
From http://www.actionbioscience.org/biodiversity/wilson.html :
“In your new book Future of Life you deflate the myth that environmental policy is hostile to economic growth. Can you elaborate?"
E.O. Wilson:
"The living resources of the world — ecosystems and its species — are still largely unexplored, much less studied for the benefits they might hold for humans, for example, new pharmaceuticals or water purification. Some ecologists and economists have estimated that the total value of these natural ecosystems, that’s the total amount of services they provide to humanity, is in the vicinity of 30 trillion dollars a year. That’s more than the total of the gross national products of all nations combined. And it’s free!
To save and make fuller use of them in a non-obtrusive way is economically valuable to us. To destroy them is to force humanity into an artificial world in which we have to personally manage our water systems, our food supply, and our atmosphere by prosthetic devices day by day instead of relying on powerful organisms to do the work for us. Do we want to turn Earth literally into a spaceship that requires constant tinkering?”
Those who risk capital, resources, and time in business enterprises tend, not surprisingly, to argue that because they have “earned” whatever they are thereby able to extract from the marketplace, they should not be singled out for proportionately higher taxes.
In taxing corporations, such attitudes tend to make a little more sense, because, after all, corporations tend to pass taxes along to consumers in the form of higher prices. Mainly, however, this seems to be an argument for switching from reliance on an income tax, primarily, to reliance on a consumption tax.
Regardless, such attitudes, in themselves, hardly bring us nearer a complete or fair accounting. Rather, in consideration of various additional factors, even a country founded in respect of individual enterprise should reasonably consider taxing higher earners or consumers at progressively higher rates.
1) Common respect for human freedom and dignity entails protection against financial oligarchs and aristocrats who otherwise would arise in respect of ever increasing access to special advantages and connections (such as: for paying legislators, directly or indirectly, to provide special favors; or for “team games” among businesses with self perceived common financial interests).
2) Each business that short-sightedly harms our common environment, without effecting repair or recompense, is extracting part of its short-term profit at the long-term expense of all of us, including our progeny and posterity.
3) Much of modern risk has been reduced, in respect that increased specialization (and start up costs and regulations) has reduced arms-length market competition.
4) Those who suddenly find themselves in environmental or market niches that avail obvious and huge financial opportunities often arrive at such opportunities not by great skill, insight, innovation, or “merit,” but by birth, position, chance ... or willingness to engage in "special" dealing.
5) Stability of the physical, moral, financial, and political health of a social or state environment will often depend upon skilled respect for preserving a vibrant middle class of motivated and innovative workers and consumers, rather than merely reducing them to debt slaves.
6) Progressive (consumption) taxes can be structured and adjusted to respond to changing business cycles.
Many folks are intuitively aware of such factors, regardless of whether they specifically articulate them. Likely, one must work hard to become “dis-educated by bullsh*t” to such a point as to become obtuse to such factors. Red Ass Moderates must call bullsh*t to account!
A representative whose electors are local ought not be judge of his own local fundings (“earmarks”) when they are to be authorized from the national treasury. While locals may be grateful for “bridges to nowhere,” no nation can long finance a culture of back-scratching extravagances.
Indeed, insofar as America works closely with “first world” nations to help fund and direct the World Bank, our irresponsible funding decisions weave a tangled web that enslaves debtors and snares credit and solvency worldwide.
We have critical (no-brainer) need and moral responsibility to authorize our President with power to line-item veto each extravagant earmark that mars otherwise satisfactory legislation.
Otherwise, we abet troglodytes and traitors along a nefarious course, loading our posterity with unforgivable debt and detriment.
I believe in “Free-Will” and free enterprise, but my belief is not free of an intuitive appreciation of limits of freedom (Biophilia?) --- which we should try to apply responsibly and decently.
I also believe in “God-Will,” but I do not believe that any literal presentation in any religious book should be accepted, apart from a big dose of figurative appreciation.
Democrat rulers say they wish to protect our environment, but seem mainly hell bent to follow the ACLU into making every imaginable physical pleasure or deviance a matter of governmentally conferred "right," the dignity of children (and partially born children) be damned.
Republican rulers say they wish to protect individual enterprise, but seem mainly hell bent to sell, subsume, and diffuse America into a global marketplace, the environment be damned.
By my lights, a “Red Ass Moderate” should try to stand for Enlightened Empathy. A passable test of enlightened empathy may ask: “How should we behave in order to help civilization remain civilizing?” For that, one may intuit that enlightenment can guide us, but not prove us.
Regardless, by my reckoning, most of those who run our mainstream political parties and media show little to admire in moral backbone and are not sustaining or improving civilization; rather, they slouch far too much, morally, and have much to be called to account for.
Mainly, I do not trust that many among our ruling class have principles for which they will put themselves at personal risk, beyond whatever seems most advantageous to short term hedonistic pleasures or golden parachute interests.
Man the firehoses!
