Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Conspiracy to Destroy Middle Class

Regarding conspiracay to destroy middle class:

My first inclination is to balk at suspicion of grand conspiracy. After all, to plot long-range conspiracy, godless commies would need to be united by strong motivators. But how could they sustain such strong, caring levels of motivation, so long as their underlying creed is based on “scientific indifference”? What could unite them to care so deeply to resort to grand stratagems to try to remake the world under their vision? Upon reflection, I perceive that, indeed, a twisted mix of motivators could sufficiently carry them along in such quest. Such mix may consist in the following.

Marxists and others who seek “objectively complete” solutions for governance are driven by a mix of motivations:

1) They may have grown up conditioned to hate and envy the material success and spiritual happiness of all individual strivers who do not subscribe to their “objective” faith in collectivism.

2) They have learned, consciously or subconsciously, that competition to take over the fruits of individual entrepreneurs is eased by rationalizing communal, gang style competition over individual style competition.  Many commies believe less in world peace than in rationalizing gangster predations.  They “refine” individual competition and free enterprise by subjecting them to competition among minority gangs and gang style enterprisers.

3) Experience has indoctrinated them to believe in a kind of social Darwinism, which has twisted their minds to subscribe to a notion of natural and social entitlement for those communal gangs that are most deceitful and vicious, in order to reduce all less worthies to servitude or dhimminitude.

4) Their academic apologists seek a completely objective or indifferent accounting for all that is subjective, i.e., they want to show by “objective reason” (or force) the “falseness” (or weakness) of systems that purport to respect individual freedom of conscience.

5) Events have reduced them to frightened opportunists, blowing in the wind, mouthing platitudes and rationalizations of entitlement.

Whatever the reasons or causes, the result is inhuman: surrender or submission of individual freedom of mind.

Root them out!


Anonymous said...

Regarding Pelosi style transparency for ramming health care:

So, Dems ridicule Conservatives who sometimes suspect conspiracy, and then lower the blinds so they can ... engage in conspiracy?

OK, don't call it conspiracy. Call it "political fadding." What then "causes" political fads? For some reason, some new thing in our common field of consciousness frequently and suddenly draws everyone's attention all at once. Soon thereafter it grows tiresome and, thank goodness, may not return again as a fad for generations. Within our field of consciousness, what induces that? Not intentionality.

Then what does induce unconsciously shared interests to bring people together all at once: suddenly to buy gold, run on banks, praise a new guru, or get high on some new mission? Can a "conspiracy" run through a society on an unconscious or subconscious current?

Even if Obamanots are not foam riding entirely on top of intentional conspiracy, they are foam surfing our shared field of consciousness on "fifteen minutes" of fame. I hope we raise consciousness and never have to see the rise of their like again. Meantime, I don't much care whether Obamanots are intentionally conspiratorial or simply naive misfits prone to being easily mesmerized under the beat of some below consciousness current. Intellectually led conspiracy or brains addled by a current of kool aid: either way, I want the blinds raised, windows opened, and bums thrown out. The sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

Re: A.T. --- “Today, our elites are at it again. This time it's not a foreign nation they are abandoning but our own. They may not be abandoning us to the whims of a conquering army just yet, but they are chaining us to an anchor of impossible debt.”

Obviously, our elites are quite willing to sell out the middle class, future generations, even America herself. Why? Because they see America, indeed all nation states, as Darwinian dead ends. They believe in a future of corporate, communal, and clan run spheres of influence, perhaps organized under some sort of fluxing, hierarchical syndicate. It is for that future that they are preparing. They are far more diversified in their preparations for that future than are ordinary Americans, stockpiling canned foods. Will elites sell out American military security and energy independence in a heartbeat? Of course they will! Let’s see: How much under the table money are Saudis passing around? What would happen to the Saudis were America to pursue energy independence? Hmmm.

Here’s the deal: Narcisstic Rino-Lords need admiration; miserable Dino-Serfs love company. So they are united in their politics of detestation for an independent and Conservative middle class.
At long last, American Conservatives are waking up to this bum deal and to the fact that they have for too long wrongly entrusted politics to classes of commie anti-Americans and faux-elites, marinated in bad faith and baked dry of good will. Real Americans are getting angrier. Every day.

Anonymous said...

Misery loves company. Especially when mixed with vodka. Those who are accustomed to living in holes do not want to crawl out. They want to pull everyone else into their company. If you don't believe me, try rehab'ing a homeless relative sometime. They don't want to be saved. They want to enlist us to help them dig bigger, deeper hovels. They want to guilt you into endlessly holding their hands. In this, commies share the religious zeal of drug pushers. Ahhh. Nirvana!


