Sunday, November 25, 2012

Old Nick

Mankind's destiny seems to be to take the measure of all that is measurable. Mankind's delusion seems to be to reduce the obviously Immeasurable to the merely measurable. Mankind's faith will eventually become to appreciate the Immeasurable ... intuitively, empathetically, metaphorically, and morally, without needing to try to reduce it. Mankind has evolved through societies of spirit-medicine men, gatherers, hunters, livestock keepers, farmers, technologists, traders, bankers, and corporatists. Leaders have ruled through clergy, raiders, land-based aristocrats with personal armies, banker-based despots with national armies, and now ... international corporation-based NWO elitists with access to computer-age, internet-monitoring dossiers and WMD information. Each step along the unfolding sequence has entailed much questioning of the previous step. The duration of each step has been cut short by each succeeding step by at least half.
Along the way, human ingenuity has been pent up by authoritative stages of clergymen, noblemen, slavers, and repressers. As it became safer to question such repressers, enlightenment sprang forth. Out sprang the renaissance, reformation, industrial age, and now the information age. The pace of enlightenment and dissemination of information and technology has become breath-taking. Unmonitored individuals have become able to be threats to states. This danger is not welcomed by those who have become invested in the establishment, who have consolidated wealth and influence. Now, they stage Rino-Dino circuses to ally political operatives bent on erasing national borders and moral boundaries, while inviting the masses with cheap bribes in order to put them safely away in stocks.
Thus, enlightenment became confused with habits of questioning, even ridiculing, of previous moral authorities. Now, even foundations for republics are ridiculed and reviled. As stated by Kyle Becker, in today's article at A,erican Thinker, The Triumph of the State, "Men do not seek out punishment for achievement, but they will take the road of least resistance to failure if subsidized by the state -- and particularly if cheered on the entire way by the anti-competitive elites who cynically and gleefully wield a monopoly of coercion."
Now, every infantile ridiculer feels invited to believe he's some kind of renaissance man, while having all the enlightenment of a jealous cow. Thus is paved the way for New Doperspeak, where it's thought to be moral to be amoral, virtuous to be selfish, progressive to acculturate entitlement-mindedness, good to be covetous, and bad to respect the reconciling spirit of The Immeasurable beyond the confining gates of churches. For newly enlightened infants of the Left, what is immeasurable must not exist. However, their axiom proves too much and ends up devouring itself. We are finally beginning to apprehend that all that is manifest, empirical, measurable existence may be nothing more than a burp out of an empty set, a bubble from a "nothing-something" that is simply Immeasurable, yet exists. Because IT exists, IT only seems irrelevant to qualitative concerns when IT is ignored. When IT comes to concerns of morality that cannot be derived simply from the measurable, IT becomes infinitely and perpetually relevant. IT is heard in the still quiet voice of intuitive good faith and empathetic good will.
Yet, there remains great accultured momentum behind the now habituated and hubristic pretense of being enlightened merely by questioning, and especially by reviling, the very existence of an Immeasurable reconciler for moral guidance, and most especially by substituting oneself for God. It was right that mankind should question the authority of mere mortals pretending to speak authoritatively for God or the Immeasurable aspects of Reality.   Of God, mortals should speak in terms of belief, intuitive good faith, empathetic good will, and receptive appreciation.  However, there obviously abides an active and Immeasurable Source, of which it is hubristically ignorant and absurd to claim to be morally irrelevant or measurably disproved. Rather, IT is the spiritual foundation for guiding feedback in the unfolding of human decency and discourse. To ignore IT, to revile IT, to drive IT from the public square, is to harness oneself as livestock for the use and abuse of the most cynical and depraved. Indeed, that depravity has now sunk the American Republic.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Who Lost America

