Sunday, March 28, 2010




Re: “ … many people continue to believe that healthy solutions to our social problems can come only from a benevolent Washington.”

Je pense que ce vin a déjà ete bu. I think this wine has been drunk before.



Our problem is more structural than just needing to throw out bum Progs. Recall the Gang of Fourteen! And there has not been much pendulum swinging since Reagan. Rather, there has been a pretty consistent push towards collectivism. Bi-political Rino and Dino financiers of Plantation Collectivism keep getting proportionately richer. Soros, Gates, Google Guys, etc. Yes, we need to dump Obamanots asap. But will that stop our drift? Hell no!

First, "Gangs of 14" will continue to be financed by those who want to rule the collective, even if most of their money suddenly sloshes towards Rinos. Second, the Left will be even more rabid and mouth foaming than they were during Bush's presidency.

So our problem is less with Big Gov than with Big Butts who own Big Gov. Electing Conservatives will not by itself change the rules of "pay to play." Just as we will not defeat the enemy that is Islamofascism until we name it, neither shall we defeat the enemy that is oligarchic ownership of the financial levers of government until we name it. The Oligarchs don't much care which party is in power, so long as they continue to be allowed to run it.

I would prefer that we most tax those who most fund politicians, on all sides of the aisle. If you want to get corrupt money out of politics, then tax the hell out of it. After all, the corruption is bi-political, and its funders don’t much dread either party. Why? Because they can always make up time with bi-political “Gangs of 14.” Corrupt financiers will bend American politics to their ends, regardless of the party that is nominally in power.

Why do the efforts of conservative Republicans always seem eventually to get trumped by “Gangs of 14”? Who really wants: universal health care run by the government, open borders, general amnesty, cap and trade, and rampant demoralization of traditional Americans and of our military? Why are we seeing a corrupt push to make anything other than p.c. out to be hate speech, racist, or misogynistic? Who is setting priorities for this corrupt agenda? Why do powers that be want to mark (indoctrinate) us, brand us (with national I.D. or implants), and saw off our horns (neuter our Second Amendment)? Why do they want to stir up and antagonize race against race, gender against gender, creed against creed, and tribe against tribe? Well, take a look sometime to learn how cattle feed lots are run.

Are Lindsey Graham and his fellow gangsters (“usual suspects”) really looking out for principles, or are things happening behind the curtain? Why have Western governments, worldwide, been turning inexorably to socialism? Is it because socialism avails more worthwhile living for the masses, or is it because a fluxing cohort of sociopaths feels richer, more secure, and more powerful under such a system?

Ever since Thatcher and Reagan, what Western State has not come under the influence of a hissing ball of bi-political, socialistic snakes, gradually co-opting parliamentary procedures while designing to divide and distract the masses with rituals as feeding time approaches?

We now have snakes that own both Rinos and Dinos, coiled around our necks, with little we can do about it. That is, unless we can find their tails in time to unwind them. These snakes are wrapped so tight around the heart of our economic system that they control how credit is pumped and created. So how can we disentangle ourselves?


BIOMETRICS: In theory, an active electronic ID card (or implant) could facilitate intriguing possibilities: Substitute biometrics for credit cards and food stamps; speed boarding times for airplanes; ensure all voters are legally qualified and only vote once; facilitate voting and shopping from your couch; protect against ID theft; track potential terrorists and sex offenders; signal location for emergency rescue; monitor whereabouts of parolees; monitor moving tendencies of persons in sensitive positions; ease census taking; keep job interviews honest; etc.

In moral theory, one must remember that (1) many Nazis were magnificent scientists and technicians; and (2) the drift to Collectivism entails a drift to aristocratic Oligarchs and reduction of masses to robo-serfs.

As knowledge and computing power increases, some such techniques may become inevitable. Before they do, I hope the human psyche will somehow become more decently civilized. Problem is, I just don't see how that's going to happen.


NATIONAL ID: I suspect we must resist being “ear tagged” with national I.D. cards. Instead, we must put “ear tags” (strict accounting metrics) on Congress critters and those who most fund them. After all, it’s government and those who most influence it that should be most transparent. No organization, union, corporation, charity, or P.A.C should be permitted to disburse political contributions except to specific candidates, and then only with specific permission from every individual contributor whose funds are so applied. A record of the identity and address of every such contributor to any aggregating organization should be required to be preserved and made subject to complete audit, long before any election.

