
Money-Holders, acting behind humanity’s various thrones, play volatility thusly: Empower Republicans, to teach them how to whip mules to the point where they can work no harder, and then alternate, to empower Democrats, to let them learn from hard knocks why to defer to adults. Regardless, the parameters within which Republicans and Democrats are allowed to operate are regulated by a top level of Interest-Charging-Money-Holders, who need not especially empathize with the mass of humanity, but instead pursue fulfillment in a game of pursuing power over humanity.
The problem and challenge for Enlightened, Empathizing, Moderating People (aka, "Red Ass Moderates," or RAM’s) is: How best to grasp power away from power mongers, while protecting human freedom and dignity, without empowering nihilists bent on destroying earth.
The problem and challenge for Enlightened, Empathizing, Moderating People (aka, "Red Ass Moderates," or RAM’s) is: How best to grasp power away from power mongers, while protecting human freedom and dignity, without empowering nihilists bent on destroying earth.
THE COMING INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM WILL ENSLAVE EVERYONE TO BUT A FEW FEUHRERS (under which the political left becomes interchangeable with the right):
See http://www.disneyshorts.org/years/1943/derfuehrersface.html.
At this point, I have not realistically reconciled whether it is a good or necessary thing, but I have come to believe we are looming perilously near a New World Order, where everyone will soon be a debt slave, except for puppet masters at the very top, in respect of whom our quality of life will be utterly dependent upon chance, connections, and loyalties.
The “financing” for this has already been laid before our eyes, out of thin air. The puppet masters are in place. Money: They own the main banks. Media: Few protest, because they own the main media. Indoctrination: They endow the main universities.
I see little reason to believe the puppet masters will necessarily wish to be munificent to the rest of humanity. I have not yet reconciled what can or should be done. If anything can be done, it would require far more than merely choosing between Obama and McCain (although McCain may buy more time).
Snippets from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_public_debt:
The United States total public debt, commonly called the national debt, or U.S. government debt, is the amount of money owed by the United States federal government to creditors (bankers) who hold U.S. debt instruments.
As of September 2008, the total U.S. federal debt was approximately $9.7 trillion, about $31,700 per capita (that is, per U.S. resident). Of this amount, debt held by the public was roughly $5.3 trillion. If, in addition, unfunded Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, etc. promises are added, this figure rises to a total of $59.1 trillion.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Treasury Department have warned that debt levels will increase dramatically relative to historical levels, due primarily to mandatory expenditures for programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and interest. Mandatory expenditures are projected to exceed federal tax revenues sometime between 2030 and 2040 if reforms are not undertaken. Further, benefits under entitlement programs will exceed government income by over $40 trillion over the next 75 years. The severity of the measures necessary to address this challenge increases the longer such changes are delayed. These organizations have stated that the government's current fiscal path is "unsustainable."
A traditional defense of the national debt is that Americans "owe the debt to ourselves", but that is increasingly not true. The US debt in the hands of foreign governments is 25% of the total, virtually double the 1988 figure of 13%. Despite the declining willingness of foreign investors to continue investing in US-dollar–denominated instruments as the US Dollar has fallen in 2007, the U.S. Treasury statistics indicate that, at the end of 2006, foreigners held 44% of federal debt held by the public. About 66% of that 44% was held by the central banks of other countries, in particular the central banks of Japan and China. In total, lenders from Japan and China held 47% of the foreign-owned debt. This exposure to potential financial or political risk should foreign banks stop buying Treasury securities or start selling them heavily was addressed in a recent report issued by the Bank of International Settlements which stated, "'Foreign investors in U.S. dollar assets have seen big losses measured in dollars, and still bigger ones measured in their own currency. While unlikely, indeed highly improbable for public sector investors, a sudden rush for the exits cannot be ruled out completely."
When the expenses of the U.S. Government exceed the revenue collected, it issues new debt to cover the deficit. This debt typically takes the form of new issues of government bonds which are sold on the open market. However, the debt can also be monetized by which the Federal Reserve creates an entry on its books to credit the US Government for an amount equal to the dollar amount of the bonds the Federal Reserve is acquiring. The money created in this process not only includes the new dollars that came into existence just to purchase the bonds, but much more because this new money is now sitting in the form of checkbook money at the Federal Reserve. Under the scheme of Fractional Reserve Banking this new checkbook money is treated as an asset to lend against. Economists estimate the expansion of the money supply as being many times the amount of the initial money created with the exact amount being a function of what percentage of deposits banks must set aside as "reserves".
The ultimate consequence of monetizing U.S. debt is that it expands the money supply which will tend to dilute the value of dollars already in circulation. Thus, expanding the pool of money puts downward pressure on the dollar, downward pressure on short-term interest rates (the banks have more to lend) and upward pressure on inflation. Typically this causes an inflationary boom that ends in a deflationary bust to complete the business cycle. Note that money supply expansion is not the only force at work in inflation or interest rates. United States Dollars are essentially a commodity on the world market and the value of the dollar at any given time is subject to the law of supply and demand. In recent years, the debt has soared and inflation has stayed relatively low in part because China has been willing to accumulate reserves denominated in U.S. Dollars. Currently, China holds over $1 trillion in dollar denominated assets (of which $330 billion are U.S. Treasury notes). In comparison, $1.4 trillion represents M1 or the "tight money supply" of U.S. Dollars which suggests that the value of the U.S. Dollar could change dramatically should China ever choose to divest itself of a large portion of those reserves.
