling so far from them, by allowing themselves to ceaselessly promote and be ruled under self-godded, morally corrupt, oligarchs. Their angst is multiplied as they recognize that the brutality of the modern world, especially during the first half of the 20th Century, has continued to put their own cultures under similarly corrupt rule. They recognize how far practical reality is removed from big lying idealism.
Many people of China were trained under Confucianism, with regard for familial virtue throughout institutions and rulers. They want virtue and virtuous rulers. They want to get away from immoderation, war and corruption. But the 20th Century would not let them. So they tipped to lying immoderation in their ideals, which resulted in totalitarian communism, i.e., an excuse for self-godded nomenklatura to farm the masses, with the withering away of the state only a grand big lie.
Today, communism is recognized as a failed ideal, but so is phony free trade and capitalism. So China has a hybrid of rule under phony princeling-capitalists. Yet, they have an ideal of cultural assimilation. Under any NWO, they would see their society as superior. Under Confucianism, they likely would hope eventually to assimilate a superior republic that would accord familial respect for independent thought throughout the republic-family.
However, that ideal and hope will be subordinated to rule under princeling-capitalists, until the brutal threats under modern harsh self-goddingness can be subjugated. The harshness is reflected in their brutal policy of one-child per family. IOW, they rely on their own self-goddeds to protect them from other self-goddeds.
Without respect for a process for assimilating good faith, we are lost to lying self-godded demons.
What we have in the world are self-goddeds ruling and competing over every divided nation-culture. Who can say where this will lead? Confucius died bitter. But his devotees planted trees and kept his dream alive: That humanity should rule itself more as a virtuous family than as farm animals under the totalitarian rule of brutal despots. That we should assimilate virtue, more so than legislate it. Faith, family, fidelity, instead of humans being farmed under giant goose steps of legalese and big lies.
Where has there been good city planning? NYC, LA, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, New Orleans? What urban centers have not fallen to oligarchic depredations leading to divided ghettos and corrupt mayors? Without an assimilating morality that produces a decent and educated citizenry, what good is more money and power to urban planners?
What marks an act or thing as temporally right or wrong is not in the act or thing itself, but in how it is assimilated over time in a feedback process with that which reconciles history. The process is dynamic. If we want to promote the farming of most people as animals, with the fairness of that entrusted to moral scientisimists, we can conceptualize a justness to that. How the Reconciler manifests to any given world or time is influenced by how various temporal agents conceptualize. Over time, we become what we conceptualize.
The writing seems to be on the wall that much of the world wants to conceptualize moral fairness and equality as something not to be entrusted to each person in his/her relationship with higher mindedness, but instead to be entrusted to those who make themselves wealthy and powerful enough to control the media that shapes most minds and what is politically permissible for them to believe.
When people think and act in good faith and good will, they can be conceptualized as acting in respect of Godliness -- whether or not they want to use that term. A person can be godly and still be repulsed by the term.
Regardless, when that which is good or godly is removed from the assimilative discussion of the masses (in public squares and churches) and handed over to moral scientisimists, that marks a sudden turn back to fascist despotism.
Much of the God debate is silly, because it is a debate that is controlled by conceptualizations. If moral goodliness is conceptualized as based on a connecting, reconciling capacity for empathy (good faith and good will), then God can be conceptualized as simply the innate source for that connecting, reconciling empathy. Such conceptualization implicates respect for goodliness that is beyond oneself, which is the basis for higher mindedness. Conscious Mind is such that, if given the same particular origin and sequential unfoldment of experiences, it would generally signify the manifestations of its mortal perspectives in the same way. Under that conceptualization, thou art simply a (local, temporal) agent for the Reconciling God. As ye conceptualize, so shall your soul (and your civilization) be turned.
What is the consequence of deep seated lack of higher mindedness? Well, it is the reverse toilet. The promotion of self serving crap over the free thinking society. Expulsion of moral debate from the public square, with replacement by moral scientismists in the employ of corrupt people farmers. Tenure for those willing to deny freedom of expression in order to serve some rising despot's twisting of "fairness and equality." Political favors for money laundering pigs at the public trough. Constant agitation and division of the masses in order to enrich and empower the few. Selective advantage to the most corrupt and evil of people farming wannabes, whose debate skills center around putting makeup on their demons.
Every society that sins greatly will eventually fight sin with sin. Great goats will need to be made and then sacrificed. For idiotic Proggies, the goat-du-jour is the white male Christian American. When the battle gets hot and we tire of being made the goat, we will return the favor. The alternative is to allow the destruction of the faith, family, and fidelity that is essential to sustain decent civilization.
