Thursday, June 24, 2010

Little Girl Minority Cultures

Little Girl Minority Cultures:

Obama's real rage is that anyone else should have more material possessions than he. To make sure that is rectified, he pretends to want to ensure everyone gets an equal share. However, by definition, those who have wrested power and potential to decide what is equal already and inherently have an unequal share. Inequality in potential necessarily becomes inequality in manifestation.

Obama is not a do-righter; he is an intrusive, cowardly, effeminate bully. His only power is derivative of having gathered supporters among a massive throng of intrusive little girls and little girly men, raised by little girly elites. The technique in harnessing cowardly, envious people from a variety of co-dependent, effeminate cultures had been perfected long before Obama came along.

As leaders, women can be great. Little girls, not so much.

For Obama, everything is ideological. If a thing can't be used to push ideology, it isn't important. Any problem worth confronting is worth using for a comprehensive, ideological purpose. Big boys and girls grow out of this stage. But Obama and his die hard base are forever caught in the stage of being a little girl, playing with her dollhouse, making sure all her dollies are presentable and given equal use of all the facilities. We're his dolls, for his feminine side. Relax and enjoy the feeling.

An independent, middle class person of faith does not ordinarily need to gang up in order to secure a meaningful life. Apparently, little children do, routinely. This is not right when unions do it. It is not right when special interest corporatists do it. This propensity to justify ganging up is what unites the collectivized class with those who collectivize them. It's why low class Dems may as well love their plantation elitists. If we want a decent, lawful society, we need to push childish adults in bodies only (AIBO's) and the cultures that harbor them to grow out of their girly, co-dependent complexes. The more AIBO's demolish the middle class, the faster we join hands and jump over a cliff. Girly co-dependents will remain inassimilable to American values so long as politics makes it profitable for them to hang onto their minority culture, gang-style divisiveness. The reduction of an independent middle class is the destruction of the American idea. Without a strong middle class, there will be no one to support the little girls who never grew up.


Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Well, "the peculiar brand of empathy which propelled Barack Obama to stardom" is the audacious, hissing, beguiling empathy of the snake. Obama is not snake bit; he is the snake. His supporters are a roiling ball of snakes. We have allowed them to become voters and now they have promoted themselves to all significant layers and levels of power.

Too many of us believed their lies about how the answer to everything worthwhile is found in materialism. Now we have pagan Medusa as God. To look into the eyes of these pure agents of materialism is to be seduced by them. How shall we look through their lying eyes and drive them back under their rocks?

The President is a liar. As practiced and bald faced a liar as I have ever seen. What kind of person is it, who forces "care" on people who do not want it? Munchausen's syndrome? Does Obama have an insatiable need to make us hurt, so he can make us better?
As for people who suffer from delusions that forced or connived collectivism (or social hobbling) is a good thing, why is there no recognition in the medical community that this is a very serious mental disorder? How many multi millions must be killed, tortured, malnourished, or pushed into despair, before this form of idealism is clinically recognized as a sick mind parasite?

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Re: "Whenever the liberals drone on that 'diversity makes us stronger' they need to be called on it...."

I don't think liberals have in mind a variety of cultures, languages, races, and talents so much as they have in mind a non-judgmentalism about a "diversity of values" --- as in Pleasure Values uber alles -- for kinky sex, polygamy, release from familial responsibilities, free drugs, insults to "the man," destruction of border laws, and indoctrination of school children into godless justifications for doing your own thing, regardless. In short, the replacement of values of life with pleasures that pay homage to destruction and death.

This kind of diversity makes us "stronger" only if your goal is to unravel foundations of society. When that is your goal, then weakness becomes strength. That kind of annihilation of assimilating family and social values is not restricted to liberals. It applies to libertines of all types -- liberals and libertarians alike.

If we would preserve foundations for decent or meaningful society, we require either a system of laws or its cousin, a system of assimilating values. Insofar as we deconstruct values, if we would not unravel into diversified anarchy, we have no choice but to replace family values with a state-enforced system of Rube Goldberg laws.

Has there ever been a sustainable society run by libertines? To fall for the philosophy of libertines is to fall soon into despotism. Destruction of assimilating values by promoting "diversity" is precursor not to an idyllic society, but to a Marxist plantation, to be farmed by absolute despots.