The Tea Party did not lose the election.  The election was lost by a Rino Dino Axis. What the world has once again come face to face with is a very Old Nemesis:  Godless, spiritless, faithless, crony corruption, i.e., Evil prancing and masquerading as good, promoting (irresponsible-cynical-hormonal-collective) Security over (responsible-charitable-purposeful-individual) Liberty.  That is, promoting lies purely for personal comfort (pot), pleasure (porn), and promotion (plunder).  These lies are promoted to the most gullible and incompetent, whose numbers are transformed into power by harvesting the votes of the most stupid and corrupt.  The biggest and most sinister of lies this Evil has promoted include the following:
- GAIA MUST BE WORSHIPPED: that Gaia is dying because of the sin of an excess of middle class liberty;
- AMERICA IS EVIL: that America is a nemesis of Gaia, so its territorial borders and moral boundaries must be erased;
- TRADITIONAL SACRED METAPHORS CAUSE SUFFERING: that a wall for separating traditional religious-based morality from the public square is not an establishment of false secular religion, with elites of Marxism and Islam substituted for spirit-guided respect for human individuals;
- SOCIAL JUSTICE ELITISTS SERVE GAIA:  that the proper office of crony elitists is to protect all plants and animals of Gaia from human beings, all of whom, save elitists, are rogues when they act as individuals;
- HISTORY IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROGRESSIVE: that Marxist and Islamic based humanities are morally-progressive, social "sciences";
- COWS ARE ENTITLED TO A LIVING: that the middle class must be collectivized so that wealth can be extracted and distributed, so that all who serve (Elitists of) the State will receive their fair share, to which they are entitled;
- ELITISTS CAN BE TRUSTED TO BE FAIR: that "fairness" requires that power and wealth be consolideted into benevolent elites (aka elitists), who should be entrusted to effect redistributions to those cultures that most cheaply produce cows that can be recruited and harvested;
- THE AMERICAN FAMILY IS ARCHAIC AND STIFLING: that the traditional family must be destroyed, because middle-class families can no longer be trusted to raise their own children;
- ELDERS (NOT SERVING SOROS) ARE WORTHLESS: that old people who disagree with collectivization-for-security under elites are old dogs who cannot be taught needed new tricks, and they therefore should be ridiculed, reviled, and revenged from the public square;
- DIVERSITY IS NOT A FRONT FOR DIVIDE AND RULE: that elite-guided respect for hyphenated, cultural diversity is not a front for dissolving middle-class respect for human liberty;
- WALL STREETERS HAVE SOCIAL CONSCIENCES: that joining with Chicoms in order to manipulate markets and ship entire industries abroad is the kind of free trade that will lift all boats.
These are the ideas of corrupt, spirit-dead, cronies.  They are not the ideas of youth.  They are the ideas of a very old Evil, injected into sociopathic, political fashion-leaders among youth, for the purpose of recruiting clueless and insecure youth in order to corrupt common decency and divide and rule humanity.  These are the ideas of an unholy axis of Rinos and Dinos.  That axis has now sunk America.  These are the spirit-dead ideas that a new party of Conservers of Liberty must confront, if human freedom and dignity are ever to be revived.  If confronting these ideas is what caused Romney to lose the election, then America was already lost.  In that case, the most important thing to preserve is the possibility of a new beginning, which cannot be preserved under the sponsorship of the unholy Rino Dino alliance of spirit dead cronies and political zombies.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Conservation in the Spiritual

What is The Possible? For each instant of digital exchange for a perspective of consciousness, the realm of the expressible possible consists in all of infinity and eternity that does not then and there violate mathematical rules that conserve such perspective and with which the identity of such perspective bonds to an unfolding dance.
The role of math is to require that every measurable exchange must obey the rule of equational conservation. Measurables are always balanced to conservation. What often becomes out of spiritual balance is the sustainability of apprehensions and purposes among varying perspectives of consciousness, leading to a local expiration of some perspectives and expansion of others. For those who purpose to preserve a decent civilization for availing human freedom and dignity, things are locally spiraling out of whack.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Resetting Fairness

