Monday, May 28, 2012


Free thinking conservers of liberty promote a collective civilization by internalizing shared values that are self evident or empathetically intuitive in their culture. Corrupt libertines of abuse promote a collective civilization by beguiling the ignorant to accept the externally forced rule of the corrupt. As the corrupt become more powerful and the ignorant become more desperate and poor, they tend to make crass common cause against free thinkers. Free thinkers cannot conserve liberty against such corruption unless they remain vigilant to check against perverse accumulations of power and provide enough of a safety net to preserve the hope and good will of the less able and talented. If liberty is to survive, wealth must be limited short of incitement to despotism, and poverty must be alleviated short of desperation.
CHILDREN OF DECONSTRUCTIONISM: There are people who exist who like perpetually to play dress up. They like to recognize the sometimes richness in poverty, genius in idiocy, wisdom in ignorance, truthiness in playing false, and heroism in cowardice. Should this mean that medical schools must award proportionate admissions and student loans to poor, ignorant, deluded cowards? Should it mean that those who prefer to use words in their ordinary meanings are hateful phobes and racists, who must be ridiculed and often punished? Should it mean that decent civilization must equally deconstruct and annihilate all discriminatory distinctions?
GOD: Whatever the Information we're massing, we're massing it together. This necessitates that words be accorded meanings.  The avatars with which our perspectives of consciousness bond undergo pattern shifts, yet consciousness itself is perpetually required, even though it undergoes phase shifts and its avatars assimilate and accumulate changing insights and Information. Nothing evolves or unfolds to the sequential record of informationally digitized manifestation without the previously participatory, simultaneous or preset, idealistic or representative, approval or disapproval of at least one perspective of conscious will --- whether primitive, organic, human, or holistically field-like. Consciousness is variously iterated, but, stripping all religious models to their essential worth, the common field of Consciousness may be conceptualized as "God," i.e., the basis for intuitive, empathetic, moral interfunctioning, unfolding, and evolution.
FOUNDATION OF MORALITY: Conscious will, communicating intuitively and empathetically among its iterative perspectives, is the foundation for all moral signification. It is the connector of spiritual good faith and good will, the qualitative basis for the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule, above all quantitative pretenses of measuring science and physics. There is no moral principle that can be derived purely from physics. However, there is a moral reconciler, a still quiet voice, that guides physical significations, which abides in self evidence, not dependent on any axiom of measurement. Its existence is reasonably intuited in self evidence. It's unfolding purposes are empathetically intuited. Its communications are signified and transmitted in analogies, figures of speech, models, and conceptualizations. All of physical signification abides first as a figure of speech of communication of conscious will, before such physics can then be related for measuring in terms of variously fluxing models, which models cannot themselves be unified because they are nothing in themselves.
PROGRESS OF CIVILIZATION: I cannot reasonably speak to whether perfection or heaven are attainable. However, I can speak in good faith and good will (intuitive empathy) to an ideal that I envision as being worth pursuing. That is the establishment and preservation of civilized governance that avails decent dignity for the exchange of communications among free thinking perspectives of consciousness.
IDEAL VS PRACTICALITY:  That is an ideal. It can best be nurtured by assimilating a fair and independent minded middle class of free thinkers. However, the ideal recognizes a practical reality: Even the best of middle classes will always be accompanied by (1) corrupt predators who seek to acquire skills and leverage to obtain despotic hegemony, as well as by (2) those easy prey and perpetual children who, because of physical or mental infirmity or disposition, can never quite grow up to become independently competing avatars for their own thoughts. A decent civilization needs institutions for checking and balancing the tendencies of the first, and it needs a reasonable safety net for the second.
ALIGNMENT OF PREDATORS AND PREY:  This produces a natural alignment among predators and prey: predators beguile the easily beguiled to believe they will be protected if they help bring down the big game, i.e., the middle class. The more the middle class remains oblivious and at work, assuming all others share its good faith and good will, the fatter, slower, and more attractive it becomes as big game. The more the middle class insists on an impossibility, that government abandon everyone to their own talents, including the talentless (the infantile, senile, idiotic, handicapped, addicted, mal-conditioned and mal-educated), the more the lower class reasons it has no choice but to align itself to the mercy of canopy crony corporatists, who have no faith higher than their own advancement. Decent civliization is not easy. It seems to require billions of years of evolution. It requires evolution of a middle class that's wise enough to check amoral predators while simultaneously providing a safety net for the infirm, the childlike, and the ignorant, without making the safety net so enticing as to encourage lives of sloth and unnecessary dependence.
GOOD FAITH FREE THINKERS: Good faith free thinkers must be aware of the exposure of easy prey to corrupt predators. Skills have been developed and networked to quickly reduce most unprotected people to the status of perpetual debt slaves. Astonishing "progress" has been made in the science of advertising to get people to trade debt enslavement for baubles. The more the number of people enslaved, the more those people feel little hope ... unless they align to help predators enslave yet more. The goal of a decent civilization of free thinkers is not advanced by advocating that the poor and infirm should aspire to become rich like the predatory.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Universal Operating System

