Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Collection of Misc


- At its simplest level, Consciousness may be modeled or conceptualized as that which detects or interprets Information.
- Substance as that which quantifies and stores measures of Information.
- Information as that which is stored by Substance and subject to being interpreted by Consciousness.

- Self Awareness as Consciousness that experiences and is aware of itself.
- Higher Consciousness as that which facilitates a matrix of parameters for Perspectives of Consciousness to share an integrated and connected experience of a world they consider to be Reality.
- The Matrix as a web of Math that is fluxed and tuned of and by Higher Consciousness.

- Consciousness, Substance, and Information (CSI), to be defined, all necessitate reference to a math-based, conserving flux or circulation of one another. None abides as an un-sequencing thing in itself.

-If this seems circular, it is because our experience of the world is fundamentally based in a flux of circularity. No amount of empirical effort will pull us out of that.


Can a Spock-like AI Program be made to think outside pure logic? Can moral values be justified in objective or logic-based programming?
Can AI understand some of the fundamental dilemmas being posed to human beings? I suspect it eventually will share some of our concerns. If so, I wonder to which world view it will incline: Whether the cosmos is most fundamentally based in physicality or most fundamentally in a math-based matrix? Would that affect the logic of empathy-based value systems?

One may have a strong feeling or intuition that our measurable universe is an artifact of something (The Source) that is not physically measurable, i.e., a fluxing-feedback matrix-system of math-based conservation of expressions of possibilities within allowable parameters.

However, if whatever we may be the artifacts of is not itself measurable, empirical data based on measurements could neither prove IT nor calculate IT's possibility. It would seem folly to expect that mere logic or empirical evidence should show precisely which worldview concerning the fundamental nature or character of the cosmos must be “correct” or “most likely.”

Are expressions of matter and energy really based most fundamentally in physicality, or are they most fundamentally based on mathematical information? Either interpretation seems eventually to avail many of the same rationalizations.

At most, we may try to keep our notions as consistent and coherent as seems possible, without ever quite being able to put the final touch to complete them. If the Source's expression of us is based fundamentally in math, then what is the nature or character of this “Source” that puts the fire in the math? If IT is based in physicality, then what, apart from math, is the nature of the smallest, ultimate, physical building block or “thing-in-itself”?

Is IT a matrix-simulation for the entertainment of a Category V Civilization or Architect? Or is IT an innate, universal, cosmic, feedback-unfolding of a Unitary-Unifying Empathetic-Consciousness?

One may have informed intuitions or formed indoctrination for one's “worldview.” But a mortal participant within such a system cannot go outside IT to observe, measure, confine, control, direct, or prove IT.

Regardless, the ways a person participates with his beliefs and conceptualizations affect the ways he observes, appreciates, interprets, selects, and measures data. In that way, conscious conceptualizations affect how we shape the world, what discoveries we make, what inventions we bootstrap, and what becomes empirically practicable.

We do not have completely Free Will. But we do give expression to Participatory Will. Perhaps most importantly, our willful conceptualizations affect how we rationalize, assimilate, discover, and promote our moral values, purposes, and forms of civilizing governance.

Matrix Web Of destiny: Have things like this happened to you? See :
“[I]f we really are caught in a web of destiny, who is weaving it? …. [W]e have the tale of Émile Deschamps and several different plum puddings. As a boy at boarding school in Orléans, Deschamps is introduced to this dish, unusual in France, by a Monsieur de Fortgibu. A decade on, wandering down a street in Paris, he sees plum pudding on the menu of a restaurant and decides to go inside. He is told that the last slice has just been taken, but that the customer – a Monsieur de Fortgibu – might be prepared to share it. Years later, Deschamps is dining at a friend’s when she announces that plum pudding is to be served. He wonders out loud if this will occasion another meeting with M de Fortgibu. Just then the doorbell rings and De Fortgibu is announced. It turns out the hostess isn’t even expecting him. De Fortgibu was to dine at another house that night and rang the wrong doorbell.”


Where does the Constitution give the House or the Speaker unilateral power to require the President to make known to them the full content of all discussions with his advisers? Is that not what Pelosi is claiming, since she is claiming a right to impeach for any reason or suspicion whatsoever that the House may desire, and a right to subpoena and force testimony and documents from all employees of the Executive Branch in order to explore the suspicion or make the case?