Federal Reserve: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Federal_Reserve_System:
Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and his daughter's marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. In 1910, Aldrich and executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., secluded themselves for 10 days at Jekyll Island, Georgia. The executives included Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, associated with the Rockefellers; Henry Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; and Col. Edward House, who would later become President Woodrow Wilson's closest adviser and founder of the Council on Foreign Relations. There, Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. directed the proceedings and wrote the primary features of what would be called the Aldrich Plan. Warburg would later write that "The matter of a uniform discount rate (interest rate) was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island." Vanderlip wrote in his 1935 autobiography From Farmboy to Financier:
I was as secretive, indeed I was as furtive as any conspirator. Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would have been wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress…I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.”
The Nebraskan populist and frequent Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan said of the plan: "Big financiers are back of the Aldrich currency scheme." He asserted that if it passed, big bankers would "then be in complete control of everything through the control of our national finances."
After months of hearings, amendments, and debates the Federal Reserve Act passed Congress on a Sunday two days before Christmas when most of Congress was on vacation. Years later, regarding the bill he signed into law, Wilson said, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world."
"I do not blind myself to the fact that this measure will not be effectual as a remedy for a great national evil – the concentrated control of credit...The Money Trust has not passed [died]...You rejected the specific remedies of the Pujo committee, chief among them, the prohibition of interlocking directorates. He [your enemy] will not cease fighting...at some half-baked enactment...You struck a weak half-blow, and time will show that you have lost.
Bryan and the agrarians wanted a government-owned central bank which could print paper money whenever Congress wanted, and thought the plan gave bankers too much power to print the government's currency. Wilson sought the advice of prominent lawyer Louis Brandeis to make the plan more amenable to the agrarian wing of the party; Brandeis agreed with Bryan. Wilson convinced them that because Federal Reserve notes were obligations of the government and because the President would appoint the members of the Federal Reserve Board, the plan fit their demands. However, Bryan soon became disillusioned with the system. In the November 1923 issue of "Hearst's Magazine" Bryan wrote that "The Federal Reserve Bank that should have been the farmer's greatest protection has become his greatest foe."
The financial-meltdown shenanigans of connected alumni of Ivy League schools shows their culture is rife with ethos for creating money out of thin air of elite connections, then to enforce interest from it. Some sort of evolutionary pressure is promoting those with most passion for controlling people to positions where they can control people. It is as if our current path of evolution/morphogenesis requires humanity to be reduced to a hierarchical duck line.
Snippets from http://www.goodnewsmedia.com/bible.studies.htm/nwo.htm:
Is this scheme to establish a New World Order in fact a reality? Yes it is. If you do not believe this I encourage you to study the United Nations documents and also the treaties which, once ratified by individual nations, become INTERNATIONAL LAW. The United Nations created the Commission for Global Governance, if you don't believe this, visit the United Nations website and look it up.
{FIRST (GOVERNMENT):} The coming one world government is being set up in the political arena under the flag of the United Nations, through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers, and the Club of Rome whose members include many world leaders, media personalities and other influential people. The published goal of the Council of Foreign Relations for example is a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. And although most have never heard of many of these groups, they do exist, and they are very influential. The core of these groups hold to "illuminist" philosophy.
{SECOND (MONEY CHANGING):} A second focus is ECONOMICS with FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS, the International Monetary Fund, WORLD BANK and the Bank of International Settlements. The coming global monetary crisis is intended to institute a universal debt-based currency controlled by the International Financiers and issued to individuals against biometric identification cards. This is all about control!
{THIRD (RELIGION):} The third area of focus is RELIGION. Organizations like the World Council of Churches and the Parliament of World Religions were established to introduce a new world religion. It is based on a PANTHEISTIC/humanist philosophy. Pay careful attention when you study the documents and reports published by the United Nations and related organizations. This philosophy is now being taught in the education system and has been implemented under programs such as Goals 2000.
{FOURTH (SECULAR RELIGION AND CONTROL):} The New World Order will be SOCIALISM. Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof of this fact. The individual will be subservient to the state. Rights and power reside in and derive from the state, not the individual. United Nations documents all speak of collectivism. They claim that private ownership and management of property is not to the benefit of the human race. These things are cloaked in a pleasant language, and most people are taken in and deceived. Yet few bother to study these documents. In the New World Order you will be in SERFDOM TO THE CONTROLLING ELITE! You will have no liberty, and no rights. The State will look after you for your best interests. Do you see how the governments of the free world are slowly becoming more involved in everyday life? This is exactly what socialism is. The government becomes involved in every aspect of personal life. Today we require a license for so many things. In Australia, farmers now require permission to farm the land they own. This is not freedom.
{FIFTH (POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT):} Terms such as 'SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT' mean depopulation and serfdom. The masses continue to fall for lie after lie after lie. Study history and you will discover that there have been VERY FEW FREE SOCIETIES. Those that were free were either overthrown or fell into the trap of socialism, totally unaware of the dangers until it was too late. Socialism (communism) is ALWAYS IMPLEMENTED THROUGH DECEPTION. History portrays a repetitive phenomenon . . . enslavement-revolt-freedom-apathy-enslavement. Enslavement frequently followed revolution because the people did not realize that socialism was slavery, not freedom.