Regarding individual contributors, beyond “x” dollars of contribution, those who pay the most to play in politics should have their personal paying ways closely monitored – perhaps with implanted bio metrics. There should be no limits on individuals’ contributions, but there should be limits on their rights to make secret political contributions.

Beyond “x” dollars spent in any way by any individual for aggrandizing political influence, such expenditures should be subject to a progressively increasing tax on consumption. Political contributions should NOT be tax free! After all, what other way is there to force the uncoiling of the ball of snakes that now finances and runs all of our relevant political parties, turning our notion of a representative republic into a farce?



1) As laws become more intrusive, it becomes easier to select and prosecute violators. A national ID card would exacerbate that problem.

2) At highest levels, it is less “the government” that controls us than those who own gov and its pols. When Dems are in power, we are governed by those who own Dems; when Repubs are in power, we are governed by those who own Repubs. To be governed under a republic, we need to reduce capacity for anyone to “own the gov.” In this age of international multi-billionaires, that is hard. Perhaps a way would be to structure taxes that impose diminishing returns for anyone who seeks to leverage political influence by expending (more like loaning) disproportionate funds. The income tax is too economically stifling and encouraging of intrusive Big Gov. What kind of tax could better reset political influence, pay down debt, and fund infrastructure without leading to so much governmental intrusiveness?

In theory, replacing income tax on individuals and corporations with a progressive consumption tax levied only on individuals may accomplish such purposes.

In practice, implementing such tax would require means for collecting accurate annual information for each taxable episode of consumption. It would require something like bio-metric implants. We readily see evil in that.

Problem is, we also readily see evil in failing to reduce ability of oligarchs to buy government – regardless of whether the reigning party claims to be Dem or Repub.

Is there an alternative, better than choosing lesser of evils?

On one hand, a progressive consumption tax seems impractical. On the other hand, it has become a charade to think we retain influence over pols so long as there is so much money sloshed around by billionaires. (When gov does what its owners want, notwithstanding the will of a large and clear majority, something is amiss.) Impractical versus Charade: which to choose?

Problem: Implanting bio devices may facilitate rule of billionaires, rather than facilitate their being more progressively taxed.

Result: Concern is defined, but solution is not apparent.



Perpetual struggle proceeds, between forces for individualism (small or inadequate government) versus forces for collectivism (big or intrusive government). As compromise proceeds under sponsorship of government, the trend is to increase size and intrusiveness of government. As individual freedom declines, it becomes natural that the elite and sleek should seek to rule the meek and weak.

Thus society becomes hierarchical, making it seem some should be servants. As technology enhances means for exerting control, needs for middle managers lessen. The hierarchy flattens, so that a chasm separates rulers from the ruled. As government twists to defend that chasm, rulers become an entrenched, inbred, and aristocratic oligarchy -- which applies tax incentives to all institutions that can be shaped to defend it, including institutions of media, academia, legislation, and courts.

Then such institutions deprive counter corporations, unions, and organizations from sources of energy. Thus forms a social Frankenstein, i.e., an inbred system for defending glandular tickles for a select few. Eventually, this system falls of its own depravity, but not until it has imposed horrendous suffering and insult to the freedom and dignity of individuals.

A republic that would preserve liberty must fashion and respect ways for stopping intrusions, not for compromising with them. Collectivists must be defeated, for many simply cannot be won over with reason. To defeat (or even reverse) invidious drifts to collectivist fascism, Conservers must not allow themselves or their culture to be overrun with divisive, corroding, or inassimilable cultures. Rather, Conservers must take care to defend and teach, as handed down from higher Source, an assimilating philosophy based on empathetic, good-faith respect for freedom and dignity.

In short, diversity merely for sake of diversity is devil’s handmaiden for undermining liberty wherever it may be found. Nor is diversity for its own sake what ruling oligarchs want. What they really want is a divided, easily misled, easily lied to plantation of serfs. Sadly, diverse distinctions between serfs are distinctions that do not make much difference. Non-collectivists of America: Wake up!



The Senate never confirmed Bolton as U.N. Ambassador. Obviously, Bolton simply had too much common sense to suit the Senate's taste. Rest assured that when Conservatives reassert supervision in 2012, the problem of adolescents wanting to burn down the house will not have subsided. Rather, those who stir up these people will have to be soundly defeated, for there is no reasoning with them.

