HOW TO TELL IF YOU’RE AN ELITIST — SEE http://townhall.com/Columnists/BenShapiro/2008/10/21/you_know_youre_an_elitist_if.
Whoredom and Gomorrah:
For expressing a perspective of Will, if there is a form of “progress,” it may consist in ever-pursuing one’s place of moderating responsibility within an evolving civilization of relatively free and dignified Beings. As a Being sacrifices Freedom and Dignity, so too does it tend to sacrifice Will and Mind.
Individual freedom and dignity flourish in civilizations that respect diligent moderation; but individual freedom and dignity drown in corrupting excesses of selfish, addicted devotion to greed, gluttony, lust, and sloth.
America was born of desperate need to protect a core and community of human freedom and dignity from depraved civilizations abroad. America, as a community within, became intolerant of various types of individuals who deviated from bell-curve norms. Over time, those who represented deviations (such as nerds, geeks, social misfits, beggars, homosexuals, and minorities) were subjected to jails, ghettoes, poll taxes, discriminations, prejudices, and gang depredations.
As America became powerful, it came less to fear nations abroad than to fear its own excesses within. Thus, movements evolved for extending to individuals: equal legislative representation, civil and human rights, social safety nets, equal pay for equal work, and privacy from intrusive governmental regulations.
Such movements for empowering individuals have succeeded beyond anything similar in human history. However, empowerment of individual freedom and dignity has extended so far as to reduce the freedom and dignity of communities needed to sustain individuals.
Even as American communities consider that respect for basic family values is being undermined to such an extent as to undermine American civilization, America is becoming powerless to address the root causes.
America, having ended governmental intrusions into sexual practices of deviant adults in the private spheres of their bedrooms, seems, in many minds, to have based such ending upon rationalizations now used by many such adults to preclude America from regulating against the practice or display of deviant sexuality or indecency in the public realm.
Now, many argue that it is illegally discriminatory for any level of American governance in any way to discourage practices heretofore considered deviant.
Unfortunately, this demented way of thinking has infested almost the entire leadership of at least one of our main political parties, as well as the academic “leadership” for teaching humanities in our “elite” universities.
America has won its fight to empower individual freedom and dignity, but has not yet moderated its methods in respect of the freedom and dignity of communities and families --- which are essential to sustain American civilization.
As we tolerate the decimation of American families, so too do we tolerate the imperiling of our civilization.
America has won its fight to empower individual freedom and dignity, but has not yet moderated its methods in respect of the freedom and dignity of communities and families --- which are essential to sustain American civilization.
As we tolerate the decimation of American families, so too do we tolerate the imperiling of our civilization.
Same-Sex Parenting is Harmful to Children Says REAL Women of Canada
Wednesday April 28, 2004
March/April 2004 issue of REAL Women of Canada's REALITY magazine
Wednesday April 28, 2004
March/April 2004 issue of REAL Women of Canada's REALITY magazine
The vast majority of violent crimes against homosexuals are committed by homosexuals, and are not considered hate crimes. According to the leading US gay magazine The Advocate, 75% of its readers admit engaging in violent sex, 20% in sadistic sex and 55% are using painful objects.
Same-sex parents are inclined to influence their children's sexual orientation. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, stated as follows:
...there are developmentally important, statistically significant differences between children reared by homosexual parents compared to heterosexual parents. For example, children raised by homosexuals were found to have greater parental encouragement for cross-gender behaviour [and] greater amounts of cross-dressing and cross-gender play/role behaviour.
According to a study published in Adolescence, 29% of the adult children of homosexual parents have been specifically subjected to sexual molestation as a child by a homosexual parent, compared to only 0.6 percent of adult children of heterosexual parents.
Other studies have also reported that boys raised by homosexual mothers may have a lower self-image, regarding masculinity.
A study shows that the homosexual child molester accounts for approximately 7 times more victims than the heterosexual molester.
What is behind the statement by the Canadian Psychological Association? Are its members just plain mad? Clearly, its statement on same-sex parenting has a lot to do with politics and pressure from homosexual activists. Unfortunately, the Association's conclusions have almost nothing to do with genuine social science research. The Canadian Psychological Association should be embarrassed and ashamed.
See also http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1034938/posts.
Same-sex parents are inclined to influence their children's sexual orientation. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, stated as follows:
...there are developmentally important, statistically significant differences between children reared by homosexual parents compared to heterosexual parents. For example, children raised by homosexuals were found to have greater parental encouragement for cross-gender behaviour [and] greater amounts of cross-dressing and cross-gender play/role behaviour.
According to a study published in Adolescence, 29% of the adult children of homosexual parents have been specifically subjected to sexual molestation as a child by a homosexual parent, compared to only 0.6 percent of adult children of heterosexual parents.
Other studies have also reported that boys raised by homosexual mothers may have a lower self-image, regarding masculinity.
A study shows that the homosexual child molester accounts for approximately 7 times more victims than the heterosexual molester.