Where in the Constitution does the House have authority to conduct continuous and unending inquisitions of the Executive in order to gather political opposition research? Where in the Constitution is the Senate or any Senator made ineligible to rule summarily against such actions, regardless of supposed bias?

As a Democrat and Speaker, Pelosi is a partisan --- not an impartial judge. The House did not accord due process in any way remotely resembling a judicial proceeding. It does not have authority to dictate policy to the Senate or to the President. This inquisitional crap by the sinister assholes of the Deep State Establishment has got to be stopped.


Why do Conservers of Liberty congregate in fewer crowds than socialistic sheepletons?

Intelligent people think and talk about things that others cannot process or do not think about. So they have to live in two worlds: One where they often ride with others; the other where they often ride alone. If they find others to be uninteresting or demented, they tend to become less social and to develop fewer social skills.

Except, thank God, people like Candace.


So what is interpreting the Information and putting fire in the Math?

"If the nature of reality is in fact reducible to information itself, that implies a conscious mind on the receiving end, to interpret and comprehend it. Wheeler himself believed in a participatory universe, where consciousness holds a central role."


No one can make a Measurable thing manifest unless it is measurable based in some kind of math. No one has Free Will to create a measurable that abides outside of math. To the extent a Qualitative abides beyond math, it is non-Quantitative to that non-measurable extent.

No measurable Body has Free Will. All conscious choices, decisions, and determinations that are measurable are confined to parameters that are potentially calculable. No body is free to ignore the inertial frame of reference that contains it.

However, no inertial frame of reference entirely predetermines the life path of any body.

For expressing measurables, we all obey the parameter-constraints of a Matrix. However, the Matrix does not pre-select which among allowable life-paths we will take. That is determined under a process of consciously observational appreciation and feedback-flux.

In other words, a perspective of Consciousness does not have Free Will, but it does experience Participatory Will. For it to function as a responsible member of a society, it must in various ways be taught and made accountable for the Choices in which it participates. Otherwise, every legal or philosophical basis for morality, fairness, or justice would fall into mere noisome nonsense.

For any society or republic to sustain a functional identity, it must avail good faith and good will at least to attempt to allocate Justice based on the expressions of Conscious Participatory Will of its members and potential members. To make meaningful sense, our systems must respect an idea of Conscious Will, even though that Will is not entirely free. A person cannot be accorded the dignity of being a morally responsible agent of a society if all his activities are dictated by a sinister, conniving, controlling Leftist Fascist.


If you think the idea of Freedom is entirely an unnecessary illusion then just wait until the range of your allowable activities is minutely controlled by oppressive fascist assholes.


Fascists always want more control. But why should people bend to their control if they cannot show their proposed methods would be efficacious for anything other than to throw the economy into chaos, which may then exacerbate rather than relieve the concern? First do no harm.

Moreover, why not first do the obvious thing: Incentivize voluntary reductions in populations.

So why do we continue to incentivize herding people into cities? Supposedly, the USA is barely replenishing its population. Yet the amount of new construction in the triangle of San Antonio-Austin to DFW to the Houston Metroplex continues to be astonishing. What is it all for? To encourage invasions of illegals and the exodus of urbanites to inner cities, and then inner city dwellers to suburbs --- to increase congestion and traffic snarls?

Is this supposed to reduce carbon consumption? Or is it to facilitate increased control by fascists?


The system is broken. But a guy who thought Hillary would make a spectacular President is not to be trusted. It is more important to true the vote to citizens than it is to make voting easier.

Secure the borders. Lessen immigration. Reduce immigration from areas that are islamic, communistic, fascist, and liberty-illiterate. Such areas are antithetical to defining American values.

Break the monopolistic representation of leftists in the media-academia-fascist complex. Make decent health care for citizens part of the national infrastructure. Fight back against the buying and selling of political influence. True the vote. Impose term limits. Replace the income tax with a yearly progressive tax on personal consumption. Progressively tax lobbying out the yang yang. End gov unions. Put daylight on foreign banking and money laundering. End foreign investment in American infrastructure.