This is not just a problem of mal-education. We have been overtaken by grossly disproportionate political influencers, sloshing about financially, behind the scenes. We are going to have to cause disproportionate purchases of political influence to be progressively taxed to a point of diminishing returns. As things stand, billions (if not trillions) in profits beckon those with means and nerve for undermining our political system in order to canibalize and sell out our infrastructure. Those on the other side of the chasm of wealth are bi-political opportunists, with no loyalty to America, her traditions, or her founding principles. While money freaks, America sinks.

Useful idiots tend to think the sheer brilliance of the Progressive philosophy is enough to sell it to all but the most benighted. Eventually, they realize that most people are "too simple" to appreciate the brilliance. So they come to justify forcing their brilliance upon the rest of us, for our own good, don'cha know. Sort of like Mohammad's insight: use the sword where necessary to force conversion and acts of obeisance, then hearts and minds will follow. So Alinsky, Obama, Whackjob, and Mohammad share a trait: they all have our best interests at heart. You see, they have to kill our minds in order to save them.

Finally comes the day when even useful idiots realize that, hey, this is kind of oppressive. Problem is, at that point, most people will be too terrified to be first to say what most sane people know. Problem also is, once you have a collectivist, repressive society run by "those who know best," there will never occur an "aha moment" when all the people realize all at once that, hey, this is a steaming pile of crap. Once collectivism takes over, you can never be sure that there isn't a loose nutjob in the room. Currently, Progs "key" cars; commies harvest organs, and jihadis saw off heads. As alliances and terrors reshape, it may come to pass that jihadis will key cars, Progs will harvest organs, and Commies will saw off heads. Ah, the humanity when a loving God is ignored. Yup, we have it in us to save ourselves. Sure we do. (sarc)


FROM A.T. -- JenM said, "The huge elephant in the room is … the financial powers that be … calling the shots …Why is there NO reform?”

“You can't address problems with government without addressing the fact that government is joined at the hip to the financial powers that be. It is this oligarchy who is collectively driving our economy off the cliff.”

“How can people not see this happening?”

Yup. Rotten money is on both sides of the political equation – Rino and Dino. Half an attempt was made to address that concern, with McCain-Feingold. That made matters worse. Restricting Americans in how they fund campaigns comes too close to restricting freedom of speech.

Howevuh ! -- Campaign funding is liquidated; everyone knows most people expect to get something from contributions; and such contributions are a kind of consumption (purchase of an expectancy). Such "consumption" needs to be taxed, progressively heavier. Such "consumption" should not be allowed at all by non-American interests, foreign entities, or international corporations. We are going to have to preserve recognizable and enforceable boundaries for how money buys influence in our politics.

Problem -- those holding disproportionate power for twisting politics will not surrender it easily. Hirelings will argue that it should not be attempted to reduce the power of moneyed elites. But failing will make a borderless NWO impossible to avoid. That NWO will consist of territories not of land but of organizations, corporations, and unions. That NWO will preserve fiefdoms of elite, moneyed interests and establish a chasm too wide for most middle class people to hope to cross.

International Unionist Dinos and Corporatist Rinos are heads of a single two-headed Medusa. Rinos and Dinos both seek to establish, whether wittingly or not, a NWO that will sell out middle-class freedom and dignity in exchange for soul-deadening conformity, security, and regulated orderliness. The monster (JenM’s elephant) that is always ignored is the one that says that disproportionate political influence of wealthy and connected elites cannot possibly be reasonably taxed or reduced. The truth is, it must be reduced, else the notion of a Republic for preserving individual freedom and dignity will be sunk.



Each generation has found its artists for pushing new art that pushes new boundaries. But what art is there to rap, other than pushing boundaries for the sake of pushing boundaries? Once all written lines are obscured and all boundaries are ignored, how can any new definitions be pushed? How can there be meaningful communication beyond numbness? What is unbounded numbness, if not a contagion for nihilism?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I suppose a malignant narcissist generally needs to control others. After all, without access to controlled feedback, he knows he will receive insufficient admiration within the general field of consciousness. He will be desperate to give definition to his emptiness by controlling others. When he fails in that effort, he will feel great temptation to take a lot of folks down with him.

Obama is the opposite of an independent, functioning adult. This is why he has no hope of understanding real Americans or anyone who is not a co-dependent collectivist. Those who worship collectivist equality have worked hard to deliver us to the rule of a child who needs to be adored by a community. Now that child is ensconced in great power. Freedom and dignity could easily take a great fall. We are in for three years of peril.