
What happens when folks sacrifice all other aspects of their beings in order to serve only one conditioned proclivity, ADDICTION, or single-minded trance?
Does such a condition not represent a state of EVIL?
How many forms of totalitarian causes have attracted and TRAPPED like-minded comrades, Nazis, zealots, jihadists, anarchists, nihilists, and exhibitionistic Californ-icating hedonists?
Is there any significant difference in the kool-aid ordered by Jim Jones and that forced by the likes of Akmadinijad, that has not heretofore been forced by the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Saddam?
What single-minded, totalitarian purpose does not seek to sacrifice all Will to a singularly evil perspective, for self-contracting into a void of meaningless robotic-ism or nothingness?
Does not EVIL flourish as we sacrifice Will to mind control and as we lose such Enlightened Empathy as otherwise would facilitate the diversion and expansion of our arts, interests, and purposes?
A good soldier will identify with purposes larger than his physical body. In such service, unavoidably, he may risk his life; sometimes, however unintentionally or begrudgingly, he may lose his life.
A soldier may even come to intuit an imperative, when necessary to pursue an interpretation of purposes that are higher or of “God,” to willingly lay down his life.
Such a soldier would not directly or only be serving, on Earth, a singular God, but his interpretations of a plurality of present or future earthly purposes of God.
That is, such a soldier's here and now mindful purposes should be: manifold, not purely singular; creatively participatory, not merely reflexively directed or single minded.
We ought not so worship physicality over spirituality as to subordinate all other earthly, physical purposes to only one monstrous physical purpose.
God gives us life and earth; God gives us to appreciate that they (plural, not singular) are "good."
Snippet from http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=NGZkZDEzZDhkNzQ1ZWMwNmE0MGNmYzBjNjI5Nzc2YjQ=#more :
August 16, 2008 12:00 AM
Echoes of Berlin
Lessons for today
By Michael Barone
Vladimir Putin’s Russia did not invade Georgia solely because it is a country on its borders moving toward freedom, democracy and the rule of law, though that was one reason. He did not invade solely to intimidate other former Soviet republics that have moved in the same direction — Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia — though that was another reason. He invaded also because Georgia is the chokepoint on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline that is the sole means except through Russia of transporting oil from the Caucasus and potentially natural gas from Central Asia to Europe and the wider world.
Some say we never should have encouraged Georgia by offering NATO membership, which was sidetracked by Germany; others say if NATO membership had been extended, Russia would not have invaded. Perhaps and perhaps. In June 1948, some said we should have withdrawn from Berlin, while others said we should have negotiated land access to Berlin in 1945. We are where we are, as we were where we were then. The question is whether we have the nerve and the ingenuity and the persistence to stay. Truman’s America did. Does ours?
Snippets from
Bush Derangement Syndrome: Russia as a Strategic Partner
The president must withdraw the U.S.-Russia civil nuclear-cooperation pact.
By Andrew C. McCarthy
That apparently not being enough appeasement, Secretary Rice eventually persuaded the president to reverse course on Bushehr. The party line is classic State Department hocus-pocus. Bushehr is now good: It shows the mullahs they don’t need to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes because those scrupulous Russians will do it for them. Of course, everyone knows the Iranians are not really enriching for peaceful purposes. Indeed, that has always been the core of the administration’s case. So we are pretending the Russians are an honest broker, earnestly persuading the Iranians not to do something we know full-well they are not doing.
There is no stomach to honor the administration’s promise that Iran will not be permitted to obtain nuclear weapons. To avoid acknowledging that embarrassing truth, no exercise in self-delusion can be ruled out. Thus, besides the Bushehr turnabout, the Rice Capades have also featured a “diplomatic offensive” that banked on the Russians (and the Chinese) using their Security Council muscle to coerce the mullahs into capitulation. (And Obama thinks he’s the Hope guy!)
The “offensive” was a pathetic goody-package: a futile effort to buy the mullahs off in exchange for an unverifiable promise to stop enriching uranium … with no requirement that Iran refrain from promoting terror. It began as a European initiative, but Secretary Rice was keen to join it, despite decades-old American policy against direct, official negotiations with Tehran’s terror regime. It was prayer masquerading as policy, patently designed to impress the “international community” that those cowboy days of the first term were over.
