For the beginning of self conscious Will, the issue is not size, for size, etc., is mere relative appearance within a shared light cone. The issue is:  What is the simplest formula that can support:
a perspective of consciousness
a self aware p of c

That “simplest” would seem to pertain to formulas that can be appreciated to interact with formulas, under the feedback guidance of a conserving relationship between a reconciler and particular perspectives.

That kind of “simplest” abides at a meta level with which we cannot directly relate.
However, we can tinker, as with biology, culture, gene manipulations, etc.
Still, our tinkering works only with appearances of “things,” the origination-conservatorship-reconciliation-guidance of which is already availed.
So, with tinkering, we may reliably produce local expressions of AI. Yet, we will never produce a TII-ultimate particle or Higgs boson. ????


If the U is a thing, is it not a thing which arose out of, or abides with, some other thing(s), whose influence can no more be measured by us than could a bottom dwelling fish measure the influence of land based falcons. Of such other things, we can know little.

C is inescapable.
Only issue is whether it will be organized to bond with formulas to express intuition and empathy, from C to particular p’s for more encompassing whole.

These things represent packets of information being conveyed/stored in what are presented as charge-trons (electromagnetism), mass-trons (gravity), bind-quarks (strong force), and image-tons (photons), mediator-ons (bosons). WEAK FORCE??? Spin-orbit-field

Quark conveys binding Information.
Electron conveys charge I
Photon conveys image I. (Using wave-field frequencies, amplitudes, and intensities)

Light-frequencies store image information, image of origination and image of reflection

formulas --- they are how we receive image information and our appreciation thereof affects whether/how a particular image is collapsed and transmitted

**** Formulas, borrowed from zero, could be signified for interfunctioning only if they are bonded as conveyers of conscious experience.
Such conveyance could be of c-ness:
Determined by choice — present, active, bonded, self aware capacity
Determined by nature — preset, domino, sequential, charged, neural transmitting capacity
Determined by contextual evolution — preset, chaotic-evolving capacity
Indeterminate — present, balanced, continuously annihilating, random, non-evolving capacity

Can a unifying formula be derived to connect the Here and Now to the meta, by reference to C — Consciousness, or Cosmological Constant or Meta Capacity?

Information can abide in such formulas in ways that are:

The very conceiving of a formula (F1) that can interfunction (with F 2) is to bind consciousness w/F1.

By rationalizing C, P’s can cross no man’s land, infinities ...


Where there is no shared belief in any higher purpose, the only assimilating purpose for society, by default, comes to be for each member to imagine what the society as a whole should entitle for each, especially each self.
This promotes campaigns for political influence based on conniving parasites, and leads to a race to a lowest common denominator of brutes or connivers.

Based on competition akin to a tragedy of the commons,
aka, if I don’t do it, someone else will, aka get yours while the getting’s good.
This leads to a race to the gutter.

Thus, each tends to promote himself to God, and pretend his desires are the higher purpose.  He comes to pose as Messiah.


Suppose photons and particles do not store representations of any physical or meta things, but only representations of the Holism’s ideas, in formulas of a kind that, within the mind of God, interfunction with other formulas, subject to conservation under a super formula, which is the other side of the coin of God?

One side of the coin is the conserving Holism formula, the other side is the mutually exclusive and exhaustive granular parts, albeit, sequencing to make instantaneous granular transformations, all subject to conservation.

*** The only particular “things” are formulas.  Every formula that is functioning as such is related to some expression of consciousness:  either bonded with some perspective of consciousness itself, or bonded with information then being sensed by some such perspective, or bonded with information that is preset by some particular or holistic perspective, for interfunctioning in later sequences with the unfolding present.

In this way, there are not TII’s, yet there is also precision in the conservation of Information.
The sum of the formulas can disintegrate into smallest formulas ...

Perspectives of consciousness sense, apprehend, and appreciate relations among appearances brought about by the interfunctioning of formulas.  In some immeasurable way, the quality of such appreciation affects how the formulas interfunction, reconcile, and unfold.

*** A quality of each particular Perspective is bonded to take its role as a separate one.  Yet, in another quality, each particular Perspective is an Iteration of a guiding, holistic Perspective.  The particular perspectives and the holistic perspective flux and operate in a sequential, digital dance of mutual apprehension and appreciation.  However, they are both constrained and conserved to a reconciling System.

*** PROBLEM:  *** HOW DOES THE HOLISTIC PERSPECTIVE GUIDE?  HOW DOES IT FEEL WHAT I FEEL, WITHOUT ME BEING ABLE TO FEEL WHAT IT FEELS?  What becomes of my (illusory?) perspective after my demise?  If I am only illusion in my separateness, how can I die?  What of me, that will know it is me, is or could be preserved?  Am I in death judged, cleansed, and returned to the Holism?  How can self awareness abide in any sense?  Mystery.