"The United Nations goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day." Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991.
"A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights that God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins!" Benjamin Franklin
The PRESENT ORDER IS BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES. This foundation proved very successful. Contrast those nations built upon Christian foundation with nations that were established on a pagan or Islamic foundation. The Christian nations have had freedom, liberty and opportunity for all citizens, whether Christian or not. In these nations, the people have sovereign inalienable God-given rights, and government is responsible for protecting those rights. The rights of personal freedom, individual liberty and private property are granted by an authority higher than man, thus this authority cannot be overruled by men. This is the foundation upon which the United States was built. These are principles the Establishment has attempted to quash. At the other end of the spectrum we see the United Nations Charter and related documents wherein individual rights are a privilege granted by government. A big difference!!! If our individual rights are a privilege granted by the State, these individual rights can be taken away! Don't fall for the lie that they will not be. Every governing system that denies unalienable rights come from our Creator has been a system of slavery of the masses. The blood runs!
The Illuminati, Secret Societies and the New World Order:
The plan to establish one world government is not new. It is a long established goal of those who practice the 'Mysteries'. The Mystery Religion is the oldest of all the world's religions. In fact all the world’s religions stem from the Mysteries except true Orthodox Judaism and true Biblical Christianity. The Mystery Religion stems back to ancient Babylon. The Initiates of the Mysteries have a goal they term the 'GREAT WORK.' They hold this to be a benevolent world dictatorship. It is the sort of benevolent dictatorship Adolf Hitler wanted. Adolf Hitler was himself an Illuminist and a member of the Thule Society. The entire SS were also initiates. The 'Great Work' is a process of illuminating the human soul to a state of 'apotheosis'. It will be completed when the whole human race achieves this state. The Mysteries hold to the Platonic IDEAL WHEREIN HUMANITY IS A SINGULAR ORGANISM. Adherents view humanity as one collective being, and the individual must sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. Yet the individuals in question are you and me.
Socialism and communism have their roots in the Mystery Religion. And despite what so-called experts may say, there is little difference between socialism and communism. The U.S.S.R. stood for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Who are these people? They are the members of all the VARIOUS SECRET SOCIETIES and fraternal organizations such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, the Vatican and many many more. It should be stressed that the majority of the members of these secret societies are absolutely unaware of the true nature of their society, church or lodge. The HIGHER INITIATES are known as the 'adepts' or 'keepers of the secrets of all ages.' The members may belong to any religion when they join the society, yet when they reach the higher echelons and become the adepts, I assure you they all practice the same religion. One thing to remember with regards to these secret societies is that they are all the same at the higher levels. All the adepts belong collectively to what is known as the 'Illuminati' which means the 'illumined ones.' The Illuminati are those who have progressed through the various initiations in the particular branch of the Mystery Schools to which they belong until they have reached the stage of true illumination. Thus these people actually believe that what they are doing is right, just as Adolf Hitler thought that what he was doing was right and beneficial to humanity.
The ancient stories of Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek mythology have more meaning than most people realize. Archeologists and historians only see the EXOTERIC and thus miss the whole point of what it all really means. When George Bush referred to a "Thousand Points of Light" in his speech in 1991 he was using the symbolic language and was referring to the body of initiates. When Bill Clinton in his State of the Union Address was speaking of about the "setting sun and then the dawning of the new era" he was also using symbolic language. The average person heard the exoteric meanings of these statements while initiates the world over smiled to themselves, as they understood the true meaning. You see George Bush is a member of the Order of Skull and Bones Society. Bill Clinton holds the 33rd degree in the Masonic lodge. Bob Dole, a Republican, is a 33rd degree Freemason. So it DOESN’T REALLY MATTER for whom you vote, you are in effect voting for the Mysteries. These people and many others are all practitioners of the Mysteries and know exactly where the world is going. Many judges belong to secret societies. These people are everywhere and are all indoctrinated in the philosophy of the Mysteries.
In Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the 30th to 33rd degrees are degrees of Illumination, with the 33rd being the most sought after by the 'illumined man.' The 33rd degree is the highest publicly known degree in Freemasonry. The number 33 signifies 'Illumination' and freedom from religious dogma (superstition). The human backbone contains 33 VERTEBRA with the cranium (intellect) on top.
When Adolf Hitler was building his power base in Germany some people woke up and realized what was going on. Some were sounding the alarm to what they saw happening, but these people were largely ignored. Some Jews listened and left the country. Some Germans listened and left. Those who ignored the warnings soon found themselves living in tyranny, and wondered how it could have happened. The same warning signs are being shouted from the rooftops in Australia and America today. Yet people are too busy with everyday things to stop and think. As in the 1930's, people are going to be SHOCKED when they lose their freedoms. "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" -- Adolf Hitler.