Obama gives a good speech about the economy. He gets it that the gulf between haves and have nots is too wide; he gets it that price and taxes have roles for encouraging transition where possible to alternative fuels; he gets it that we need a decent system of health care.
I wish I could vote for him, but I expect I will not.
I distrust turning over the Presidency to a Democrat at a time when Pelosi runs the House and Reid runs the Senate (and the ACLU runs the Supreme Court).
Fundamentally, I doubt Obama has had enough seasoning to grow past adolescent attachment to his adolescent hippie mentors, with whom he has far too many connections. For growing spine enough to be counted on to actually resist his mentors' excesses of deviation and dereliction, Obama, lacking serious experiences and mentors, is far too green to be a serious candidate at this point in his career.
For appointing a serious cabinet, I do not trust his judgment or experience.
And, on too many issues, I distrust Obama, such as regarding: inadequate appreciation of the threat of Islamofascism; national defense; tinkering with military; border defense; appointment of Supreme Court justices; affirmative action; and political correctness.
Obama's philosophical underpinnings and supporters are simply far too adolescent!
While McCain may also fall on some such concerns, I expect he will rise on the most important ones.
We shall see.
The key litmus test relates to the border.
Anyone not solid on the border, whose opponent is, needs to be firehosed out of office!
Marauders (ravening wolves, blueblood Republicans) become addicted to adolescent challenges for exercising or enhancing skills for stringing and snaring Masticators (sheep, middle Democrats), as with financial shenanigans. Inextricably connected to their competition is their mutual support for their addictive game. Each ravening wolf appreciates the other’s helping to hold prey for cooperative, grisly shredding. Marauders find their territorial training grounds in banks and businesses (where some even learn to be double and triple agents).
Marginals (dreaming sheepdogs, leftist Libertarians and Libertines) become addicted to adolescent challenging of Marauders by spoiling shenanigans. Such addiction is often spoliation for its own sake, as justification for anti-Americanism, Marxism, and Anarchy. Marginals find their territorial training grounds in drugs and colleges.
Being slaves to their mutually supported games of adolescent addictions, neither Marauders nor Marginals pursue civil philosophy for its own sake, but merely reinforce an unholy masquerade.
Moderates (rams , black sheep, Independents) pursue practical philosophies for preserving and civilizing their environment as a whole. Extreme Moderates actually engage such philosophies, affirmatively, as well as against patterns of conditioning and addiction that counteract civilizing decency. They do not accept spoon-fed philosophies, either from corporations or from colleges, but pursue their world views independently, under their own continuous audits.
See http://news.newsmax.com/?Z6IRXZSF1gCF77.dCqDED3PZkQrztfRAZ :
Liberal Web sites that allow feedback from readers are more than 12 times as likely to contain profanity as their conservative counterparts.
That's the finding of Washington Times' "Poli-Tech" columnist Matthew Sheffield, who used a search engine to find profanity on leading sites on both sides of the political spectrum.
Sheffield looked for occurrences of late comic George Carlin's "seven dirty words" and some popular variants on the top 10 conservative and top 10 liberal Web sites.
The search yielded 70,000 results at the conservative sites — and 1.9 million on the liberal sites.
"Dividing the number of instance of profanity by the number of pages of the sites on which they appear, then multiplying the result by 100, yields what might be called a ‘profanity quotient,'" Sheffield writes.
The top 10 left-wing sites have a profanity quotient of 14.6, while the right-wing sites have a quotient of 1.17, which means 14.6 percent of all pages on the liberal sites contain profanity, compared to 1.17 percent of all pages on the conservative sites.
"That's quite a disparity — liberals are more than 12 times as likely to use profanity as conservatives on the Web," Sheffield points out.
In an effort to explain the result, Sheffield adds: "More than likely, it is a reflection of how things are offline. Conservatives, especially those who are more religious, are less likely to use profanity in their daily conversation."
See http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/10/opinion/10kinsley.html?th&emc=th.
See http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/10/magazine/10politics-t.html?pagewanted=9&th&emc=th :
As a candidate, Obama has outlined an agenda for “civil rights and criminal justice,” aimed primarily at urban African-Americans. His platform includes refocusing the Justice Department on hate crimes, banning racial profiling by federal law-enforcement agencies and reforming mandatory minimum sentences (which disproportionately affect black men, especially those convicted on crack-cocaine charges). Obama’s black advisers caution, however, that no one should expect him to behave like a civil rights leader, marching alongside Al Sharpton to protest the next Jena or putting black causes ahead of anyone else’s. “It’s a very interesting question, but as a black person, you should feel confident that he will focus on your injustices and know that all the other injustices in other communities affect you too,” Valerie Jarrett told me. “There have been wounds in all the communities, not just in the black community. There are plenty of wounds to go around.”
Good thing you're in Canada. You'd screw the hell out of our bell curve!
