Identity. Avatar. Soul. Accumulation of Information. Karma. Same Information, from many Perspectives, including Holistic. Changeless Changer. God appreciating, learning, reconciling, preserving information, paying it forward. Both psychically and substantively. At immeasurable and unprovable but intuitive level, Spirit learning, reconciling. Preservation of Information, regrets. Immeasurable Causer. Still quiet voice. Spirit based conscience. God Identity Consciousness Alone. Appreciation Music Purposefulness. Choosing through possible scenes. Intuitive Conscience Soul. Beyond science, yet confined with math. Godhead because trinitarian can both remember (store possibilities) and forget and appreciate anew. Shades of music.
See Wiki re Higgs, simple, etc.!!!!
But, "neither the Higgs mechanism nor its elaborations... contribute to our understanding of the nature of mass.
Are all possible, particular permutations and expressions of the encompassing Field limited to associate with one another, sort of like components of a periodic table?
Or is the table itself, given enough changes in purpose, perspective and context, subject to sudden phase shifts, to a replacing table of associative properties and significations?
Within our universe, as particles of precise properties abide as innate aspects of existence?
Or, even within our universe, are expressions of particles and properties subject to phase shifts, depending on changes in encompassing purpose, perspective, and context?
While particles and their discovered properties are useful, do they exist as primary components of our universe, or do they exist only secondarily, as derivatives of an underlying, conscious purposefulness, dependent upon its changes in perspective and context?
Do particles exist in potentiality, with potential to overthrow and phase shift the extant system of primary fields and particles?
Do means abide for perspectives of consciousness to evolve coterminously with overlapping phase shifts in properties of particels as experienced by the encompassing field?
What facilitates the illusion of experiential continuosity over time?
It entails capacity to receive and conserve feedback as it is expressed, to re-normalize it within acceptible degrees of freedom.
The capacity for apprehending, re-normalizing, reconciling, interpreting and evaluating of significative feedback is what facilitates ouw impressions that time is continuous and directional.
What superior aspect or characted facilitates our itertive capacities to focus impressions and communications of significations in such a way as to allow us to experience consciousness and form its communications in order to invest ourselves in moral purposefulness?
Meutrons do not exist, except as mathematical placeholders for a neutral, non-changing, yet mediating Field.
Something neutral (trivalent) abides, which mediates to express itself by relating between fluxes of positive and negative, either -- or, true -- false, which do change.
Thus, the present is constant, yet experiences eternal change, and the experience, even though digital, is mediately experienced as if it were continuous.
Thus, sequentiality is discrete, yet experience occurs under an illusion of continuous time.
"Time" is not a causal factor. In its stead are sequentially discrete apprehensive and apprehended fluxes, mediated and conserved over states of neutrality.
The consequence is an appearance of continuous time passing over a series of discrete exchanges.
CORPORATIONS: In common sense, that which American nationalists allow to be done under legal sponsorship of the extra-national corporate form needs to be regulated, checked, and made subject to a superior principle, which is: Do not allow legal use of the corporate form in ways that lead to the diverse disintegration of the representative republic that broadly facilitates human freedom and dignity for all whom it protects.
"The audience at a fascist rally or in the presence of the charismatic authoritarian leader feels at once the thrill of belonging and the masochistic pleasure of submission." -- Walter Benjamin, on Fascism and the Avant-garde
Fascism tends to be a good system for girlie boys and little girls who want either to dress up and pretend to be gods of their own juices or never to have to grow up and be responsible (other than to submit to some idol). There is Liberal Fascism (enforced collectivist usurpation of individual Will) and Libertarian Fascism (government enforced indoctrination of children to tolerate the intolerable, i.e., tolerating the dispersal of drugs and sex to children). To them, simpering in an alcoholic, opium, or OPM haze is far more important, groovy, and virtuous than seeking to intuit and follow a Reconciler. They tend not to believe that people of good faith have intuitive or empathetic access to any Reconciler higher than their own little wannas. Or, they believe in a false reconciler, who does not want them to exercise Will or take responsibility other than to submit to, and obey, masters of mindlessness and dopery. They are neither principled nor unprincipled. Rather, they are a-principled, because they renounce Responsible Will.
Indeed, the a-principled tend not to believe in any qualitatively real basis for faith at all, much less good faith. This may mark THE QUALITATIVE DISTINCTION between those avatars and adults who express Will to take responsibility for their own desires and conduct versus those perpetual little doped up zombie kids who want no part of individual responsibility. Even when obamakids prance as pretended leaders, they blame predecessors and everyone and everything --- except themselves. And always, always, they leave enormous, messy, dirty diapers, needles, viruses, and vandalism.