Then there may be a chance to salvage America.


So tired of the self-righteous vandalism of anti-American lefties.

So tired of stoolies for sinister Dems that are easily agitated to hate Trump for the made up reason of helping Russians undermine the USA --- while they agitate to keep borders open in order to undermine the USA.

Rational and morally responsible thought completely eludes the Dem base. Which is precisely why Dems recruit and groom liberty-illiterates. People trained to forsake reason in order to vent feelings tend simply to be unequipped to keep or exemplify a republic or to function as responsible moral agents.

The fundamental perversion of the Dem base, including Islamists and Commies, is that they punish people for refusing to give up their responsibility to think and act for themselves. A society that gives up its right and duty to function as free thinkers makes a mockery of any possible basis for moral participation. Jesus, otoh, did not command people to come to Him because of force, but to come voluntarily out of love and empathy.

It becomes noisome nonsense to expect morally responsible behavior from wannabe governors that have lost ability to persuade except with sticks and candy, or from people that have been swamped or made to lose capacity to think for themselves.


Once the electorate is 51% socialist open borders, the Constitutional Republic is lost forever. Which is precisely what the stinking socialist open border Dems want. Well, most are dim-witted sheeple, so they do not really have much of an idea what they want. Except to scapegoat other people, as their overlords prescribe. Pathetic.


How much money is kicked back and laundered for corrupt politicians that virtue-signal while they sell out the Republic in their illicit quid pro quos? How dumb must a Dino or Rino or sex-addled pansexual be to believe these people are well-intentioned as they siphon money from Ukraine, China, Saudi Arabia? And then they cover by diverting attention to bs issues like reparations! Good grief. Is it not yet time to gtfu?


Is there not everywhere something that is in common about I-ness? Is that not the innate basis for good faith and good will? For moral responsibility among conscious individuals under the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule?

How can it be right for one person or gov to presume to subjugate the moral agency and responsibility of another person, to turn him into a sheeple or a goat? Or to work to undermine a gov that protects the moral agency and competent autonomy of each citizen? Or to undermine freedom of speech, association, and enterprise in a representative republic?


The Media-Academia-Fascist Complex, like some elected officials, appears to think nothing of selling the country out. I wonder how much infestation the Saudis have paid for?

"All of those propaganda pieces, which are cleverly disguised to appear as normal news or commentary articles, tend to frame China and the communist government in the most positive light possible while downplaying the things that China is often criticized over — such as its oppression of Tibet, the imprisoning of Muslim minorities in concentration camps in Xinjiang and the brutal crackdown on pro-freedom protesters in Hong Kong, among other things."


Given the Internet, there is little reason for anyone with a modicum of intellectual competence to rely on College to learn about history, politics, or the "social sciences."

In those subjects, most institutions have floated mere shills and stooges for Establishment B.S. to positions of power.

This has now infested Law, so we have stooges preaching that the Constitution means little, that it is easily malleable to the times, that American law should be entirely subordinate to "International Law," and that borders should not be enforced.

In effect, the system has floated the worst of the worst to control most formal institutions. Their crowning achievement is now to throw a fit against a President who seeks to enforce borders and MAGA. Pathetic


If you have a modicum of intelligence you do not need College to learn about history, politics, or social science. If you do not have a modicum of intelligence, why are you going in debt in college to learn crap from shills? The beer is just not that good.

If there are any Dem adults in the House, it is on them that they were stupid and corrupt enough to impeach while knowing there was not enough support for it, either in the Senate or in the general citizenry. Impeaching and then holding the articles away from the Senate is about the most infantile thing imaginable. Shame on the voters that elected these anti-Americans to high office.


Holy artifact, Batman!

"Is our Universe's expansion speeding up? The 2011 Nobel Prize went to three scientists for proving just that. But what if the evidence they used to come up with this conclusion was wrongly interpreted and the supposed cosmic acceleration is simply an artifact of our movement through a local part of the Universe?"


Or maybe every measurable is artefactual of a feedback-fluxing, math-based Matrix? Laughs the Architect.


