Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Nature of Information -- Is Information ever lost?

RE-NORMALIZATION: Every particular perspective that has bonded to a particular cosmos, regardless of how the reconciling and conserving Principal of the cosmos may re-phase or re-normalize the measurable system that is shared as a whole, will always interpret its sensations, memories, and records AS IF the measurable system itself had not changed, and every perspective will simultaneously and synchronously re-interpret and re-normalize, back to an instant after a rationalized beginning of the system, as if the rationalized beginning had not changed. This is because beingness-in-itself is timelessly fluxing, i.e., eternally present. Each change in the Field as a whole synchronously alters the interpreted "history" of each Particle of expression of the Field. No Particle has any means, outside of the Field, of testing to see whether the Field may have altered the record and memory of the "past." IOW, Information may be lost, but we mortals cannot know or demonstrate it to be lost. We can flux in what we "believe" depending on how we flux in our conceptualizations, points of view, contexts, and purposes. For some purposes, we can reasonably believe Information is not lost, for other purposes, we can believe Information is lost. For some purposes, we can reasonably believe Time is only a stubborn illusion, for other purposes, we can believe Time is ordained by God.
The Eternal Present abides as a fluxing farm for manifesting different points of view among various contexts for implicating all possible Information. The manifest present avails "farms" for storing Information. The "crops" are the manifest; the potential crops are the qualitative implication of all potential Information that may possibly become manifest. The various worlds, universes, cosmos, which abide are manifestations of measurable Information, serve as VECTORS for implicating all Information that can potentially be imagined. The total amount of Information that is in potential is unmeasurable, unknowable to mortals, perhaps as infinite as God. The total amount of Information that is manifest to the present may be measurable in respect of its own BITS and terms --- even though mortals cannot know whether or how such terms may phase through system-wide re-normalizations, with respect to whether each change of phase may increase or decrease some total sum of manifest Information, or even how a unit or bit of such Information may be worthily represented. The mathematical "DURATION" of each connecting segment and sequence of the Eternal Present is related to the cyclically sequential, vectorized vibrating of meta feedback between the system and its parts. Such duration may be conceptualized as continuous or discrete, DEPENDING ON CONCEPTUALIZATION (perspective, context, and purpose). Spins can be measured and degreed as continuous, while intersections and leaps may be measured as instantaneous and discrete.
Without space-time, how can Meta Stuff and Math Information be conceptualized as yielding separate points of view and context, i.e., qualitatively and subjectively different perspectives of consciousness? How can consciousness bond and identify with SEPARATE perspectives, if there is no space-time grid for vectoring or imposing or excluding separation?
Upon what meta spirit, stuff, essence, or term does math do its math? How is math vectored and made active? Is such (meta?) stuff of a quality that is relevant, yet not measurable? Is meta-stuff inferred because of manifestations of representations to Consciousness? Does Meta Stuff avail relationally constant stuff that avails precise measurements among Perspectives of Consciousness within bubbles in the common founding units and terms of such bubbles? I would analogize "Meta Stuff" as that which subjects (subjective) itself to object (objective) math vectors of itself, and conservationally (equationally, algorithmically) transitions experience in Discrete intersecting vibrations and Continuous spins of space, time and mass ... in relation to qualitative attitudes of quantitatively shared informational sequencing, recording, and unfolding.
I would conceptualize that the meta stuff cyclically feeds back, and vibrates to, vectoring math. Vibrations avail curves, spins, intersections, interference, thus spin Continuosities and quantum leap Discretes. Thus SEPARATIONS abide among sequential vibrations (frequencies, wavelengths, amplitudes, intensities ... availing complex layers and levels of conserving, reconciling systems of sub-vibrations among forms that interfunction to intersect, reinforce, and reduce one another). Different cosmos may occupy the same meta stuff by operating under different command frequencies (equations subjectively under and objectively within equations, forms within forms, vibrations within vibrations, spins within spins). A single cosmos may collapse under (subject to) a single algorithm, yet avail objective differentiation among its vectoring parts via exclusionary and transitionary processes under sub-algorithms. Thus, separation is availed via consciousness' bonding and Identifying with sequentially different vibrations of perspectives. Thus, the meta stuff does not occupy space-time. Rather, space-time "occupies" the meta stuff.
Thus, the meta stuff (God) exists-in-itself, as a feedback-appreciative-communicator-and-reconciler of the qualitative with the quantitative. Thus, the Information from the perspective of Identity that seems to follow the measurable signification of each body with which the Meta Stuff bonds is partially communicated during each body's life, beyond the illusory perimeter of its skin, and upon its death, the remainder is reabsorbed into the informational sum of The Manifest and the immeasurability of The Potential.