Unfortunately, few responsible brains remain among our multifarious institutions. Most brains have been bribed, intimidated, compromised, drugged, indoctrinated, or overrun. Indeed, our colleges are filled with sods who actually go into great debt to become indoctrinated to serve the new world enserfment.
EDIT: Like their heroes, they want to get scruued, and likely they will get scruued.
Societies that broadly respect rather than punish the moral responsibility of family units have been rare. Such societies are hard to establish, but easy to undermine. Almost inevitably, they are undermined by clueless narcissists whose perpetual infantilism was made possible only because of such family units. They destroy what they utterly fail to appreciate. They are proof you can put lipstick on squishes. And now, too many otherwise decent people are running from the squishes --- turning them into role models instead of ridiculing and reviling them. We felt so sorry on account of their victim act that we allowed them, in recompense, to undermine our civilization.
EDIT: To feel the absurdity, imagine Spartans running from men in lace and lipstick.
Use Fake Science to divide and rule. Support the Left as it divides. Support the Right as it replaces individual responsibility with herd control under elite scientisimists. Wallah! The open range, free cowboying of the intimidated herds. Git along little doggies, it's your misfortune.
Our system has been made a reverse toilet, as it projects crap to the uppermost positions of power, while resolutely refusing to flush it. It appears, indeed, that you can put lipstick on a t***,
Christianity does not seem complicated. The Godhead is Trinitarian. Yolo is false. Good faith and good will are important. Honoring your father and mother is important. It is only when schools under authoritarians claim special license to speak or interpret directly for Christ and power to enforce such interpretation on pain of confiscation. torture or death that such so-called schools become complicated.
AXIOMS: Although we proceed from differing axioms, we probably reach the same place on masurables.
However, we likely do arrive at different values with regard to central regulation under elitist knowitallism. I prefer assimilation under a guiding meta-reconciler. This will not be resolved in logic, math, or science.
Regardless, my position does not weaken science. The question is: Does your system (or what you would impose?) unnecessarily weaken needed forums for assimilating moral purposefulness?
There is an interesting series on Netflix about Genius (ancient). It discusses the Buddha, Socrates, and Confucius. I suspect they were chosen because, in their philosophies about morality, they showed more concern about observable nature than about supernatural God. The same may be said of Ayn Rand, Isaac, Asimov, and David Deutsch. I do not think it was necessary for their philosophies to take a position with regard to God. Nor do I think they really undertook to discredit God. Indeed, I accept many of their positions, but I do not think it necessary to any of them to try to discredit God.
They believed in responsible individualism, conscience. That the material self, when based on ruling others, offers only delusion. I accept many of their main points, but I do not consider my self to be an atheist. Nor do I consider atheism to be a system of thought of to avail a coherent system.
I do not believe their key points are contradictory to the essential message of Jesus -- with regard to the Trinity, the Great Commandment (good faith) or the Golden Rule (good will). Nor contrary to the freedom and dignity of individual citizens.
God by any other name would still be God. For myself, God may just as well be conceptualized as a necessary, fundamental, connecting, innately empathetic, reconciling, aspect of Consciousness. The Godhead would be comprised of a flux of Consciousness, Substance, and Information. (Evidence: All signs measurable obey law of Conserver. Direct experience of Consciousness.)
Concerns: Is there good reason to believe the reconciling Consciousness feels MY fears and joys? Does it ever forget Me? How can IT possibly know all the fears and joys of all the perspectives of Consciousness? Is it necessary to a concept of morality; is it a helpmate to assimilate moral purposefulness? Does what I express factor to influence IT?
JESUS WEPT: Does the Godhead qualitatively feel my pain and joy? I think, Yes, though I do not know that such belief is necessary.
Does the Godhead forever remember "my" pain and joy? Perhaps not. CSI fluxes. However, the situations in which consciousness, generally, experiences pain and joy are multiplicitous yet repetitive. Surely, the General I-ness will re-feel the pain and joy my temporal self has felt, countless times. At its core, that C-ness is of each of us, connecting to each of us, in innate empathy (unfolding good faith and good will). My material self will flux and dissipate. In that respect, my spiritual essence will abide, perpetually.
In reason, why would not the Godhead --- with the qualitatives of Consciousness, the quantitatives of Substance, and the memory storage of Information, be availed power to leverage, factor, feel, and reconcile my fears and joys? Why, as Reconciler/Conserver, should IT not allow what I express or factor to influence or signify to IT, as Conserver-Fractal-Reconciler of the Cosmos? Why suppose IT's reach in qualitatives should be any less astounding than IT's reach in meta-fluxes and fractals?