There is that which is which grows up to be valued and enhanced, and there is that which never grows up but which needs to be discarded. Mind zombies need to be flushed to nations of cisterns, there to be stored for eventual discard. Mind zombies and Lib Fascists ought not be encouraged to reproduce, nor should they be welcomed or celebrated to free society. Let the zombies bury the zombies.
EXISTENCE ("UNIVERSAL COMPUTER") --- Our Operating System can be conceptualized as being organized to consist of:
ESSENCE ("NATURE") --- Source Formulas that have capacity to interfunction, while holding to system-wide conservation to zero;
WILL --- That which, in its apprehensive forebodings and appreciative postbodings, guides that which the System seeks to express, bringing a search for meaningful order out of chaos out of an otherwise conservation of zero.
MIND ("QUALITATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS") --- A Decoding Algorithm, which has Iterative capacity to apprehend, abstract, represent, and communicate interpretatons of interpretations of interpretations of such interfunctions, but which does not have capacity to decode itself;
CELLULAR BODY AND BRAIN ("BONDED MEMORY") --- Capacity to store sequentially established representations of Information, for availing Avatars or loci of organized operations within contexts of experiential manifestation.
EPIPHENOMENAL SIGNIFICATION --- The byproduct of such interfunctioning, decoding, and storeage of Information is the signification and quantitative measuring of what we often call "substantive physics."
ITERATIVE INTERCONNECTION --- Innate connective capacity to experience and project intuitive empathy, i.e., capacity to project fluxing interpretations, "as if" they were fluxing between holistic fields and particular perspectives.
There abides and exists a thing in itself, which I call an Operating System or Bank of Information, which has capacity to be fluxed in infinite iterative ways, yet always remains the same essential thing. That Bank-in-itself is not a person, nor need it be conceptualized as being conscious like a person, whether or not holistically, in any way comparable to the consciousness that is iterated through each of our perspectives. Still, that Source of Information would seem to have capacity to interfunction and flux with itself. Information can be represented in formulas, and formulas can be conceptualized as constituting Information. The Bank of Information would seem to have some meta capacity or qualitative impetus to flux.
Once a formula fluxes with other formulas, it would seem to be bonded with a perspective, i.e., a perspective of consciousness, regardless of whether in some permutations it may be thought dim versus "self aware versus of infinite capacity. There is feedback between and among such meta-formulas of iterations of perspectives of Information.
Thus, complex iterations of perspectives may acquire capacities to represent, receive, interpret, sense, react with, transmit, communicate, and become self-aware of experiences of informational interfunctioning. Such iterations may become like human beings. Feedback from humans and other perspectives affects the quality for how Information is iterated. How we relate to the Bank affects what the Bank can avail to us. Each of us is empathetically connected as an iteration of the same quality of consciosness of the Information availed from the Bank.
Eventually, the formulas that comprise the body with which my perspective is bonded are consumed and re-expressed in different forms by other formulas and perspectives. However, consciousness continues to be expressed, and, indeed, cannot fail to be expressed in some respect, so long as meta formulas of Information abide and interfunction. Thus, the Bank reconciles all iterations of conscious expressiveness, and all such iterations affect how the reconciliation of the Bank unfolds. That is, each perspective has innate interest and empathy for how the Bank is preserved and what is reconciled to be in sequence pursued.
Thus, we are each connected, and the Bank is our Source. We each empathize to seek to intuit what the Bank should want, and try at some level to be guided by our apprehensions and appreciations of such wants. In so doing, we practice being receptive to the Source for guiding the quality of consciousness through which all our perspectives are reconciled. The quality of our meta-consciousness, spiritual empathy, and innate intuition can be experienced and lived, but it cannot be confined to measures. Its iterations of consciousness transcend, but its ideal (Son?) and its common essence (Holy Ghost?) of consciousness is/are as eternal as the existence of the Bank of Information (God-Source). The quality of separateness among iterations is derivative, but the essence of their commonality is as real as the Bank.
The hard work of assimilating decent civilization unravels as we so tolerate moral diversity as to easily fall into degeneracy and crime, coming to believe and rationalize that there is nothing really against it. What is nourishing to one culture may be poison to another. Wise people do not frolic about the woods tasting every mushroon.