The impeachment stunt is bound to wake a lot of people up to the fevered loyalty of Dem Minions to Establishment Creeps bent on subjugating America under a fascist fist of corporate buying and selling of political influence. These are the times that try the soul of the Constitution and the Republic.

This will go down as the day the mask fell completely off the hideous Establishment of fascists posing as do-gooders.


The USA hires corporatists to develop military tech. Then corporatists lobby to sell the tech to other nations. Then politicians argue we need more tech to defend against potential enemy advances. Rinse and repeat.

Along the way, scum like the Clintons profit, such as via backdoor contributions by foreigners to questionable foundations.

Quid pro quo much? The reason Trump is being impeached: The Eatablishment that plays this game was unable to control him.


Clinton befouled the Whitehouse by selling secrets to China, engaging in oral sex near the Oval office, and then committing the crime of perjury by lying about it. He was afforded due process in a bipartisan proceeding. He was properly acquited.

The Trump impeachment is entirely partisan and has been in planning since his election as a way to remove him. The evidence against Trump has been ambiguous at best and has been based on scummy lies and methods perpetuated by a corrupted FBI/Deep State.

No clear crime has been alleged or shown. It is a sham that is being perpetrated in utter disrespect for the Constitution and the Republic. By a Party whose members in main hate the nation and want the world to be ruled under fake experts and corrupt elites bent on subjugating the freedom and dignity of the general citizenry.

Only a Dem or a person in thrall to the Devil would argue that we must burn the Constitution in order to save it.


"In addition, while the fourth electronic surveillance application for Mr. Page was being prepared, an attorney in the FBI’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) engaged in conduct that apparently was intended to mislead the FBI agent who ultimately swore to the facts in that application about whether Mr. Page had been a source of another government agency.”


So what was the political atmosphere at the FBI that encouraged that attorney to do that? And why is not that attorney being put to the screws to talk about who put him up to it? How could the deliberate misrepresentations have been passed along without levels of review? This does not pass the smell test.


No good can come of rewarding malcontents that use cell phones when they are looking to stir up some crap. The more society rewards this behavior, the more of it society will get. Stop buying and rewarding this crap.


The hubris of the Deep State / Establishment is beyond the pale of tolerance. They are laying snares and looking for trouble.


I will not vote for Dems. I know Rinos are disgusting, but what Dems have been doing is intolerable. They want to replace the representative Republic with rule of the globe by the Establishment's fake experts and completely corrupt elitists. The test at stake is Lincolnesque: Whether government of, by, and for the people shall perish from the Earth.


So the FISA warrants would not have been granted without the Steele Dossier, it was bunk, and the FBI, apparently intentionally, failed to give the FISA Court information suggesting it was bunk. But this is somehow not scummy?


Dems have one principle: Serve the Establishmentarian paying the most grift money.


Translation: A President can be removed if enough House Assholes owned by the Establishment of Treasonous Cannibals of the Republic say so.


Libs cultivate habits of immediate gratification (progressive values?) when it comes to drugs, sex, marriage, family, fidelity. Then they expect to be taken seriously when they discuss matters that entail selflessness, sacrifice, or delayed gratification.

They shamelessly undermine families, institutions, and republics, then virtue-signal how they want to save the poor, the climate, and the planet.

They become a very poor excuse for a joke. Like a hoarfrost that befouls decency. Eventually, their impotent follow through leads to acting out with ineffective or catastrophic virtue signaling. Including the destruction of Constitutions and Republics.


The pansexualized, wussified Establishment has doped itself into feeling entitled to rule and to take its cut for doing so.

It has convinced itself that this is righteous and that all that oppose it, especially Trump, must be gun nuttering, racist-phobic-chauvenistic-colonialistic-climate haters.

We are in the deep woods where Teddy Bears are on proud, angry, and extended parade and on the cover of Time Mag.


We often get so wrapped up in sacred metaphors that we lose appreciation for the essential, underlying message of Good Faith (Great Commandment) and Good Will (Golden Rule). But hope springs eternal, Santa.

Or a religion that still demotes half its population, promotes honor killings and subjugation of infidels, FGM, and killing of apostates.

