Monday, February 22, 2010

Race Baiters

From A.T. -- JRG3 said, "Until the contemporary black gets over his anger at himself and his rebellion against society, which leads him into the hell of violence, drugs and casual sex, and chooses to excel through his God given wit and wisdom, he and America will continue to suffer."


And note that contemporaries have resources aplenty. It's not like anyone has to walk miles to borrow books. Every American has freedom (paid heavily for!), as well as knowledge (which is power) ripe for the picking, all along the Internet.

So what's holding our angry contemporary African American Marxists back? Well, take Obama. He's not concerned with lifting all boats. No, he is more fundamentally concerned about equality of results. He is unwilling to lift any ordinary American's boat until all are lifted to the same level. Well, that is a load too heavy.

But there is this whole notion that fairness cannot proceed, except collectively and comprehensively. Every person of any creed or color who buys into this is immediately saddled with one hell of a load. Unfortunately, most who are not white males (i.e., goats) are buying into this.

So who is selling it? Well, some heavy hitters: MSM, Academia, GE, Soros, Unions, Acorn, etc.

I am a white male (though 1/16th Native American). Folks can take from me all day long. But at the end of the day, that will not increase their self respect or individual freedom and dignity. They will still know what they are: People perpetuating a defective philosophy. Why? Because they refuse to step up to the freedom God already gave them. I can't help much with that.


Anonymous said...

One more confirmation that Obama and Holder (and the MSM and academia that greased their way) despise the fundamental idea of America: respect for individual freedom of conscience and enterprise.

They want to trade American equality of opportunity for equality of distribution. Until America is turned upside down, nothing that anyone in the Bush administration did to protect America can be right. Rather, Obama and Holder feel they must use every opportunity to discredit those who defend America as she is.

In their blinkered political religion (not unlike Islamofascism), Obama and Holder will not hesitate to deploy every outrage that they think may work. Fortunately, their judgment about what could work to bring about their dystopia has so far shown to be infantile. These incorrigible children need to be returned to the kiddie corner. The sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

Moral Zombies: What’s merit got to do with it? Many otherwise zombies glory in becoming excited out of their drudgery by seeing bad boys en-flesh lies so grand as to take the breath away, bewilder reason, and replace common sense with religious-like highs, infused with fantasies as tripping as LSD. But responsible folks do not revel in zombie-land (i.e., Marxist utopia or Islamic sharia-umma). Rather, they do their best to raise responsible children. Eventually, that will require that responsible folks oppose zombie-demons, whose powers build as their reasoning processes are bewildered. The zombie quality of consciousness that animates people like Van Jones and Obama is despicable in its aspect for devaluing the freedom and dignity of others. In that, they never stop, as if pursuing collectivist refuge for the undead. Our admin exudes despicability, and surrounds itself with wannabe zombies. Oh goody!

Anonymous said...

I suspect the Coffee Party klatch is sympathetic to Michael Moore’s “Capitalism, a Love Story.” Tonight, my nephew brought home that poor excuse of a documentary. I just watched parts of it with him (about as much as I could stand!). Moore made a few good points, showing the plight of those who are handicapped with ignorance, poverty, or ill health, and the depravity of those who prey on them. He showed how various depraved opportunists act like hogs at the public trough, from both parties, Rinos and Dinos, almost as if the same thugs were pulling strings behind the curtain, beating the middle class to a pulp. But I had to leave in disgust when Moore brought up his solution: End capitalism.

Moore’s and the Coffee Party's pan gloss is no solution. First, note: There is no “solution” to end ignorance, poverty, ill health, or the depravities of opportunists. And, as a “cure,” Big Gov and elite philosophies of entitlement only make the disease worse. Although there is not a cure, there is a salve: Improve the culture; inspire a culture that appreciates a higher Guide: to shame depraved derelicts and opportunists; to seek more to serve than to receive; to expect community based civic clubs, service groups, charities, and churches to meet more “economic-safety-net” needs than Big Gov; and to avail financial incentives to help those groups better perform those functions. But I doubt we will make much headway in improving the culture until we begin acting much less tolerantly towards radical elites run wild -- with too much coffee.

Anonymous said...

It's a pretty shallow person who automatically prefers not to befriend certain persons merely because of their sex, color, culture, or creed. This is because each person is more than the sum of all those things. More enlightened folks tend to discriminate in their judgments based on context that encompasses feedback among holistic and particular perspectives. Insofar as each of us may be a kind of perspective of God, how or why should we do otherwise? Sure, there are red lines and limits. But those lines need not be based solely on general features. Are some folks somehow acculturated not to get that? Did Obama for some years prefer to limit his associations almost exclusively to certain kinds of people, based on creed? Is that still reflected in the more significant of his appointments of czars? If so, who is this man to be preaching tolerance to anyone?

Among movers and shakers of American politics, few remain who much believe in an assimilating American ethos that is worth defending. Without common political purpose to bind us, how is any organization going to have a clue about what it should do in order to defend us? Insofar as we have become so undermined as to share few assimilating beliefs about what we should be, how can we expect to unite in common defense?

In this state of affairs, what binding purpose can the CIA serve, that can resist machinations of every change in administration? Has the CIA become an auxiliary in the service of incumbent administrations, with but few trusted loyalties that cannot be turned by bribes and the politics of personal destruction? What smart people are going to keep necks on the line to serve any agency of such a society, while knowing they are always only an election away from being undermined by the Barry's and Eric's of the world?

The Evil that seeks to reduce humanity will always demand loyalty, but what loyalty does it deserve? Our problem is endemic: leading institutions of our culture have been rotted from within. Still, our political salvation remains possible. Even though real Americans have been distracted, enough still exist to wrest control of our destiny away from "those collectivizing elites who know best." Let's make it so.