Friday, November 8, 2019

Many Worlds -- Holistic v. Particular Perspectives of Consciousness

Many Worlds -- Holistic v. Particular Perspectives of Consciousness
Consciousness of Knowns v. Consciousness of Interests (simulations and feedback)

Potentiality: All possibilities of the cosmic math function are "known" to IT to exist in potentiality.

Manifestation: A manifestation occurs only in respect of experience, knowledge, or measurement by some Perspective of the cosmic function that is mathematically constrained or limited to be less than or apart from the Holism of the cosmic math function. For a Perspective actually to reach or touch the limits of its defining parameters would be for it to dissolve as a Perspective.

Mortals and persons do not populate any potentiality unless and until it is collapsed to the experience of measurement of some particular Perspective apart from the Holism of the math function. That is, a Perspective whose consciousness is limited in respect of parameters that define situational limits for its experience of sensate measurements.

Every Perspective fluxes in and out of manifest existence as a variation on an unfolding system of limitations on the sensory potentiality of the cosmic Holism. This is the basis for Empathetic Feedback and its conservation and reconciliation.

The Holism "knows" all potentialities, but only takes "interest" in the flux of those systems within systems for which IT avails feedback for particular Perspectives. Matrixed Levels of Consciousness: structurally patterned, cellular, Id, ego, super ego, spiritual ego.

What is it LIKE for the Holism to experience knowledge, feedback, interest, empathy, spiritual concern, surprise, forgetfulness, purposefulness, change of perspective? Whatever it is like, it may be conceptualized as metaphorical with our science-based senses --- but beyond mortal science.

We can worship IT, try to attune to IT, seek to intuit IT, try to be insightful concerning IT, use our conceptualizations of IT, but we cannot know IT or IT's fluxing purposes.

PROBLEMS: How should a decent civilization seek to PURPOSE itself?

Should it allow its members to take turns experiencing the various possible levels of talent, ability, opportunity, success, and power?

Why "should" (and how can) top powers be coaxed to surrender power after their turns are over?

Should all members be raised to the same level of equal power, like a Borgdom?

Should all members fill class needs and be bred and groomed to be happy with their assigned class (as in Brave New World)?

Should straws be drawn to determine slaves and food by random luck?

Should limits be imposed on technological advancement and individual talent and power? How to impose, how to determine, who to set, who to enforce?

PURPOSEFULNESS:  Assuming we want a decent civilization that avails reasonable human freedom and dignity, then the use of faith, family, and fidelity to establish and sustain a checked and balanced representative republic makes sense as a way to avail human purposefulness and pursuit of happiness.


Look at what now passes as TV entertainment. Look at who has power now. Kabuki Corporatists. Cartels and Islamists. Human traffickers and coyotes. LGBTQ. Virtue signalers with ties to Lolita island. Child groomers. Fetal organ sellers. Destroyers of faith, family, and fidelity. Ainos comprising the worst of the worst. The rest calculate what to pretend in order to please the dirtbags on whom they are dependent for their pay and promotion. S* floats faster than cream.

Almost all our institutions have been corrupted. The worst seem to have promoted the worst and squeezed out the decent. Media, Schools, Banks, Houses of Worship, Corporate Boards, Foundations, Legislatures. All have been infested by Identity Politics being played as PC to divide and rule the masses. Democratic Socialism -- ugh!

Everyone wants, blames, and takes. Everyone seems to calculate about whom to pillage and how to espouse populist slogans for personal advantage, but few think for themselves about what is needed to establish and sustain principles of decency. Most think themselves superior to the Founders of the Republic. Especially the most illiterate of history. And so the cycle continues.


Fraser Tytler, a European historian published The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic. In his publication, Tytler reported that from his research he had determined the following:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loss of fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world's great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith,
From spiritual faith to great courage,
From courage to liberty,
From liberty to abundance,
From abundance to selfishness,
From selfishness to complacency,
From complacency to apathy,
From apathy to dependency,
From dependency back again to bondage."

If Tytler's conclusion is correct, this year America exceeded the average length for a democratic form of government by 33 years.


Populist democracy cannot sustain a decent civilization. It soon falls to soft-headedness and corruption. It becomes overcome with nutbags and snowflakes. Femimen and feminazis.

An educated, intelligent, empathetic, vigilant citizenry that is literate in history is a rarity. If it nurtures faith, family, and fidelity, it may longer sustain a representative republic.


There is right and there is wrong. Right is empathy for the dignity and freedom of persons apart from yourself. In gov, it is what the Founders tried to establish for a representative republic.

Wrong is treating others as your inferiors and tolerating those that do. Wrong is forcing pretense of belief and thus overriding the dignity of others. Wrong is grooming and abusing children to do likewise. Wrong is seeking to replace representative republics with the elitist diktat of monstrous, mind enslaved, entitlement minded, fake elitists. Wrong is following sloganeers of fairness or social justice as espoused by clueless idiots of no intelligible, moral, or empathetic philosophy.

Bottom line: Commies are wrong. Islam is evil. Neither should be encouraged by anyone of intelligible decency.


Civil Service protection laws. With them, Corporate Bribers turn the Service into a Deep State. Without them, politics turns the Administrative State into a Spoils System. Rotters never sleep.

The only protection would be in a moral, educated, vigilant, assimilated citizenry.

Problem: institutions for churches, foundations, colleges, and citizenship, like every other institution, have now become too poisoned and infested to perform a protective function. Rather, they have become elaborate apologists for the sinister, amoral, godless Corporatists that run the Deep State.

Bottom line: The Republic needs a miracle because it is hanging by a thread. The chance for that miracle now rests on Trump's shoulders.


To what do Atheists look to rationalize or guide any consistent principles or moral purposefulness? If there is something, it abides regardless of whatever name you prefer to attach to it. Otoh, if you believe no such Source exists, then you may as well espouse that there is no basis for moral purposefulness.

In that case, you are merely an irrelevant noise malefactor with nothing meaningful to say about what anyone or any society should or should not do. Like a shit fly. Or maybe a godless, victim-grubbing, Dem?


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