From Stand on Zanzibar: "UNFAIR Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried to cheat them out of and didn’t manage."
It seems obvious that means abide by which to sustain current levels of production (at least, absent natural calamity). Most fundamentals (resources, machines, computers, skills) are not distressed. Rather, what are distressed are mindsets and institutional means for allocating financial lubricants of trust, credit, and cooperation among individuals, nations, and extra-national corporatists. Those are the stressors that are “unfairly” out of whack. Those are what must be "reset," if civilizing trust is to be preserved, without jolts of rancor and war that will necessarily lead to pestilence and collapse (causing great gnashing of teeth for everyone). That is why “fairness” is as compelling a topic as ever, in respect of which human good faith and good will must somehow be re-inspired and re-assimilated.
Mere market forces will not produce needed resets. This is because entire markets are now subject to manipulation by morally-hollow, computer-modeling, hedge-controllers of institutions of banking, trade regulations, media, academia, governments, and science-funding. Many people are disadvantaged less because of inferior work ethic, intelligence, or talent than because of disadvantage in proximity to outlets for manipulating markets. (Example: Chinese currency and social policies keep wages artificially low.) Manipulators can now sell just about any crap they want to sell. (Obama -- quod erat demonstrandum.) As things stand, fairness has been undone by mindsets for coveting pleasure and power (i.e., diversification of pot, porn, and plunder). As motivators, pleasure and power are short term. They don't factor well for preserving civilizations based on mutual respect. To get elected, Dems have deemed it necessary to appeal to short term preservations of pleasure, while Repubs have deemed it necessary to appeal to short term preservations of power. Dinos and Rinos may as well be harnessed to an alliance for pulling civilization away from purposeful vision, with no brakes against decadence.
Both America and the rest of the world have lost assimilating visions; both are without legitimate, authoritative alternatives. If the world does not move towards (1) assimilation in respect of human dignity and fairer marketing freedom or (2) Big Brother pyramidal collectivism, then the world will get (3) massive breakdown. (Or, America could return to a modified kind of isolationism, to seek restoration of local energy independence, combined with preemption of abilities of competing nations and cultures to threaten America’s stability.) My read of tea leaves is that we are heading towards pyramidal collectivism (Big Brother seeking of false security at expense to human liberty). My read of what sensible “fairness” requires is a reset of the financial-banking-corporate system, to regulate it so it does not threaten to buy every republic and sell it into serfdom under a collectivizing syndicate of visionless Crony Corporatists, greedbag Market Manipulators, and subhuman Big Brother Collectivists. God bless us, taking history as a guide, I think we are in for some very bad times.
The problem with trying to regulate markets entirely in terms of markets is that such an attempt is defenseless against crony marketeers of markets, i.e., cannibalizing negaters of markets.  To preserve free markets for non-crony individuals, there must be regulation of the marketing of markets.  Otherwise, control of all enterprises is eventually ceded to those who would lord over people as if they were livestock.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Space and Time are Translations of Sequences of Active Math

If there can abide vibes of vibes, spins of spins, forms of forms, then why not maths of maths? Why not "Active Math?" Why not math being simulated, projected, and imaged by Active Math? Take the EROEI acronym, for Energy Recovered on Energy Invested. Instead of Energy, substutute Greed, or Cronyism, or Ignorance, Quality, or WILL TO MATH (using to math as a verb). Consider space and time separations of digital increments and sequences. May not space and time be illusions, not things in themselves, but derivatives of subparts and subsequences in math operations? May not imaging abide in translation of projections of math operations? May not time (relative chronology) abide in active identification with directional sequencing of math operations?  Nothing, per se, precludes reversal of a directional sequence or path of math operations, except during the pendency (or shared habitation) of a math of operations that sustains the direction.  So long as Consciousness bonds to, identifies with, or occupies an originating empty set (zero-particle-circle-sphere), then operations that sequence its subsets will record (and reduce to translatable remembrance) the path, so that partial returns or variations among perspectives along such shared path will be formed by Active Math to memory. By assuming Perspectives of Will and binding their Identities with math operations, Perspectives thus "remember" their origins and/or their way home --- even though home, direction, and time are not in themselves real.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reconstructing Political Morality

