Monday, June 6, 2011

Purpose, Perspective, and Context

REGARDING ENLIGHTENED SELF INTEREST AND INDIVIDUAL EMPATHY FOR THE WHOLE: Marx suggested that enlightened self-interest is the principle of all morality, so that private interests (when properly educated or enlightened?) ought to coincide with human interests. I AGREE!

However, what I fail to comprehend is why Marx tried to restrict this notion of enlightened self interest, as if it should (or could) be entirely accounted for in a quantitative, material-based way, as opposed to being in inherent need of aspects of a quality of spirituality, wilful appreciation, and meta intuition ---beyond the merely, measurably material. I fail to comprehend why he was so set upon completely blocking out all of metaphysics, spirituality, and conscious design. Well, I suppose it was by way of a test: to test how much could be reliably accounted for by a purely material, mathematical approach (sort of like an approach to mathematics taken by Russell, until Godel demonstrated its folly). Had Marx better apprehended his folly, I suspect he would have come to a "prehensive" appreciation of a non-trivial, reconciling role for the quality of consciousness, equal to or above the role of quantitative-based substance.

REGARDING THE MEDIATION OF THE QUALITATIVE WITH THE QUANTITATIVE: For appreciating or intuiting unfolding paths of historical determinism, it would seem worthwhile to explore a wider meaning of "determinism" by conceptualizing how Conscious design and Will may factor, in ways that defy material, substantive control, yet avail reason for meaningful and enlightened faith in a meta power of empathy. Thus, consider that every non-trivial (meaningful, purposeful, consciously chosen) interaction entails feedback within a mediating context, such that there abides: (1) a conscious sense or interpretation (C -- Consciousness); (2) of a pattern of information (I -- Information); (3) within a supporting medium (S -- signifier of Substance).

Thus, every non-trivial event or interaction entails a coterminous interfunctioning of C, I, and S. Depending upon purpose, focus, and context, any two of C, I, and S can be conceptualized as the cause or associated precursor of the remaining other, and such other may be conceptualized as either, or both, effect and mediator. Thus, Consciousness and Information can be conceptualized as producing Substance; Information and Substance can be conceptualized as producing Consciousness; and Substance and Consciousness can be conceptualized as producing Information.

It seems that Relevant Reality concerning relationships among C, I, and S may abide only in relation to purpose, focus, and context, which will quantitatively and qualitatively control whether an event should best be described as materially determined (S plus I), consciously determined (C plus S), or randomly determined (I plus C). Thus, S plus I will effect C and also be mediated by C; C plus S will effect I and also be mediated by I; I plus C will effect S and also be mediated by S.

The composite effect of C plus I plus S will spin a path through quantitative space-time that cannot be predicted or reversed by any mortal math or model, but may be qualitatively appreciated and participatorily guided or intuited. No standard model can reliably predict how quantitative Substance and qualitative Consciousness will be mediated by relational Information. Every sequential and particular collapse of a field or wave function into a particular logic gate of Substance (S) is pursuant to one field of Consciousness's (C) sensation or interpretation of Information (I) being related and patterned within a mediating context by another. No mortal logic can reliably reduce or reverse that three-aspect (trivalent logic?) state of unfolding affairs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOW A REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC SHOULD FUNCTION: Suppose constituents should want their representative to approve a Bill of which it were obvious that they had little idea what was in it, which may be counter to their interests, with no needful emergency. If the representative is good, should he not: study the Bill closely, educate his constituents regarding its main attributes, consult their considered understanding, and only then approve or disapprove of it?