To fix our economy, we must save jobs based on merit, not cheap government handouts to illiterate voters or kickbacks for funding bonuses to corporate contributors. That is, our Reps must WANT to save a middle class. But I see no sign that our Reps want to do any such a thing. What I see are Rinos talking about raising the boats of all (peons) and Dinos talking about opening and spreading America's wealth without respect for borders. What I see are pimps selling America out and our educators going right along with it. Dinos get bennies, Rinos get kickbacks. The middle class gets lip service and an escort to the back of the bus.

Anonymous said...

It is almost fascinating, the first time, to watch mass insanity on parade. But after awhile, the march of history makes such spectacles monotonous and depressing.

Community organizing artists of Hope and Change (social system-ologists, aka socialists) seem never to tire of trying to control and equally objectify everything. It’s as if they fear to rely on the good-faith of independent fellows in order to seek more modest kinds of SUBJECTIVE completion.

So here we go again, watching otherwise godless communalists engage in unrelenting pursuit of impossible perfection in the detailed control, reduction, or spreading of wealth, property, industry, banking funds, health treatment, carbon emissions, global law, family values, and political correctness in all manner of speech and education. Scrape off their pixie dust and you will read: “Kilroy has been here … before.”

Somehow, I doubt that non-trivial systems can be OBJECTIVELY mapped or formulated by man in any way that can be shown to be internally complete and consistent (or objectively perfect). I suspect this may apply far beyond our attempts to comprehend math, on to our attempts to formulate a complete and objective map of physics, natural law, man made law … and on to our attempts to tame a sustainable nature.

Unless strongly confronted, I expect the perverse need of communalists to idealize non-existent perfection of mortal objectivity and make it the enemy of the good will lead almost invariably to toppling most of us into economic bankruptcy and/or totalitarian despair. This hurts too much to watch. All with eyes to see: Please point Kilroy towards a better way.

Anonymous said...

I suspect a moral defect in Dinos and Rinos goes deeper than racism. I see such persons more as gunners after targets of opportunity. Right now, the target of opportunity is not blacks, but those of us of the middle class, who don't organize to ask much of government, don't promise votes for payback, and don't bribe officials. So we generally go unrepresented, except for lip service. The lip service we get is, "Have I got a deal for you!" They put two bucks in your hand while they rip your wallet pocket for twenty.

Racism is just the foam from the real current. What drives the real current is envy, avarice, and conditioniing to no higher faith or value than yourself. For those kinds of people, targets of opportunity will always be identified, frozen, and plundered -- regardless of racial identity. Among those with no higher values, the game for plundering from targets of opportunity will always be afoot, even if hidden in deceit. It is those Conservatives who do believe in higher values of empathy who are most likely to rise above such games. It is the low-life Dino and Rino opportunists who are most racist, and most vociferous in lying about it. Hurl the hateful word back in the direction it belongs!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Obama really cares that much for the folks he claims to want to make redistributions to. As an ideologue, he cares only about "progressing us" towards a mirage, i.e., the perfect system that is on the right side of what he considers to be historical inevitability. In his obsession with Marxist perfection, he is uncaring, even oblivious, to availing freedom for folks who simply want to live their lives as they believe best.

Young ideologues typically begin this way. As they grow older and learn that their perfect system is an oasis-free mirage, they simply enjoy their ill gotten gains, rationalizing that those who are more equal than others also know what is best for others. If anything is inevitable regarding these kinds of people, it is that they are front men for the Maos, Stalins, Ches, and Hugos. Once the whiff of Marxist perfection is in the air, the ordinary lives of everyday people pale into insignificance.

I suspect this unconcern for the little people is not because Obamanots really love Marxism all that much. Rather, it is because they just don't give much of a damn about ordinary people to begin with. These are not your everday variety of Christians.

Anonymous said...

Well, Obama's audacity in his SOTU speech certainly exceeded my expectations. He absolutely did not pivot towards the center, except as a feint. He did mention some commonsense things Americans want. Energy development. Tort reform. He may have hinted at border enforcement. But all of that he tied to "comprehensive solutions." IOW, if Conservatives take his bait, he is willing to reel them in, hook, line, and sinker.

Most striking, he showed not the least regret for America's troubles. He revels in them. As: "You want more trouble, keep messing with me." He fairly preened with self esteem for having put troubles on our plates, as if saying, "Give me what I want, or this is all you will ever eat." If Barry accomplishes nothing more than reducing America's power, prestige, and sense of opportunity, he will be smugly satisfied ... as he finally exits.

He is only incompetent to those who mistakenly believe he actually wants to help Americans. He does not. He wants to replace Americans with easily bribed and illiterate Pookeys. In that effort, he is supremely competent, and he will not stop. Americans will have to stop him for themselves.