Each perspective of consciousness participates in the producing of Information, which is reconciled and made a part of that which is sensed as present nature, or the signification of the system.
Then, such system feeds back to interfunction with each perspective and its iterations of progeny.
Thus, I am produced and affected in respect of those iterations of conscious identity which preceded me. And I participate in producing and affecting those who follow.
Thus, the Reconciler Guides us ....
But is the Reconciler conscious, aware, feeling? Is it a thing in itself? Or is only the system the thing in itself? Are we, and the Holism, only derivatives of the system?
Do I thus seek to interpret and be guided by the system, or do I seek to obey God-Holism?
Fuzz accumulates upon the continued replication of transmission of transmission of image representation of representation, and so on.
How does EMR guide, record, preserve, and transmit information regarding images, and how does eye-brain-mirror-neurons decode such transmitted information?
While the information transmitted by EMR is always perceived as having been delivered at the same constant speed, the quality of the information, in terms of shift to the red and alteration of time duration represented and possible loss of some of the information will vary with the relative relationship and separation in locus between the transmitting source and the receiving interpreter.
The greater the comparative intrusion of the predictable and determinable, the less the role for the moral and the willed.
???*** May there be a "smallest appearance" or "fundamental quality" that can be produced by a formula and used as a particle-unit by which to measure all relations? Or, must every appearance, no matter how small, be transformational depending on context of appearances and conscious purposes? How infinite are the possibilities open to consciousness, even within our shared light cone?
Formulas pertain to measurables. Measurables generally pertain to appearances or records within an accessible cone of conscious experience. Maybe to relations with wave frequencies, particle vibration rates, spin and orbital rates, i.e., relative and relational constants. Some qualities may be beyond objective measure, such as:
If I posit that perspectives of consciousness can experience appearances of significations based only on equations acting on equations, math acting on math, then what measureabled would I posit such math to be acting on?
Some measurables are precise in quanta.
Some are statistically reliable.
Some are reliable only to standard deviations.
The System, the Identity, thje Iteration of Identities.
See “A widely supported hypothesis in modern physics is the zero-energy universe which states that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero. That is the only kind of universe that could come from nothing. Such a universe would have to be flat in shape, a state which does not contradict current observations that the Universe is flat with a 0.5% margin of error.”
Well then, I begin to think that all measurables (i.e., the sum of the material universe) must average out to a conservation of zero. Zero can be borrowed from in order to present astonishing equations and formulas for measuring, but all such presentations must eventually conserve back to zero.
However, if all that is measurable is merely appearance and sensation, then what is IT that is always presenting and responding to our sensations and observations? Whatever IT is, it itself must exist in/as a quality that is not particularly measurable. It must have capacity to receive and interpret appearances and sensations, AS IF they were real … at least as signs for signaling communications among particularly adopted perspectives.
Yet, many significations are exactly precise (at least among perspectives that share the same light cone). If all that is communicated consists merely of derivative relations, then WHY do such relations present so exactly measurable? For anything to be measurable, at least some significations must be measurable as relational constants. So what are these exact significations, if they are not of any particular reality-in-themselves, but only partake of reality insofar as they are related-recorded-radiated-interpreted-translated? Do even space, time, or space-time exist-in-themselves, apart from how they are related and presented? If not, then what could it mean to say light travels at a constant speed? After all, without space and time, “travel” for a measurable thing makes no (absolute) sense (apart from convention for interpretation within a light cone). What “is” this light cone?
Information set forth in formulas and equations can be precise, but information does not meaningfully act on itself. Math does not do math on itself. Formulas do not act on themselves. Light radiation cannot very well be thought of as a mere mathematical formula that acts on other mathematical formulas in order to present an appearance of travel within space and time. Some OTHER source or capacity must apprehend and appreciate, in response to a generating feeding back of information that is exchanged and that obeys conservation to zero. An observer effect, derivative of feedback/appreciation between particular perspectives and a reconciling, balancing perspective? That seems to be what Whitehead and Milton thought.
Note: “Milton called in the Aeropagitica for "the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties" (applied, however, only to the conflicting Protestant sects, and not to atheists, Jews, Muslims or Catholics).”
Regarding Muslims, I would agree this far: No freedom to recruit jihad conspirators for the purpose of toppling the government or imposing Sharia Law.
If a qualitative exercise for what and how one appreciates should coordinate with a borrowing from zero, the imbalance will be reconciled and restored upon digital feedback and discipline of the system as a whole. The system fluxes: Particulars are given to rebel; the Holism guides; the System reconciles.