If Putin makes a lot of money while Iran gets nukes, Putin is not going to worry about Iran one day threatening the Russian people. Putin doesn’t give a damn about the Russian people now — he and his cronies in the workers’ neo-paradise care only about lining their pockets.
We can’t be in a strategic partnership with a thug. Not on anything, much less nuclear power. Acknowledging this, which simply means opening our eyes, entails conceding that our Iran policy is also a dangerous delusion. But is there an open eye that hasn’t figured that out already?
Snippets from http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=YmZhOGRlZTcwOTVlNmVmOWJhYmIzMmNhNGE5MjVmYzc= :
National Review Online
Pagan Problem
By Michael Knox Beran
August 22, 2008
Take a look at Freedom House’s 2008 map of the world, and it’s clear that free institutions are strongest in Europe, in what was once the seat of Christendom, and in places colonized by European nations — the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, India, and South Africa. Perhaps free institutions will one day prosper throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. At present they do not.
The belief that we can dispense with God because we possess the power to be God is, Whittaker Chambers said, “man’s second oldest faith.” Its “promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: ‘Ye shall be as gods.’”
To his credit, Obama supports faith-based initiatives that counteract the sterility of secularism. But this single, painless deviation from liberal orthodoxy scarcely demonstrates that he has grasped the magnitude of the problem.
In Europe a decline in religious faith has contributed to the sterilization of the culture. Fertility rates tell the story: The former citadel of Christianity is no longer replacing its population. A similar trend is apparent in America’s “blue” states: Fertility rates in New England now resemble those of northern Europe.
For all his faith-talk, Barack Obama is not that leader.
Inherited wealth, connections, position, and power, especially when unaccompanied by concrete, hard experience, such as military or entrepreneurial, often leads to disconnects with reality and moral purposefulness.
Adolescent whining and “acting out,” as if others “owe you,” apart from willingness to engage diligently in order to look after your own and your posterity’s interests, is not only obnoxious, but it also provides openings for EVIL, through sloth, envy, and gluttony, as well as through sordid sins they invite along.
So, why do Democrats work so hard to recruit whining felons, welfare abusers, and addicts? And why do Republicans work so hard to justify opportunists bent on whining and justifying the sell out of America and our environment?
Advocacy bent on recruiting and training members of any political party in support of such whining is both obnoxious and evil. So, where are the Moderating Adults, who should be enforcing discipline and instilling character?
In Western Civilization, we tend to be taught to idealize as if we are nations governed under the rule of law, rather than the rule of men. However, given practiced creativity of lawyers, it becomes difficult to imagine the twist or perversion that could not, depending only upon who is the judge, be rationalized and “justified” under law and our “living Constitution,” especially during this “age of toleration.”
As we profess that the Constitution "lives," but that God does not, so reigns Evil.
I begin to think that, absent underlying assimilation of common spiritual values, there is little hope for a multicultural citizenry to achieve cohesive governance merely through rule of law. Absent some sort of assimilation of moral values, relying merely upon enactments of law soon becomes, first, a joke, then, a tragedy. To those who believe, “We don’t need no stinking God,” I say, “Yeah, right!”
Without a common appreciation for that which is most highly valued or sacred, every argument about property rights or law eventually reduces to emotional epithets. For evidence, look at the sort of “arguments” that are most relied upon by our competing politicians. For winning lay votes from electors and jurors, do not politicians and lawyers most often find it necessary to resort to arguments based on displays of emotion, grounded in body language? To that extent, are not words reduced to ambiguous filler, mainly devoid of meaning, except as pumped by emotional content?
Without “God,” what word or logos is there, really? "In the beginning was the word" (John 1:1-3, 10-14). Without God, we “come-let-us-reason-together” as shallow, emotional toddlers, viz: “did too; did not; you’re ugly; my dad can lick your dad; you're not my parent; I know I am but what are you; na na-na na-na na; etc.”
Professing atheists who demand “reasons” for all choices, apart from respect for “God” (Source of Enlightened Empathy) lead us first as jokes, then as calamities.