Every one who ignores what is going on will suffer for their indecision when plans and comfortable circumstances dissolve around them. Such people will be unable to avoid their fate because all avenues of escape will be closed. They will continue to be controlled and manipulated like a flock of sheep and know it not. They will be slaves! While those who have woken up and prepared both physically and spiritually will be in a far stronger situation, understanding what is happening and why. Troubled times will be upon us all, but is it not better to be informed and able to act, than ignorant, confused and lost?
NWO CHRONOLOGY --- Snippets from http://www.ki4u.com/webpal/a_reconstruction/nwo/history.htm:
1922 -- December 15, 1922 -- The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine Foreign Affairs. Author Philip Kerr, states:
"Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as [the earth] remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states until some kind of international system is created...The real problem today is that of the world government."
1933 -- The first Humanist Manifesto is published. Co-author John Dewey, the noted philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesizing of all religions and
"a socialized and cooperative economic order."
1939 -- New World Order by H. G. Wells proposes a collectivist
" one-world state" or "new world order" comprised of "socialist democracies."
He advocates "universal conscription for service" and declares that "nationalist individualism...is the world's disease."
1952 -- April 12, 1952 -- John Foster Dulles, later to become Secretary of State, says in a speech to the American Bar Association in Louisville, Kentucky, that
"treaty laws can override the Constitution."
He says treaties can take power away from Congress and give them to the President. They can take powers from the States and give them to the Federal Government or to some international body and they can cut across the rights given to the people by their constitutional Bill of Rights.
1975 -- In Congress, 32 Senators and 92 Representatives sign A Declaration of Interdependence, written by historian Henry Steele Commager. The Declaration states that:
"we must join with others to bring forth a new world order...Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation."
Congresswoman Marjorie Holt refuses to sign the Declaration saying:
"It calls for the surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. It declares that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. It proposes that we enter a 'new world order' that would redistribute the wealth created by the American people."
1987 -- The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change is sponsored in part by the Rockefeller Foundation. Some thoughts of author Arthur S. Miller are:
"...a pervasive system of thought control exists in the United States...the citizenry is indoctrinated by employment of the mass media and the system of public education...people are told what to think about...the old order is crumbling...Nationalism should be seen as a dangerous social disease...A new vision is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic solutions...a new Constitution is necessary."
1991 -- October 29, 1991 -- David Funderburk, former U. S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience:
"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging."
The vehicle to bring this about, said Funderburk, is the United Nations, "the majority of whose 166 member states are socialist, atheist, and anti-American."
Secret Government -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sstDwKTCpM
NWO push to International Socialism --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPU8w7Bxc0A
CFR -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPlvdSQ6cAM;
Bilderberg -- http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EE22Ak03.html; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg:
Critics claim the Bilderberg Group promotes the careers of politicians whose views are representative of the interests of multinational corporations, at the expense of democracy.
The best known was Phyllis Schlafly's "A Choice, Not an Echo" which suggested a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose policies would pave the way for global communist conquest. Schlafly's husband Fred had been a lecturer at Schwartz's local Christian anti-communism Crusade conferences."
Rothschild -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Rothschild.
The acclaimed poet Ezra Pound, in his World War II radio broadcasts from Italy, openly named the Rothschilds as the masters of a clique of banking houses that caused the World Wars in order to profit from them and get countries in debt to the lending central banks, which Pound claimed the Rothschild interests owned and exercised control of a nation's policy by having the power to issue the nation's money.
George Carlin -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYIC0eZYEtI
Federal Reserve -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Federal_Reserve_System
Big Gainers -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX2DgN1VYgQ
Who gained -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCLak2IfIsI
Profiting from crash -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmIennSKyOk
Using home as ATM -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWoobmHwJ6U
Unsustainable Debt -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGaXnAAAZXA
Hold On -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MilR1seLH5Y
Ivy League grade inflation (it’s not about substantive learning; it’s about connections and world view conditioning) --http://www.carnegiefoundation.org/perspectives/sub.asp?key=244&subkey=99&view_all=true.
Anyone? Anyone?
THE COMING INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM WILL ENSLAVE EVERYONE TO BUT A FEW FEUHRERS (under which the political left becomes interchangeable with the right):
See http://www.disneyshorts.org/years/1943/derfuehrersface.html.
At this point, I have not realistically reconciled whether it is a good or necessary thing, but I have come to believe we are looming perilously near a New World Order, where everyone will soon be a debt slave, except for puppet masters at the very top, in respect of whom our quality of life will be utterly dependent upon chance, connections, and loyalties.
The “financing” for this has already been laid before our eyes, out of thin air. The puppet masters are in place. Money: They own the main banks. Media: Few protest, because they own the main media. Indoctrination: They endow the main universities.
I see little reason to believe the puppet masters will necessarily wish to be munificent to the rest of humanity. I have not yet reconciled what can or should be done. If anything can be done, it would require far more than merely choosing between Obama and McCain (although McCain may buy more time).
Snippets from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_public_debt:
The United States total public debt, commonly called the national debt, or U.S. government debt, is the amount of money owed by the United States federal government to creditors (bankers) who hold U.S. debt instruments.