Nothing unfolds to the sequential record of informationally digitized manifestation without the previously participatory, simultaneous or preset, idealistic or representative, approval or disapproval of some perspective of consciousness --- whether primitive, holistic, organic, or human.
For a perspective of Consciousness to see a thing requires that it be reduced to a recognizable representation.  For a program to relate a thing to its computations requires that it be reduced to a recognizable representation.  This does not require that the thing actually be reduced to a representation, but that it be recognized by that which is relating to it and processing it as being reduced to a representation.  In a way, recognition and recordation of things and patterns is a primitive marker of consciousness.
A representation of a thing is not the thing itself.  Neither we nor computers can sense things as they are, yet the mathematics by which relations relate can avail incredibly precise measurements.  We can model, conceptualize, program, and compute about that which we sense, to try to make consistent, coherent, complete sense of it.  However, if the purposes of consciousness are never complete, then we will never make complete sense of our beingness.  As our purposes change, our approaches to completeness may change.  It is not necessarily clear that we make "progress" towards a complete model or conception of all that is and can be.  Even the "best" model would depend on purpose, perspective, and context.
Can any model accord a way to reconcile that which manifests and can be manifested with that which we should seek to make manifest?  Or that which quantifiably is with that which qualitatively should be?  Can any model avail a way of communicating sensibly about moral concerns, without beclouding empirical methods?  A coherent moral truth may abide with most forms of sacred myths and parables, yet defy being assimilated so long as so many people conflate the qualitative meaningfulness of myths with mathematically measurable reality.  Is there a way to respect the various myths, wring good from evil out of the Babel, and assimilate a common way for translating and communicating morally civilizing concerns?  I suspect there may be.  The way would seem to relate consciousness with feedback programming.
EXISTENCE ("UNIVERSAL COMPUTER") --- Our Operating System can be conceptualized as being organized, consisting of:
ESSENCE ("NATURE") --- Source Formulas that have capacity to interfunction, while holding to system-wide conservation to zero.
PRIMITIVE WILL --- That which, in feedback of apprehensive forebodings and appreciative postbodings, guides that which the System seeks to express, bringing a search for meaningful order out of chaos out of an otherwise conservation of zero.
MIND ("QUALITATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS") --- A Decoding Algorithm, which has Iterative capacity to apprehend, abstract, represent, and communicate interpretatons of interpretations of interpretations of such interfunctions, but which does not have capacity to decode itself.
CELLULAR BODY AND BRAIN ("BONDED MEMORY") --- Capacity to store sequentially established representations of Information, for availing Avatars or loci of organized operations within contexts of experiential manifestation.
EPIPHENOMENAL SIGNIFICATION --- The byproduct of such interfunctioning, decoding, and storeage of Information is the signification and quantitative measuring of what we often call "substantive physics."
ITERATIVE INTERCONNECTION --- Innate connective capacity to experience and project intuitive empathy, i.e., capacity to project civilizing, fluxing interpretations, "as if" they were fluxing between holistic fields and particular perspectives.  "God" is the same for each of us, being that aspect of each of us that fluxes to function in field capacity, as if that which it apprehends and appreciates in such capacity should be applied to the universe as a whole.  That aspect may be approached in enlightening meditation.
There abides and exists a thing in itself, which I call an Operating System or Bank of Information, which has capacity to be fluxed in infinite iterative ways, yet always remains the same essential thing. That Bank-in-itself is not a person, nor need it be conceptualized as being conscious like a person, whether or not holistically, in any way comparable to the consciousness that is iterated through each of our perspectives. Still, that Source of Information would seem to have capacity to interfunction and flux with itself. Information can be represented in formulas, and formulas can be conceptualized as constituting Information. The Bank of Information would seem to have some meta capacity or qualitative impetus to flux.
Once a formula fluxes with other formulas, it would seem to be bonded with a perspective, i.e., a perspective of consciousness, regardless of whether in some permutations it may be thought dim versus "self aware" versus of infinite capacity. There is feedback between and among such meta-formulas of iterations of perspectives of Information.
Thus, complex iterations of perspectives may acquire capacities to represent, receive, interpret, sense, react with, transmit, communicate, and become self-aware of experiences of informational interfunctioning. Such iterations may become like human beings. Feedback from humans and other perspectives affects the quality for how Information is iterated. How we relate to the Bank affects what the Bank can avail to us. Each of us is empathetically connected as an iteration of the same quality of consciosness of the Information availed from the Bank.