Those who SEE in their intuition a Source of Enlightened Empathy “see” that each of us is expressive of Something more than a self playing symphony.
Intuitively, there IS a Whole (“WILL”) that functions synchronously and simultaneously in respect of ITS SELF WILL. But, each Perspective that finds a niche within IT interprets, appreciates, or perceives IT differently, because the functions by which such Whole multi-tasks to relate to each Part are differently compartmentalized and Mediated. No Partial Perspective can perceive or interpret the Whole as IT truly IS. But, that does not mean that an intuition or implication of the existence of the Whole is incorrect. Nor does it mean that a Partial Perspective should not benefit, spiritually, by being open to attempting to intuit or receive guidance from such Whole.
Regarding Alexander Solzhenitsyn:
From http://townhall.com/columnists/DineshDSouza/2008/08/18/the_prophet_at_harvard?page=full&comments=true :
The Prophet At Harvard
by Dinesh D'Souza
Monday, August 18, 2008
When we think of the collapse of the Soviet Union, several names come to mind: Gorbachev, Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Lech Walesa, Margaret Thatcher, Vaclav Havel. But one name is missing: Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It was Solzhenitsyn’s great corpus of work, beginning with One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and continuing through The Gulag Archipelago, that opened the eyes of the West to the magnitude of the crimes of Soviet totalitarianism. Marxist-style regimes now survive only in isolated pockets: Cuba, North Korea, and in a qualified sense China.
Today it is impossible to deny that Solzhenitsyn was correct about the “evil empire,” and his role in exposing it and bringing it down. But there is another side to Solzhenitsyn that has been largely ignored, and this is his critique of certain trends in Western civilization. Solzhenitsyn raised this subject, no less controversial and for us closer to home, in his famous 1978 Harvard address.
Even though he was second to none in his denunciation of totalitarian socialism, Solzhenitsyn said, "Should someone ask me whether I would indicate the West such as it is today as a model to my country, frankly I would have to answer negatively." The whole address is worth reading, but here are some highlights.
On the lack of courage in facing a totalitarian enemy: "The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country...and of course in the United Nations....Such a decline is especially notable among ruling groups and the intellectual elite....They get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful governments and threatening forces, with aggressors and international terrorists."
On how materialism makes a nation soft: "Every citizen has been granted the desired freedom and material goods in such quantity and of such quality as to guarantee in theory the pursuit of happiness...So why and for what should one risk one's precious life in defense of common values and particularly in such nebulous cases when the security of one's nation must be defended in a distant country?"
On what has happened to the rule of law: "People in the West has acquired considerable skill in using, interpreting and manipulating law....If one is right from a legal point of view, nothing more is required, nobody might mention that one could still not be entirely right and urge a willingness to show restraint or sacrifice. Everybody operates at the extreme limits of those legal frames....A society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed, but a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either."
On the rights of criminals: "Legal frames especially in the United States are broad enough to encourage not only individual freedom but also certain individual crimes. The culprit can go unpunished or obtain undeserved leniency with the support of legions of public defenders. When a government starts an earnest fight against terrorism, public opinion immediately accuses it of violating the terrorists' civil rights. There are many such cases."
On the abuses of freedom: "Destructive and irresponsible freedom has been granted boundless space. Soceity appears to have litle defense against the abyss of human decadence, such as misuse of liberty for moral violence against young people, motion pictures full of pornography, crime and horror...Such a tilt of freedom in the direction of evil has come about gradually but it was evidently born out of a humanistic concept according to which there is no evil inherent to human nature."
On freedom of the press: "The press, too, enjoys the widest freedom. But what use does it make of this freedom? The press has become the greatest power within the Western countries, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. One would then like to ask: by what law has it been elected and to whom is it responsible? How many hasty, immature, superficial and misleading judgments are expressed every day, confusing readers, and without any verification? Thus we see terrorists made into heroes, or secret matters pertaining to the national defense publicly revealed, or shameful intrusion into the privacy of people under the false slogan: everyone has the right to know everything."
On the atrophy of the spiritual life: "Mere freedom does not in the least solve all the problems of human life and it even adds some new ones....We have placed too much hope in political and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual life."
