Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rent Seekers

Landslides occur during times of great social confusion.  A decent, vigilant people would not have allowed itself to be positioned to need such a corrective landslide.  Within fluxing bounds of accountability (rule of law), a decent nation would have endeavored to educate and establish a society that has capacity to defend a reasonable range of freedom and dignity for all its citizens.  Such a nation will be constantly challenged with continuous churnings and creative conflatings of rent seekers --- persons who add no value, but who seek to position themselves to be able to demand support from those who can be ensnared.  Rent seekers, persons of little social virtue, become skilled in deceiving gullibles to believe they care about them.
Those who add value are entrepreneurs, enjoying freedom of expression and enterprise, who produce things other people want to buy.  Rent seekers are heads who use union power to demand entitlements not based on production or merit, but based on organizing power.  Rent seekers are also heads who use corporate power not to buy and create products, but to corrupt, buy and exploit politicians and governments.  The constant challenge to decent society is to check against over-tipping accumulations of gangster power in corrupt rent seekers of every variety, who suck the blood of producers everywhere.
Without a citizenry that is informed and decent enough to establish and defend constantly fluxing lines of evolving accountability, a nation cannot avoid falling prey to border-erasing, decency-erasing, rent-seeking parasites operating within and against every class of society.  A representative republic cannot be sustained by an indecent people, nor by a people who allow themselves to be alternatingly beguiled between different parties headed by rent seekers.
There is no set, perfect form of government or regulation that can long defend against rent-seeking corrupters.  Rather, the only lasting protection comes from social inculcation of worthy, higher (spiritual) ideals.  A people who have lost assimilating faith in a source of spiritual values and ideals will lose all common sense and quickly become ripe for being picked apart and led astray by every soaring conniver who is skilled at dividing, hedging, and pitting minority mobs against minority mobs.  Most Americans have displaced their common sense.  Why else would we have allowed rent-seekers to proceed under disloyal crony corporate form to undermine and buy control over every significant social institution ---  including currency, banking, border enforcement, media, and academia?  Why else would we have allowed our nation to be put in hock under the biggest, godless communist nation of thugs on earth?
We need to back away from know-it-all elites and spiritual despots and return to common sense respectors of individual freedom and dignity.  If Romney offers hope, it's more in his adult sincerity of assimilating, unifying faith and common sense than in his financial skill.  The last thing we needed was a Marxist Muslim Elitist to undermine us in order to forcibly instruct us how to be better Americans.
The notion of evolution, aka natural selection, begs many questions about the "nature of nature" and what it is that does the "selecting," i.e., determining. The notion begins by noticing a trivialism: that there abides variation in potentials, out of which specifics are selected, and that patterns of selection often become reinforcing and self-sustaining. The same may be applied to selections and choices concerning anything, including systems of culture and politics.
However, what ultimately is the nature of the nature that is doing the selecting? In ultimate aspect, is IT entirely quantifiable, measurable, predictable, and/or controllable? Or is IT ultimately and necessarily of a quality and character that is beyond substantive measure, but not beyond qualitative appreciation? What is the means of determining each selection? Is it entirely (1) pre-set and pre-determined, (2) randomly or chaotically determined, and/or (3) appreciatively determined, based on a reconciliation of appreciation between the whole and the unfolding expression of its parts?
What is the role of feedback (prayer?) from the perspectives of appreciative observers and parts? What is the reconciling means by which every wave function of the wider field is reduced to particular appreciation and expression? Is that reconciling, synchronizing, holistically conserving means purely dumb, pre-determined, and oblivious to subjective appreciations expressed from perspectives of its parts? Well, no method of measure will demonstrate such a notion. So, people look to their subjectively experiential empathies and intuitions, i.e., their "inside information," which also is of a quality that defies being completely reduced to quantifications. When people do so, many reasonably reach the intuition that measurable events, ultimately, are determined not by preset fate or dumb randomness, but by an immeasurable quality of reconciling appreciation of feedback (communication) between the whole and its parts.
This immeasurable quality of feedback (communication) seems to many to constitute a kind of conversation between an holistic expression of conscious will and its variously particular perspectives. To them, it seems intuitively obvious that all of "natural selection" can and should better be considered as being guided in respect of a higher, reconciling consciousness. For them, this is a fundamental and necessary basis for teaching people to be empathetically respectful of one another, as perspectives of a same holistic conscious will. Others rationalize that there is nothing more worthwhile to devote their little lives to than the agglomeration of temporally vain positions of wealth and power for the subjugation of all others.
For the first, the only role for government or social organization is to provide a loose framework for establishing and sustaining reasonable freedom for people to express and occupy themselves. For the second, the only role of government is as a tool, for bending all others to selfish, rent-seeking purposes. A free society maximizes degrees of freedom of expression and enterprise; an elitist society (such as under Scientism, Marxism, or Islam) desires instead to subjugate all lessers to menial servitude under finely prescribing regulations of minutia.  For the first, natural selection should better be considered as appreciative selection, participated in by a reconciled multitude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Homo corporatus economus does not care about national sovereignty, but only about widets consuming from widgets producing, in competition to crown head widget. The idea seems to be that culture won't matter once widgets are the only culture. Problem is, the ensuing enserfment will be real.

Economists need to come to terms with the power of the international corporate form of doing business by undermining local governments. Individuals cannot very well compete in open markets against large corporations whose ultimate interests are only to agglomerate financial control, nor against nations that compete as united collectives. Evolution and competition proceed along both an individual axis and a group axis. Sovereignty and all cultures of freedom will fall if we remain fixated in believing there is such a thing as fair competition in open markets between unaligned individuals versus aligned groups.