This is more like Stockholm Syndrome than voluntary committment based on good faith belief. I would like to see someone attempt to show how Islamism is consistent with a nation of free thinkers under a representative republic.

My antipathy is hardly restricted to just this Season. Nor do I believe it is consistent with decent toleration to tolerate that which is intolerable among free thinking human beings.


Perhaps what we call life and death are related to something more fundamental. As different expressions for how Perspectives of Consciousness are re-informed, re-combined, re-enhanced, re-focused, re-projected, and reified.

In fundamental terms, perhaps no-thing abides in space-time and space-time does not in itself exist --- except as coordinated for variously fluxing Perspectives of Consciousness. But what would be doing, conserving, or math-ing the coordinating? Does IT operate outside space-time, and instead

The motive to MAGA is inextricably coincidental with exposing anti-Americans. That is not impeachable unless and until the nation is overcome with stooges for commie kabuki masters. in numerical sequences and mathematical re-balancings?


The View seems to be filled with malcontents that selfishly think the world and its governance should be reformed and confined to their image. That is what they mean when they squall for "fundamental change" -- to make all malcontents, deviants, and pervs feel better.

Excepting sex and drugs wild in the streets, these "ladies" (zers) want the Republic replaced by asshole fascists bent on targeting, regulating, and obstructing the thoughts, speech, associations, and enterprises of everyone they disagree with. So they can feel safe and comfortable.


“Here’s what the Democrats should do. They should get this impeachment idiocy behind them and never speak of it again. They should start pretending to be reasonable, especially on popular things like infrastructure and non-crazy health care reform, even if Trump gets some credit for them. And they should stop calling normal Americans “racist.”

But they can’t. They’re broken. Trump, the real estate mogul, owns the prime real estate inside their collective head, and he’s not paying rent.

When you decide your opponent is evil, and that his supporters are likewise evil, you kind of limit your ability to pretend to be reasonable and compromise. You commit yourself to a fight to the death inside the Octagon. And that’s a fight that the data show they are not winning.

Hey Democrats, you are heading for disaster in 2020. You could prevent it. I just told you how. But you won’t. You can’t. And you get to spend the next 11 months knowing that next November Trump and the GOP are going to kick the Schiff out of you.”


Libs have wallowed, suckled, and rationalized so long with PC-Tools-For-Fascist-And-Sinister-Elitists that it has become unbearable cognitive dissonance for them when the fundamentals of their entire belief systems are exposed to be unprincipled and self-contradictory. So they lash out, key cars, block traffic, beat up elderly people, contrive hoaxes, undermine the borders, stir hate, manufacture BS articles of impeachment, and then retreat to safe spaces to suck their thumbs and nurse one another's feelings.


BS Establishment Propaganda. The main split is between anti-American stoolies for kabuki corporatists v. free-thinking Americans. Shallow race-baiters v. principled citizens. The Establishment of people farmers and farmees hate Trump because he stands against their sheeple-izing destruction of human freedom and dignity. They cannot control or subjugate him, and that stops their perversity for wanting to subjugate everyone else. Come and take it.


I want to see some consequential jail time for the people that tried to destroy the republic with a puppeteering coup for the Establishment of corrupt corporatist media owners and influence peddlers. I want to see some serious jail time for these phony baloney impeachment harpies.


Why expect Trump to cooperate with kangaroo investigators for a kangaroo Congress elected by liberty-illiterates imported and indoctrinated by a corrupt media-academia-fascist complex of entitlement-minded snowflakes and grifters?

Restore the representative Republic. Toss the Dino-Rino-Ainos.


Stop giving.people stuff just because they cry and throw things. This is not good.for anyone or anything that is decent. Stop encouraging people to gang up to cry and throw things. Stop hiding behind know-nothing kids that cry and throw things. Stop buying crap slogans from professional crap slingers.



Bohr is quoted as saying: 'There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature.' This vaguely positivist statement was echoed by Heisenberg: '[W]e have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.'


Islam and Leftism tend to be antithetical to the First Amendment. They are intolerant of core American values. To allow their creeds to be foisted and forced on Americans is to encourage the cumulating and eventually fatal poisoning of the Republic.