The moon is "out there," but only as Information that is reconciled to be shared within our common light cone.
I am trying to leapfrog Schrodinger's Cat. I think the problem with the Cat begins as people forget that space and time (and matter and energy) are just stubborn illusions. They start to think that there really are particular universes and things-in-themselves, "out there" (i.e., ultimate particles, instead of just epiphenomena of relational constants for helping us to appreciate, record, and communicate about interests in relationships).
The Cat notion leads to idealizations of infinite worlds or multiverses, as if such things-in-themselves were really "out there." I think that is the wrong path for finding the most coherent and consistent explanation, because I think there is no real, measurable, universe-in-itself out there, much less a multiplicity or infinity of them. What is "out there" are apprehensions and appreciations within a reconciling cone of experience, obeying a shared hierarchy of conservational and transformational formulas. The better framework for conceptualization is the one that better facilitates how we address not just empirical concerns, but also moral concerns. That framework would not impede scientific and technological tinkering, even as it facilitated or rationalized civilized, moral empathy for other perspectives of consciousness.
The real body of the Cat is not dead, not alive, not half dead, and not alive-dead. Rather, the body of the Cat is "itself" not real, but only an appearance, secondary to a discrete series of communications of feedback, the sequence of which is conserved within a shared cone of experience. Only the appearance of the Cat, not a Cat body, has communicable significance, and that significance will only be known as it is measured. What persists to each present sequence, after each measurement of the Cat has receded into the illusion that is the past, is only the present apprehension/appreciation of information being communicated regarding the appearance of the Cat.
That information may be shared among an Apprehending Observer, an Appreciating and Recording Measurer, and the Cat Object himself. However, in every way in which all three can or may record and measure the upshot, it will be consistent and reconciled to the cone of experience that they share and within which they are each engaged in a feedback of information.
I am not sure this will stand up consistently to reasoned challenge. To me, for the present, it seems to work at least as well as any other idea. And it seems to cost nothing, with no downside. At least, until some new nightmare gives me the screams. Did you see how many millions that painting sold for? Talk about relational significance!
Note: “Milton called in the Aeropagitica for "the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties" (applied, however, only to the conflicting Protestant sects, and not to atheists, Jews, Muslims or Catholics).”
Regarding Muslims, I would agree this far: No freedom to recruit jihad conspirators for the purpose of toppling the government or imposing Sharia Law.
A correlative aspect of creativity connects with the capacity to tinker and trick out illusions and deceptions.
IAE, there is no empathy without capacity for self creation and through self deceit. The wonder is that one can still endeavor in one’s deceit to be honest about it.
That is, to sense one’s consciousness in others, and to help others apprehend the wonder in self creation out of nothing more than inter-functionings among perspectives of consciousness.
And the unlimited potential thereof for creative signification.
The role of the singular source Holism
conjoins qualities of empathetic consciousness. of feedback derivative of digital (on-off or plus-minus or positive-negative) sequencing, which facilitates the organizational reconciling of significations for our stubborn illusions of space-time, matter-energy, cause-effect, past-future.
IOW, the appearance of Nature is byproduct of mathematical sequencings of reconciling empathies.
IOW, the quantitative is byproduct of spiritual empathies for the qualitative.
While study of science will not avail a unifying model by which to rule Nature, it can avail insight for how to predict unfoldings of Nature, in order to participate in how we apprehend, deflect, and experience the guiding of Nature.
In the conservation of change, to which layers, levels, classes, tribes, and perspectives of consciousness should each of us promote honesty, loyalty, and cooperation versus deceit, competition, and sacrifice?
How should one participate in adjudging the unfolding and relative merit of music v noise, art v chaos, and purpose v anomie?
ANSWER: Be qualitatively receptive to God and the sense of one's identity being expressed also through others.
There is no quantitatively precise book of detailed rules.
Yet, broad outlines seem apparent: Preserve an environment that can sustain and promote the decent expression and communication of freedom and dignity.
The Quality of consciousness has to do with what its particular perspective is invested in, and how the holism is invested or interested in that part.
Distinctions v. Iterations
Qualities v Numbers ....
wilful desires tempered with purposeful empathy
why do you have, and why do you need? ....
Under OWS, masses are recruited to force the regime to deprive themselves of their own votes. They are recruited to votes themselves into servitude to a ruling elite, much like Muslims tend as their first exercise of democracy, to vote in Shariah law that means permanently to banish democracy.
