Sunday, August 8, 2010

Derivation of "Rights"

Derivation of "Rights":

I suspect it is incoherent to suggest “rights” just naturally exist in themselves. Rights are necessarily derivative. Rights implicate a power that consistently cares enough to enforce them, as rights. They do not implicate a Nature that is entirely indifferent. "Right" does not mix well with "indifference." In my opinion, rights implicate a notion of a caring God. But even an avowed atheist, to seek coherence, will tend at least to implicate a God proxy, i.e., a government that expresses the caring will of its citizenry. In believing (or acting as if) rights are derivative of God, we can hope to intuit in commonality what those rights are. However, if rights are derivative only of human follies, then they become, arbitrarily, whatever the prevailing regime wants to say they are. Then, rights become not a subject of law, but of tyranny, subject to the fires of the memory hole.

God’s law is the basis for whatever may constitute each individual’s good faith intuition of his or her freedom of perspective and expression of good will or empathy towards each other perspective. Apart from regard for a higher, caring Source, whether real or invented by proxy, it is nonsense to speak of freedom in itself. Perhaps this relates to why freedom so scares atheistic corporatist collectivists, who, in fright, seek codependent security thusly: rulers, by ruling others; the ruled, by being ruled.

Problem is, as codependent collectivists come to see that collectivism fails to improve their security, angst, or happiness, they lash out in frustrated anger and focus their united power in order to impose great pain and suffering on others, as well as, eventually, on themselves. They fail to intuit that the road to security is only a byway to the main road. The main road is empathetic regard for the freedom and dignity of one another, as if each were a perspective of the encompassment of Consciousness.

That said, large, modern, international corporations, deeply invested in crony capitalism, tend to be just another form for giving expression to international collectivism. While conservers of liberty focus against communists and progressives, crony capitalistic collectivists are voraciously eating out the heart of human freedom and dignity, right under our noses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

W. Chambers, F. Hayek, and G. Orwell were prescient. Imagine if their prescience had been sponsored to make an impression before 1935, instead of after 1945? Well, now we have had WWII, Korean War, Cuba, Vietnam, and all the trouble spots stirred up by oligarchical, commie, and Islamic collectivists. So, now we have the template and the history, all laid out. We have documentation of the inevitable brutality of big government (and owned government) intrusiveness. Yet still (!) many of our faux-“liberal” pols, pundits, and profs persist in selling us the collectivist, big-government snake oil. And still our green youth fall for it!

Think about the science of: debt enslavement, Stockholm Syndrome, arms races, and centralization of mind control: Is such science more likely to increase mind enlightenment, or mind control? Does the likelihood depend on us? Do we choose, by acting on our faiths, our own destinies? As we forsake a higher Source of consciousness, do we condemn every last person who is closest to us to a kind of Stockholm Syndrome? To live under present trends, must every last human being be converted to a moral zombie, for the “greater good” of an otherwise impersonal, non-existent, scientific, centrally controlling Big Brother?
Must even the ruling class be made miserable and sub-human? Do we choose our science of population control, or does it choose us? In Orwell’s “1984,” was not even O’Brien made miserable and sub-human?
In the book, Inner Party member O'Brien describes the Party's vision of future:
-There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.
—Part III, Chapter III, Nineteen Eighty-Four

While we still have means to see, know, and act, we must rise and say No! No! N0! to all this big-government, centralizing-collectivist crap. No mas! Every pol who stands for centralizing comprehensive control over minutiae of our lives must be fire hosed out of office!