I agree that we cannot derive answers to subjective moral concerns from facts that are merely measurable. Restated, we cannot derive objective answers to politially moral questions. Once we agree on that, where do we look for guidance? One can look to strategies for how to gang up to take from others. One can look to hormonal urges and then contrive ways to gang up on others in order to take one's relief. And one can seek to intuit, conceptualize, and serve a non-measurable source for reconciling empathies.
The problem with god-seeking conceptualizations is that they can be so easily twisted and abused. People can feign belief merely to acquire advantage and control. People can become blinded by belief, so that they become less competent to deal with objective reality and more likely to lead themselves and others to ruin. And people can spend their lives searching for belief and find themselves never quite able to find it. Regardless, every person who leads with a functioning brain and who is confronted with choices has no choice but to make (moral) choices. Even a choice not to choose is a choice to allow the inertia of nature to choose. In making each choice, a person, on some level of consciousness, will have rationalized (moralized) the choice.
This is a problem for people who want to live consistent, principled lives. Some "resolve" the problem with drugs and diversions. Some resolve it with cheap mind tricks, resorting to unmeasurable "explanations" (via metas of metas of metas). The problem with those is that they can be applied to rationalize just about any specific choice a person finds himself wanting to make. Presently, I resort to a test of political morality, which is: Which program leads most directly to establishing and sustaining decent society for availing human freedom and dignity? I recognize that such a test cannot in itself withstand deconstructive analysis. It needs salting with metas. And so it goes.
That seems to fit the deconstructing noises we are now experiencing with the dis-assmilations of binding moral codes. The world is seeing so much deconstructive analysis that people are losing means for identifying with others, much less for cooperating with them. This needs only a few sparks to bring more rounds of holocausts. The world is searching hard for validation of a common objective ethos, but such an objective ethos is simply not there. If a reconciling ethos abides, it does not abide measurably. Rather, it abides in immeasurable good faith and good will. That, however, seems to drive militant atheists and good-timing diversionists right around the bend.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Tax Fairness

Fairness -- talking about taking the idea of taxing for fairness to its limits of absurdity:

Thus, the absurd becomes the new reasonable. (How else could Obama have been elected?) Many people seem to think "fairness" should be defined as what's needed in order to allocate equal sameness. The idea is that a just God, Gov, or Big Bro should not tolerate any unequal advantage, perspective, or accident of birth in anyone. What you want less of, you tax. Therefore, tax out of existence all differentiating initiative. Indeed, in fairness, why should any human perspective be tolerated to have so much more at its immediate command than the meekest mouse? Give mice the vote and then there will be fairness! After all, there is no real "merit." You didn't birth capacity for earning to yourself. Nor did you by yourself birth IQ (or sociopathic covetousness). Indeed, tax away the originating crack in symmetry!  (Problem is, were IQ taxed, smart people would then deliberately handicap their performances on IQ tests, and would lay snares that caused sheeple to score higher. Welcome to FairWorld.)
Thus, singular subjective standards (like fairness, equality, justice, morality) seem often to twist into absurdity. WWJD has a nice ring, but leads easily to absurd applications. Maybe it would make more fulfilling sense to think about how each perspective should be facilitated to pursue or end on its own fulfillment, without coveting the material gains of others. Maybe tax policy should be focused on establishing and sustaining infrastructure for a decent society of free thinkers, rather than on pretending to entitle people who are less materially successful to equally "fair" quantities of stuff for soothing their feelings.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