No objectively measurable substance-in-itself really exists, moves, changes, or occupies or passes through time or space. Rather, potential Information availed to the Field of Consciousness and its Perspectives is simply re-vectored and reorganized in its manifest recordation, presentment, interpretation, and communication to and among perspectives of consciousness. That is, Information is math-ed in reconciled appeasement to and among perspectives of consciousness that somehow register their appreciations and operations from different contexts within a common cone of experiential presentment, appreciation, evaluation, and thusly motivated will. A local vector of Information may be locally interpreted as “longstanding,” yet, it may be erased by anti-vectors. Sequentiality will be rationalized and re-normalized to local experience. Yet, sequentiality (chronological time), in itself, is subject to annihilation, even reversal.
If there is no substance-in-itself, then “in” what is Information organized or vectored? Where? ANSWER: “In” the qualitative field of consciousness. A perspectives of consciousness (will), does not itself “travel” “in” any where. It appreciates, feeds back, judges, wills.
COIN: The Field of Beingness is like an ambiguously flipping coin, one side relating as Math (nature), the other as Consciousness (god).
How can Math be conceptualized to exist? Does math exist in itself, as being inert, pre-vectored, randomly vectored, chaotic and evolutionarily vectored, ... or consciously, qualitatively, appreciatively, and contemporanously vectored (like Active Math or Platonic Geometry)? Can Math be conceptualized as itself being bivalent, but only existing within a trivalent system? In other words, is the System itself bivalent or trivalent? Is each cosmos/universe a closed, self-contained, system-bubble of BIVALENT either-or, dots and dashes, ones and zeros, anti-ones and zeros, yin-yang, yes-no, positive-neutral, negative-neutral, positive-negative? Or is each cosmos/universe a system-bubble of TRIVALENT relationships?
NUMBERS: imaginary-rational-irrational,
INFORMATION: measurable-immeasurable-transitional,
Compressible-exclusionary- mediating conversionary,
PARTICLES: fermions-bosons-ghosts,
Particles-anti particles-virtual particles,
Absolutes-relatives-relative absolutes,
Encompassment, immortal-mortal,
Time-space-substance (matter and energy),
Constant-Continuous transition-quantum Discrete digital leap,
Kind-degree-phase change,
Preset-contemporaneously determined-random,
Representative recordation-interpretation-communication,
Sequential feedback within the eternal here and now between whole forms and fields and their variously jumping parts,
Naturally quantitative preset directionally LINEAR vectors (no-god) vs. Mind-made-up preset guided vectors (god has left the building) vs. qualitative Field FEEDBACK cycling contemporaneously fluxing vectors (god is with us)?
REALITY --- for Active Math, the most superior and "real" constant is the field of meta stuff, i.e., the Field of Conscious Beingness, whose experientialism perpetually fluxes and changes with the eternal present. As the Field of Consciousness abides to “occupy itself (its appreciation) in any certain way with Information, it identifies with, and experiences, a qualitative illusion of a manifestation of quantitative space, time, matter, and energy. As each bubble is created, the Information is already bonded/assigned to it. The Moral Purpose is to guide organization of the Information, to avail it to develop perspectives of consciousness that are self aware, intuitive, and empathetic of God (Great Commandment and Golden Rule) and God’s general purposes, to give expression to appreciate good faith and good will, so God can experience qualities that come to living purpose during manifestation, such as poetry, music, beauty, drama, and the pain and pleasure of diversionary pursuits of astonishment and joy, to relieve existential angst. Thus, the Field of Consciousness diverts existential angst for the eternal present of its Beingness, converting angst to perpetually recycling potentials for astonishment, joy, good, evil, despair, and perpetually reassembling hope. Qualitative angst is thus subject to constant and continuous feedback, guidance, evaluation, judgment, reconciliation. As to the un-organized, non-manifest Information: With what could the Field of Consciousness potentially occupy itself with? Such remains subject to inferred consciousness of possibilities or meta-sub-consciousness of the field. By consciously appreciating and guiding an organization or bubble of Information, the Field of Consciousness produces a common cone for its perspectives of consciousness to interpret in various ways, subject-ive to their sensory gatherings and appreciations of Information.
SHARED OBJECTIVITY --- the common cone that is availed and shared by mortal perspectives of consciousness is reconciled and re-normalized to all its perspectives in an objectively measurable way. For that, all its perspectives relate to the same relational, relative-constants. Thus, for the bubble presented to the experience of mortals, there may be pre-sets of conserved quantities of bits of equational Information. Even so, the qualitative experience of each perspective, and its evaluations of apparent causal and/or correlative agents, will remain subject to relational local interpretations and re-normalizations.
Unconscious Machines function on digital, binary logic. BIVALENT: If A, then B. Non-active math is bivalent.
Conscious identities function with trivalent reasoning. TRIVALENT: If A, then B, then flip coin. But, exercise or give expression to contemporaneously appreciative conscious Will, to choose coin and/or weight it with factors for loading the odds. "Active Math" is trivalent.