Eventually, the formulas that comprise the body with which my perspective is bonded are consumed and re-expressed in different forms by other formulas and perspectives. However, consciousness continues to be expressed, and, indeed, cannot fail to be expressed in some respect, so long as meta formulas of Information abide and interfunction. Thus, the Bank reconciles all iterations of conscious expressiveness, and all such iterations affect how the reconciliation of the Bank unfolds. That is, each perspective has innate interest and empathy for how the Bank is preserved and what is reconciled to be in sequence pursued.

Thus, we are each connected, and the Bank is our Source. We each empathize to seek to intuit what the Bank should want, and try at some level to be guided by our apprehensions and appreciations of such wants. In so doing, we practice being receptive to the Source for guiding the quality of consciousness through which all our perspectives are reconciled. The quality of our meta-consciousness, spiritual empathy, and innate intuition can be experienced and lived, but it cannot be confined to measures. Its iterations of consciousness transcend, but its ideal (Son?) and its common essence (Holy Ghost?) of consciousness is/are as eternal as the existence of the Bank of Information (God-Source). The quality of separateness among iterations is derivative, but the essence of their commonality is as real as the Bank.


DERIVATIVE REALITY:  Substance in matter, energy, and body is “real” only in being derivative (in respect of apprehension, interpretation, and represented storeage of Information) of iteration of Consciousness. That is, Physics and physical bodies consist of stores of Information (formulas for transforming and transferring conservations and reorganizations among equations). Some of these stores of Information are sensed, perceived, represented, and communicated about, by iterative perspectives of Consciousness. And some of these stores of Information constitute bodies and brains for leveraging capacities for perspectives of Consciousness to store and trade communications about perceptions about representations of formulaic organizations and stores of Information.
SYNCHRONOCITY OF AVATARS AND PERCEPTIONS:  Divisions among forms that flux as interfunctioning formulas bring with their digital fluxes, separations, and interfunctions — simultaneously — bondings for iterative identities and perspectives of Consciousness. Consciousness must either bond its Identity with a bodily store of Information, or Consciousness must experience and sense such Information as if it were a separate body, apart from the locus of a bonded perspective of Consciousness.
PHYSICAL ENTROPY AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION:  It is often noted that the measurable Entropy or extent of Disorganization of Substance proceeds along an arrow or direction of increase, while the amount or complexity of Information seems also to increase. That is, Substance tends to become more Disorganized, while Information tends to become more Organized or Complex. The longer physical organization decreases, the more informational organization (and conscious experience of it?) seems to increase. The more bodies and brains die, ceteris paribus, the more complex and potentially powerful seem to become the bodies and brains that evolve and follow.
REINCARNATION:  Separate iterations of Consciousness seem to end (die) as bodies die, yet, insofar as Consciousness itself abides as an Identity derivative of the Source, subsequent iterations tend to absorb, recycle, and render even more complex the experiential Information of previous iterations. Each iteration is connected, and each iteration participates in the dance of feedback that guides the evolutionary adventures of Consciousness, and each iteration is bound to avail subsequent re-absorptions and re-expressions, with ever more complex forms and ecologies. Iterations are mortal to their defining and limiting contexts, while Consciousness itself is perpetual.
POTENTIALITY IS NOT ALTOGETHER UNLIKE THE BLANK SLATE AVAILED BY AN ETCH A SKETCH: The common beingness of our connected iterations of consciousness is not altogether unlike the blank slate of infinite potential that is innate to a process of computing, whereby good and evil are guided by a dance of perpetual unfolding of choices made and pre-made in appreciative feedback to apprehensions.
Fundamentals drive consciousness to seek to learn and experience its expressive potentiality.
There are no computing problems; only ineffective programming.