As of September 2008, the total U.S. federal debt was approximately $9.7 trillion, about $31,700 per capita (that is, per U.S. resident). Of this amount, debt held by the public was roughly $5.3 trillion. If, in addition, unfunded Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, etc. promises are added, this figure rises to a total of $59.1 trillion.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Treasury Department have warned that debt levels will increase dramatically relative to historical levels, due primarily to mandatory expenditures for programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and interest. Mandatory expenditures are projected to exceed federal tax revenues sometime between 2030 and 2040 if reforms are not undertaken. Further, benefits under entitlement programs will exceed government income by over $40 trillion over the next 75 years. The severity of the measures necessary to address this challenge increases the longer such changes are delayed. These organizations have stated that the government's current fiscal path is "unsustainable."
A traditional defense of the national debt is that Americans "owe the debt to ourselves", but that is increasingly not true. The US debt in the hands of foreign governments is 25% of the total, virtually double the 1988 figure of 13%. Despite the declining willingness of foreign investors to continue investing in US-dollar–denominated instruments as the US Dollar has fallen in 2007, the U.S. Treasury statistics indicate that, at the end of 2006, foreigners held 44% of federal debt held by the public. About 66% of that 44% was held by the central banks of other countries, in particular the central banks of Japan and China. In total, lenders from Japan and China held 47% of the foreign-owned debt. This exposure to potential financial or political risk should foreign banks stop buying Treasury securities or start selling them heavily was addressed in a recent report issued by the Bank of International Settlements which stated, "'Foreign investors in U.S. dollar assets have seen big losses measured in dollars, and still bigger ones measured in their own currency. While unlikely, indeed highly improbable for public sector investors, a sudden rush for the exits cannot be ruled out completely."
When the expenses of the U.S. Government exceed the revenue collected, it issues new debt to cover the deficit. This debt typically takes the form of new issues of government bonds which are sold on the open market. However, the debt can also be monetized by which the Federal Reserve creates an entry on its books to credit the US Government for an amount equal to the dollar amount of the bonds the Federal Reserve is acquiring. The money created in this process not only includes the new dollars that came into existence just to purchase the bonds, but much more because this new money is now sitting in the form of checkbook money at the Federal Reserve. Under the scheme of Fractional Reserve Banking this new checkbook money is treated as an asset to lend against. Economists estimate the expansion of the money supply as being many times the amount of the initial money created with the exact amount being a function of what percentage of deposits banks must set aside as "reserves".
The ultimate consequence of monetizing U.S. debt is that it expands the money supply which will tend to dilute the value of dollars already in circulation. Thus, expanding the pool of money puts downward pressure on the dollar, downward pressure on short-term interest rates (the banks have more to lend) and upward pressure on inflation. Typically this causes an inflationary boom that ends in a deflationary bust to complete the business cycle. Note that money supply expansion is not the only force at work in inflation or interest rates. United States Dollars are essentially a commodity on the world market and the value of the dollar at any given time is subject to the law of supply and demand. In recent years, the debt has soared and inflation has stayed relatively low in part because China has been willing to accumulate reserves denominated in U.S. Dollars. Currently, China holds over $1 trillion in dollar denominated assets (of which $330 billion are U.S. Treasury notes). In comparison, $1.4 trillion represents M1 or the "tight money supply" of U.S. Dollars which suggests that the value of the U.S. Dollar could change dramatically should China ever choose to divest itself of a large portion of those reserves.
Federal Reserve: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Federal_Reserve_System:
Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and his daughter's marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. In 1910, Aldrich and executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., secluded themselves for 10 days at Jekyll Island, Georgia. The executives included Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, associated with the Rockefellers; Henry Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; and Col. Edward House, who would later become President Woodrow Wilson's closest adviser and founder of the Council on Foreign Relations. There, Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. directed the proceedings and wrote the primary features of what would be called the Aldrich Plan. Warburg would later write that "The matter of a uniform discount rate (interest rate) was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island." Vanderlip wrote in his 1935 autobiography From Farmboy to Financier:
I was as secretive, indeed I was as furtive as any conspirator. Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would have been wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress…I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.”
The Nebraskan populist and frequent Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan said of the plan: "Big financiers are back of the Aldrich currency scheme." He asserted that if it passed, big bankers would "then be in complete control of everything through the control of our national finances."
After months of hearings, amendments, and debates the Federal Reserve Act passed Congress on a Sunday two days before Christmas when most of Congress was on vacation. Years later, regarding the bill he signed into law, Wilson said, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world."
"I do not blind myself to the fact that this measure will not be effectual as a remedy for a great national evil – the concentrated control of credit...The Money Trust has not passed [died]...You rejected the specific remedies of the Pujo committee, chief among them, the prohibition of interlocking directorates. He [your enemy] will not cease fighting...at some half-baked enactment...You struck a weak half-blow, and time will show that you have lost.
Bryan and the agrarians wanted a government-owned central bank which could print paper money whenever Congress wanted, and thought the plan gave bankers too much power to print the government's currency. Wilson sought the advice of prominent lawyer Louis Brandeis to make the plan more amenable to the agrarian wing of the party; Brandeis agreed with Bryan. Wilson convinced them that because Federal Reserve notes were obligations of the government and because the President would appoint the members of the Federal Reserve Board, the plan fit their demands. However, Bryan soon became disillusioned with the system. In the November 1923 issue of "Hearst's Magazine" Bryan wrote that "The Federal Reserve Bank that should have been the farmer's greatest protection has become his greatest foe."
