Monday, April 16, 2012



CAUSE AND EFFECT: Apart from pre-set associations and sequential significations, what “really” mediates cause and effect, to facilitate the choosing or determining of relational unfoldings of appearances and events? Are not Identities often quantitatively the same in existential essence, yet qualitatively differentiating in temporal translations and relations? How should things or events be identified or seen to flux or change, except as the Holism synchronizes to will and want? Is such not a marker of consciousness? What is being attracted, repelled, or spun, but the delusionary conceptualizations, appreciations, apprehensions, and pursuits of iterations of perspectives of a single identity of Consciousness — vying for signification and expression in respect of an holistic, receding, proceeding, flux of connected, conscious Will?
ASK: Insofar as mortals, by definition, cannot relate in order to measure against a quantitatively un-relatable standard (like a thing-in-itself), then ask:
ITERATIONS OF IDENTITY: Depending on how one defines our commonly quantifiable universe, is it preset to collapse (return to zero?) into a multitude of black holes? If so, is each black hole, in translatable respect, simply an iteration of every other black hole? Does each black hole signify an identity that is distinguishable only in apparent relations, but not in absolute respect? Is each collapse an iterative signification for a collapse of the whole?
ATTITUDE OF CONCEPTION: Can we as easily conceptualize our universe as if it is accelerating to a collapse or as if it is accelerating to an expansion? Is space-time expanding or contracting? Is there any absolute sense in which our universe can be said to be expanding or contracting? Or in which gravity can be said to be a repelling versus an attracting force? When space-time is conceptualized to be exploding from a singular point, must it not also be conceptualized as distorting? Must not not such distortion twist matter, energy, and mass out of so-called “empty” space-time? Are relative experiences or recordations of matter-energy (quantitative substance, or mass) derivative of distortions of space-time? Or are relative experiences of space-time derivative of distortions of matter-energy? If space-time distortions are conceptualized as causing mass, then gravity is signified as an attractive force. If mass is conceptualized as causing space-time distortions, then gravity is signified as a repellant force. Regardless of conceptualization, gravity will be experienced consistent with formulas of general relativity. Does local variance in mass "cause" distortions in the space-time field, or do distortions in the space-time field cause mass? Is mass a causal agent, or is it only a signifier that is communicated or associated with a synchronizing causal agent, which is of a meta-quality that is beyond measure or control, but not beyond appreciation and prayer?
MEASURING BY CONSERVING ZERO: Conservation preserves quantitative tradeoffs in calculations for relative experiences of matter and energy. But can matter and energy be considered as a substantive unity, as matter-energy? If so, can such matter-energy holistically flux in ways that cannot be locally quantified, as by expanding, stretching, twisting, distorting and fluxing space, time, or space-time? May immeasurably qualitative fluxes of a holism, like an Ephemeral Essence, account for relatively quantifiable distortions and interfunctionings of space-time and matter-energy?
POINT OF VIEW: Which way on a mobius twist, or a staircase of circling and connecting patterns and strings, is up, and which way is down? There is a popular picture which can be conceptualized, depending on perspective and habit, as depicting either an old woman with an ugly nose or a rabbit. Except insofar as one may be disposed to consider such depiction as the “picture” of a rabbit-witch, it is not really, in itself, a picture of either. Likewise, it may be considered that gravity is not really either a pushing or a pulling force. This suggests why a grand theory of physics cannot be unified: Because, in reality, every concept of quantitative physics is necessarily derivative of a concept of qualitative consciousness.
UNIFICATION OF STAGE: The Standard Model, as a way of expecting, in order to completely reduce the qualitative to the quantitative, cannot succeed. To succeed, it would have to incorporate gravity as either a purely attractive force for mass, or a purely repellant force. That cannot be done, for gravity and mass are not things in themselves. They are byproduct-significations of a synchronizing, Ephemeral Essence, which fluxes in digital-like back-and-forth, give and take, attraction and repulsion ... for changing and exploring communications of order pulled from chaos, music pulled from noise, beauty pulled from disgust, awe pulled from anomie, the qualitative pulled from the quantitative, and freedom pulled from empathy. For that, the physical world is a constructed stage, not a thing that can be measured in itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For awhile, the majority of Americans consisted of those who valued independence, autonomy, self reliance, making their way on their own merit, and freedom. Now, we're swamped by community organizers, i.e., pawns of the NWO. There is to be a severe hierarchy of those who want to be abused and those who want to abuse them. The next step in the "progress of evolution" of human eusociality is the antpile. All for the pile! The antpile is determined to prevail, not to allow any new world to beckon and invite those who value their capacity to think for themselves. To watch thinkers being interviewed by the likes of Matthews, Maddow, and Soledad is to watch an interview by a large headed ant.