UPSHOT: Humanity, without an ideal of an inviting moral Reconciler, would be the poorer for losing forums for coming to reason together in a recognizable language of spiritual metaphors --- in order to inspire, assimilate, and appreciate moral purposefulness. Without such an ideal, civilization would suffer and mankind would become subhuman. IMO. Cite: History.
Systems based in pure materialism often float demonic, self-godded, lyng Oligarchs to power, everywhere. Including in America and China.
Other nations and cultures often revile Americans not for their ideals but for falling so far from them, by allowing themselves to ceaselessly promote and be ruled under self-godded, morally corrupt, oligarchs. Their angst is multiplied as they recognize that the brutality of the modern world, especially during the first half of the 20th Century, has continued to put their own cultures under similarly corrupt rule. They recognize how far practical reality is removed from big lying idealism.
Many people of China were trained under Confucianism, with regard for familial virtue throughout institutions and rulers. They want virtue and virtuous rulers. They want to get away from immoderation, war and corruption. But the 20th Century would not let them. So they tipped to lying immoderation in their ideals, which resulted in totalitarian communism, i.e., an excuse for self-godded nomenklatura to farm the masses, with the withering away of the state only a grand big lie.
Today, communism is recognized as a failed ideal, but so is phony free trade and capitalism. So China has a hybrid of rule under phony princeling-capitalists. Yet, they have an ideal of cultural assimilation. Under any NWO, they would see their society as superior. Under Confucianism, they likely would hope eventually to assimilate a superior republic that would accord familial respect for independent thought throughout the republic-family.
However, that ideal and hope will be subordinated to rule under princeling-capitalists, until the brutal threats under modern harsh self-goddingness can be subjugated. The harshness is reflected in their brutal policy of one-child per family. IOW, they rely on their own self-goddeds to protect them from other self-goddeds.
Without respect for a process for assimilating good faith, we are lost to lying self-godded demons.
What we have in the world are self-goddeds ruling and competing over every divided nation-culture. Who can say where this will lead? Confucius died bitter. But his devotees planted trees and kept his dream alive: That humanity should rule itself more as a virtuous family than as farm animals under the totalitarian rule of brutal despots. That we should assimilate virtue, more so than legislate it. Faith, family, fidelity, instead of humans being farmed under giant goose steps of legalese and big lies.
Where has there been good city planning? NYC, LA, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, New Orleans? What urban centers have not fallen to oligarchic depredations leading to divided ghettos and corrupt mayors? Without an assimilating morality that produces a decent and educated citizenry, what good is more money and power to urban planners?
Looking for ultimate causes among the cosmos is like expecting to beat the Trinitarian Godhead at Three Card Monty.
A photon carries information in respect of the pervious Substance with which it collided or interacted. If it interacts with nothing else in the interim, then its dimness, intensity, frequency, wavelength may convey some general information with regard to the space-time traversed in the interim, subject to guesswork for renormalizing in respect of space-time curvature.
EMR appears to interact with curvatures in space-time such that it is not allowed to carry or convey Information unless the Information is renormalized to show general "flatness" in all directions. That is, regardless of locus in space-time, no observer will be privileged to sense the Universe except as being, in relation to him, of generally equal density in all directions.
If our Universe were the creation of something or someone outside it, then the limits for the space-time-matter-energy of our Universe would be within a form, such as a "bubble" or sphere. It would have an apparent perimeter. It would appear to dissipate, rather than to be equally dense and dissipate in all directions. But it does not do that. This suggests that the model-idea of a "bubble" is only a metaphor --- good for some purposes, not for others. IOW, our Universe is not really a bubble, nor does it really have a center from which it exploded outward in some Big Bang. Even though such conceptualizations can be made highly practical and useful for some purposes. Our Universe is not a bubble-artifact of any physical Big Bang. The model of a Big Bang may just as well be conceptualized as an artifact of whatever the perspectives of Consciousness that we happen to share.
The model (that our Universe arose from a collapsed Singularity) is just that --- a model --- not "The Truth." For all we know, the "ultimate cause" may better be conceptualized, for scientific AND moral purposes, as expressing itself only in the flux and phase-shifting of CSI. For that, we factor and participate in the unfolding apprehension and appreciation.
So there does not appear to be any causal agent for the curvature of space-time or its apparent flatness in all directions. Rather, that effect appears to be a correlate of how the trinity fluxes among Consciousness, Substance, and Information. Surely, some meta/immeasurable flux accounts for the curvature and flattening, not mere random clusters of dense Substance or Matter.