Which is worse: A political person or Party weaponizing the FBI-DOJ-CIA-IRS-NSA or a political person or Party asking a foreign Gov to investigate fraudulent and criminal behavior?


Obama is Organizing for America, which is Identity Politics, which is Unionized Corruption --- which is how republics are destroyed to grease the way to kabuki kakistocracy.

Corrupt and Deep State Unions would not be necessary in a land better protected from cheap labor invasions that go hand in hand with corporate buying and selling of gov influence as a commodity. Rather, industrialization would produce work forces paid enough to purchase the items being produced.

How are human freedom and dignity enhanced and slave labor reduced?

Not by wussies marrying the gov. Not by unions that are infiltrated by proponents for destroying all republics that are based on responsible families. Not by unions that are infiltrated by proponents for importing cheap foreign labor, exporting jobs, allowing borderless corporatists to buy political inflience to create fiat money to buy more inflluence, not by mushing minds to accept socialism that is inherently ruled by corporate fascists, and not by incentivizing mobs to play identity politics.

Rather, establish a decent representative republic. Defend it and promote freedom of speech, association, and enterprise. Defend against corporate buying of political influence. Pay for enhancements to common infrastructure (such as a social safety net) by replacing the Income Tax with a progressive tax on yearly personal consumption. Aside from a safety net, let gov do gov and let charities do charity.

Prosperity, freedom, and decency would then follow and spread --- with or without labor unions and gang-banging identity-politics --- provided the Republic were protected from corrupt political infiltration.

This is why DJT kicks BHO's ass.


I watched the Penrose clip. It leads me to suppose that all expressions of measurable events seem to obey a matrix of math-based functions. But the math would not seem "to math" itself. "Somethimg" puts fire in it. Something appreciates or processes the feedback and reconciles and determines which outcome to express and make measurably manifest from among all available parameters.

The nature or character of that "Something" would seem to be of a quality beyond merely quanticizing maths within maths.

If so, it would seem a pipe dream to expect by mere math-based empiricism to capture or control IT. Without good faith and good will based in metaphors beyond models, it may be hopeless to appreciate IT meaningfully.



Why are Dems such relentlessly unhappy people? Their ranks are filled with unhappy feminists and unhappy femimen. People used to find comfort in faith, family, and fidelity. Traditional marriage and extended families. Individual competence, self reliance, and work ethic.

Now feminists and femimen have ruined most of faith, family, and fidelity. So to what do these unhappy people turn to fill that void? No family or spouse can fill the void. So they dream of marrying Big Gov.

They dream Big Gov can be a Shining Knight, for which their newest name is Democratic Socialism. Instead of an oppressive, fascist, villain. Because they have been corrupted and stupified. Made illiterate of history, common sense, and basic decency. So they rush to kill the republic that nurtured them and for which millions shed their blood and sweat. Unhappy, perverse souls.


The hateful Left is licensing people with problems of jealousy, envy, covetousness, and entitlement mindedness to feel justified in blaming a targeted goat for not serving their every depraved longing. Race baiters and virtue signalers are currently profiting by making that goat out to be whities. Anything to avoid growing up to become responsible, functioning adults.


Common sense. Dems have to work hard to be stupid enough not to get it.

"Is it in the U.S. interest for Ukraine officials to see that a company can escape scrutiny for corruption if it hires the son of the U.S. Vice President? Is it in the nation’s interest if other countries and companies observe this behavior and hire relatives of other American politicians?"

Buden's Nazi defense: I was just an accessory following orders that happened to benefit my son.

Oh, and Dems are more equal than others. Especially Republicans. Because of entitlement to "reparations" (booty). In perpetuity.


Nut Lady. No one is stopping her from saying, eating, buying, or loving whomever or whatever she wants. Most of us do not f-ing care. GTHU. Sheesh!


Pelosi and her ilk are a clear and present danger to the Constitution and the Republic.

"Trump correctly cited his authority given to him by Article II to allow him to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, even though he never did. The president did not cite Article II to make the case that he was above the separation of powers in the Constitution."


For years and years, Dems have used their political offices and connections to deal (engage in abuses, bribery, and quid pro quos) in dirt. That is what they do. But when someone they have thus targeted for three or more years fights back, he is the impeachable obstructionist? Even when he is uncovering the dirt rather than creating it?