To mortals, consciousness is an existential, immeasurable, subjective, trivalent quality --- not a bivalently measurable, objective, empirical “thing.” Mortals may use machines. The organic cells of mortal bodies may function as unconscious machines, bivalently processing Information as directed by reconciling functions. The reconciliation is done by trivalent feedback with the Field of Active Math. Each perspective of consciousness is subject to (subjective to) the Field. In giving expression (feedback-appreciation or intuitive-empathy) subject to the Field, each local body (organic or machine based) that expresses a local perspective comes to express local consciousness.
INFORMATION: Bits of Information and Numbers (1 and 0) do not occupy (“in”) time, space, or substance (matter and energy). Rather, as guided by the qualitative Field of Consciousness (Meta Mind), they avail communications about shared ILLUSIONs of quantitative time, space, and substance. Information abides as Bits of vectorized formulations of ones and zeros, i.e., Active Math. Our cosmos is like a "SIMULATION," run on a meta-connected "tape" of a "meta-computer," which operates trivalently, subject to meta consciousness of reconciling feedback and direction. May the Bits of Information that are manifested to representation in our cosmos themselves be subject to a law of conservation, so that the total number of Bits of Information that are subject to measurement at any arbitrary segment of nowness are limited and constant? Or are they necessarily constrained and interpreted as constant? I think a conceptual "answer" depends for its completeness, coherence, and consistency on the conceptualizer's perspective, vibrational context, and appreciative purposefulness.
OF GOD AND APPEARANCES: Numbers and "bubbles" of numbers, in themselves, do not occupy Information, nor does Information occupy Space or Time. Chronologies, numbers, information, space, time, equations, formulas, forms, and vibrations are derivative appearances of, not the essence or source of, Meta-Stuff. Meta-Stuff does not occupy numbers, bubbles, information, chronologies, vectors, space-time, formulas, or vibrations. Rather, they are inferior appearances and representations that are derivative of, and "occupy," Meta-Stuff. Meta-Stuff is the creating, conserving, reconciling, guiding Source. Chronologies and conserving anti-chronologies, being inferior to and derivative of meta-stuff, are VECTORED and transitioned as mere Information, i.e., numbers of ones and zeros for representing equations of equations, applied to "terms" that are derivative of nothing more than VIBRATIONS of, and guided by, Meta-Stuff. They do not "occupy" space-time, because space-time abides as an illusion created by Meta-Stuff, which abides as Conserving Source of an "Eternal Present." Beingness does not arise out of nothingness. Rather, a zero balance of nothingness is conserved out of Meta Stuff. It is not for mortals to conceptualize a beginning or end of Meta Stuff in any way that can be complete, coherent, and consistent. IT simply abides.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How one conceptualizes about which is superior, nature or god, deeply affects one's moral compass, i.e., how one conceptualizes about the moral worth of human dignity.

OF APPEARANCES: Numbers and "bubbles" of numbers, in themselves, do not occupy Information, nor does Information occupy Space or Time. Chronologies, numbers, information, space, time, equations, formulas, forms, and vibrations are derivative appearances of, not the essence or source of, Meta-Stuff. Meta-Stuff does not occupy numbers, bubbles, information, chronologies, vectors, space-time, formulas, or vibrations. Rather, they are inferior appearances and representations that are derivative of, and "occupy," Meta-Stuff. Meta-Stuff is the creating, conserving, reconciling, guiding Source. Chronologies and conserving anti-chronologies, being inferior to and derivative of meta-stuff, are vectored and transitioned as mere Information, i.e., numbers of ones and zeros for representing equations of equations, applied to "terms" that are derivative of nothing more than vibrations of, and guided by, Meta-Stuff. They do not "occupy" space-time, because space-time abides as a STUBBORN ILLUSION created by Meta-Stuff, which abides as Conserving Source of an "Eternal Present." Measurable Beingness does not arise out of nothingness. Rather, a fluxing balance of zero, of empirical nothingness of matter and anti matter, is conserved out of Meta Stuff.

It is not for mortals to conceptualize a beginning or end of Meta Stuff in any way that can be complete, coherent, and consistent. Meta Stuff (God) simply abides as the Source of nature and moral purposefulness. IT's purposes may be spiritually intuited, but not empirically proved. As human beings demand empirical proof and superior and internally consistent logic before accepting any moral position, they fall to represent no moral position. Simply put, in trusting empiricism to be morally superior to God, they tend towards rudderless amorality. Thus, legal empiricists pile manmade laws upon manmade laws, towers of regulations upon regulations, not trusting in or inculcating human dignity, but reducing man to a "thing," to be utterly regulated by his "superior" and morally hollow men, i.e., "scientific lawgivers," i.e., men who can remorselessly sacrifice millions in order to pursue the godless cause of a scientific utopia of nature.