Anyhoo, I wish someone would do a scientific or statistical study to correlate hatred for Bush, to see whether it tracks more closely to events in Iraq or to frenzied serve up's by media and blog outlets (air america, moveon.org, media matters, msnbc, daily kos, etc.) for the care and feeding of leftists.
Apart from Iraq (and preventing another attack on home soil), I don't see that Bush has done many things that leftists would not willy-nilly cheer had Obama done them.
Leftists say they don't like executive stonewalling (remember Hillary and the lost FBI files), Guantanamo, rendering (begun by Clinton), waterboarding, monitoring connections for overseas calls (remember Hoover, Kennedy, and Johnson?), the Patriot Act, military tribunals, death penalties (don't you know the Rosenbergs were innocent?), non-compete contracts (remember Bill's selling of nights in the Lincoln bedroom and Hillary's firing of the White House travel staff to make room for non-compete F.O.B.'s?), Halliburton (hey, once in awhile some friends in Congress should get a little earmark action!), Blackwater (lets start a draft instead, so we can get the Yippies back for an encore), and the sour notes Bush stirs in overseas relations (why doesn't he just let the Arabs make Israel an offer they can't refuse?).
Anyhoo, having enjoyed protection by Mommy and Daddy from evil, and knowing nothing of history, Leftists presume we should be able to play nice with it.
Well, what sort of affronts to privacy, property, and freedom will Leftists cheer --- as Obama, Gore, and Pelosi demagogue the need in our time to save the planet, stop global warming, enforce carbon credits, regulate gas usage, outlaw cigarettes, ban child spanking, and redistribute global wealth --- especially when another 9-11 occurs on their watch?
Frankly, this business of trying enemy combatants in civilian courts using criminal law procedures goes the wrong way up my nose --- as do so many other adolescent leftist proposals.
I enjoyed the "profanity-quotient research" because it may support a hunch that Leftists lack intelligence enough to be able to express themselves in other terms. I suspect their "intelligence" consists mainly in narcissistic self image reflected from the magic Marxist mirror on the other side of their purple haze door.
They sometimes make me so mad I could just ... cuss!
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3dy6myWxg8.
Subject: Re: Bush Drives Libs to Profanity!
Just to even up the statistics a bit - I don't give a sh*t what liberals say or how the f*** they say it: they are all dumb d**khe*d a*s**oles. Ok, I'll express it with a religious sentiment: they are g-d*a*n idiots. I suppose my 'profanity quotient' is a bit higher than average, but that is Canadian eh?
Quote snippets from http://www.ccny.cuny.edu/library/Divisions/Government/rosenbergs.html :
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for espionage in Sing Sing Prison on 19 June 1953. They had been convicted of giving American atomic secrets to the Soviets during World War II. Though the government was convinced of their guilt, many people were not and the debate over their guilt or innocence did not stop with their deaths. Subsequent declassified government documents have however indicated that Julius Rosenberg did indeed spy for the Soviets but that the government's case against Ethel Rosenberg was quite weak.
During World War II German-born physicist Klaus Fuchs worked on The Manhattan Project [the Atomic Bomb] at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. In January 1950 Fuchs confessed to British Intelligence and later to the FBI that during the time he was at Los Alamos he had been a Soviet spy. Fuchs said the man to whom he passed on information about the atomic bomb project was known to him as Raymond. Raymond was eventually identified as a Philadelphia chemist whose real name was Harry Gold. Gold's other contact at Los Alamos was David Greenglass, the brother-in-law of Julius Rosenberg.
As time went on and documents about the case began to be declassified and released, especially the Venona Intercepts, even some of these supporters came to believe that Julius Rosenberg was indeed a Soviet spy. However, the information revealed in the declassified documents did not indicate that Ethel Rosenberg was deeply involved in espionage. Many historians have come to feel that while Ethel Rosenberg was aware of her husband's activities, she did not play a primary role in the espionage and that her activities did not rise to the level of the death penalty.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason :
Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as: "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.
Outside legal spheres, the word "traitor" may also be used to describe a person who betrays (or is accused of betraying) their own political party, nation, family, friends, ethnic group, religion, social class, or other group to which they may belong. Often, such accusations are controversial and disputed, as the person may not identify with the group of which they are a member, or may otherwise disagree with the group leaders making the charge. See, for example, race traitor.
From http://www.againsthillary.com/2008/03/11/hillary-and-bill-clinton-hide-and-seek/ :
USA Today reports archivists at the Clinton Presidential Library are blocking release of hundreds of pages of White House papers related to pardons approved by the former president. These include clemency documents for the fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich.
There are the familiar explanations - there always are with the Clintons - about why they can't be more forthcoming with documents and records. When asked about her tax returns during a recent debate, Mrs. Clinton said she hadn't gotten it done yet because she's "a little busy right now." The question was not about the 2007 return, but those from previous years. Surely those earlier returns are available, or have they been misplaced like disappearing documents at the Rose Law Firm, which magically materialized in the White House residence after Ken Starr and a Senate committee subpoenaed them?
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