Friday, August 25, 2017

Data Accumulation


The experiences and data available to each perspective and how it shapes its interests and values are necessarily limited (biased) to its situation. No perspective can have the benefit of all pertinent data. Every perspective will be tasked to make decisions based on contemporaneously unfolding algorithms for handling incomplete data. Data/science can never be the complete determiner of any morality based decision.

A perspective that is empowered to make choices must continuously reevaluate new data that arises only as a result of immediately preceding choices. No perspective that retains power to make choices in response to its apprehensions of contemporaneous feedback can pre-know what all its choices will be.  Data accumulation simply does not work that way.

If so-called moral science were the kind of closed system some Progs like to imagine, then an A.I. Bot could be built that would receive all pertinent facts and then decide the best succeeding move in each and every case. However, that kind of conception is self contradictory. It is self contradictory because the Bot that factored all possible data to decide its next move would, in a process of infinite regression, be contemporaneously tasked to factor each new decision before making its next. By definition, each new decision would not have been part of the data that was previously available for it to factor.

Thus, no perspective of consciousness is possible that is both pre-programmed (fully determined) and appreciatively aware of its pre-programming (full determination). As one images the consequences of one's possible choices, one is empowered to change one's mind. This is the feedback conundrum for reconciling perspectives of consciousness.

This is why science cannot qualify any bot or despot to say what is best for everyone else. This is why the Reconciler of unfoldments of consciousness is tasked to factor each and every perspective of consciousness, personally, in a process of contemporaneous feedback.


All local significations are *biased.  Your bias is in favor of morality dictators, centrally ruling over individuals.  You think some kind of "moral science" makes your position right, but it does not.
To throw off the process of progressive subhumanization (the surrendering of individual responsibility by snowflakes) under despots, we would need to get back to more local freedom of expression, enterprise, and association. (It's time.)
Our law has become an ass.
*The experiences and data available to each perspective and how it shapes its interests and values are necessarily limited (biased) to its situation. No perspective can have the benefit of all pertinent data. Every perspective will be tasked to make decisions based on contemporaneously unfolding algorithms for handling incomplete data. Data/science can never be the complete determiner of any morality based decision.
A perspective that is empowered to make choices must continuously reevaluate new data that arises only as a result of immediately preceding choices. No perspective that retains power to make choices in response to its apprehensions of contemporaneous feedback can pre-know what all its choices will be.  Data accumulation simply does not work that way.
If so-called moral science were the kind of closed system some "Progs" like to imagine, then an A.I. Bot could be built that would receive all pertinent facts and then decide the best succeeding move in each and every case. (This seems to be the ultimate goal of responsibility-declining, free-loading Proggies.)  However, that kind of conception is self contradictory. It is self contradictory because the Bot that factored all possible data to decide its next move would, in a process of infinite regression, be contemporaneously tasked to factor each new decision before making its next. By definition, each new decision would not have been part of the data that was previously available for it to factor.
Thus, no perspective of consciousness is possible that is both pre-programmed (fully determined) and contemporaneously (appreciatively) aware of its pre-programming (full determination). As one images the consequences of one's possible choices, one is empowered to change one's mind. This is the feedback conundrum ("turtles all the way down") for reconciling perspectives of consciousness.
This is why mere science cannot qualify any bot or despot to say what is morally best for everyone else. This is why the Reconciler (Godhead) of unfoldments of consciousness is tasked to factor each and every perspective of consciousness, personally, in a process of contemporaneous feedback.  Responsible, free-thinking people are willing to participate in this process of assimilative feedback.  Proggies want to punt that role to their favored central-despot.  IOW, being unwilling and incompetent as individuals, they want despots (central law droolers) to farm them (and everyone else).  IOW, they, like the laws they gin up, are asses.

Here are the real bad signals for the rule of law and individual responsibility:
- The increasing chasm in wealth and power, leading to mooching off of the system, laundering of political kickbacks, and control by international oligarchs that make themselves above the law.
- Help from Progs in swamping the nation with liberty-illiterate "immigrants."
- End runs around the law by so-called moral scientists, as they shop assaults against faith, family and fidelity in progressively subhumanizing venues.
- Increasing the reach of the central federal government to every niche of human activity.
- Constant and continuous snipping away at freedom of expression, enterprise, and association.
- Academy based infantilizing of snowflake generations.
It will require at least as much a miracle to restore the representative republic and the rule of law as it did to elect Trump.


It's not one man.  It's Soros and every admirer and liar who is like him.  Western Civ has made it free and easy for them to find one another.  Evil-dar is everywhare, and it is more effective than radar.  Western politicians are owned by laundered money.  Every institution has joined in the "fun."  

The Big Lie is that evil does not seek to farm people.  That Congress is not owned.  That demonstrators are spontaneous.  That corporatists float good people to the highest levels, instead of crap.  That free enterprise and free trade still exist.  That the de-defining of faith, family and fidelity leads to "better" civilization.  That Western Civ is "stronger" for importing millions of liberty-illiterates.  That our colleges, media, banks, corporations, and even churches have not been by and large infiltrated and infested with shills and stooges for people-farming oligarchs.  That Soros ilk mean only the best for us, under their new moral science.

God help us.


Nope.  They're godforsaken people-farmers, telling shades of big lies, making distinctions that make no difference to the goals of their funders and sponsors. 
Either way, whether you call their stooges fascist-oligarchs or communist-nomenklatura, they mean to harvest you --- right down to the last squeal.
Out of one corner of his mouth, a people-farmer (or his useful idiot) will say he is a corporate moral-scientist fascist.  Out of the other, he will say he is an agent of universal fairness and equality, working to make the state wither away.  What he will not admit is his real function:  To turn you into a farm animal.
Godforsaken Soros ilk fund all sides of fake divisiveness, for the purpose of fooling the masses into taking the farm pill -- the red one to become a pig, the blue one to become an ass.  But all the pills take away your humanity.

Once society is weakened to the tipping point, Soros wants to be hedged to nudge the tip in a way to maximize the wealth and power of his fellow people farmers. For sport. As to which way the nudge goes, he cares not.

Already, Soros ilk have indoctrinated and imported into Western Civ a majority of useful idiots (liberty-illiterate Rinos, Dinos, Cinos, and Musloids), primed to want to be subhuman pigs and asses.

Google and YouTube are precursor servants of the fundamentally misguided moral scientism of Skynet. Or the Borgdom. They want your beingness to be entirely on a Cloud, to be entirely measured and dictated, in all respects, by the secular Cloud Authority. Their faith is in faithless servitude. Because of their self-cancellation, the Godforsaken Authority they worship is inherently self-destroying and Evil. Seeking perpetual life, they sacrifice their souls and their humanity. Because, they believe, if they don't do it, someone else will beat them to it.

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