ACTIVE MATH (PLATONIC GEOMETRY?): Does there abide Active Math (math-operating-on-math, via equations trading in sequences across equal signs)? Does active math innately exist, and does it innately give rise to consciousness? It seems trades conserved across equal signs of equations would necessarily entail a mirror-translative-representative-feedback quality of awareness across equal signs. Were active math to signify or mirror awareness of awareness, that would signify emergence of higher, abstract consciousness. Were active math to signify awareness-of-awareness-of-awareness, moral empathy would emerge to the intuitive experience of each perspective. It seems that Consciousness, once it arises, should purpose to bond with such math-worlds as would sustain it. Consciousness would seem to entail contemporaneous-decision-determining from perspectives in respect of contexts. It would seem also to entail a field-wave-particle effect, whereby particulars would be simulated or projected to give iterative expression of the shared and reconciling field of consciousness from which each iteration was projected and in respect of which each iteration was reverberated.
FEEDBACK: Consciousness would reverberate in feedback, back and forth between the reconciling field and each iteratively representing perspective (or avatar). Such consciousness would not be confined to be solely coterminous with the apparent bounds of any informational bit, particle, burst, cell, synapse, brain, or body. The "ghost" of such consciousness would not be confined to the perimeter of any machine.
FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS SUPERIMPOSED WITH PARTICULAR EXPRESSIONS: Mathematical expressions of fields, waves, and particles may be sequentially severed among and across separate cosmos and worlds of math and equal signs of equations. Yet, as particular equations, all would seem to flux with dovetailing (circular) exchanges, always constrained and summed to a single conserving equality or reconciling holism. Because the math is active, so that its particulars are always in potential flux, the holism can never be restricted simply to a frozen sum of fixed particulars. The conservation imposed with the holism is unchangingly real, but the terms of its particulars are only transitory and sequential.
CHOICE AND CORRELATION TRUMP ILLUSION OF ENERGETIC CAUSE AND EFFECT: If every binary digital sequence entails mere coordinate correlation of mathematical exchanges across equal signs, then both matter and energy, as well as substantive cause and effect, are mere derivatives, such that energy is not "really" a cause of any event, but only a signification of a measurable exchange across an equation's equal sign.
SUMMARY: Active Math abides, but it also innately entails an abiding field of consciousness. "Inactive math" would be an oxymoron and would not give rise to directional energies, spins, or vibrations, nor to consciousness. Active math abides only because it abides also with consciousness. Active math is the measurable-quantitative-component of an immeasurable-qualitative-holism. Apparently, Active Math functions perpetually, without dissipation, without needing any pixellating or projecting meta-force other than the meta-consciousness that innately accompanies it. All that is needed is meta-frictionless contemporaneous choice-making capacity, for channeling courses of exchanges across equal signs, based on nothing more than innate reconciliations of feedback in apprehensions and appreciations among perspectives of a reconciling consciousness.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Because I am presently reading Stand on Zanzibar, I find myself thinking like a synthesizing Shalmaneser. Thus, I engage informational worldbuilding in order to constrain science, rather than to be constrained by science. I am seriously unserious. Seriously.
REGARDING Either-Or: EITHER the thing that is really fundamental is not material, OR no thing at all is fundamental.