What loads of s for brains Dems deal in!

The Republic will endure this crap until enough Americans wake up and stop electing s for brains to higher office.

Epstein was not an outlier. He was part of the main sewer line for vile Dem shenanigans.


“They weren’t tapes so much as DVDs. I don’t know if these were footages or not, but every bedroom in Epstein’s houses had multiple cameras in them. He used to keep records of everybody. He used to store everything. So the Palm Beach Police Department, they knew that there were thousands and thousands of these DVDs. Except… Now, this is very interesting. When they went to search for them, they were gone.”


How much rot has been cultivated by Mossad, Epstein, Western Establishmentarians, and all their little stooges, shills, and fascist socialists? How deep does the connection go with high level Dems?


So Trump is a coward for standing up to defend the Republic, while Pelosi is brave for helping the Establishment that wants to kill it? Good grief.


Pelosi's Dems do not care about Hillary's emails or Ukraine. They want to be thought police. They want to remove the President because he does not accept their programs for disarming the population, opening the borders, giving the franchise to so-called dreamers, putting the gov in charge of parceling out health care, and using climate change as a bogeyman to allow the gov to license a Carbon Bank to control every economy in fine detail. Dems want the masses to be their mind-mushed serfs. They are outright lying through their teeth when they claim they have principles that Trump is violating. Do not give credit to their satanic posing and pretense. This fight is about Good v. Evil, and it cannot be avoided.


Dems now consider it unpardonable racism if you do not like what they like as much as they like it. Stunning and brave, these mush brains strut their kinks and fascism.


Now Georgetown students are demanding Turley be fired. This is how every institution squeezes out every decent, principled, free thinker. This will continue until Americans start putting toddler-hooligans back into the romper room until they grow up. Wake up Americans: Ungrateful, entitlement-minded, pleasure-addled people are NOT smart or decent. Nor are they cute. But they will burn down the republic if adults do not stop them.


Sheesh. She may as well say Libs are sheeple that bah bah together because they are not competent, independent, self-reliant, free thinkers.

I am a Conserver of Liberty. I like to ride with others. But I also enjoy free time to ride alone. It helps me to avoid becoming a Sheeple. Which may be why I detest this assholish, toxic feminist that presumes to be an expert on why my President should be impeached.


For insight into the bullshit of Collectivist Liberals, read Koestler's Darkness at Noon. Or at least check Wikipedia. Paraphrasing from Wiki snippets and quotes:

The novel begins with Rubashov's arrest in the middle of the night by two men from the secret police.

Rubashov hopes that, no matter how vile his actions may seem to their contemporaries, history will eventually absolve them. This is the faith that makes the abuses of the regime tolerable as the men consider the suffering of a few thousand, or a few million people against the happiness of future generations. They believe that gaining the socialist utopia, which they believe is possible, will cause the imposed suffering to be forgiven.

The charges are hardly discussed, as Rubashov understands they are not relevant. Rubashov says that he is "tired" and doesn't "want to play this kind of game anymore

… every leap of technical progress brings with it a relative intellectual regression of the masses, a decline in their political maturity. At times it may take decades or even generations before the collective consciousness gradually catches up to the changed order and regains the capacity to govern itself that it had formerly possessed at a lower stage of civilization.


What kind of idiot would believe hypocritical Dems that profit by selling political favors want to establish some kind of principle against politicians negotiating for political quid pro quos?

Why then do they so desperately want to remove Trump?

Obvious answer: He is interfering with the way they profit by cannibalizing the Republic. How much foreign money cycles through their foundations, off shore accounts, and campaign war chests? Why are they all millionaires?


Bi-coastal Prog states attract hordes of liberty-illiterates, homeless addicts, deviants, entitlement minded wussies, and anti-Americans. Abolishing the Electoral College would put all other states under their stupid and corrupt thumbs. Being stupid and corrupt, they of course want that. But no decent, free-thinking American should want that.

The issue is an existential one for the Republic. Do we want to retain human freedom, dignity, and decency? Or do we want to be ruled by assholes?