In trade, OWS and Muslims expect their new ruling elites will deal fairly with them, giving them all the benefits their belief systems teach them they are entitled to.
What can restore and preserve Middle Class freedom, influence, dignity, decency, merit, opportunity, and responsibility? What can defend against centralizing agglomerations of hierarchically organized social power? How can a free nation defend itself against international crony corporatism? The Democrat, Union, Republican, and Corporate models are not structured to be able to check against the agglomerating of crony corporate hegemony. It’s not just communities of individuals that are being organized hierarchically, but also communities of communities, nations of nations, and industries of industries. What is being squeezed out? Answer: Individual freedom and fellow empathy. Indeed, elites are now teaching us that the foundation for law and charity, i.e., individual will, does not really exist. So then, what is their vision for what we should do or where history must lead us? What answers have their scientists found and proven, that we should salute and, because we are mere rubes, not question?
Obama is not at war with America. He is at war with the American Middle Class.
Elites, Left and Right, want to construct a landscape of lies, for they have no hope for truth. Having invested themselves so deeply, they want to enfeeble the Middle Class so that it can in no way interfere with their lies. They erect this edifice against truth with insane art, mind numbing music, deconstructionist philosophy, nihilism of reality, and absolute promotion of self. To express their wills, they annihilate all philosophical conception of will.
roll over in resignation / sheeple
resistence is futile – meaningless
elimination of middle class
turn to experts of global warming, carbon credit banking, pay parameter enforcers, death panels, truth enforcers
to save:
roll over in resignation / sheeple
resistence is futile – meaningless
elimination of middle class
turn to experts of global warming, carbon credit banking, pay parameter enforcers, death panels, truth enforcers
to save:
Regarding the tempest between Progs and Rep. Allen West: In what way does the agenda of the CBC differ from the agenda of the CPUSA? Can anyone among the CPC explicate a distinction that makes a difference? It's easy to show ways in which they are the same. So how are they different? Well, there may be this: Commie elites tend at least to be smart enough to apprehend that the stuff about the dictatorship of the proletariat leading to a withering away of the State is a big lie. Commie elites at least tend to apprehend that the purpose of reducing the gap in wealth between the middle and lower classes is only so the gap in power between them and the ruling elite can be increased. Why is it racist or commie-phobic to call these oz-monkeys out for what they are? Why? Well, simply because those who major in journalism are not so bright, easily duped, or entirely corrupt, having given up any comprehension or regard for fundamental moral philosophy.
In substance, Fascism, Progressivism, Communism, and Islamism (FPCI) are the same, and all are of the extreme, collectivizing left. All seek to marginalize freedom, merit, and the middle class. That is, they suck out all that is best about being human. All consist of statists looking to establish irrevocable rule under faux-scientific elitists. The only differences of moral significance are non-substantive. Fascism is more honest in that it does not apologize for elitist rule, nor does it hide under an euphemism, nor does it promise any withering away of the state or any establishment of pagan heaven on earth. The only difference between a communist-socialist and a fascist abides in that the communist-fascist is more dishonest, ignorant, and corrupt. All (FPCI) establish populist rule by bribing and terrorizing the most ignorant, naive, inexperienced, brainwashed, illiterate, unskilled, addicted, criminal, and corrupt in order to hedge and organize collectives of tribes, races, unions, and plantations (i.e., "communities") of dependencies. When they've rotted out one society, they simply move on to rot out the next. If ice ages function as periodic pumps to promote intelligence, collectivism functions as dark-age genetic drag.
The Left does not deal in practical reality. It deals in abstract feelings and jealousies. So, corporate opportunists have become very proficient in taking every culture of Leftists apart, simply by dishing in abstract resentments. Any unified culture or people can be thus divided into innumerable, overlapping "minorities," therewith to plant and reap resentments. Under what concepts can a conniving corporatist put flesh on abstract resentments, thereby to destroy every nation? Well, resentments can be artificially nurtured and exploited among all human classifications, including the following: Ethnic origin, race, gender, age, kind of education and conditioning, sexual orientation, dependency orientation, fashion wannabe orientation, criminal background, empathetic worldview versus habit of gangster backed selfishness, and spiritual code of mores.
By marking abstract classes and nurturing resentments, thugs can so divide a society as to fool it into believing its various divisions are represented, even though, had the society considered its interests as a holism, it would never elect such beasts. This is how international crony advertising and corporatism works. The two party system is powerless to defend America against such corporatism. The natural inclination of godless, morally unguided corporatism is to crush and cannibalize every nation, even nations built on traditions for respecting the freedom and dignity of its citizens.