The financial-meltdown shenanigans of connected alumni of Ivy League schools shows their culture is rife with ethos for creating money out of thin air of elite connections, then to enforce interest from it. Some sort of evolutionary pressure is promoting those with most passion for controlling people to positions where they can control people. It is as if our current path of evolution/morphogenesis requires humanity to be reduced to a hierarchical duck line.
Snippets from http://www.goodnewsmedia.com/bible.studies.htm/nwo.htm:
Is this scheme to establish a New World Order in fact a reality? Yes it is. If you do not believe this I encourage you to study the United Nations documents and also the treaties which, once ratified by individual nations, become INTERNATIONAL LAW. The United Nations created the Commission for Global Governance, if you don't believe this, visit the United Nations website and look it up.
{FIRST (GOVERNMENT):} The coming one world government is being set up in the political arena under the flag of the United Nations, through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers, and the Club of Rome whose members include many world leaders, media personalities and other influential people. The published goal of the Council of Foreign Relations for example is a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. And although most have never heard of many of these groups, they do exist, and they are very influential. The core of these groups hold to "illuminist" philosophy.
{SECOND (MONEY CHANGING):} A second focus is ECONOMICS with FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS, the International Monetary Fund, WORLD BANK and the Bank of International Settlements. The coming global monetary crisis is intended to institute a universal debt-based currency controlled by the International Financiers and issued to individuals against biometric identification cards. This is all about control!
{THIRD (RELIGION):} The third area of focus is RELIGION. Organizations like the World Council of Churches and the Parliament of World Religions were established to introduce a new world religion. It is based on a PANTHEISTIC/humanist philosophy. Pay careful attention when you study the documents and reports published by the United Nations and related organizations. This philosophy is now being taught in the education system and has been implemented under programs such as Goals 2000.
{FOURTH (SECULAR RELIGION AND CONTROL):} The New World Order will be SOCIALISM. Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof of this fact. The individual will be subservient to the state. Rights and power reside in and derive from the state, not the individual. United Nations documents all speak of collectivism. They claim that private ownership and management of property is not to the benefit of the human race. These things are cloaked in a pleasant language, and most people are taken in and deceived. Yet few bother to study these documents. In the New World Order you will be in SERFDOM TO THE CONTROLLING ELITE! You will have no liberty, and no rights. The State will look after you for your best interests. Do you see how the governments of the free world are slowly becoming more involved in everyday life? This is exactly what socialism is. The government becomes involved in every aspect of personal life. Today we require a license for so many things. In Australia, farmers now require permission to farm the land they own. This is not freedom.
{FIFTH (POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT):} Terms such as 'SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT' mean depopulation and serfdom. The masses continue to fall for lie after lie after lie. Study history and you will discover that there have been VERY FEW FREE SOCIETIES. Those that were free were either overthrown or fell into the trap of socialism, totally unaware of the dangers until it was too late. Socialism (communism) is ALWAYS IMPLEMENTED THROUGH DECEPTION. History portrays a repetitive phenomenon . . . enslavement-revolt-freedom-apathy-enslavement. Enslavement frequently followed revolution because the people did not realize that socialism was slavery, not freedom.
"The United Nations goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day." Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991.
"A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights that God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins!" Benjamin Franklin
The PRESENT ORDER IS BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES. This foundation proved very successful. Contrast those nations built upon Christian foundation with nations that were established on a pagan or Islamic foundation. The Christian nations have had freedom, liberty and opportunity for all citizens, whether Christian or not. In these nations, the people have sovereign inalienable God-given rights, and government is responsible for protecting those rights. The rights of personal freedom, individual liberty and private property are granted by an authority higher than man, thus this authority cannot be overruled by men. This is the foundation upon which the United States was built. These are principles the Establishment has attempted to quash. At the other end of the spectrum we see the United Nations Charter and related documents wherein individual rights are a privilege granted by government. A big difference!!! If our individual rights are a privilege granted by the State, these individual rights can be taken away! Don't fall for the lie that they will not be. Every governing system that denies unalienable rights come from our Creator has been a system of slavery of the masses. The blood runs!
The Illuminati, Secret Societies and the New World Order:
The plan to establish one world government is not new. It is a long established goal of those who practice the 'Mysteries'. The Mystery Religion is the oldest of all the world's religions. In fact all the world’s religions stem from the Mysteries except true Orthodox Judaism and true Biblical Christianity. The Mystery Religion stems back to ancient Babylon. The Initiates of the Mysteries have a goal they term the 'GREAT WORK.' They hold this to be a benevolent world dictatorship. It is the sort of benevolent dictatorship Adolf Hitler wanted. Adolf Hitler was himself an Illuminist and a member of the Thule Society. The entire SS were also initiates. The 'Great Work' is a process of illuminating the human soul to a state of 'apotheosis'. It will be completed when the whole human race achieves this state. The Mysteries hold to the Platonic IDEAL WHEREIN HUMANITY IS A SINGULAR ORGANISM. Adherents view humanity as one collective being, and the individual must sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. Yet the individuals in question are you and me.