Consciousness can experience and sense caring, regardless of whether or not it (or anyone or anything else) is the "true causal agent." Subject to its unfolding reconciliatory function, Consciousness as a Whole cares about each of its Perspectives as much as each Perspective cares.
What marks an act or thing as temporally right or wrong is not in the act or thing itself, but in how it is assimilated over time in a feedback process with that which reconciles history. The process is dynamic. If we want to promote the farming of most people as animals, with the fairness of that entrusted to moral scientisimists, we can conceptualize a justness to that. How the Reconciler manifests to any given world or time is influenced by how various temporal agents conceptualize. Over time, we become what we conceptualize.
The writing seems to be on the wall that much of the world wants to conceptualize moral fairness and equality as something not to be entrusted to each person in his/her relationship with higher mindedness, but instead to be entrusted to those who make themselves wealthy and powerful enough to control the media that shapes most minds and what is politically permissible for them to believe.
When people think and act in good faith and good will, they can be conceptualized as acting in respect of Godliness -- whether or not they want to use that term. A person can be godly and still be repulsed by the term.
Regardless, when that which is good or godly is removed from the assimilative discussion of the masses (in public squares and churches) and handed over to moral scientisimists, that marks a sudden turn back to fascist despotism.
Much of the God debate is silly, because it is a debate that is controlled by conceptualizations. If moral goodliness is conceptualized as based on a connecting, reconciling capacity for empathy (good faith and good will), then God can be conceptualized as simply the innate source for that connecting, reconciling empathy. Such conceptualization implicates respect for goodliness that is beyond oneself, which is the basis for higher mindedness. Conscious Mind is such that, if given the same particular origin and sequential unfoldment of experiences, it would generally signify the manifestations of its mortal perspectives in the same way. Under that conceptualization, thou art simply a (local, temporal) agent for the Reconciling God. As ye conceptualize, so shall your soul (and your civilization) be turned.
What is the consequence of deep seated lack of higher mindedness? Well, it is the reverse toilet. The promotion of self serving crap over the free thinking society. Expulsion of moral debate from the public square, with replacement by moral scientismists in the employ of corrupt people farmers. Tenure for those willing to deny freedom of expression in order to serve some rising despot's twisting of "fairness and equality." Political favors for money laundering pigs at the public trough. Constant agitation and division of the masses in order to enrich and empower the few. Selective advantage to the most corrupt and evil of people farming wannabes, whose debate skills center around putting makeup on their demons.
Every society that sins greatly will eventually fight sin with sin. Great goats will need to be made and then sacrificed. For idiotic Proggies, the goat-du-jour is the white male Christian American. When the battle gets hot and we tire of being made the goat, we will return the favor. The alternative is to allow the destruction of the faith, family, and fidelity that is essential to sustain decent civilization.
Unfortunately, few responsible brains remain among our multifarious institutions. Most brains have been bribed, intimidated, compromised, drugged, indoctrinated, or overrun. Indeed, our colleges are filled with sods who actually go into great debt to become indoctrinated to serve the new world enserfment.
EDIT: Like their heroes, they want to get scruued, and likely they will get scruued.
Societies that broadly respect rather than punish the moral responsibility of family units have been rare. Such societies are hard to establish, but easy to undermine. Almost inevitably, they are undermined by clueless narcissists whose perpetual infantilism was made possible only because of such family units. They destroy what they utterly fail to appreciate. They are proof you can put lipstick on squishes. And now, too many otherwise decent people are running from the squishes --- turning them into role models instead of ridiculing and reviling them. We felt so sorry on account of their victim act that we allowed them, in recompense, to undermine our civilization.
EDIT: To feel the absurdity, imagine Spartans running from men in lace and lipstick.
Use Fake Science to divide and rule. Support the Left as it divides. Support the Right as it replaces individual responsibility with herd control under elite scientisimists. Wallah! The open range, free cowboying of the intimidated herds. Git along little doggies, it's your misfortune.
Our system has been made a reverse toilet, as it projects crap to the uppermost positions of power, while resolutely refusing to flush it. It appears, indeed, that you can put lipstick on a t***,
Christianity does not seem complicated. The Godhead is Trinitarian. Yolo is false. Good faith and good will are important. Honoring your father and mother is important. It is only when schools under authoritarians claim special license to speak or interpret directly for Christ and power to enforce such interpretation on pain of confiscation. torture or death that such so-called schools become complicated.