Corporatism seeks to replace intuited, shared, common sense notions of higher purposefulness with "science." Sam Harris seems to want elites to quantify and allocate morality under a "scientific" metric of "well being." Of course, non-scientifically trained members of the masses must delegate the responsibility and control for making such measures and allocations to properly trained scientific eiltes. No doubt, these elites will have only our best interests at heart. Lol/sarc. I wonder what such "moral scientists" would make of Barry and Michelle's example for partying down on the money of the American people? I wonder what they would take as the subliminal message imparted to the Secret Service?
America's founders had foresight to check and balance against a multitude of evils. However, they failed to provide any meaningful check against godless, international corporatism. And it now owns and operates both of our main political parties.
We're awash in useful idiots from both the Left and Right. The common goal of those who want to rule the Left and Right is to reap the work of the Middle Class. What's the essential commonality among useful idiots across the spectrum? Well, neither they nor their would-be masters apprehend any responsible or empathetic Will. In their conception og Reality, the following are non-existent delusions: Will, dignity, freedom, merit, responsibility, and decency. Left to themselves, they're pitiful. Not believing in Will, why suppose Will should retain interest in them? They become like automotons, set to respond to immediate gratifications, drugs, hormones, depravities, and mind-numbing distractions. They greatly need either to be taken care of, or to rule others to take care of them. No surprise that they respond to despotic voices that repeatedly tell they they're entitled!
What's the consequence? The reaping and destruction of the Middle Class, i.e., those who believe in initiative, work, merit, responsibility, and sustained discipline. Are despots and useful idiots right? Is it true that Will is a non-existent? Hardly. A qualitative, non-physical subjective that's beyond reduction to quantitative, physical measure is hardly evidenced, much less proved, by quantitative measures. The ridiculous argument from the "ghost in the body" is the argument of a tautologist who fancies himself smart. Will is experienced by living it, not by measuring it. Because it's not physical, it's not confined or coextensive with a particular, bodily expression of the wider field.
History's replete with exploitations of useful idiots, such as those who come to believe non-physical qualitatives can be disproved by physical quantitatives. Such people are easily reduced to the most selfish, animalistic, narcissistic, sociopathic, and nihilistic of drives. They're crony socialists and crony corporatists of both the Left and the Right, who're quickening in alignment to cannibalize the Middle Class. They're not really communists or socialists, for such systems don't really exist. Rather, they're destroyers of human freedom and diginty. "Will Vampires" suck to destroy middle class pursuits of meaningfulness and happiness. Only very recently might the Middle Class be waking up.
THINGINESS: What is Thing? What is this “Universal Thing” which is said to exist? Can it be defined, modeled, mapped, explicated, replicated, controlled, predicted? Is IT a thing in itself? How can it be merely a thing in itself, if it evidently fluxes, relates, expresses particulars, and its particulars cannot be identified for the purpose of adding them up to comprise its whole? Is IT just a mess of fluxing relationships? Relationships of what? How can relationships be reliably imaged, represented, measured, conserved, recorded, communicated, and interpreted? How can relational information be precisely and digitally conserved, like an equation or formula, and yet remain transformationally fuzzy? Must the parts abide as expressions of meta formulas that have capacity to interfunction with other formulas? Must mass and measurable substance consist only in formulas being measured and experienced by consciousness? Must every measurable relation be reducible to consciousness applying math in order to image, signify, and communicate substance? Does the notion of a formula with capacity to interfunction measurably with nothing but other formulas necessarily implicate that each such formula must itself be imbued, endowed, bonded with capacity to function as a particular perspective of consciousness? Must the only existent “thing” consist of a unique singularity, which may be called “consciousness,” which in one aspect is holistic and in another aspect is a fluxing, conserved sum of iterations of particular perspectives, which dance in a kind of qualitatively immeasurable feedback among particulars and holism, in order to give expression to all that is measurable as substance, so that substance is merely epiphenomena of “the only real thing,” which is consciousness? Must substance not be any real thing (i.e., no thing), but merely epiphenomena? Why is there anything rather than nothing? Well, the only measurables are not things, but math contrived significations of image-ination, and the only real thing is not measurable, i.e., consciousness, in all its iterative feedback. Relational expression of existence is image-inary, and Walt Disney is its prophet.
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