Socialism and communism have their roots in the Mystery Religion. And despite what so-called experts may say, there is little difference between socialism and communism. The U.S.S.R. stood for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Who are these people? They are the members of all the VARIOUS SECRET SOCIETIES and fraternal organizations such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, the Vatican and many many more. It should be stressed that the majority of the members of these secret societies are absolutely unaware of the true nature of their society, church or lodge. The HIGHER INITIATES are known as the 'adepts' or 'keepers of the secrets of all ages.' The members may belong to any religion when they join the society, yet when they reach the higher echelons and become the adepts, I assure you they all practice the same religion. One thing to remember with regards to these secret societies is that they are all the same at the higher levels. All the adepts belong collectively to what is known as the 'Illuminati' which means the 'illumined ones.' The Illuminati are those who have progressed through the various initiations in the particular branch of the Mystery Schools to which they belong until they have reached the stage of true illumination. Thus these people actually believe that what they are doing is right, just as Adolf Hitler thought that what he was doing was right and beneficial to humanity.
The ancient stories of Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek mythology have more meaning than most people realize. Archeologists and historians only see the EXOTERIC and thus miss the whole point of what it all really means. When George Bush referred to a "Thousand Points of Light" in his speech in 1991 he was using the symbolic language and was referring to the body of initiates. When Bill Clinton in his State of the Union Address was speaking of about the "setting sun and then the dawning of the new era" he was also using symbolic language. The average person heard the exoteric meanings of these statements while initiates the world over smiled to themselves, as they understood the true meaning. You see George Bush is a member of the Order of Skull and Bones Society. Bill Clinton holds the 33rd degree in the Masonic lodge. Bob Dole, a Republican, is a 33rd degree Freemason. So it DOESN’T REALLY MATTER for whom you vote, you are in effect voting for the Mysteries. These people and many others are all practitioners of the Mysteries and know exactly where the world is going. Many judges belong to secret societies. These people are everywhere and are all indoctrinated in the philosophy of the Mysteries.
In Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the 30th to 33rd degrees are degrees of Illumination, with the 33rd being the most sought after by the 'illumined man.' The 33rd degree is the highest publicly known degree in Freemasonry. The number 33 signifies 'Illumination' and freedom from religious dogma (superstition). The human backbone contains 33 VERTEBRA with the cranium (intellect) on top.
When Adolf Hitler was building his power base in Germany some people woke up and realized what was going on. Some were sounding the alarm to what they saw happening, but these people were largely ignored. Some Jews listened and left the country. Some Germans listened and left. Those who ignored the warnings soon found themselves living in tyranny, and wondered how it could have happened. The same warning signs are being shouted from the rooftops in Australia and America today. Yet people are too busy with everyday things to stop and think. As in the 1930's, people are going to be SHOCKED when they lose their freedoms. "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" -- Adolf Hitler.
Every one who ignores what is going on will suffer for their indecision when plans and comfortable circumstances dissolve around them. Such people will be unable to avoid their fate because all avenues of escape will be closed. They will continue to be controlled and manipulated like a flock of sheep and know it not. They will be slaves! While those who have woken up and prepared both physically and spiritually will be in a far stronger situation, understanding what is happening and why. Troubled times will be upon us all, but is it not better to be informed and able to act, than ignorant, confused and lost?
NWO CHRONOLOGY --- Snippets from http://www.ki4u.com/webpal/a_reconstruction/nwo/history.htm:
1922 -- December 15, 1922 -- The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine Foreign Affairs. Author Philip Kerr, states:
"Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as [the earth] remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states until some kind of international system is created...The real problem today is that of the world government."
1933 -- The first Humanist Manifesto is published. Co-author John Dewey, the noted philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesizing of all religions and
"a socialized and cooperative economic order."
1939 -- New World Order by H. G. Wells proposes a collectivist
" one-world state" or "new world order" comprised of "socialist democracies."
He advocates "universal conscription for service" and declares that "nationalist individualism...is the world's disease."
1952 -- April 12, 1952 -- John Foster Dulles, later to become Secretary of State, says in a speech to the American Bar Association in Louisville, Kentucky, that
"treaty laws can override the Constitution."
He says treaties can take power away from Congress and give them to the President. They can take powers from the States and give them to the Federal Government or to some international body and they can cut across the rights given to the people by their constitutional Bill of Rights.
1975 -- In Congress, 32 Senators and 92 Representatives sign A Declaration of Interdependence, written by historian Henry Steele Commager. The Declaration states that:
"we must join with others to bring forth a new world order...Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation."
Congresswoman Marjorie Holt refuses to sign the Declaration saying:
"It calls for the surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. It declares that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. It proposes that we enter a 'new world order' that would redistribute the wealth created by the American people."
1987 -- The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change is sponsored in part by the Rockefeller Foundation. Some thoughts of author Arthur S. Miller are:
"...a pervasive system of thought control exists in the United States...the citizenry is indoctrinated by employment of the mass media and the system of public education...people are told what to think about...the old order is crumbling...Nationalism should be seen as a dangerous social disease...A new vision is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic solutions...a new Constitution is necessary."
1991 -- October 29, 1991 -- David Funderburk, former U. S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience:
"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging."
The vehicle to bring this about, said Funderburk, is the United Nations, "the majority of whose 166 member states are socialist, atheist, and anti-American."