Thirty years ago, the very chattering classes mentioned in Solzhenitsyn's address ridiculed the man as a reactionary and a crank. The literary critic Susan Sontag wrote about Manhattan cocktail parties at which the cultural left would laugh at Solzhenitsyn. No one--certainly not liberals and libertarians--wanted to hear what the New York Times called Solzhenitsyn's "hectoring jeremiads."
But today when you go to Asia you hear everywhere the slogan, "Modernization, yes; Westernization, no." Throughout the Muslim world there is a reaction--exploited of course by the Islamic radicals--against what is perceived as the shamelessness and decadence of Western values and culture. Even in the West there is deep ambivalence about what has happened to cherished notions of liberty, the rule of law, freedom of the press, and the pursuit of happiness.
We don't have to agree with Solzhenitsyn on everything to say that, far from being a reactionary, here was a man who was ahead of his time in diagnosing some of the serious ailments of the modern era. Not only was he right about the Gulag; in many respects this forlorn Russian hermit was also right about us.
Snippets from http://townhall.com/columnists/DennisPrager/2008/08/19/if_there_is_no_god:
If There Is No God
by Dennis Prager
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
For every thousand students who learn about the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials, maybe two learn to associate Gulag, Auschwitz, The Cultural Revolution and the Cambodian genocide with secular regimes and ideologies.
For all the problems associated with belief in God, the death of God leads to far more of them.
So, while it is not possible to prove (or disprove) God's existence, what is provable is what happens when people stop believing in God.
... unless there is a moral authority that transcends humans from which emanates an objective right and wrong, "right" and "wrong" no more objectively exist than do "beautiful" and "ugly."
With the death of Judeo-Christian values in the West, many Westerners believe in little. That is why secular Western Europe has been unwilling and therefore unable to confront evil, whether it was Communism during the Cold War or Islamic totalitarians in its midst today.
It was largely the secular, not the religious, who believed in the utterly irrational doctrine of Marxism. It was largely the secular, not the religious, who believed that men's and women's natures are basically the same, that perceived differences between the sexes are all socially induced. Religious people in Judeo-Christian countries largely confine their irrational beliefs to religious beliefs (theology), while the secular, without religion to enable the non-rational to express itself, end up applying their irrational beliefs to society, where such irrationalities do immense harm.
Without God, there is little to inspire people to create inspiring art. That is why contemporary art galleries and museums are filled with "art" that celebrates the scatological, the ugly and the shocking.
Without God, there are no inalienable human rights. Evolution confers no rights.
"Without God," Dostoevsky famously wrote, "all is permitted." There has been plenty of evil committed by believers in God, but the widespread cruelties and the sheer number of innocents murdered by secular regimes -- specifically Nazi, Fascist and Communist regimes -- dwarfs the evil done in the name of religion.
... makes the case for the necessity, not the existence, of God. "Which God?" the secularist will ask. The God of Israel, the God of America's founders, "the Holy God who is made holy by justice" (Isaiah), the God of the Ten Commandments, the God who demands love of neighbor, the God who endows all human beings with certain inalienable rights, the God who is cited on the Liberty Bell because he is the author of liberty. That is the God being referred to here, without whom we will be vanquished by those who believe in less noble gods, both secular and divine.
To appreciate or perceive a particular or holographic pattern of “physics,” one’s expression of Will must become so attuned and sensitive as to be receptive to such appreciation or perception.
To will to attune to any perspective of patterns or of holography is to will to insulate oneself apart from The Holism of Being, which necessarily renders any particular-based-perspective incomplete, as well as subject to instantaneous phase conversion upon each change of perspective or attunement.
In coming to experience a perspective, as one senses any single pattern or thing, one will, alternately, sense such thing (1) from a perspective of particularity and (2) from a perspective of holism.
One may sense or measure a thing (1) as being particularly emerged or expressed out of its environment, and one may sense such thing (2) as a sub-holism out of which other particular things are expressed (or cross-reacted with).
While one is focused and intent to appreciate a pattern from a perspective of particularity, one will be so defining oneself in such relation, so that one will not then and there be appreciating such pattern from a perspective of significantly greater holism, and vice versa.