The first article I read in the 29 September 2012 issue of NewScientist is "Is Everything Made Of Numbers." Over the years, I have acquired a cursory familiarity with some of these ideas. They have led me to believe, since about a year ago, that the measurable universe is best conceptualized as consisting only of numbers and equations, the significance of which is to signify the functioning of iterative, immeasurable fields of feed-back-appreciative, Conscious-Will. The fluxing of the Quantitative is the Sign of the guiding Qualitative. The Sign people look for is the fact that the substance of the cosmos is derived, in its measurable respect, out of nothing-more-than-the-empty-set. From there, all that can be Signified, Simulated, and Synchronized can be represented in computational language of zeros and ones (or Morse Code, or yin and yang, as has been long known and indeed represented on the flags of various oriental nations). Assuming Pythagoras really said all is math, he would have been correct if instead he had said that all-that-is-measurable-is-math. For some immeasurable, qualitative "Thing" is not math: that thing would be the immeasurable co-source (hermaphroditic-whole-part) that accounts for and/or guides all that is measured to be unfolding in respect of the empty set. I think Plato was wrong about the superior existentiality of arch-Forms of geometrical math (or fluxes of forms, spinning within and across spins, vibrating within and across vibrations). Fluxes of geometry-based math may be applied to define all that is measurable, but I am unable to intuit how they could ultimately observe, apply, or define themselves. Math takes you only so far. I do not believe the math-map is the reality-territory. Math did not preset itself to do math. Rather, math and maps are the signs and signifieds of a reconciling superior. What is that Superior? Well, it is not measurable in math, thus it is qualitative. So what does "qualitative" mean?
I suspect only The Immeasurable "really" exists in the iterative here and now. All that is measurable exists only as Inferior, numerically-derivative-feedback of past-previous-unfolding-chronologies and sequences of numbers and fluxing equations and sub-equations. Virtual particles are not in themselves real. They are only sequencing placeholders for fluxes among equations. For such fluxes, there is no "real" up, down, past, future. There is only renormalized appearance to each relationally-iterative point of view in respect of each cone of reference. I remember Dad wondering with our neighbor in Genoa whether there must be either a furthermost distance away from Earth or a brick wall at the end of the universe. I believe there are neither, because I do not believe substantive earth or universe (or space-time-matter-energy) are the superior reality. Rather, I believe they are derivatives of field equations that are themselves derivative, being necessarily, continuously, and constantly recentered and renormalized to each iterated perspective and context. Every perspective within the cosmos can chase to its end, much as it would chase to the end of a rainbow. One may tinker and leverage with various mathematical tricks, but one's worldview will always be limited by inherent field-limitations of math so as to be renormalized to one's present point of view.
Geometry-based field theory needs to be correlated with theories of set-logic: of classes, "class of one", wholes, nested parts, and "dovetailing qualitatives" (qualitative loopbacks for experiencing direct communications and collapsing wave-equation functions among the micro and the macro, like a circle of co-dependent qualitatives)."
Because measurable appearances are SIGNS, to convey measurable meaning, they have to obey field-equational-conservation. Appearance of past conservation can be preserved by borrowing from the future. So we have "virtual particles" (which particles-are-not-in-themselves-real, but which function as transitional placeholders. So Now-ness is conserved by borrowing back and forth from what only appears to be the past versus the future. However, there is no "measurably-real-in-itself" past or future, but only the communicative-observer-experienced-present, and only because Some Immeasurable Quality is capacitated to do quantitative-feedback math. The informationally computing cone of experience of your measurable body is only an iterative avatar for Some-Reconciling-Thing-Else (some hermaphroditic of wholes and parts).
Bottom line: To me, it's more intuitive to believe the "thing" that is "really" fundamental is not purely material, than it is to believe that no-thing at all is fundamental. I don't think measurable-substantive-material-in-itself, by itself, can support simulations of unfoldings of conscious civilizations. While perspectives may be seeded and observed under dovetailing and simulated conditions of materiality, I believe each simulation, as it were made aware and as it became aware that it is a simulation, would at some level necessarily affect the simulator (much as prey affect predators). That is, the simulation could never prove what would evolve from purely-measurable-substance, absent immeasurable consciousness. This is because each simulation that produced consciousness would necessarily be "contaminated" by the consciousness that set up the simulation. Circles and dovetails.