"Roll me up and smoke me when I die."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Capitalism When There's Too Much Labor

When more labor was needed, then laborers, managers, and inventors had opportunity.  And entrepreneurs had to pay liveable wages.  Now, we have computerized tech and global competition.  Labor is either cheap, or else producers relocate where it is cheap.  This spikes the distribution, so the gulf widens between haves and have nots.  Given the apparently permanent oversupply of labor, wages will continue to go proportionately down, and the gulf will widen.  Advanced tech, machine labor, and robotics will help lower prices.  However, there will remain two big problems of distribution:  (1) How to spread buying power in order to avail needed consumerism and to balance political representation?  (2) How to spread buying power based in merit, rather than based in the moral hazard of mob demands of equal entitlementarianism?

What new jobs can allow us to remain a market-merit-based economy, rather than a bureaucratic-redistributionist economy?  Might a progressive tax on individual consumption help?  A government job corps, to make more service jobs?  Government taxation of the rich, with expenditures for infrastructure rebuilding and maintenance?  Well, there's a big problem:  We cannot finance large government expenditures while the cost of servicing interest on our national debt continues to accelerate.  If we tried, the main effect would be to enrich foreign cronies.  And it would do little proportionate good to increase taxes on the most wealthy, because they can and would more than recover.  After all, they own and operate processes for duping the masses, electing the cronies, writing the laws, and printing the money.  Pay more to the masses, and they will just print-kickback-hedge for more for themselves.

So how do we get populations down to levels such that labor will again be in demand, so we don't make Earth an overpopulated and impoverished eyesore? Do we just continue on the path we're on and let widespread disaster and nature thin the herd?  Dems and Repubs are proceeding in parallel along the same path to disaster:  Crony ownership of mass labor!  Repubs see the solution as allowing cronies to make even proportionately more money than they are.  Dems see the solution as putting governmental bureaucrats in charge of markets, with the bureaucrats to be ruled by politicians, and the politicians to be owned by investors in owning governments.  The "new capitalism" appears to consist in the buying and selling of politicians and governance, and both political parties cater to this NWO.

So we have an overabundance of labor, oligarchic consolidation of ownership of most institutions of society, and a widening gulf between those who are represented versus those who get easily distracted by cheap promises and demagogic gimmicks (like amnesty, drugs, gay marriage, wagging the dog, and free college education, i.e., indoctrination for wanting to be a eusocialitist).  Most of all, we have a citizenry well trained in abject stupidity.  This is not the way to social utopianism!  It's the way to the royally-ruled antpile.  The only hope would seem to abide in a spiritual awakening, to counter the prevailing secular stupidity.  However, institutions of any intelligent spiritual insight have been essentially coopted or gutted by the establishment, while Islam is waved in to continue the destruction.

So we're in a state of affairs for which we have little experience and apparently less insight.  In this state of affairs, austerity won't work, and governmental priming won't work.  Had we enlightened leadership and a well-informed citizenry of good faith and good will, we could overcome this multi-culti-beast of a problem.  However, what we have instead are massively inculcated stupidity and secular corruption, perhaps of a scale never before encountered. So, either prepare to be an ant, or stock up on gold, guns, and god.