Secret Government -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sstDwKTCpM
NWO push to International Socialism --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPU8w7Bxc0A
CFR -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPlvdSQ6cAM;
Bilderberg -- http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EE22Ak03.html; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg:
Critics claim the Bilderberg Group promotes the careers of politicians whose views are representative of the interests of multinational corporations, at the expense of democracy.
The best known was Phyllis Schlafly's "A Choice, Not an Echo" which suggested a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose policies would pave the way for global communist conquest. Schlafly's husband Fred had been a lecturer at Schwartz's local Christian anti-communism Crusade conferences."
Rothschild -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Rothschild.
The acclaimed poet Ezra Pound, in his World War II radio broadcasts from Italy, openly named the Rothschilds as the masters of a clique of banking houses that caused the World Wars in order to profit from them and get countries in debt to the lending central banks, which Pound claimed the Rothschild interests owned and exercised control of a nation's policy by having the power to issue the nation's money.
George Carlin -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYIC0eZYEtI
Federal Reserve -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Federal_Reserve_System
Big Gainers -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX2DgN1VYgQ
Who gained -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCLak2IfIsI
Profiting from crash -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmIennSKyOk
Using home as ATM -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWoobmHwJ6U
Unsustainable Debt -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGaXnAAAZXA
Hold On -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MilR1seLH5Y
Ivy League grade inflation (it’s not about substantive learning; it’s about connections and world view conditioning) --http://www.carnegiefoundation.org/perspectives/sub.asp?key=244&subkey=99&view_all=true.
Anyone? Anyone?
Snippets from http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/09/the_drumbeat.html:
The principles upon which Western culture rests and upon which America was built are under attack by these slow acting but deadly forces. The drumbeat is grinding down the will of the West to maintain itself. The ideas of individual sovereignty and responsibility, natural rights, and objective truth have been derided by the left to the point that many of our young people reject them, if, indeed, they are even aware of them as the basis for our culture. All that ensures that a culture will pass its ideas down from one generation to the next is its cultural memory. The drumbeat is slowly but surely replacing our cultural memory.
It may be too late to do anything about this as the world plays out its story. The power-hungry arrogance of human beings seems to be the force that underlies the events carrying us forward to the final chapter. And as this arrogance and lust for power feeds the wills of those who would gain control of the world, humankind is gaining just enough knowledge to destroy itself in that arrogance. Never before in human history has there been such a confluence of forces. Technology, globalism, and the leftist drumbeat are joining together in a way that is allowing mankind to believe, on a worldwide scale, that it can control its own destiny.
Snippet from http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/21/business/21gret.html?em:
Stop pretending that the $62 trillion market for credit default swaps does not need regulatory oversight. Warren E. Buffett was not engaging in hyperbole when he called these things financial weapons of mass destruction.
See http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/symposium_why_do_so_many_jews.html:
Dlanor: Comment to Tzvee (“we liberals are going back to work to create a great, just and moral society using government, religion, education, indoctrination, and every means that we can”):
Regarding “every means that we can”: So, is it as ok to rape with ideas as it is to rape physically? If not, should you not respect the free will of your fellow members of society? Should you not respect a marketplaces of Ideas?
Regarding the marketplace of ideas: For more than 30 years, sentiments and word usages for re-modeling American ideals have been transmogrifying our media and academia, under a steady drip of communist influence. Meanwhile, Conservatives have been oblivious, operating on autopilot, entranced under an idea that everyone is interested in only one kind of marketplace game: getting the biggest ship for floating on a tide that raises all boats.
Conservatives have thought a capitalistic marketplace of evenly competitive ideas and businesses to be best for supporting individual freedom, dignity, responsibility, and initiative. But, what happens when markets become monopolized, when capital becomes leveraged out of all sense of proportion, and when financiers become free of national boundaries and constraints?
How, then, does capitalism avoid jumping the shark, to become the tool of pirates of international volatility? How, then, do small businesses and even large nations preserve parameters of freedom, once most of influential media, academia, politicians, regulators, and military-industrial complexes are bought and brought under control of a cohort of international, big-money pirates?
Democrats have been conditioned and deluded to idealize socialism, while Republicans have been conditioned to idealize capitalism. Meanwhile, such idealistic bubbles have been brought under reflexive control of financial, bubble-mastering pirates.
But, there never has been pure socialism or capitalism. Rather, there has always been a blend of disproportionate, opportunistic, individualistic competition (will to power) and communitarian cooperation (empathetic will to math).
Democrats and Republicans, alike, have been diverted, entranced, or asleep. Meanwhile, Western Civilization has become enshrouded under a cloak of international piracy.
Western Civilization will not regain freedom and dignity by inciting quarrels about whether conservative capitalism is better than liberal socialism. Rather, neither capitalism nor socialism will survive power being monopolized in a cohort of international pirates.
Nations of peoples must reassert physical, moral, and financial boundaries. Progressive consumption taxes must be applied to reduce influence of international money-pirates. Human freedom and dignity depend upon it.
Otherwise, we shall continue to see: international monopolization of media, academia, politicians, and generals; invasive indoctrination of politically correct thought and expression; reign of terror of extra-national WMD-bandits; and abject surrender of individual free will.
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