Maybe some other CONCEPTUAL SCHEME or model can better reconcile or communicate the qualitatively-intuited-experiential with the quantitatively-measurable-physical. If so, I have not surmised or apprehended it. I have no doubt that more "rigorous" Shalmanesers, mathematicians, and scientists could expostulate such ideas in a language of math and science and with which they would be more comfortable. However, as they conceit thus to draw geometrically "nearer" to a purely mathematical representation of "reality," I suspect they would only be fooling themselves (much as Blanche DuBois forever depended upon the kindness of strangers).
I seem unable to intuit how the experience of consciousness could possibly abide, absent a substantive base (body, brain, point of sensory view) from which to transmit and receive communications and signals along mediums within contexts of measurable substance.
Once a geometric form of progression is preset (like a row of dominos), I can conceive how an originating and participating mover could set in motion and sustain a sequence that unfolds along a predetermined progression over time and space. However, I don't see how a row of dominos could be set up, upset, reconfigured, or mutated without entailing something more than (or other than) math or the dominos in themselves.
I don't intuit a first or last basement or ceiling for mathematical universes or domains. However, I do intuit that a perspective and field of consciousness may temporally or sequentially identify and bind with a math domain that defines quantitatively measurable limits and degrees of freedom that are shared as a commonly separate context or cosmos with all perspectives that so bind. And I intuit that perspectives whose measurable significations are defined by such a math domain may intuit immeasurable apprehensions that may be defined by one or more math domains that are beyond their direct and/or statistical or random measure. That is, maths may define qualitatively separate or fuzzily bordered domains for regulating maths of quantitatively subservient domains. Math may be preset to do math (i.e., signify unfolding vectors of force), even if it seems some Originator superior to (or other than) math would need to account for the presetting.
What is qualitative for one domain may dovetail with what is quantitative for another domain, in a circle that spreads to account in a way that is beyond the perspective of any one domain for all that is immeasurable and measurable. It seems no mortal should have means for reducing that kind of meta-summing to conceptual comprehension. (As to a Reconciling Immortal, one may believe, but what mortal can possibly know or mathematically speculate?)
Thus, perspectives limited to a particular shared context may lack means for proving whether such mental determinations as they may contemporaneously make are "really" (1) deliberately and consciously chosen, (2) mechanically preset, (3) generated by random number generators, or (4) chaotically mutated. Thus, one may choose a conceptual model that seems most appropriate to one's focus, context, and purpose.
- When one's purpose is empathetic, exemplary, or visionary, one may qualitatively and meaningfully communicate in a logos of free will, moral responsibility, and spiritual unfolding. (Aside: At one time, Planck regarded consciousness as the superior fundamental, and matter as its inferior derivative.)
- When one's purpose is technically practical, one will tend to communicate more in maths for measuring unfolding vectors of force.
- When one's purpose is population-field management, one will tend to communicate more in maths for measuring statistical probabilities.
- When one's purpose is narrowly hormonal, one may simply seek the quickest path to appetite satiation.
- When one's purpose is civilization-visionary, one may try to be receptive in the entirety of one's beingness to feedback-guidance for how best to proceed to help guide the evolution of a society of decent, free-thinking companions.
- Thus, no single kind of model or math seems appropriate for every qualitatively inspirational and quantitatively directing purpose.
- Thus, I don't think "REALITY" can be proved in math or science to be fundamentally based in (1) purely mathematical-represented signification, (2) "if then" computer projection, (3) projected holographic simulation, (4) panpsychism, or (5) bodyless consciousness. I don't think reality consists only of math-in-itself. Moreover, I reject all singularly, linearly simplistic "explanations." I think reality is too important to be left to self-described linear "realists."