Affirmative action or not, with the Dem Congress (and shakedown help from Soros), Obama retains power to sink America – economically (increasing debt), culturally (not enforcing borders), and militarily (failing to defend homeland). He can instigate a cataclysm, or he can just sit back and wait for it. And then he can use it to turn the country upside down … comprehensively.
Regarding Rule of Law vs. Rule of Marxist Dictate: Which has Obama disrespected most -- the Honduran Supreme Court; or our own Supreme Court? Regarding Defense of Homeland: Which of Obama’s policies indicate concern for Americans – Gitmo; Miranda; Waterboarding; KSM; or Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? Regarding Preservation of America: Which strategies or concerns for preserving America are being held hostage by Obama, until we consent to a Marxist remake – Energy; Immigration; or Tort Reform?

America may not be able to survive 3 more years of Presidential Affirmative Action. We may need to take back Congress and impeach the Gang of Three as very soon as possible. Or have the States call a convention to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

The consciousness being locally expressed in Obama is on a down-curvature glide path. This path will opportune a grave crisis. It will lead Obama to try to usher in a comprehensive burial of American style individualism, initiative, and independence.

Obama’s misbegotten goal is to repress all individuals’ consciousness into that of cogs within a collectivist machine. He is on this path because his “elite” mind is caught, with many others, in thrall of a fundamental misapprehension about the holistic source and sanctity of higher consciousness. We are in the midst of a gut-check debate about fundamentals, which touches and concerns God and how God relates to each of us, locally.

Obama’s faith and trust are in the pre-programmed machine-speak of Totus. His ideas of God and science reduce to nothing but faith in a Marxist programmed machine. He is not intuitive, receptive, or empathetic to a higher source of free insight. No wonder he imagines we should all be cogs; no wonder he values security over liberty. Typical know-it-all materialist.

In a world abounding with fallen degenerates, is Love all you really need? Tyrants respect Empathy when it conveys clear appreciation of reality, but tyrants abuse the sort of capitulation that pretends to be Love. Obama puts America on the cross, pokes sticks, then pretends he is Jesus. Obama takes off Uncle Sam's shirt and puts him in the stocks, then invites three more years of rotten tomatoes.

Unilaterally withdrawing missile plans, keeping eyes behind blinders, continuing with world apology tour, and assailing Republicans: these are signs for how The One pretends to defend the Constitution.

Creating havoc in the money system, denying energy development and independence, preserving the outflow of enrichment to Islamists, enfranchising the multi culti that overrun our borders, continuing free reign for abusers of the tort system, and undermining the assimilative glue of moral values: these are signs for how The One actively undermines America.

How much worse could intentional evil be, than this magnitude of empowered ignorance?

Anonymous said...

Godless Marxists have long used Blacks as proxies for a conniving paradigm. Once they work it with Blacks, they spread it to every minority. So there is a war on between community organizers.
On the right side are those who, in charity and empathy, want to help those who need help, to teach them human dignity, i.e., how to do as much as possible for themselves. On the sinister side are those who feign charity and empathy, who want to deceive and enlist into their service those who are the most envious, indolent, gullible, or ignorant. Those on the sinister side are the ones who say it is charitable to take other people’s money, in order to buy influence from those among whom the money can be spread.
If there is no God, then what of conscience can consciously compete with corrupt connivers? Why do Obamanots seem so relaxed, so sure? What bright deceit do they think they know, that we do not? What massive manipulation have they lined out?
Among all the billionaires and foreign despots who back Obama, how many made their bones by behaving in any way that remotely resembles that of which they are asking Dems to emulate?
Obama’s financiers are not Marxists. They are beyond Marxism. They are harvesting Marxists -- i.e., the indolent, the gullible, and the ignorant. And by that they are harvesting the middle class -- by enlisting to their “cause” the littlest guys, by deceiving and reassuring that they are on the side of indolence and entitlement. But what sane person who has not been “educated” beyond the capacity of his intellect believes Obama’s cohort is just looking out for the little guy? Or that Obama is looking out for any particular minority, as opposed to ruling all by dividing all?

Anonymous said...

Obama never stops contriving comprehensive lures for sucker fish. The lure of the day. (Imagine Bill Murray in Caddyshack, casting lures for fish instead of plastic explosives for gophers.) In days of old, men of violence who usurped by the sword tended to die by the sword. So what means of usurpation should a man of connivance seize upon? That is, a man with allies, with an establishment to hate? Why, such a man should choose the Chicken Little lure-lie! Mmm mmm mmm.

Suppose you so believed in Big Gov or so worshipped your Big Self that you were willing to cast whichever lie would best entice enough naifs to give you your way. What lie, then, would you cast? Would you not cast a Chicken Little kind of lie? The planet is dying! The planet is dying!