What is behind the statement by the Canadian Psychological Association? Are its members just plain mad? Clearly, its statement on same-sex parenting has a lot to do with politics and pressure from homosexual activists. Unfortunately, the Association's conclusions have almost nothing to do with genuine social science research. The Canadian Psychological Association should be embarrassed and ashamed.
See also http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1034938/posts.
Human Trafficking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSpQxvtTbFU
Vatican: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FAA31zgSGc
Vatican Secrets: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAvAzDDrIdg
House Bill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ystsfuc5N9o
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViQzYK7oaPc
San Francisco: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-oBjEkEW2o; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUoQlscj7t8; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t868YU1aWro
Vatican: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FAA31zgSGc
Vatican Secrets: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAvAzDDrIdg
House Bill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ystsfuc5N9o
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViQzYK7oaPc
San Francisco: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-oBjEkEW2o; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUoQlscj7t8; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t868YU1aWro
Letting Go:
Bottomless, freefalling inability to tolerate limits for pursuing decency ….
Dissipation and devaluation of: Self reliance, physical fitness, work, productivity, competency, responsibility, independence, parentage, education of socially responsible children, civilizing institutions ….
Capitalism, temptation, advertising, foppery, suffusion ….
Drugs (hallucination), sex (orgasm), rock and roll (mind roiling abandon), sleep exhaustion), withdrawal (rehabilitation) ….
Is it childishly self-contradictory to love sex, drugs, and rock and roll, while hating the capitalism that promotes them?
Or, should we learn to divert, delay, redistribute, or bury effects of capitalism, whereby it otherwise leads to destroying its own civilization?
Something other than pure, cyclic randomness undergirds us.
We are shaped less by pendulum-like actions than by a process that under lays volcanic volatility.
What is the nature of Will that undergirds such process?
If “shoulds” exist, what should guide us?
Something beyond volcanic cycles of abuse, seduction, rage, repression, and repeat ….
The people can emulate the government because credit has been democratized. Democratization of everything is supposedly an unquestionable good, but a blizzard of credit cards (1.5 billion of them, nine per cardholder), subsidized loans and cheap money has separated the pleasure of purchasing from the pain of paying. Furthermore, the entitlement mentality fostered by the welfare state includes a felt entitlement to a standard of living untethered from savings.
Populism flatters the people, contrasting their virtue with the alleged vices of some minority -- in other times, Jews or railroad owners or hard money advocates; today, the villain is "Wall Street greed," which is contrasted with the supposed sobriety of "Main Street." When people on Main Street misbehave by, say, buying houses for more than they can afford to pay, they blame the wily knaves who made them do it, such as the "nimble" Babbitt.
Absent Fannie and Freddie -- absent government manipulation of the housing market -- would there have developed the excessive diversion of capital into the housing stock?
“Feeling Your Pain In Order To Feel Your Wallet” is getting mighty old.
From Newsmax — Example of how cynical, soulless, single-minded power-lusters gain control over populations by diverting their attention to abstract promises of respect for natural or spiritual goodness, all the while picking their pockets, enslaving their minds, and forcing their loyalty:
The citizens of Ecuador have approved a new constitution that essentially gives nature the same rights as human beings.
“Persons and people have the fundamental rights guaranteed in this constitution and in the international human rights instrument. Nature is subject to those rights given by this constitution and law,” reads one article in the document, the 20th constitution in the South American nation since 1830.
The constitution also states that nature “has the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution.”
As a result of the new constitution, “drilling or exploring for oil in environmentally sensitive areas could become increasingly difficult” in Ecuador, where oil revenues account for more than half the nation’s export earnings, the American Spectator notes.
For advice on the nature’s rights language in its constitution, Ecuador turned to a public interest law firm right here in the U.S., the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund in Chambersburg, Pa.
The firm has already convinced some small municipalities in the U.S. to pass similar legislation to keep large corporations off their turf, according to the American Spectator story written by Thomas A. Szyszkiewicz.
The nature provision is not the only unsettling element of the new constitution.
President Rafael Correa will now be able to remain in office until 2017, dissolve congress at will, and seize and redistribute idle farmland. The constitution also enables him to take over control of the country’s monetary policy, and exercise exclusive authority over the budget.
The Spectator observes: “In other words, we are seeing the making of another Hugo Chavez-like Venezuela.”
OBSERVATION: Without experienced, empathetic, energetic skeptics, aided by carefully nurtured institutions for empowering strong checks and balances, the easily-duped, media-mesmerized masses are just ripe for the picking. America is at a dangerous tipping point. If we tip right, we may get a new lease on liberty. If we tip left, God help us, because power-lusting faux-socialists won’t.
Snippets from http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20081106/us_time/whygaymarriagewasdefeatedincalifornia:
A symbolic low point for the gay side came on Oct. 13, when the Sacramento Bee ran a remarkable story about Rick and Pam Patterson, a Mormon couple of modest means - he drives a 10-year-old Honda Civic, she raises their five boys - who had withdrawn $50,000 from their savings account and given it to the pro-8 campaign. "It was a decision we made very prayerfully," Pam Patterson, 48, told the Bee's Jennifer Garza. "Was it an easy decision? No. But it was a clear decision, one that had so much potential to benefit our children and their children."