Friday, November 2, 2012

Spiritual Evolution Beyond National Capitalism

Spiritual Evolution Beyond National Capitalism

“Elitists who know best” tend to rationalize collectivism in order to secure themselves, while they en-serf middle classes “for their own good.” However, enlightenment tends to come from the inventive, and energetic middle classes — not from narcissistic elites or ignorant masses. The enlightened freedom and dignity that accompanies a prosperous middle class is a rarity; such enlightenment is not the default position of humanity. Forces that shaped American-style self-reliance and assertions of God-given rights to pursue individual happiness did not shape most of the rest of the world. Much as misery loves company, most of the rest of the world has regularly found itself pulled back into squalor, serfdom, collectivized despotism, insane religion, barbarity, anarchy, lies, war, and despair.
Evolution favored an enlightened American middle class only so long as America preserved its defining physical and moral borders against forces of collectivizing muckdom. Now, liars eat at America’s moral skin by asserting we should let down our borders, be an “open society,” turn most of the responsibility for raising children over to fairness-enforcing governmental bureaucrats, tolerate Marxist and Muslim collectivizers even as they would smother us, and engage in “free trade” with nations run by neo-colonizing princeling-snakes who run peoples based on National-Capitalism. (National-Capitalism is Naci populace enserfment that combines with currency manipulation to benefit crony gangsters while gulling the masses.) So long as America declines to defend its defining physical and moral borders, America will have no choice but to compete against Chinese National-Capitalism by adopting National-Capitalism for America. Otherwise, an open-bordered America would necessarily lose the evolutionary arms race among financial societies.
Can America compete against Chinese National-Capitalists, without sacrificing the freedom and dignity of America’s middle class? Yes, but not while allowing the erasing of borders that define our country, nation, and assimilating values. However, the erasing of our physical borders is only the symptom of deeper causes. Were the world comprised of capitalists, free of National-Capitalists, then worldwide free trade would make sense and tariff protectionism would be counterproductive. However, National-Capitalists ruin that happy thought. They siphon our technology, flood us with products made with labor that is kept artificially cheap, lie to induce our businesses to move within the borders they control, invest in our businesses in order to cannibalize them, then find legal and illegal ways to buy our bonds and infrastructure in order to indenture our own government to them as we try to float our economy with fiat money. Thus, a deeper cause of our broken borders consists in our failing to defend domestic entrepreneurs by failing to preclude corporations run by international crony corporatists from bribing, buying, and selling our governing class. The result is foreign colonialism that infests us under stealth of currency manipulation and reams upon reams of legalistic tomfoolery. Thus, international racketeers are constituting a new world order of syndicating crony colonialists, buying favors wholesale from liars who pretend to be representing electoral masses.

And so America will default to the usual dark and corrupt position of elitist deceit and mass ignorance ... unless ways are found to restore checks and balances. Something like a business Monroe Doctrine is needed to bleach away the infestation of corrupt crony corporatism. To have any chance of success, such a program would have to be accompanied with educating debate among the masses. Since cronies now own the most powerful of our politicians, institutions, banks, media, colleges, and perhaps churches, we find ourselves with no chance ... unless we repent, seek guidance from The higher, reconciling Power, and resolve ourselves to try to be humbly responsible and receptive to that connecting Power. Not to any pretended, immortal, monopolistic messenger of God, but to inspiring signs of the potential of God. In humble receptivity, we may yet learn that combinations of space-time-matter-energy (measurable substance) are as immeasurable in potentially variable expression as are the expressions of conscious capacities of imagination and will and the evolution of feedback for guiding, enlightening, and astonishing individual and social evolution.
Being purposeless and clueless is often associated with being able to rationalize anything.  No perversion is beyond being rationalized as "normal," because every situation can be empirically prepped to make every hideous behavior seem appropriate.  Simply review Auschwitz, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, ad infinitum.  The fact that the rearing of children is being defaulted to "the governmental village" is harbinger of situations being prepped for worldwide gnashing of teeth.  To default to "the village" to humanize one's children is prelude to surrender of individual responsibility for one's own humanity.  When gov and everyone are responsible, then no one is responsible.  When responsibility for overall raising of a child is not pinpointed, it is often smeared into irrelevance.  Such a child soon learns to tolerate and be able to "normalize" everything.  Human life becomes no more valued than any component for a collectively constructed machine.  Why else do we find progs who are adept in selling every oxymoronic depravity?