To my lights, Obamanots are phonies, big time. Obamanots don’t give a fig for sustaining the future of America. Indeed, their absurd philosophy disqualifies them, ab initio, from claiming any basis for preaching that Leftist Americans would govern America in any way that was better. Seems elementary: Anyone who believes that no basis for judging moral behavior is any better than any other has no basis for preaching that Americans should or should not do anything. Obamanots, out of one corner of their mouths, preach concern for saving the future of the planet. Out of the other corner, they don’t give a fig for saving the future of America.

Does Obama have a credibility problem with his lures? Does he just keep re-painting the same lure? Your bite.

Social Conservatives have been used as cheap dates, wooed for votes and then forgotten in the morning. Libertarians and their pushers think all they have to do to keep us acting like cheap dates is just say, "You know, I respect your right to your ideas, but you can't win with them."

Well, here's the thing: Americans holding traditional values likely comprise the biggest percentage of likely voters. It's the bums who go against us who can't make it on their own. Reminds me of parts of a song sung by Diana Ross, “I Will Survive”:

But then I spent so many nights thinkin' how you did me wrong
And I grew strong and I learned how to get along
And so you're back from outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock, I should have made you leave your key
If I'd have known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
Go on now go, walk out the door
Just turn around now, cause you're not welcome anymore.

Bottom line: Libertines, Libertarians, and blue blood Repubs cannot win without Conservatives. If someone’s gonna change, they’d best figure it out. Or get the hell out. Cause America will fall regardless of whether we leave her with Libs or Libertarians. So the choice Libertarians need to make is this: America falls, or you straighten up. Meantime, don’t waste your breath with B.S.

The crock is the Libertarianism that expects to fund itself with my tax money.

Anonymous said...

A.T -- Re: "What kind of people are these politicians?"

Well, they are people who, to compete, have sold out to money of contributors. Because ordinary, decent Americans have not (heretofore) been well organized or interested, we have only gotten lip service. The real service has been to the most corrupt and easiest bribed. Thus has the agenda been determined -- regardless of which party is in power. We've just been bystanders to a moneyed mob war, and Congress is the face it shows.

If founding values of America are to survive, the corrupting influence of foreign and mob money has to be reduced or countered. We have to get more educated and more insistent, we have to do it on the internet since MSM is owned, and we have to find a way to reduce the impact of corrupt money for buying cheap votes by promising to pay for them out of taxes on middle America.

The top 1% pays the most dollars in taxes, but it also has the most access to influencing Congress in order to pass the effects onto the middle class. The real game is not about the dollar amount of taxes or the party in power, but about proportionate control and who owns the pols who front the party in power.

There are TWO main indicators that tell us the middle class is paying for both parties' shenanigans. FIRST, the gulf that divides the middle class from the power brokers is widening and allowing fewer to cross it. SECOND, government is being used not to separate values and religion from the State, but to undermine faith in any source of values above the State (i.e., Dear Leader). This is how cheap votes are bought from those who respect no higher values, while ignoring decent, middle class Americans. For goodness sakes, look at the trends for abortions, unwed parents, throw away kids, broken marriages, and corruption of the meaning of marriage. Considering how far we have let Libs and Libertines (Progs) go, any hope for re-assimilating any sense of what it means to be an American is fading fast. And that is precisely what the useful idiots among Progs want.

What the idiots have failed to grasp is that as control over moral values and economic enterprise is consolidated into those who own the State, the middle and lower classes will merge, in that whatever share they are permitted to receive will depend more on "noblesse oblige" of "those who know best" than on industry or merit. At that point, our representative republic will have become a complete farce.

Anonymous said...

In terms of relative wealth and political influence, is middle class viability being set aside? Well, does a cohort of mega wealthy assert proportionately more influence now than ever was the case in the past? Does it have more access now to deploy banks and regulations than ever before, to manipulate our currency and canibalize our country? Does it now have a network to facilitate elitist international corporatism that is faster and far more extensive than ever before? Does it continue to prop up the erasure of our borders, the undermining of our values, the choking of our energy independence, and the exile of our industry? Does it hold our politicians captive, so that our middle class is served mainly with lip service when it comes to defending middle class values (such as American exceptionalism, family values, and freedom from excessive governmental regulation)? Do you feel your government listens to you, or do you fear government has been bound over to the service of elites who disdain your values? Does the middle class now have any more influence than the lowest common denominator? Has multi culti division so riven us that we cannot now cohere except under the rule of elites? Except in now finally combining in outrage, in what sense do those with middle class values retain capacity to get their message heard? I don't think it is comparative wealth availed to the middle class that has brought its influence to a head. I think it is the preposterous overestimation by elites of themselves. To not see that middle class American values are in great peril is to be blind to reality. IMO.