You could argue that marriage equality has little to do with children, but Patterson seemed to speak to Californians' inchoate phobias about gays and kids. On the Friday before the Bee story appeared, a group of San Francisco first-graders was taken to city hall to see their lesbian teacher marry her partner. Apparently the field trip was a parent's idea - not the teacher's - but the optics of the event were terrible for the gay side. It seemed like so much indoctrination.
That news came around the same time the pro-amendment forces were running a devastating ad showing a self-satisfied San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom shouting wild-eyed at a rally that same-sex marriage was inevitable "whether you like it or not." The announcer then said darkly, "It's no longer about tolerance. Acceptance of gay marriage is now mandatory." Many fence sitters were turned off by Newsom's arrogance; blogger Andrew Sullivan attributed mid-October polls against the gay side to the "Newsom effect."
Liberty or Wimpery?
Social Leftists are wonderers, lost in the grip of their own chosen vise or paradox. With one side of their artificial vise grip, they proclaim that absolute determination of the morality of any concern is completely beyond objective or empirical verification, and, therefore (non-sequitur), completely without relevant value. With the other side of their self-vise, they herald the scientific method as savior-sufficient to lead us to “move on,” beyond old, sacred metaphors and values.
So, which is it: Are moral values irrelevant, or are we on the scent of better, newer values? Have social Leftists (i.e., Blueblood Republicans, Libertarians, Democrats, Liberals, and Libertines), as headless chickens, lost their heads in their own vise? Like chickens, have they been reduced by conditioning of media and academia to be easily led by any Big Government Controlling Demagogue with access to enough chicken feed (i.e., Mainstream Media Ministry of Truth)?
Suppose, instead of throwing tantrums because we are required to engage (our subjective free will) in moral choices, and instead of adolescently being unwilling to settle for anything less than a complete, perfect, and comforting explanation (or hijacking?) of the Mind of God, we instead listened receptively, using our God-given intuition to appreciate our history of experience. Then, ask: For offering freedom, dignity, autonomy, self-expression, self reliance, and pursuit of happiness, which nation’s fundamental values have served better than those of America? Ask: What have been the essential, sustaining values of America? Ask: Are we really ready to toss those values out? In trade for … what?
Patterns, such as for fads and values, compete, morph, evolve, and emerge. For a nation, the concern with patterns pertains not to whether mores and values should be cultivated, because VALUES WILL BE CULTIVATED. Rather, the concern pertains to how to cultivate the values we wish to engage.
Comment by Dlanor, at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/obama_fear_and_the_security_fo.html:
Government Enforced Dhimminitude:
Presently, we have social competition among (a) traditional family values, (b) governmentally sponsored (political correct, secular, or sharia) values, and (c) anarchic (anything goes) “values.” If social conservatives surrender on the issue of social values, the issue will not vanish. Rather, the issue will morph, to governmentally induced (often dictated) values.
Libertines are sorely misguided Pinocchio’s to expect that resisting family-based standards will further their “rights” to engage in “anything goes” behavior. And, Secular Humanists are misguided to expect that savaging Christianity will save them from Islamofascism.
No doubt, standards will change, but newly intrusive standards will simply and promptly fill any moral vacuum. Libertines are not unlike children, running from the embrace of their parents into the embrace of Big Government Intrusive Dictate.
After all, “it takes a village.” So, liberty-defilers (Leftists and fellow Jihadists) are urged, essentially, to “jihad in your face.” And Big Dictate knows best (at least, for the responsibility-surrendering, weak-minded, heavily-conditioned, and corrupt).
Bottom line: Will autonomous lovers of liberty wimp out, in surrender to secular Borg-dom and/or Dhimminitude?
Radical Gay Agenda --- See: http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=647.
Congrats (?) to Youthful Naiveté --- see http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/waltzing_on_the_titanic_1.html.
Intellectually Dishonest and/or Ignorant Ministers / Bush Derangement Syndrome:
Re: Bush’s Methodism --- see comment by Dlanor, at http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/the_united_methodist_church_vs.html.
Thanks! I wish "fairness doctrine" meant academia would better promote such consideration. Both MSM and Academia have become unfair and unreliable. Nowadays, one must navigate the Internet to find reasoned perspective. It may be well to keep this article in one's quiver, to let fly when ignorance rears its head.
Sin / Sales / Consumption Taxes --- see http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/politicians_then_and_now.html.
By and large, many social conservatives do not much care what gays do in private. But they do care when gays try to force government (taxpayer’s money) to recognize and fund gay oriented political inclinations. There is no saving grace for the train the gay coalition political agenda is on. You roll with it, you may as well roll for anything, but you won’t roll with social conservatives. You can get run over while strolling on the tracks with Libertarians or you can ride on the Democrat Express, but you won’t ride with social conservatives while carrying water for a gay political agenda. Choose your track or train, but whining about it won’t cut any ice. Stop shape-shifting and shape up.
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