Each perspective one experiences or chooses coordinates with an interpretation of reality, which collapses in a way consistent with reinforcing each such perception. Each such interpretation is “real” to one’s experience, but is not a complete model of The Reality exterior to one’s perspective.
Based on logic availed to our empiricism, a mortal perspective-of-reality may not, at the same time and place, accurately know or measure both (1) the particular reality of its perception and (2) the holistic reality that subsumes its perspective.
As one measures light as a particle, one will not be measuring it as a wave; and vice versa.
One cannot, with completely coherent consistency, measure a thing in simultaneous space (location) and time (direction of change), from both a perspective of particularity and from a perspective of greater holism.
One cannot, merely by continuously subdividing things, reach or comprehend an ultimate particle or a complete model of explication.
Nevertheless, by practicing in attuning and measuring in respect of various perspectives and models, one may come to appreciate an ever-expanding and/or changing universe of ambiguities and possibilities.
Therewith, one may gain vision, insight, intuition, judgment, and skill. Therewith, one may artfully ever-engage in one’s choices and appreciation of Will.
For that, no single science or course of study will yield “the correct answer.” But, a variety of approaches may enhance one’s artistically skilled appreciation of paths for pursuing fulfillment.
We have no way to make our interpretations or physical measurements “more perfect or complete,” merely by rationalizing arbitrary notions or blends of notions, such as notions of “part-wholes” or of “particle-waves.” Rather, it is beyond our mortal comprehension or mathematics to devise any synthesizing model that could yield a complete, coherent, consistent interpretation of reality.
Perhaps, however, we may enhance alternative, hyper, virtual ways of interpreting, which may lead us to experience different perspectives of holographies of our common holism. In any event, no one model and no blend of models avails a reliably complete interpretation of any non-trivial event.
Such problem of incompleteness pertains to every model or perspective we may choose, and is not confined merely to our physical reality. Rather, such problem also permeates our intangible, conceptual, conscious reality. Such problem applies when we try to blend concepts of: psychology with sociology, or individual enterprise with community goals, or capitalism with socialism.
In considering a number of different models or perspectives, we may enhance our humility, insight, vision, intuition and emotional appreciation. In such way, we may better inspire choices, even though mere logic or math can never prove that any one choice was ultimately morally “better” than any other.
In relation to where our civilization is presently, “socialistic-capitalism” may be descriptive of what we have chosen --- consciously or unconsciously. Yet, no such concept of “socialistic-capitalism” will necessarily be a better or higher form --- either of socialism or of capitalism.
We are in a passing phase. Our appreciation of it may be enhanced were we to become more receptive to spiritual humility and intuition that avails from a variety of perspectives.
Make choices we must. One such choice may be to appreciate how no zealous notion of communism, socialism, or humanism can replace the enlightened empathy that can be received in common spiritual humility before God.
Whether we label our secular political philosophy as communism, socialism, capitalism, humanism, or as some blend thereof, what is most important to our humane, enlightened empathy is that we appreciate our spiritual interconnection, which devolves from a myriad of ambiguous possibilities of Will.
In single minded zeal, there lurks the blind evil that ever challenges us.
Why We Experience Good And Evil:
In God’s domain, infinity and eternity reduce physics to pure math, to the entertainment of God’s Consciousness.
In the domainof mortals, we may have direct intuition of God’s ever presence, grace, and empathy.
We may experience ourselves as living, willing perspectives of God’s Consciousness.
Physical expressions of good and evil result as our Perspectives of Will are put to contest among various competing and cooperating algorithmic functions and layers of math.
Some functions of math tend in various niches to nourish expressions of evil, and some of good.
There is a powerful function of math at work, which tends to imprison and challenge Will for free thinking.
However, imprisonment is not eternal, and Will eventually “learns” how to overcome and reduce functions that imprison it.
Even so, the challenge of newly morphing functions continues to proceed, in infinite progression.
In each case, our reasonable expectation is eventually to overcome and reduce each consecutive challenge of evil.
Thus, Evil presents us (in our changing morphologies) with an infinity of challenges, while God trumps to present us with an eternity of time.
Always, God is available to help us carry on the struggle.
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